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Statement of Commitment

1 June 2024

Statement of Commitment between The University of Queensland, UQ Muslim Students for Palestine and The University of Queensland Union (UQU)

The University acknowledges the devastating losses and destruction experienced by Palestinian people in Gaza over the past 8 months and the resulting humanitarian crisis. We also acknowledge the devastating impact of the October 7 attacks and taking of civilian hostages on Israeli people.

We support the efforts of international organisations and governments to establish a lasting and peaceful resolution that learns from the past and looks to a future where the rights of both Palestinian and Israeli people are recognised and respected.

This process must respect international humanitarian law and seek to eliminate the ongoing suffering of civilians living in the region, including any outcomes from the International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court proceedings currently underway.

The University is committed to contributing to this international effort through initiatives that leverage our knowledge, diversity and international reach to drive greater understanding, respect, inclusivity and opportunity.

We reject racism in all its forms.


  1. The University of Queensland is committed to academic freedom, which means that our staff and students will be involved in a range of collaborative research projects. All such projects, as well as the University’s research partnerships, must comply with our research ethics and integrity codes, and comply with Australian law.
  2. The University and the representatives of the Muslim Students for Palestine Encampment1 have agreed to:
    • (a) the commitments set out below; and 
    • (b) the associated discontinuation of the Encampment. 
  3. Subject to the Muslim Students for Palestine Encampment meeting its commitments in item 4 below, the University agrees by 5pm on 31 July 2024 to:
    • (a) Provide greater transparency by developing and publishing:
      • i.  a “Sensitive Research Statement” outlining how the University approaches its sensitive research; and
      • ii. a table that will be updated annually that will disclose details of
        • (A)  research grants, research contracts, and, financial support for PhD students funded by weapons manufacturing corporations (including munitions and vehicles manufactured for the deployment of munitions) and receipted by the University, including all parties that fund the research, the title of the research project and the total value of the research project; and 
        • (B)  holdings by the University, including any form of equity holding, shares, investment in or loan to 

      This will at least include the name of the company and the current value of the holding.
      Any disclosure will be subject to contractual and legislative requirements, including confidentiality obligations, national security regulations and laws, and the health and safety of our researchers. Where partial disclosures are possible, they will be made. Additionally, where possible, any redactions will be indicated.
      The table in (ii) will be developed in consultation with student representatives.
      The University will commence developing these documents as soon as the Encampment is discontinued.
    • (b) Develop and publish an Anti-racism Commitment, to operate alongside the University’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Behaviours Policy and our codes of conduct for staff and students. This will be supported by a speaker series to build an understanding of different perspectives and lived experiences. The series will be led and coordinated by UQ’s Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences but co-created with students.

    • (c) Double the number of UQ Refugee and Humanitarian Scholarships for students from communities affected by war with a focus on supporting students from Gaza given the impact on educational institutions in the region, in consultation with students who have direct knowledge of that impact. 

    • (d) We affirm our commitment to our ongoing membership of the global Scholars at Risk network (“the network”), which is focused on protecting scholars and academic freedom around the world and will double our financial commitment to the network.

  1. Representatives of the Encampment agree to:
    • (a) work in good faith with the University to develop the written commitment, to be agreed by 11.00am on Saturday 1 June 2024;
    • (b) discontinue the Encampment by no later than 5.00pm Saturday 1 June 2024 seeking assistance from UQ security as required to ensure a safe and orderly discontinuation of the Encampment; and
    • (c) in good faith, take all reasonable steps to ensure that no disruptive protests are organised to occur during the University’s exam periods and graduation ceremonies.

1 Representatives of UQ Muslim Students for Palestine within the Encampment.