Governance and organisational structure
University governance
The University of Queensland is a body corporate governed by the University of Queensland Act 1998 and a 22-member Senate representing University and community interests. The Act outlines UQ’s many functions and general powers, including its primary function "to disseminate knowledge and promote scholarship".
The Senate is led by the Chancellor, elected by the Senate. It grants Senate-wide powers to appoint staff, manage and control UQ affairs and property, and manage and control finances to promote UQ's interests. Committees support decision making for matters associated with UQ's key functions.
The UQ Governance and Management Framework provides the overall structure and direction for the governance and management of UQ.


Vice-Chancellor and President
The University of Queensland Act also establishes the Senate as UQ’s peak governing body. The Senate has oversight of structures, policies, processes and planning, as well as reviewing and approving UQ's strategic direction.
University Senior Executive Team (USET)
USET has responsibility for advising the Vice-Chancellor on whole-of-university management, strategic direction, budget setting, oversight of risk and assurance, and organisational culture.
Academic Board
The Academic Board is UQ's senior academic advisory body. The Board formulates policy on academic matters including new programs, teaching, learning and assessment, research, promotions, student academic matters, prizes and scholarships.
Organisation structure
UQ's organisational structure supports our people to create change and make an impact, globally and locally.
Faculties, schools, institutes and centres
Our faculties deliver teaching and research excellence in schools, centres and institutes.

Organisation structure
View our organisational structure and the relationship between our organisational units.
Policies, procedures and guidelines
Policies and procedures make sure UQ is operating efficiently and effectively. You can search for specific policies, procedures, guidelines and official publications.