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Honorary Professor Theresa Green

Honorary Professor
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Not available for supervision

Theresa has over 30 years post-registration nursing experience in clinical practice, management, education, research, and academia across a variety of settings. She completed her doctoral studies in the area of stroke recovery and community reintegration and has presented and published research findings nationally and internationally. Theresa has clinically focused neuroscience-related research interests, which centre on quality patient care, evidence-based practice, reintegration and recovery, and the emerging fields of implementation science and improvement science. Theresa’s research studies encompass qualitative and quantitative paradigms, and mixed methods research. She collaborates with research scientists in nursing, computer-human interaction, biosciences, medicine, and allied health.

Theresa Green
Theresa Green