Affiliate of Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Associate Professor
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Associate Professor Francesca Bartlett lectures in Ethics and the Legal Profession and Family Law. She is a Fellow of the Centre for Public, Comparative and International Law and researches in the area of lawyers' ethics and practice, access to justice and women and the law. She was a CI on the Australian Feminist Judgments Project funded by the Australian Research Council under a Discovery Project Grant. She is undertaking a number of projects relating to lawyers working across Australia including around family law and family violence, abuse of process and duty of competence, as well as legal professions in the Pacific. She has led a project concerning technology and access to justice in the legal assistance sector funded under an AIBE Applied Research Fund grant and was a CI on a project funded by the Queensland Law Society concerning disruption to and innovation by small law firms across Queensland. Francesca was a Visiting Fellow at the Centre on the Legal Profession at Stanford University in November 2018. She is the co-author (with Holmes) of textbook, Parker & Evans' Inside Legal Ethics in 2023 and forthcoming 2026. She also has an interest in clinical legal education and runs an international placement course funded by New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant funding.
She is a member of the Queensland Law Society Ethics Advsory Committee and is the Vice President of the International Association of Legal Ethics. Francesca is an Academic Member of the School's Pro Bono Centre Advisory Board, and has held a senior administrative position as Director of teaching and Learning in the Law School. Before joining the Law School, she practiced for a number of years as a commercial solicitor at a national law firm in Melbourne and Brisbane.
Affiliate of Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert
Dr Peter Billings is a Professor at the School of Law, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. His research interests are in particular areas of public law: administrative law, immigration and refugee law, social welfare law and human rights law. In 2016 he received an Australian Award for University Teaching - Award for Programs that Enhance Learning (Pro Bono Centre). Since 2010 he has received five teaching excellence awards within the School of Law for outstanding course/teacher evaluations, and in 2011 was awarded the Vice Chancellor's Equity and Diversity Award (UQ) for the Asylum and Refugee Law Project.
Recently, he has published several papers on 'crImmigration' law, policy and practice in Australia, including a chapter, "International crimes, refugee 'prisoner' swaps and duplicity in Australia's refugee admissions", in J Simeon (ed) Serious International Crimes, Human Rights and Forced Migration (Routledge, 2022). And he authored chapter one in his own edited collection, Regulating Refugee Protection through Social Welfare: Law, Policy and Praxis (Routledge, 2023). Most recently, he has authored a chapter on the corrosive effect of immigration detention laws on officialdom, in M Peterie, Immigration Detention and Social Harm: The Collateral Impacts of Migrant Incarceration (Routledge) forthcoming.
Dr Kate Falconer is a Lecturer at the TC Beirne School of Law. Her research interests lie in the law of the dead and bodily disposal, and the ways in which the private law interacts with death, the dead, and dead bodies. She is particularly interested in the impacts and implications of new death technologies both for private law and society more broadly. Kate is the Secretary of the Australian Death Studies Society.
Kate has presented papers at conferences both in Australia and internationally, and has held visiting research positions at Queens University Belfast and the Hastings Center in New York. Her PhD, which focused on possessory rights and interests in the deceased human body and the implications of these interests for property theory, was awarded by the Australian National University in 2020. Kate also holds an LLM in US Law from Washington University in St Louis, as well as an LLB with Honours and an undergraduate degree in archaeology from the University of Queensland. She currently teaches Trusts and Equity.
Affiliate of Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Senior Lecturer
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Dylan Lino researches in constitutional law and colonialism, especially in their historical and theoretical contexts. Much of his research has focused on the rights and status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within Australia's settler constitutional order. He has also written on the imperial entanglements of British constitutional thought, focusing on the work of Victorian jurist AV Dicey. He holds a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and a Bachelor of Arts from UNSW, a Master of Laws from Harvard University and a PhD from the University of Melbourne.
Dylan's research can be downloaded from SSRN. He is also on Twitter at @Dylan_Lino.