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Associate Professor Angela Dean

Associate Professor
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Faculty of Science
Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science
Faculty of Science
Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Faculty of Science
Associate Professor
School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision

Dr Angela Dean is a conservation social scientist with more than 20 years’ experience leading research and engagement programs with diverse communities, from urban residents to rural farming communities. Her research draws on behavioural science to explore patterns and drivers of environmental stewardship, how people experience and perceive environmental change, and the effectiveness of different engagement & communication approaches in encouraging uptake of conservation actions. Angela works closely with a range of government and NGO partners, coordinating social monitoring of engagement in reef and waterway stewardship.

Angela Dean
Angela Dean

Dr Loren Fardell

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision

Dr Loren Fardell is a nationally and internationally acknowledged community wildlife ecologist that uses ethology, habitat assessment, environmental genomics, evolutionary and plasticity dynamics, and conservation biology and physiology practices to understand the dynamics of ecosystems in disturbed environments. Her research focuses on multidimensional human activity and predator to prey relationships, to understand pressures and responses in disturbed environments. She uses progressive and minimally invasive methods to observe human activities, the associated introduced and novel species, habitat structure, and community ecology in relation to the functional behaviour and fear and stress responses of extant wildlife. Dr Fardell’s novel and diverse perspective bridges the gap between scientific disciplines to achieve an understanding of how wildlife conservation may be best achieved and supported to self-sustain. Her understanding of how individual animals respond to pressures and how this may shape their population and in turn the ecosystem, and how the structure of a disturbed habitat may affect such responses, has allowed her to advise on and direct wildlife conservation in disturbed habitats.

Loren Fardell
Loren Fardell

Dr Laura Grogan

Senior Lecturer in Wildlife Science
School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision

Dr. Laura Grogan is a qualified veterinarian, Senior Lecturer in Wildlife Science, Chair of the Wildlife Disease Association Australasian section, and Leader of the Biodiversity Health Research Team ( - a collaborative multiple-university research group focused on finding sustainable solutions for the most challenging threatening processes currently affecting biodiversity.

Dr. Grogan has a background in research on wildlife diseases, ecology and conservation. She's particularly interested in investigating the dynamics, relative importance, and impacts of infectious diseases among other threats affecting wildlife across both individual and population scales, to improve conservation management. While she works across taxa and methodological approaches, her main study system currently involves the devastating amphibian fungal skin disease, chytridiomycosis, where at the individual scale she focuses on the pathogenesis and amphibian immune response to the disease, untangling the roles of resistance and tolerance in defense against infection. At the population and landscape scale she explores mechanisms underlying persistence in the face of endemic infection, focused on the endangered Fleay's barred frog. She also studies population and infection dynamics of chlamydiosis in koala using a mathematical modelling approach, exploring the relative benefits of different management approaches. In addition to working on amphibian and koala diseases, Laura is a keen birdwatcher, wildlife photographer and artist. She supervises projects across wildlife-related fields (predominantly vertebrates).

You can find out more about her research team here: Dr. Grogan has been awarded around $1.3 million in research funding since 2018. In late 2019 she was awarded an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA; DE200100490), worth $426,742. This project, titled "Understanding infection tolerance to improve management of wildlife disease", commenced in late 2020. Dr. Grogan was identified as one of the four top-ranked science DECRA awardees by the Australian Academy of Science’s 2020 J G Russell Award, and was also recipient of the highest award of the Wildlife Disease Association Australasia Section with their 2019 Barry L Munday Recognition Award.

PhD and Honours projects are now available in the following areas (plus many more areas - please get in touch if you have an idea):

  • Can frogs be ‘vaccinated’ by antifungal treatment of active infections to develop protective immunity to the devastating chytrid fungus? (Principal Supervisor)
  • Establishing the conservation status of south-east Queensland’s amphibians - occupancy surveys and species distribution models (Principal Supervisor)
  • Tadpoles as a reservoir of the lethal frog chytrid fungal disease – measuring sublethal effects on growth, time to metamorphosis and ability to forage (mouthpart loss) (Principal Supervisor)
  • Impacts of chytrid fungus on the survival of juvenile endangered Fleay’s barred frogs, Mixophyes fleayi, and importance for population recruitment (Principal Supervisor)
  • Measuring the infection resistance versus tolerance of barred frogs to the devastating chytrid fungal disease to improve management outcomes (Principal Supervisor)
  • Mapping the impacts of fire-fighting chemicals on endangered frog habitats (Co-Supervisor)
  • Bowra birds: what do long-term monitoring data reveal about bird communities in the semi-arid region? (Co-Supervisor)
  • Impacts of fire-fighting chemicals on endangered frogs: Implications for conservation and management (Co-Supervisor)
Laura Grogan
Laura Grogan

Associate Professor Chris Roelfsema

Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science
Faculty of Science
Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Faculty of Science
Associate Professor
School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision
Media expert

Research interest: Monitoring ecosystem health of coral reefs and seagrass habitats, integrating field and remote sensing image datasets, and the developing applied cost-effective mapping and monitoring approaches. Developed approaches have been adopted as standard practice globally, making a difference in conservation of these valuable habitats. The long term monitoring studies at Heron and Moreton Bay formed the basis for the development of mapping and monitoring over time and space at local to global scale. See here major research impact

Major projects:

  • Long term monitoring of benthic composition at Heron Reef (2002-ongoing).
  • Long term monitoring of seagrass composition and abundance in Moreton bay Marine Park (2000-ongoing).
  • Smart Sat CRC Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Seagrass and Coral Reefs 2023-2027.
  • Developement of Underwater Field Spectrometry and Benthic Photo Collection and Analysis
  • 3D GBR Habitat Mapping Project 2015 - ongoing:
  • Global habitat mapping project 2019-2023 Allen Coral Atlas .

Current position: Associate Professior in Marine Remote Sensing leading the Marine Ecosystem Monitoring Lab. . Academic Director Heron Island Research Station and affiliated researchers with Centre for Marine Science and Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science

Capacity Building and Citizen Science: Capacity: under/post graduate courses; Msc/PhD supervision, workshops/courses; Remote Sensing Educational Toolkit, and online courses (e.g. TNC).Strong supporter of citizen science based projects, as trainer, organiser and advisor for Reef Check Australia, CoralWatch, Great Reef Census and UniDive.

Chris Roelfsema
Chris Roelfsema

Dr Tina Skinner

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Not available for supervision
Media expert
Tina Skinner
Tina Skinner

Dr Annabel Smith

Lecturer in Wildlife Management
School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision

RESEARCH INTERESTS Fire Ecology, Ecological Genomics, Wildlife Ecology, Conservation Biology, Invasive Plants

My research group studies fire ecology and conservation biology. Currently, we are working on:

  • Managing interactions between changing fire regimes and invasive plants
  • Influence of changing fire regimes on plant-animal interactions
  • Restoration of native grassland
  • Biodiversity in agricultural landscapes
  • Platypus distribution & conservation

We have a special interest in plants and animals living in fire-prone areas because of the fascinating fact that these ecosystems are never static but continually re-shaped by cycles of fire and regeneration. While being grounded in fundamental biology and ecological theory, our research is always aimed at improving knowledge for biodiversity conservation. Our work has applications in fire management, biological invasion and threatened species conservation.


TEACHING: I teach ecology and wildlife science. At UQ I have coordinated and taught AGRC1032 Elements of Ecology and ANIM3018 Wildlife Technology for four years, among other teaching duties.

EDITORIAL I am Associate Editor for Wildlife Letters (2023–)

I was Associate Editor for Journal of Applied Ecology for four years (2018–2022).


  • 2019 – current Lecturer, University of Queensland
  • 2018 – 2022 Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Ecology
  • 2018 – 2019 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow, Trinity College Dublin
  • 2016 – 2017 Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Trinity College Dublin
  • 2015 – 2016 Post-doctoral Research Assistant, University of Melbourne
  • 2015 – 2016 Self-employed Consultant Ecologist, Canberra
  • 2012 – 2014 Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Australian National University


2012 PhD in Ecology, Australian National University

2006 BSc in Biodiversity Conservation Honours, Flinders University

2005 BSc in Biodiversity Conservation, Flinders University

Annabel Smith
Annabel Smith