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Associate Professor Francesca Bartlett

Affiliate of Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Associate Professor
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

Associate Professor Francesca Bartlett lectures in Ethics and the Legal Profession and Contract Law. She is the Director of Teaching and Learning at the School of Law. She is a Fellow of the Centre for Public, Comparative and International Law and researches in the area of lawyers' ethics and practice, access to justice and women and the law. She was a CI on the Australian Feminist Judgments Project funded by the Australian Research Council under a Discovery Project Grant. She is undertaking a number of projects relating to lawyers working across Australia including around family violence, and how technology impacts upon access to justice and ethics in the legal profession. She has led a project concerning technology and access to justice in the legal assistance sector funded under an AIBE Applied Research Fund grant and was a CI on a project funded by the Queensland Law Society concerning disruption to and innovation by small law firms across Queensland. Francesca was a Visiting Fellow at the Centre on the Legal Profession at Stanford University in November 2018.

She is a member of the Queensland Law Society Ethics Committee and is the Vice President of the International Association of Legal Ethics. Francesca is an Academic Member of the School's Pro Bono Centre Advisory Board. Before joining the Law School, she practiced for a number of years as a commercial solicitor at a national law firm in Melbourne and Brisbane. Prior to embarking on her legal career, Francesca completed a PhD in English which concerned the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families.

Francesca Bartlett
Francesca Bartlett

Dr Joseph Lelliott

Centre Director of Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Affiliate of Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Senior Lecturer
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

Dr Joseph Lelliott is a Senior Lecturer at the TC Beirne School of Law, teaching courses in criminal law, advanced crime and criminology, and international human rights law. He is a co-author of the textbook Criminal Law in Queensland and an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He holds undergraduate degrees in Law and Arts and a PhD in Law.

Joseph’s research interests broadly lie in criminalisation and the scope and impact of criminal or otherwise punitive measures. He has particular expertise on the interrelated phenomena of migrant smuggling and human trafficking and is a co-editor of a commentary on the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocols on smuggling, trafficking, and firearms (OUP, 2023). Joseph also frequently serves as a consultant to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) on issues related to smuggling and trafficking. He has authored or contributed to various UNODC publications, including the Legislative Guide to the Trafficking Protocol and other reports, issue papers, and case analyses. Joseph has a particular interest in the smuggling and trafficking of children (the topic of his PhD thesis) and has published numerous articles and chapters on migrant children.

Joseph is also currently working on a project concerning the criminalisation of threats. This includes an ongoing study on threats of fire in the context of domestic and family violence.

Joseph provides assistance to the Queensland Supreme and District Courts’ Criminal Directions Bench Book committee.

Joseph Lelliott
Joseph Lelliott

Professor Tamara Walsh

Professor and Director Pro Bono Centre
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Tamara Walsh is a Professor of Law and Director of the UQ Pro Bono Centre. She has degrees in both Law and Social Work, and her interest is in social welfare law and human rights. Her research examines the impact of the law on vulnerable people including children and young people, people experiencing homelessness, people on low incomes, people with disabilities, mothers and carers. Her research has spanned 20 years and has been widely published, both in Australia and internationally.

In 2008, Tamara designed and established the UQ Pro Bono Centre, along with Dr Paul O'Shea and Prof Ross Grantham. The UQ Pro Bono Centre facilitates student and staff participation in pro bono legal activities, particularly public interest research and law reform. It is now a flagship program of the UQ Law School.

In 2016, Tamara established the UQ Deaths in Custody Project, which she runs in partnership with Prisoners' Legal Service. This Project monitors deaths in custody across Australia, and administers a public website which is an important resource for researchers, coroners and members of the public:

In 2020, Tamara established the UQ/Caxton Human Rights Project, along with Bridget Burton at Caxton Legal Centre. This project is staffed by volunteer law students and makes information on every case that refers to the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) publicly available:

Tamara is currently undertaking an ARC Linkage project on human rights dispute resolution in Australia (2023-2025). She has recently completed an ARC Linkage project on the criminalisation of poverty and homelessness in Australia (2017-2021).

Tamara undertakes pro bono legal practice in the area of child protection, and she lectures in human rights law, and child and family law. Tamara also runs the UQ Law School's clinical legal education program.

Tamara Walsh
Tamara Walsh