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Associate Professor Maggie Nolan

Associate Professor
School of Communication and Arts
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Available for supervision

Maggie Nolan is an Associate Professor in Digital Cultural Heritage in the School of Communication and Arts and the recently appointed Director of AustLit. AustLit is a comprehensive information resource and research environment for Australian literary, print, and narrative culture and it supports and promotes research into Australian story-telling.

Maggie values interdisciplinary and collaborative approaches to humanities research.

Maggie's research is in the broad field of Australian Literary Cultures. Her most recent project, "Close Relations: Irishness in Australian Literature", with Professor Ronan McDonald (UoM) and Professor Kath Bode (ANU) was awarded an ARC Discovery Grant in 2022.

Her research interests include:

  • Contemporary Indigenous Literatures
  • Hoaxes, Imposture and Mistaken Identity in Australian Literary Culture
  • Reading, reception and the civic role of book clubs
  • Digital literary studies
  • Value in literary studies and the impact of ranking systems on the discipline.

Maggie is an experienced postgraduate supervisor and is available to supervise topics on Australian literary cultures. She also welcomes students and researcher who would like to work on projects linked to AustLit.

Maggie Nolan
Maggie Nolan

Dr Franzisca Weder

Honorary Senior Research Fellow
School of Communication and Arts
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Available for supervision
Media expert

Assoc. Prof. Dr. habil Franzisca Weder, Senior Lecturer at the University of Queensland, Brisbane (Australia), is researching, writing and teaching in the areas of Organizational Communication and Public Relations with a specific focus on Sustainability Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility.

She worked as Guest Professor at University of Alabama (USA), University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (GER), University of Waikato (NZ), RMIT (Melbourne, AUS) and University of Ilmenau (GER).

Franzisca Weder is Chair of the International Environmental Communication Association (IECA) -> check this out (and become a member :-):

Curious about her work? check…

  • her eco-culture jamming
  • her sustainability related conversations with artists and campaigners
  • one of her papers on Sustainability and Storytelling
  • one of her books
    • on Sustainability Communication: THE SUSTAINABILITY COMMUNICATION READER
    • on integrated CSR Communication: INTEGRATED CSR COMMUNICATION
    • or (in case you speak German..) on Organizational Communication and PR
  • or other recent papers:
    • on how (much) Covid made us more sustainable
    • on sustainability as cognitive friction
    • or on antagonistic framing and CSR Communication
    • or (in case you speak German), her ideas on cultures of sustainability
Franzisca Weder
Franzisca Weder