We will provide opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by offering choices that lead to social and economic prosperity and ensuring equal access to education for everyone.
Our commitment involves:
- investing in scholarships
- engaging with Indigenous-owned businesses through procurement
- employing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals across all sectors of our organisation.
Our message to Indigenous peoples is clear: you belong here. We will help you achieve your dreams while remaining true to who you are.
Focus areas
- Breaking down barriers to education through the targeted and effective Queensland Commitment.
- Being a university that delivers highly sought-after graduates, who are prepared for future success through rich and broad educational experiences.
- Developing opportunities that give students a UQ Edge in local and global networks through experiences that foster leadership and civic duty.
- Accelerating and growing innovation precincts that support collaboration with industry, community, and government.
- Attracting philanthropic investment to support our commitment to delivering greater access to education and research impact, with a focus on building an endowment fund.
- Investing in our staff through development opportunities and provide meaningful feedback to support their career aspirations and recognise the diverse ways in which they demonstrate excellence.
- Delivering our Queensland Commitment to broaden access to higher education.
Recent achievements
- 2019: UQ establishes the Vice-Chancellor’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Graduate Program (staff login required) (PDF 1.6 MB).
- 2020: The Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience partners with UQ to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students through high school and university, employment, and further education.
- 2020: RAP merchandise profits assigned to UQ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student scholarships and programs. In 2023, over 100 Indigenous students benefited from the scheme.
- 2020: UQ releases its Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research and Innovation Strategy. The strategy sets a framework for Indigenous research and innovation, and supports the career progression of Indigenous researchers.
- 2022: Kev Carmody House opens to support Indigenous undergraduate students from low socio-economic, remote or regional backgrounds.
- 2024: UQ launches its Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy (staff login required) (PDF, 1.11 MB).
Download UQ's Stretch RAP Plan (PDF, 6.9 MB) for a complete timeline of actions and achievements.
Case studies
A future for Indigenous-led thinking at the Centre
The first Indigenous-led Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence has been established to transform Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander futures through uniquely collaborative and multidisciplinary research endeavours. This pioneering initiative is poised to transcend conventional research paradigms, placing Indigenous perspectives and leadership at the forefront of transformative knowledge and study.
Inspiring the next generation of Indigenous higher education
The University of Queensland’s InspireU Program has continued to positively impact the futures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students and their communities by providing a means to experience university life and show how higher education could be a viable path. This program serves as a beacon of hope, igniting aspirations among Indigenous youth and challenging preconceived notions about academic pursuits.
14.1 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff continue to provide input into, and review of the effectiveness of, our recruitment, retention, and professional development strategy.
Timeline: December 2025, 2026, 2027
Lead: CHRO
Support: COO
14.2 Updated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy is endorsed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and continues to be implemented.
Timeline: December 2025, 2026, 2027
Lead: DVC(IE)
Support: CHRO
14.3 Advertise job vacancies to effectively reach Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders.
Timeline: Review December 2025, 2026, 2027
Lead: CHRO
Support: DVC(IE)
14.4 Review HR and recruitment procedures and policies to remove barriers to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in our workplace.
Timeline: Review December 2025, 2026, 2027
Lead: CHRO
Support: DVC(IE)
14.5 Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees who have indicated they want to progress, to take on management and senior level positions, in accordance with the University’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy.
Timeline: Ongoing from January 2025
Lead: CHRO
Support: DVC(IE)
14.6 Increase the number of academic and professional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff to achieve population parity in Queensland (3.6%*), increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment to the full-time equivalent of sixty-four Academic employees and one hundred and sixteen Professional employees. (*Population parity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland – source: Australian Bureau of Statistics)
Timeline: Report on progress April 2025, 2026, 2027
Lead: VC
Support: CHRO
15.1 Conduct Annual review and update of the current UQ Indigenous Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Strategy 2022-2025 and develop and release the next edition of this document (2026-2029)
Timeline: Report on progress January 2025, 2026, 2027
Lead: COO
Support: CFO
15.2 Maintain Supply Nation membership and encourage staff to use this database, the Supply Nation Opportunity Board, and the Black Business Finder to source Indigenous suppliers through UQ’s Procurement department
Timeline: Membership renewed February 2025, 2026, 2027
Lead: COO
Support: CFO
15.3 Investigate new relationships with organisations that promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses
Timeline: Report on progress December 2025, 2026, 2027
Lead: COO
Support: DVC(IE)
15.4 Train all relevant UQ staff undertaking procurement activities to develop and grow their existing relationships in contracting with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses in ways which may better support them to increase their capacities to deliver larger scale procurements
Timeline: Report on progress June 2025, 2026, 2027
Lead: COO
Support: CFO
15.5 Develop and communicate opportunities for procurement of goods and services from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses to staff
Timeline: Report on progress March 2025, 2026, 2027
Lead: COO
Support: CFO
15.6 Review and update procurement practices to remove barriers to procuring goods and services from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses
Timeline: Report on progress March 2025, 2026, 2027
Lead: COO
Support: CFO
15.7 Reach and maintain UQ’s 4% addressable spend target with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses
Timeline: Report on progress March 2025, 2026, 2027
Lead: COO
Support: CFO and USET
15.8 Utilise qualitative metrics in establishing, developing and maintaining quality commercial relationships with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander owned businesses and service providers within the UQ Indigenous Payee list for regular and recurring purchases to inform and enhance opportunities for these suppliers to scale-up gradually to larger procurements
Timeline: Report on progress September 2025, 2026, 2027
Lead: COO
Support: CFO
16.1 Review and enhance the Direct Entry pathways program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
Timeline: September 2025
Lead: DVC(A)
Support: DVC(IE)
16.2 Develop and implement an Indigenous Student Strategy to act as an overall framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student engagement and education at UQ
Timeline: December 2025
Lead: DVC(IE)
Support: DVC(A)
16.3 Partner with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and businesses to facilitate staff professional development
Timeline: September 2025
Lead: CHRO
Support: DVC(IE)
16.4 Finalise the review of the suite of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student scholarships, ensuring these are commensurate with like scholarships and made available at an increasing rate of 10% annually. Placement scholarships for students undertaking practicum activities form an integral component of this suite of scholarship support.
Timeline: December 2025
Lead: DVC(A)
Support: DVC(IE) and VP(ACE)
16.5 Implement a cultural and peer support program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
Timeline: December 2025
Lead: DVC(IE)
Support: DVC(A)
16.6 Develop an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Alumni mentor program to connect with undergraduate and post-graduate students
Timeline: December 2025
Lead: DVC(IE)
Support: DVC(A)
17.1 Review policies, protocols, and guides in relation to use of commissioned Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artwork and the RAP artwork in promotional and educational material, and research outputs
Timeline: December 2025
Lead: COO
Support: DVC(IE), DVC(A) and DVC(RI)
17.2 Develop and/or review policies, protocols, and guides in relation to the management and custodianship of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander collections and artefacts held by UQ
Timeline: December 2025
Lead: VC
Support: Provost (Museum Directors), DVC(IE), DVC(A) (University Librarian) and COO (CMCO)
18.1 Appoint an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Curriculum team in ITaLI.
Timeline: December 2025
Lead: DVC(A)
Support: DVC(IE)
18.2 Establish and implement a repository of resources for Indigenising Curriculum in conjunction with the UQ Library.
Timeline: December 2025
Lead: DVC(A)
Support: DVC(IE)