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Dr Rakesh Awale

Rakesh Awale




Dr Awale is a post-doctoral fellow in the University of Queensland since 2023 and has been investigating N and P cycling and management in cotton and wheat cropping systems using chemical fertilisers and animal manures (poultry, beef-feedlot, and swine). He received a PhD degree in Soil Science in 2015 from North Dakota State University, USA with primary research focus on soil N cycling with different fertiliser N application rates, timings, and sources including enhanced efficiency N products (urease inhibitor, nitrification inhibitor, urease plus nitrification inhibitors, and polymer-coated urea) and water management practices (subsurface tile-drained vs non-drained) in poorly-drained soils under broadacre cropping systems. Between 2015 to 2018, he worked as a post-doctoral scholar at the Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Centre (Oregon State University, USA), where he looked into SOM dynamics, soil health, soil acidification and fertility, and crop productivity responses to tillage and residue management, crop rotation and intensification, cover cropping, mineral fertiliser application, and biochar, animal manure and crop residue amendments in dryland cropping systems. Dr Awale moved to Australia and joined the Centre for Regional and Rural Futures of Deakin University as a post-doctoral research fellow in 2020. At Deakin, he investigated the effectiveness of poultry litter amendments in improving soil health, fertility, cotton nutrition (N, P, S, Zn) and production in constrained soils of southern NSW.


Dr Rakesh Awale is:
Available for supervision


  • Bachelor of Agriculture, Tribhuvan University
  • Masters (Research) of Agriculture, Arkansas State University-Main Campus
  • Doctor of Philosophy of Soil Science, North Dakota State University-Main Campus

Research interests

  • Nutrient cycling and management in cropping systems

  • Greenhouse gas emissions

  • Soil biogeochemical processes and SOM turnover

  • Soil health and its assessment

  • Remediation of soil constraints and fertility

Research impacts

Dr Awale has devised several N management strategies including the usage of enhanced efficiency fertilisers, split N application, and optimisation of N application to mininise N losses (N2O emission, NH3 volatilisation, and NO3 leaching) and improve plant N use in a variety of soils and cropping systems. He has built a database and evaluated climate/management effects on crop productivity, SOM turnover, and soil health in drylands. He has also identified several soil C and N pools that are more sensitive than bulk SOM to management practices, enabling early detection of SOM stock changes and providing key information on regarding the adoption of management options. Further, his research has provided a novel strategy, biochar amendments, to remedy soil acidification, reverse SOM losses, and ultimately increase crop productivity in drylands. Further, he has provided an effective way to recycle nutrients of animal manures, otherwise waste, into food and fiber production. Dr Awale's delivery of a webinar on soil health assessment has provided a certified crop advisor credits to more than 100 agricultural professionals.


Search Professor Rakesh Awale’s works on UQ eSpace

17 works between 2013 and 2023

1 - 17 of 17 works


Journal Article

Using poultry litter for cotton phosphorus nutrition in Australia

Awale, Rakesh, Hornbuckle, John W. and Quayle, Wendy C. (2023). Using poultry litter for cotton phosphorus nutrition in Australia. Agronomy Journal, 115 (2), 909-931. doi: 10.1002/agj2.21199

Using poultry litter for cotton phosphorus nutrition in Australia


Journal Article

Poultry litter increased irrigated cotton N uptake with limited improvement on <sup>15</sup>N-labelled urea recovery over one season

Webb, Jackie R., Awale, Rakesh and Quayle, Wendy C. (2022). Poultry litter increased irrigated cotton N uptake with limited improvement on 15N-labelled urea recovery over one season. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 125 (2), 137-152. doi: 10.1007/s10705-022-10251-z

Poultry litter increased irrigated cotton N uptake with limited improvement on <sup>15</sup>N-labelled urea recovery over one season


Journal Article

Moldboard plowing in wheat–fallow systems of the Pacific Northwest: effect on yields, organic matter

Singh, Surendra, Awale, Rakesh and Machado, Stephen (2022). Moldboard plowing in wheat–fallow systems of the Pacific Northwest: effect on yields, organic matter. Crops and Soils, 55 (3), 48-51. doi: 10.1002/crso.20189

Moldboard plowing in wheat–fallow systems of the Pacific Northwest: effect on yields, organic matter


Journal Article

Soil chemical properties and wheat yields under different tillage and nitrogen rates in eastern Oregon

Awale, Rakesh, Singh, Surendra and Machado, Stephen (2022). Soil chemical properties and wheat yields under different tillage and nitrogen rates in eastern Oregon. Agrosystems, Geosciences and Environment, 5 (3) e20272, 1-14. doi: 10.1002/agg2.20272

Soil chemical properties and wheat yields under different tillage and nitrogen rates in eastern Oregon


Journal Article

Alkaline biochar amendment increased soil pH, carbon, and crop yield

Machado, Stephen, Awale, Rakesh, Pritchett, Larry and Rhinhart, Karl (2018). Alkaline biochar amendment increased soil pH, carbon, and crop yield. Crops and Soils, 51 (6), 38-39. doi: 10.2134/cs2018.51.0604

Alkaline biochar amendment increased soil pH, carbon, and crop yield


Journal Article

Soil Carbon, nitrogen, pH, and crop yields in winter wheat-spring pea systems

Awale, Rakesh, Machado, Stephen and Rhinhart, Karl (2018). Soil Carbon, nitrogen, pH, and crop yields in winter wheat-spring pea systems. Agronomy Journal, 110 (4), 1523-1531. doi: 10.2134/agronj2017.07.0371

Soil Carbon, nitrogen, pH, and crop yields in winter wheat-spring pea systems


Journal Article

Soil organic carbon pools as early indicators for soil organic matter stock changes under different tillage practices in inland Pacific Northwest

Awale, Rakesh, Emeson, Micco A. and Machado, Stephen (2017). Soil organic carbon pools as early indicators for soil organic matter stock changes under different tillage practices in inland Pacific Northwest. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 5 96, 1-13. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2017.00096

Soil organic carbon pools as early indicators for soil organic matter stock changes under different tillage practices in inland Pacific Northwest


Journal Article

Enhanced efficiency nitrogen products influence ammonia volatilization and nitrous oxide emission from two contrasting soils

Awale, Rakesh and Chatterjee, Amitava (2017). Enhanced efficiency nitrogen products influence ammonia volatilization and nitrous oxide emission from two contrasting soils. Agronomy Journal, 109 (1), 47-57. doi: 10.2134/agronj2016.04.0219

Enhanced efficiency nitrogen products influence ammonia volatilization and nitrous oxide emission from two contrasting soils


Journal Article

Effect of enhanced efficiency fertilizers on nitrous oxide emissions and crop yields: a meta‐analysis

Thapa, Resham, Chatterjee, Amitava, Awale, Rakesh, McGranahan, Devan A. and Daigh, Aaron (2016). Effect of enhanced efficiency fertilizers on nitrous oxide emissions and crop yields: a meta‐analysis. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 80 (5), 1121-1134. doi: 10.2136/sssaj2016.06.0179

Effect of enhanced efficiency fertilizers on nitrous oxide emissions and crop yields: a meta‐analysis


Journal Article

Can we reduce rainfed maize (Zea mays L.) nitrogenous fertilizer application rate with addition of nitrapyrin?

Chatterjee, A., Cattanach, N., Awale, R. and Thapa, R. (2016). Can we reduce rainfed maize (Zea mays L.) nitrogenous fertilizer application rate with addition of nitrapyrin?. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 47 (4), 527-532. doi: 10.1080/00103624.2016.1141927

Can we reduce rainfed maize (Zea mays L.) nitrogenous fertilizer application rate with addition of nitrapyrin?


Journal Article

Does crop species diversity influence soil carbon and nitrogen pools?

Chatterjee, Amitava, Cooper, Kelly, Klaustermeier, Aaron, Awale, R. and Cihacek, Larry J. (2016). Does crop species diversity influence soil carbon and nitrogen pools?. Agronomy Journal, 108 (1), 427-432. doi: 10.2134/agronj2015.0316

Does crop species diversity influence soil carbon and nitrogen pools?


Journal Article

Tile drainage and nitrogen fertilizer management influences on nitrogen availability, losses, and crop yields

Awale, Rakesh, Chatterjee, Amitava, Kandel, Hans and Ransom, Joel K. (2015). Tile drainage and nitrogen fertilizer management influences on nitrogen availability, losses, and crop yields. Open Journal of Soil Science, 05 (10), 211-226. doi: 10.4236/ojss.2015.510021

Tile drainage and nitrogen fertilizer management influences on nitrogen availability, losses, and crop yields


Journal Article

Soil moisture controls the denitrification loss of urea nitrogen from silty clay soil

Awale, Rakesh and Chatterjee, Amitava (2015). Soil moisture controls the denitrification loss of urea nitrogen from silty clay soil. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 46 (16), 2100-2110. doi: 10.1080/00103624.2015.1069317

Soil moisture controls the denitrification loss of urea nitrogen from silty clay soil


Journal Article

Stabilized nitrogen fertilizers and application rate influence nitrogen losses under rainfed spring wheat

Thapa, Resham, Chatterjee, Amitava, Johnson, Jane M. F. and Awale, Rakesh (2015). Stabilized nitrogen fertilizers and application rate influence nitrogen losses under rainfed spring wheat. Agronomy Journal, 107 (5), 1885-1894. doi: 10.2134/agronj15.0081

Stabilized nitrogen fertilizers and application rate influence nitrogen losses under rainfed spring wheat


Journal Article

Tillage and N-fertilizer influences on selected organic carbon fractions in a North Dakota silty clay soil

Awale, Rakesh, Chatterjee, Amitava and Franzen, David (2013). Tillage and N-fertilizer influences on selected organic carbon fractions in a North Dakota silty clay soil. Soil and Tillage Research, 134, 213-222. doi: 10.1016/j.still.2013.08.006

Tillage and N-fertilizer influences on selected organic carbon fractions in a North Dakota silty clay soil


Journal Article

U.S. North‐Central: denitrification loss of fertilizer nitrogen during drought year under soil with high clay content

Awale, Rakesh, Chatterjee, Amitava, Kandel, Hans and Ransom, Joel (2013). U.S. North‐Central: denitrification loss of fertilizer nitrogen during drought year under soil with high clay content. Crops and Soils, 46 (4), 24-32. doi: 10.2134/cs2013-46-4-7

U.S. North‐Central: denitrification loss of fertilizer nitrogen during drought year under soil with high clay content


Conference Publication

Sugarbeet soil nitrogen management under subsurface drainage condition

Awale, Rakesh, Charrerjee, Amitava, Kandel, Hans and Cattanach, Norman (2013). Sugarbeet soil nitrogen management under subsurface drainage condition. 37th Biennial Meeting of American Society of Sugarbeet Technologist, Anaheim, CA USA, 27 February-3 March 2013. ASSBT. doi: 10.5274/assbt.2013.72

Sugarbeet soil nitrogen management under subsurface drainage condition



Dr Rakesh Awale is:
Available for supervision

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