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Dr Rakesh Awale

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision

Dr Awale is a post-doctoral fellow in the University of Queensland since 2023 and has been investigating N and P cycling and management in cotton and wheat cropping systems using chemical fertilisers and animal manures (poultry, beef-feedlot, and swine). He received a PhD degree in Soil Science in 2015 from North Dakota State University, USA with primary research focus on soil N cycling with different fertiliser N application rates, timings, and sources including enhanced efficiency N products (urease inhibitor, nitrification inhibitor, urease plus nitrification inhibitors, and polymer-coated urea) and water management practices (subsurface tile-drained vs non-drained) in poorly-drained soils under broadacre cropping systems. Between 2015 to 2018, he worked as a post-doctoral scholar at the Columbia Basin Agricultural Research Centre (Oregon State University, USA), where he looked into SOM dynamics, soil health, soil acidification and fertility, and crop productivity responses to tillage and residue management, crop rotation and intensification, cover cropping, mineral fertiliser application, and biochar, animal manure and crop residue amendments in dryland cropping systems. Dr Awale moved to Australia and joined the Centre for Regional and Rural Futures of Deakin University as a post-doctoral research fellow in 2020. At Deakin, he investigated the effectiveness of poultry litter amendments in improving soil health, fertility, cotton nutrition (N, P, S, Zn) and production in constrained soils of southern NSW.

Rakesh Awale
Rakesh Awale

Dr Javier Fernandez

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision

Dr. Javier A. Fernandez is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The University of Queensland. His research specializes in crop physiology, plant nutrition, corn production, and crop modelling reflected by over 30 articles (refereed journal publications, extension articles, conference proceedings, and others). He is currently engaged in the use of statistical, digital, and model technologies to assess crop growth and development, with the overall goal of enhancing production, resource use efficiency, and sustainability of agricultural systems in Australia. Javier received his BS in Agricultural Engineering from Universidad Nacional del Nordeste in Argentina, and his PhD in Agronomy from Kansas State University. He is recipient of several honours and awards from university, professional societies, and governmental organizations, including two Fulbright Commission scholarships.

Javier Fernandez
Javier Fernandez

Professor Longbin Huang

Program Leader/Prof Res Fellow
Centre for Mined Land Rehabilitation
Sustainable Minerals Institute
Available for supervision
Media expert

Science and technology of ecological engineering of ferrous and base metal mine tailings (e.g., magnetite tailings, bauxite residues (or red mud), Cu/Pb-Zn tailings) into functional technosols and hardpan-based soil systems for sustainable tailings rehabilitation: geo-microbial ecology, mineral bioweathering, geo-rhizosphere biology, technosol-plant relations in mined environments. Championing nature-based solutions to global mine wastes challenges.

Longbin Huang is a full professor and a Program leader in The University of Queensland, leading a research program of "Ecological Engineering in Mining" to develop naure-based methdology and technology, for assisting the world's mining industry to meet the global tailings challenge. Driven by the passion to translate leading knowledge into industry solutions, Longbin has pioneered transformative concepts and approach to tackle rehabilitation of mine wastes (e.g., tailings, acidic and metalliferous waste rocks). Recent success includes the "ecological engineering of Fe-ore tailings and bauxite residue" into soil, for overcoming the topsoil deficit challenge facing the mining industry. Scaled up field trials have been going on to deliver the much-needed technology into field operations. Long-term and multi-site based field trials have demonstrated for the first time, the field-feasibility to accelerate nature-based soil formaiton processes for developing tailings into adaptive and sustainable soil (or technosol) capable of sustaining plant community growth and development (

The program consists of a group of researchers with leading knowledge and research skills on: soil/geo-microbial ecology, environmental mineralogy, bioweathering of minerals, native plant rhizosphere (micro)biology, soil-plant relations, and environmental materials (such as biochar and environmental geopolymers). It aims to deliver transformative knowledge and practices (i.e., technologies/methdologies) in the rehabilitation of mine wastes (e.g., tailings, mineral residues, spoils, waste rocks) and mined landscapes for non-polluting and ecologically and financially sustainable outcomes.

In partnership with leading mining companies, Longbin and his team have been focusing on developing game-changing knowledge and technologies of tailings valorisation for achieving non-polluting and ecologically sustainable rehabilitation of, for example, coal mine spoils and tailings, Fe-ore tailings, bauxite residues (or red mud), and Cu/Pb-Zn tailings. Leading the global progress in bauxite rehabilitation, Longbin and his team are currently taking on field-scale research projects on bauxite residue rehabilitation technologies at alumina refineries in Queensland (QAL- and Yarwun refineries) and Northern Territory (Gove refinery).

Longbin's industry-partnered research was recognised in 2019 UQ’s Partners in Research Excellence Award (Resilient Environments) (Rio Tinto and QAL).

Membership of Board, Committee and Society

Professional associations and societies

2010 – Present Australian Soil Science Society.

2016 – Present Soil Science Society of America

2015 – Present American Society of Mining and Reclamation (ASMR)

Editorial boards/services

2018 - present: Member of Editorial Board, BIOCHAR

2013 – present: coordinating editor, Environmental Geochemistry and Health

Awards & Patent

2019 UQ’s Partners in Research Excellence Award (Resilient Environments) (Rio Tinto and QAL)

2017 SMI-Industry Engagement Award, University of Queensland

2015 SMI-Inaugural Bright Research Ideas Forum Award, University of Queensland

2014 SMI-RHD Supervision Award, University of Queensland

2015 Foliar fertilizer US 20150266786. In. (Google Patents). Huang L, Nguyen AV, Rudolph V, Xu G (equal contribution)

Longbin Huang
Longbin Huang

Dr Chelsea Janke

Research Fellow
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision
Chelsea Janke
Chelsea Janke

Professor David Jordan

Professorial Research Fellow
Centre for Crop Science
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Available for supervision

Prof. David Jordan is a sorghum breeder and geneticist with more than 20 years experience working in both the public and private sector.

For the last decade he has led the public sorghum pre-breeding program in Australia which is a partnership between the University of Queensland (UQ), The Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) and the Grains research and Develop Corporation (GRDC). This is a long running and successful research effort with a reputation for integrating across disciplines and linking research efforts from the strategic to the applied. Breeding lines from this program are widely used commercially in Australia and internationally with 100% of the commercial sorghum grown in Australia having genetics from the program. At the same time the research group continues to produce research papers at the forefront of sorghum research.

In recent years he had led projects focused on improving the lives of resource poor farmers in Africa that rely on sorghum.

David Jordan
David Jordan

Dr Alwyn Williams

Senior Lecturer in Agronomy
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Faculty of Science
Not available for supervision

My research focusses on soil health in cropping and pasture systems, specialising in soil carbon and soil organic matter dynamics, microbial ecology, and plant-soil interactions. I am interested in how agronomic interventions impact soil health and in developing methods to reverse soil fertility decline and build healthier, more productive soils. This includes understanding the impacts of tillage, cover cropping, crop rotational diversity, nutrient management, and organic amendments on soil functional processes and crop development and productivity.

I have extensive experience in designing and analyzing field and glasshouse experiments and implementing advanced statistical models using R. I have excellent verbal and written communication skills, maintain positive relationships with collaborators both nationally and internationally, and publish manuscripts in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Alwyn Williams
Alwyn Williams