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Dr Shakes Chandra

Senior Lecturer
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision

Shakes an imaging expert that leads a strong deep learning, artificial intelligence (AI) focused research team interested in medical image analysis and signal/image processing applied to many areas of science and medicine. He received his Ph.D in Theoretical Physics from Monash University, Melbourne and has been involved in applying machine learning in medical imaging for over a decade.

Shakes’ past work has involved developing shape model-based algorithms for knee, hip and shoulder joint segmentation that is being developed and deployed as a product on the Siemens syngo.via platform. More recent work involves deep learning based algorithms for semantic segmentation and manifold learning of imaging data. Broadly, he is interested in understanding and developing the mathematical basis of imaging, image analysis algorithms and physical systems. He has developed algorithms that utilise exotic mathematical structures such as fractals, turbulence, group theoretic concepts and number theory in the image processing approaches that he has developed.

He is currently a Senior Lecturer and leads a team of 20+ researchers working image analysis and AI research across healthcare and medicine. He currently teaches the computer science courses Theory of Computation and Pattern Recognition and Analysis.

Shakes Chandra
Shakes Chandra

Dr Adrian Dudek

Adjunct Associate Professor
School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision

Adrian grew up in Perth and double majored in Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Western Australia. Soonafter, he ventured to Canberra to undertake a PhD, focussing on analytic number theory: an enchanting area where one perplexingly uses calculus and analysis to study discrete structures such as the set of prime numbers.

After this, he worked as a derivatives trader at Optiver APAC for five years and stayed on there as Head of Academic Partnerships. He currently straddles both industry and academia and believes they both have much to offer mathematicians.

Adrian is available (and invariably keen) to supervise honours, masters and PhD projects in analytic number theory.

Adrian Dudek
Adrian Dudek

Associate Professor Barbara Maenhaut

Head of Maths, Deputy Head of Schoo
School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision

Dr Barbara Maenhaut's research interests are in combinatorial design theory and graph theory.

She received her PhD from the University of Queensland in 1999. Her current research projects are in the fields of:

  • Graph decompositions
  • Latin squares and perfect one-factorisations
Barbara Maenhaut
Barbara Maenhaut