Affiliate of ARC COE for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS)
ARC COE for Engineered Quantum Systems
Faculty of Science
Associate Professor
School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision
Jacinda Ginges is a theoretical physicist in the School of Mathematics and Physics at UQ. Her research is directed towards atomic tests of fundamental physics, involving development and application of high-precision many-body methods for heavy atoms. Her areas of expertise include high-precision studies of fundamental symmetries violations (parity, time) and probes of nuclear structure. Atomic parity violation studies provide some of the tightest constraints on possible new physics beyond the standard model of particle physics, complementing searches for new physics at the LHC and dark matter searches. Studies of parity- and time-reversal-violating atomic electric dipole moments tightly constrain possible new sources of CP-violation appearing in theories beyond the standard model.
2024- Associate Professor, The University of Queensland, Australia
2018- Senior Lecturer, The University of Queensland, Australia
2018-2022 ARC Future Fellow, The University of Queensland, Australia
2017 Research Fellow, ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems, The University of Sydney, Australia
2014-2016 Senior Research Associate, UNSW Sydney, Australia
2004-2008 ARC Australian Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer, UNSW Sydney, Australia
2004 Avadh Bhatia Postdoctoral Fellowship for Women, University of Alberta, Canada
Working in theoretical atomic physics and particle astrophysics. My research focusses on high-precision atomic structure calculations, and how atomic processes can be used for testing fundamental theories, probing for physics beyond the standard model, and searching for dark matter. This is complimentary to the high-energy tests performed at CERN. Some research highlights include: searching for variations in the fundamental constants near the super-massive black hole at the centre of our galaxy [1]; using decades of archived atomic clock data from the GPS satellites to search for signatures of dark matter [2]; performing high-precision calculations of symmetry violations in atoms, allowing the most precise low-energy test of the standard model to date [3-5]; and proposing and quantifying novel experimental signatures of dark matter that exploit atomic (rather than the typical nuclear) phenomena, opening the door to a wide range of previously “invisible” models [6-9].
A. Hees, T. Do, B. M. Roberts, A. M. Ghez, S. Nishiyama, R. O. Bentley, A. K. Gautam, S. Jia, T. Kara, J. R. Lu, H. Saida, S. Sakai, M. Takahashi, and Y. Takamori, Search for a Variation of the Fine Structure Constant around the Supermassive Black Hole in Our Galactic Center, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 081101 (2020).
B. M. Roberts, G. Blewitt, C. Dailey, M. Murphy, M. Pospelov, A. Rollings, J. Sherman, W. Williams, and A. Derevianko, Search for Domain Wall Dark Matter with Atomic Clocks on Board Global Positioning System Satellites, Nature Comm. 8, 1195 (2017).
V. A. Dzuba, J. C. Berengut, V. V. Flambaum, and B. M. Roberts, Revisiting Parity Nonconservation in Cesium, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 203003 (2012).
B. M. Roberts and J. S. M. Ginges, Nuclear Magnetic Moments of Francium-207–213 from Precision Hyperfine Comparisons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 063002 (2020).
G. Sanamyan, B. M. Roberts, and J. S. M. Ginges, Empirical Determination of the Bohr-Weisskopf Effect in Cesium and Improved Tests of Precision Atomic Theory in Searches for New Physics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 053001 (2023).
B. M. Roberts, Y. V. Stadnik, V. A. Dzuba, V. V. Flambaum, N. Leefer, and D. Budker, Limiting P-Odd Interactions of Cosmic Fields with Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 081601 (2014).
B. M. Roberts, V. V. Flambaum, and G. F. Gribakin, Ionization of Atoms by Slow Heavy Particles, Including Dark Matter, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 023201 (2016).
B. M. Roberts et al., Search for Transient Variations of the Fine Structure Constant and Dark Matter Using Fiber-Linked Optical Atomic Clocks, New J. Phys. 22, 093010 (2020).
E. Savalle, A. Hees, F. Frank, E. Cantin, P.-E. Pottie, B. M. Roberts, L. Cros, B. T. McAllister, and P. Wolf, Searching for Dark Matter with an Optical Cavity and an Unequal-Delay Interferometer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 051301 (2021).
Dr Gabriele Tartaglino-Mazzucchelli's research interests include topics in theoretical physics of fundamental interactions and mathematical physics like supersymmetry, supergravity and superspaces in various space-time dimensions, quantum field theory, extended supersymmetry, covariant formulations of superstrings, complex geometry, quantum gravity, holography, (A)dS/CFT and integrability.
Since October 2019 Dr Tartaglino-Mazzucchelli has joined the School of Mathematics & Physics at the University of Queensland (UQ) as Senior Lecturer (Level C), Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellow. Currently, he is an Amplify Fellow at UQ.
Dr Tartaglino-Mazzucchelli's obtained his PhD at the University of Milano Bicocca in November 2006. After that, and before joining UQ, he has held several academic appointments and fellowships in Australia (UQ and The University of Western Australia), Belgium (KULeuven U.), Sweden (Uppsala U.), Switzerland (Bern U.), and the USA (Maryland U.).
So far in his career, Dr Tartaglino-Mazzucchelli's successfully attracted competitive research grants and awards for approximately 2.5 million Australian dollars, including, among other grants, a Marie Curie fellowship, an ARC DECRA award, and an ARC Future Fellowship – some of the most prestigious fellowships available to early and middle career researchers in Europe and Australia – and two ARC Discovery Projects, one recently awarded as first Chief Investigator.