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Dr Iain Field

Senior Lecturer
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

Iain is a Senior Lecturer in the TC Beirne School of Law and an Honorary Associate Professor at Bond University. His primary research and teaching interests lie in the area of tort law, with an emphasis on defences and damages. Iain's most recent work focusses on claimant accountability and consent in tort law, the nature of the compensatory principle, the relationship between remedial rules and rules of liability, and (more broadly) the intersection of public and private law and statutory interventions. Iain's earlier work examined statutory good faith protections in tort law and their connection with underlying theories of vicarious liability, and bereavement damages.

Iain’s work has been accepted for publication in leading law journals, including the Cambridge Law Journal, Modern Law Review, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Melbourne University Law Review, University of New South Wales Law Journal and Sydney Law Review. He has also co-authored articles with senior members of the judiciary and the academy and presented at both domestic and international legal conferences.

Iain was the recipient of a 2022 Australian Legal Research Award, in the category Article/Chapter (General), for his article 'The Problem with Provocation in Trespass' (Modern Law Review). He also recieved the 2017 Faculty of Law Emerging Research Excellence Award (Bond) for his work on Good Faith Defences.

Iain was also awarded the 2018 Law Students’ Association Teaching Award (Bond) and the 2015 Stanley Shaw Bond Prize for Teaching Excellence (Bond).

Iain is an editor of the University of Queensland Law Journal and editorial board member of the Torts Law Journal. He was the general editor of the Bond Law Review from 2015–2019.

Iain Field
Iain Field

Professor Ross Grantham

of T.C. Beirne School of Law
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Professor - Commercial Law
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Professor Ross Grantham’s principal research interests are in the fields of corporate governance and the private law. He has published extensively in the area of the duties of company directors, as well as on matters dealing with the theoretical nature of the company and the implications of this nature for the integration of the company as a juristic entity into the general legal system. He has also published extensively on developments in the law of unjust enriched and restitution, particularly the interface between restitution and the law of property, and on the theoretical and philosophical basis of the private law.

In addition to his many articles in leading international journals, Professor Grantham is the author of a number of monographs and casebooks, and he has edited a number of collections of essays. Professor Grantham is a member of the editorial boards of a number of leading international journals.

Professor Grantham holds degrees from Oxford University, the University of Auckland and the University of Queensland, and has held senior management positions at both the University of Auckland and the University of Queensland.

Ross Grantham
Ross Grantham