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Associate Professor Steve Bell

Honorary Associate Professor
School of Public Health
Faculty of Medicine
Available for supervision

A/Prof Steve Bell is a senior social scientist at the Burnet Institute and has 22 years’ experience across South-East Asia (India, Nepal), Africa (Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe) and Western Pacific (Australia, Indonesia, PNG, Fiji) Regions. He works respectfully with not-for-profits, public institutions, businesses and community organisations, using innovative, inclusive, people-centred approaches to identify sustainable solutions to critical health challenges and accelerate health equity.

Steve’s work brings together lived experience, socio-ecological systems thinking and social theory to understand what works (or not) in global health and social development. He has researched and published widely on HIV, sexual and reproductive health, maternal health, neglected tropical diseases, TB and Indigenous health. He is particularly interested in understanding the socio-structural determinants of health and social inequities, and injustices associated with marginalisation due to gender, sexuality, age and geography. He has also published two books on interpretive and community-led approaches in research, design, monitoring and evaluation: ‘Peer research in health and social development: international perspectives on participatory research’ (2021), and ‘Monitoring and evaluation in health and social development: interpretive and ethnographic perspectives’ (2016). He is currently taking on new PhD students in these areas, so please do reach out to him at the Burnet Institute for a chat!

He holds associate professorial appointments at UNSW Sydney and The University of Queensland, is a Member of the International Editorial Board at Culture, Health & Sexuality, has been a Senior Advisor to the Boston Consulting Group, and has worked in research and consultancy roles with international governments, NGOs, UNAIDS, UNFPA and WHO.

Steve Bell
Steve Bell

Dr Chloe Bryant

Lecturer - Occupational Therapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Available for supervision
Chloe Bryant
Chloe Bryant

Dr Emma Cooke

Affiliate of ARC COE for Children a
ARC Centre of Excellence: Children and Families Over the Lifecourse
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Postdoctoral Research Fellow/Resear
Queensland Brain Institute
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Child Health Research Centre
Faculty of Medicine
Available for supervision

Dr Emma Cooke is a sociologist, qualitative researcher, and postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Queensland working in the Kids Sleep Research Group at the Child Health Research Centre and the Child Development, Education and Care Research Group at the Queensland Brain Institute. Dr Cooke researches and represents the often-overlooked stories of children, families, educators and clinicians. She works in interdisciplinary teams with a dual focus on disability and early childhood education and care. As the qualitative research lead in the Kids Sleep Research Group, Dr Cooke facilitates research training and support, and collaborates with clinicians, students and researchers to conduct qualitative research.

Dr Cooke’s research interests include the lived experiences of sleep, relaxation, wellbeing, disability, gender, intersectional inequality, healthcare, education and social services. She also has expertise in DRAWing (Departing Radically in Academic Writing) and knowledge translation. As an active member of the DRAW Group, Dr Cooke’s recent academic work is written creatively to have an emotional as well as intellectual impact.

In her PhD thesis, Dr Cooke utilised a crystallization methodological framework to gain multifaceted insights into children’s rights, early childhood discourses, and children’s relaxation and unrestful experiences in early childhood education and care. She has extensive experience interviewing children and adults across a range of contexts, and uses different qualitative analysis methodologies, including thematic analysis, discourse analysis, and creative analytical practices.

Emma Cooke
Emma Cooke

Dr Michelle King

Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Available for supervision

Michelle is a sociologist and lawyer: her research focuses on decision-making and the operation of law and regulation in practice for people with disabilities and other impairments to communication and legal capacity. She has research interests in the sociology of law, decision-making (supported and substituted), legal personhood, the UNCPRD, disability law, legal and administrative transition to adulthood, communication impairments, and profound intellectual disability. Her work examines decision-making in practice in a range of areas, including health and aged care, banking and finance, income support, and the NDIS. Michelle is trained in both qualitative and quantitative methods, and has extensive experience in research development, design, and practice, as well as health consumer research and co-design.

Michelle works on the MRFF funded project: Unspoken, Unheard, Unmet: Improving Access to Preventative Health Care through Better Conversations about Care. She leads the experience gathering stage of the project, the co-design elements of the work, and the development of guidelines about communication, decision-making, and aged care.

Michelle is also a consumer and disability advocate, with experience in strategic policy development, implementation, and evaluation, including the co-design of state level strategy for transition to adulthood health care, and on Australia’s National Living Evidence Taskforce. She is also the consumer board Chair of Child Unlimited, a consortium of researchers, clinicians, and consumers working towards best evidence-based practice in health care for children and young adults with chronic ill health and disabilities, and co-chair of the consumer advisory committee for the ARC Centre of Excellence Life Course Centre.

Michelle King
Michelle King

Mr Miguel Lattz

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Institute for Social Science Research
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Available for supervision
Media expert

I am a Sociologist from Universidad Central of Chile. I have studied for a Master's (MSc) in Social Policy (research) at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and I am finalising a PhD research in Sociology at the Australian National University (ANU). I have at least ten years of professional experience designing, organizing, implementing and leading qualitative and quantitative research projects in the public and private sectors. In this work, I have worked in research teams to evaluate public programs and market research and marketing evaluation for different study centres and private companies. My doctoral thesis analyses the subjective perceptions of inequality and its effects on today's society. My subjects of interest are inequality, subjective perceptions of society, social classes, social stratification and social mobility.

Miguel Lattz
Miguel Lattz

Dr Giselle Newton

Research Fellow
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Giselle Newton (she/her) is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Digital Cultures and Societies in the Faculty of Humanities Arts Social Sciences. Giselle holds an appointment as Adjunct Associate Lecturer at the Centre for Social Research in Health at UNSW, Sydney. Giselle is a co-convenor of the Australian Sociological Association Thematic Group on Families and Relationships, and is an Associate Investigator in the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society. Giselle was awarded the Early Career International Visiting Fellowship, University of Sheffield for 2024-25.

Giselle is a digital health sociologist whose research focuses on understanding how digital, reproductive and genetic technologies (re)shape individuals’ relationships and everyday lives. In her work, Giselle considers processes of participation, representation and listening in the context of policy and legislative reform. Giselle is also interested in digital, qualitative and creative research methods and ethics, and has lead research training on these topics. Giselle has published in journals such as Sociology, Sociology of Health & Illness, Social Media + Society, Media International Australia, and Journal of Pragmatics.

Giselle's PhD study explored how digital technologies such as social media and direct-to-consumer DNA testing have afforded donor-conceived people new opportunities to bond, sleuth, educate and strategise. Giselle’s thesis won Dean’s Award for Outstanding PhD Theses in 2022.

Current projects:

  • DNA datascapes: how individuals seek information about family via direct-to-consumer DNA testing
  • How alcohol and gambling companies target people most at risk with marketing for addictive products on social media, using the Australian Mobile Ad Toolkit (contract research project commissioned by the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education Limited, with A/Prof Nic Carah and Lauren Hayden)

Currently supervising:

  • Lauren Hayden (PhD candidate, UQ) - Digital advertising and cultures of alcohol consumption on social media platforms (with A/Prof Nicholas Carah, Prof Daniel Angus)
  • Cushla McKinney (Master of Genetic Counselling student, UTS) - The impact of direct-to-consumer DNA testing on genetic counselling practice (with Dr Lisa Dive, A/Prof Aideen McInerny-Leo, Dr Vaishnavi Nathan).
  • Diya Dilip Porwal (Master of Genetic Counselling student, UTS) - Experiences of carrier screening and genetic testing in gamete donors (with Julia Mansour and Dr Lisa Dive).

Past projects:

  • On target: Understanding advertising in the fertility sector with data from the Australian Ad Observatory, a winter research collaboration (with Romy Wilson Gray and Maria Proctor).
  • Everyday belongings: how Australian donor-conceived adults’ use digital technologies to bond, sleuth, educate and strategise.
  • Understanding care endings: Sociological and educational approaches to support pathways out of caring

Giselle has coordinated and lectured across undergraduate and postgraduate programs in courses in humanities, social sciences and health. She was course coordinator for COMU2030 Communication Research Methods in 2023 and lecturer in HHSS6000 HASS Honours Research Design.

Areas of supervision: Giselle welcomes research proposals focused on social research in digital identities and cultures; family relationships and practices; DNA and genetic testing/screening; reproductive health and donation.

Giselle Newton
Giselle Newton

Dr Martin O'Flaherty

Affiliate of ARC COE for Children a
ARC Centre of Excellence: Children and Families Over the Lifecourse
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Research Fellow
School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Available for supervision

Dr Martin O’Flahertyis a research fellow in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course located in the Institute for Social Science Research. Martin has made important contributions to the evaluation of nationally significant social policy, often working with the Department of Social Services. Notable highlights include designing the impact evaluation for the $90 million Try, Test, and Learn Fund and leading the evaluation of the Building Capacity in Australia’s Parents trial and the National Community Awareness Raising initiative. He is the quantitative lead for recently announced Community Refugee Integration and Sponsorship Pilot, funded by the Department of Home Affairs, which is investigating the feasibility of alternative settlement pathways for unlinked humanitarian migrants.

Martin’s broader research centres on the intersection of family, health, and disadvantage over the life course, using advanced quantitative methods to unlock causal and longitudinal perspectives on important social problems. Recent work has investigated patterns and determinants of children’s and adolescents’ time-use, including for adolescents with disability and LGBTQ adolescents. He has also led research using state-of-the-art machine learning methodology to study heterogeneous effects of teenage motherhood on later life mental health. Martin’s current research is primarily focussed on understanding the nature, causes of, and solutions to, poverty and financial insecurity among children with disabilities and their families. His work has appeared in leading international journals including Demography, Child Development, and The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health among others.

Martin O'Flaherty
Martin O'Flaherty

Dr Kiah Smith

UQ Amplify Senior Research Fellow
Centre for Policy Futures
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Not available for supervision

Kiah Smith is a Sociologist with expertise in environment, development and critical food studies. With a strong record of international publications on food justice, food security, resilience, financialisation, ethical trade, green economy, sustainable livelihoods, gender empowerment and food system governance, Kiah’s work contributes new understandings of the social dimensions of food system transformation at the intersection of multiple crises. Using mostly qualitative, participatory methodologies (such as action research and future scenario planning), her research emphasises the role that civil society plays in transformative policy making that is systems-focused and inclusive of social-ecological perspectives. For example, her ARC DECRA study - Fair Food, Civil Society and the Sustainable Development Goals - examined how civic stakeholders are able to resist, reshape or redefine what a just and sustainable food system might look like, based on co-design and collaboration with civil society, local government, advocacy groups and grassroots food actors (food hubs, community gardens, and food charities) in Australia. This interdisciplinary research agenda can best be summarised as one where ‘food futures’ are closely connected with ‘deep’ sustainability, rights, justice and empowerment, within the growing field of ‘sustainability transitions’. Other past and present studies include: Multifunctional horticulture - land, labour and environments; Ethical consumption and COVID; Responsible innovation in digital agriculture; Employment policy and indigenous food sovereignty in remote Australia; Financialisation of food and farmland in Australia; Resilience and governance of Australian food systems during crisis; and Mapping civil society, human rights and the SDGs. Kiah has conducted research in Australia and internationally, she has worked with local NGOs (in Africa and Australia), with the United Nations Research Institute in Geneva, and in multidisciplinary research teams spanning the social and natural sciences both here and abroad. Kiah is also a Future Earth Fellow, treasurer of the Australasian Agrifood Research Network, and executive member of the RC40 on Food and Agriculture in the International Sociological Association. Her work at the nexus of academia and policy/advocacy contributes to the growing movement for the right to food in Australia and globally.

Kiah Smith
Kiah Smith

Dr Tomasz Zajac

Affiliate of ARC COE for Children a
ARC Centre of Excellence: Children and Families Over the Lifecourse
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Senior Research Fellow
Institute for Social Science Research
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Available for supervision

Tomasz holds a MA and PhD in Sociology from the University of Warsaw, Poland. He has joined Wojtek Tomaszewski’s team at ISSR, coming from the University of Warsaw where he was an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Sociology and a researcher at the Education Quality Evaluation Unit (PEJK). Moreover, he worked at the National Processing Institute (OPI) in Warsaw where he was a member of the team responsible for developing the Polish Graduate Tracking System (ELA) on behalf of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

He was also a visiting scholar at the Center for Studies in Higher Education, University of California, Berkeley and The Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS), University of Bamberg, Germany. Tomasz’s research interests include individual educational trajectories especially within tertiary education, labour market outcomes of graduates, and social inequality and its impact on the educational and professional paths of young people.

Tomasz Zajac
Tomasz Zajac