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Emeritus Professor Mark Gould

Emeritus Professor
School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision
Media expert
Mark Gould
Mark Gould

Dr Phillip Isaac

Senior Lecturer
School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision

Dr Phillip Isaac is a mathematician interested in algebraic structures, particularly those related to quantum integrable systems.

Phillip received his PhD in mathematics in May 2001 from UQ. The title of his thesis was "Quasi Hopf superalgebras and their dual structures".

He worked as a JAVA programmer/cryptographer for about 9 months before undertaking a postdoctoral research fellowship at the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo, Japan. His project was entitled "Symmetries in quantum spin chains".

After his return to Australia in September 2003, he began casual employment at UQ, working as a first year tutor and developing course materials.

His current research activities involve developing the constructive representation theory of Lie (super)algebras, quantum groups and related structures, and its utility in application, particularly to quantum integrable systems.

Phillip Isaac
Phillip Isaac

Associate Professor Jon Links

Associate Professor
School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Not available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Jon Links's research interests are in: Lie Algebras, Quantised Algebras, Knot Theory, Exactly Solvable Models, Algebraic Bethe Ansatz, Models of Correlated Electrons and Models of Cold Atoms.

He received his PhD from the University of Queensland in 1993. His current research projects are in the field of designs for and control of integrable quantum devices.

Jon Links
Jon Links

Professor Jorgen Rasmussen

School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision
Jorgen Rasmussen
Jorgen Rasmussen

Dr Stephen Sanderson

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Available for supervision

Stephen is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Bernhardt group at the University of Queensland. His current research is focused on the theory of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and molecular dynamics.

Stephen completed a double degree in electrical engineering and physics at James Cook University, followed by a PhD in physics, also at James Cook University, under the supervision of Prof. Ronald White and Dr Bronson Philippa, as well as the University of Queensland's Prof. Paul Burn and Prof. Alan Mark. His PhD focused on using kinetic Monte-Carlo simulations of charge and exciton dynamics, coupled with atomistic molecular dynamics deposition simulations to establish a better understanding of structure-property relationships in organic semiconductors, particularly organic light-emitting diodes.

Stephen Sanderson
Stephen Sanderson

Dr Gabriele Tartaglino Mazzucchelli

Senior Lecturer
School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision

Dr Gabriele Tartaglino-Mazzucchelli's research interests include topics in theoretical physics of fundamental interactions and mathematical physics like supersymmetry, supergravity and superspaces in various space-time dimensions, quantum field theory, extended supersymmetry, covariant formulations of superstrings, complex geometry, quantum gravity, holography, (A)dS/CFT and integrability.

Since October 2019 Dr Tartaglino-Mazzucchelli has joined the School of Mathematics & Physics at the University of Queensland (UQ) as Senior Lecturer (Level C), Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellow. Currently, he is an Amplify Fellow at UQ.

Dr Tartaglino-Mazzucchelli's obtained his PhD at the University of Milano Bicocca in November 2006. After that, and before joining UQ, he has held several academic appointments and fellowships in Australia (UQ and The University of Western Australia), Belgium (KULeuven U.), Sweden (Uppsala U.), Switzerland (Bern U.), and the USA (Maryland U.).

So far in his career, Dr Tartaglino-Mazzucchelli's successfully attracted competitive research grants and awards for approximately 2.5 million Australian dollars, including, among other grants, a Marie Curie fellowship, an ARC DECRA award, and an ARC Future Fellowship – some of the most prestigious fellowships available to early and middle career researchers in Europe and Australia – and two ARC Discovery Projects, one recently awarded as first Chief Investigator.

Gabriele Tartaglino Mazzucchelli
Gabriele Tartaglino Mazzucchelli

Dr Zhenjiang You

Adjunct Senior Lecturer
School of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision

Dr Zhenjiang You is a Senior Lecturer within the School of Chemical Engineering. He holds a PhD in Fluid Mechanics. He conducts research on mathematical modelling, numerical simulation and experimental study of flows in porous media, and their applications in petroleum/chemical/mechanical/mining/civil engineering, energy, environment and water resources. He develops new theories and models for colloidal/suspension transport in porous media, innovative technologies for enhanced gas/oil production, and applicable tools for reservoir engineering, production engineering and geothermal industry. He has received research funding support from ARC, NERA, DMITRE, ARENA and a range of Australian and international companies. He collaborates with researchers in Australia, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, China, Russia, USA, Brazil and Iran.

His teaching contributions include Reservoir Engineering, Well Test Analysis, Reservoir Simulation, Field Design Project, Mathematical Modelling and Fluid Mechanics for Petroleum Engineers, Formation Damage, Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery, Unconventional Resources and Recovery, etc.

Zhenjiang You
Zhenjiang You

Associate Professor Yao-zhong Zhang

School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision
Media expert

A/Prof Yao-Zhong Zhang's research interests are in: Lie (super)algebras, quantized algebras, representations, quantum integrable systems, (quasi-)exactly solvable models, correlation functions, supersymmetry and conformal field theory.

Yao-Zhong Zhang received his PhD from Northwest University, China, in 1988 under the supervision of Prof Bo-Yu Hou. He spent 12 years in Europe, Japan and Australia as Postdoctoral/Research Fellow, before becoming in 2001 a permament staff member as a Senior Lecturer in Mathematics of the University of Queensland. Since April 2006, he has hold the position of Reader in the School of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Queensland, with the academic title of Associate Professor.

Yao-zhong Zhang
Yao-zhong Zhang