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Professor Sara Dolnicar

ARC Australian Laureate Fellow
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Sara Dolnicar was born in Ljubljana (Slovenia), grew up in Vienna (Austria) and now lives and works in Brisbane (Australia). She holds university degrees in psychology and business administration.

Sara is an expert on Airbnb and Airbnb regulation, making hotels operate in more environmentallyb sustainable ways while reducing operating cost, public acceptance of recycled waster and social marketing more generally.

To date, Sara has (co-)authored more than 300 refereed papers and led 16 Australian Research Council (ARC) grants, including the prestigous QEII and Laureate Fellowships. She won more than 30 awards, including two lifetime achievement awards: The US-based Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Distinguished Researcher Award (2017) for ground-breaking research that positively impacts the tourism industry, and outstanding service to the tourism research community (in the association’s 48-year history this award has been given to only four people); and the Slovenian Ambassador of Science 2016, the highest honour the Republic of Slovenia bestows on expatriate Slovenian researchers in recognition of global excellence, impact, and knowledge transfer.

Sara Dolnicar
Sara Dolnicar

Dr Cassandra France

School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

Dr Cassandra France has a PhD in brand strategy and is a Lecturer at UQ in the Marketing Discipline.

After gaining industry experience working in brand strategy, advertising and marketing, Cassandra's research approach bridges theory and practice to better understand how contemporary branding phenomenon can be executed by brand managers.

Cassandra is interested in customer-brand relationships and has an increasing interest in the role of brands in contributing to society. Upcoming work is focused on brand purpose and non-profit brand vulnerability.

Her leading research explores how customer perceptions of value can be influenced by their own active behaviour. Specifically, how the act of co-creating the brand (by development, feedback, advocacy and helping) may impact the co-creators perceptions of value for the brand. Evidence of the value for the firm is clear, but consideration of how contributions may shift value perceptions for the co-creator is less well considered, although vital for long term engagement. Her work appears in the Journal of Brand Management, Journal of Marketing Management, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, among others.

Cassandra is also a dedicated educator, previously Program Leading the Master of Business at University of Queensland and receiving numerous awards for excellence in teaching, including the 2023 UQ Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning, the 2022 BEL Award for Excellence in Student Learning and the 2021 UQ Business School Excellence Award for Student Engagement.

Cassandra has completed training in Supervising Doctoral Studies, Contemporary Expectations in HDR Supervision, Supervising Indigenous HDR candidates, Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Core Cultural Learning and Mental Health First Aid.

Cassandra France
Cassandra France

Associate Professor Ravi Pappu

Associate Professor
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Ravi Pappu is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the UQ Business School, University of Queensland, Australia. He teaches topics related to applying quantitative research methods in business to honours and PhD students and market and consumer research to postgraduate students.

Over the years, he has received the UQ Business School Teaching Excellence Award and the UQ Business School Research Excellence Award. Twice he was a Finalist for a UQ Teaching Excellence award.

Ravi received a PhD in marketing from the University of New England, Australia, and an MBA and a Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing, both awarded with Distinction from the University of Waikato, New Zealand. Earlier, he received a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical engineering from JNTU, Anantapur in India, awarded with First Class and Distinction.

Ravi's research interests include the areas of advertising, branding, international marketing, new products and innovation. His research has been published in several internationally recognised journals, including the Journal of International Business Studies and the Journal of the Academy of the Marketing Science. His research has been funded through several competitive grants, including ARC.

Ravi serves on the editorial review boards of premier international journals, including the Journal of International Marketing, the Journal of Business Research and the European Journal of Marketing. He is a member of the American Marketing Association (AMA) and Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP), a Fellow of the Academy of the Marketing Science (AMS) and a Fellow CPM of the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI).

Further information about Ravi is available at the following links.

|Facebook | LinkedIn | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | UQ Researchers | Publons |


Ravi's current research focuses on modelling consumer decision-making concerning different types of brands (e.g. manufacturers, retailers, nonprofits and countries). He is also interested in understanding how marketing communications (e.g. advertising, celebrity endorsement, sponsorship) can shape consumer attitudes and brand perceptions.

Ravi's research on sponsorship, brand equity, brand innovativeness, country-of-origin effects, celebrity endorsement, country branding and retailer branding has been published in scholarly international journals, including. His research papers have been read or downloaded over 360,000 times.

|Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | Journal of Business Research | International Business Review | Journal of International Business Studies | European Journal of Marketing | Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services | Journal of Marketing Education | Journal of Public Policy and Marketing | Journal of Product and Brand Management | Journal of Travel Research |

Research Grants

Ravi was the lead Chief Investigator of an Australian Research Council Linkage project (with Bettina Cornwell) supported by the Australian Red Cross Blood Service. Major outcomes of this research include a model for explaining communication portfolio effects on the image and equity of non-profit brands. Ravi's research has also attracted several internal competitive grants from the University of New England and the University of Queensland.

Awards & Distinctions

  • 2018 - Inaugural JPBM Award for most impactful article, Emerald Literati Network (with P.G. Quester & R.W. Cooksey)
  • 2016 - Outstanding Reviewer of the Year Award, Emerald Literati Network
  • 2015 - UQ Business School Teaching Excellence Award
  • 2009 - Outstanding Reviewer of the Year Award, Emerald Literati Network
  • 2006 - UQ Business School Research Excellence Award
  • 2000 - Best Marketing Research Paper Award, American Marketing Association (with A. Sinha & P. Leszeczyc)
  • 1998 - Highly Commended Paper, Doctoral Colloquium, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference


As of 2024, Ravi teaches courses in quantitative research methods and applied statistics.

  • RBUS6902 Quantitative Business Research Methods I

Distinctions (Teaching)

  • 2015 - UQ Business School Teaching Excellence Award
  • 2015 - Finalist - University of Queensland Teaching Excellence Award
  • 2014 - Finalist - University of Queensland Teaching Excellence Award

Teaching Evaluations (Click on the following links to view student evaluations in pdf)


  • RBUS6903 Quantitative Business Research Methods II (SEM) |2020 | 2019 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 |
  • RBUS6902 Quantitative Business Research Methods I (Multivariate Analysis) | 2024 (s1) | 2023 (S2) | 2023 (s1) | 2022 (s2) |2022 (s1) |2021 |2020 | 2019 | 2018 |2017| | 2016 |
  • RBUS6931 Scientific Method in Management II | 2018 |2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 |
  • RBUS6931 Scientific Method in Management I | 2018 |2017|


  • MKTG7510 Market and Consumer Research |2019 | 2018 |2017| | 2016 | 2015 |

PhD Supervision

Ravi is available for research supervision. His previous research students have achieved publications in internationally recognised journals (e.g., European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research and Journal of Travel Research) and conferences (e.g., AMA, AMS, WMC). Following are some of the areas of his research interest.

| Brand equity | Brand innovativeness | Celebrity endorsement | Corporate sponsorship | Country-of-origin effects |


  • W. Sun (2023) - Tourist misbehaviour (Associate)
  • S. Saha (2022) - Corporate giving
  • M. Hassan (2022) - New product preannouncement
  • M. Chien (2009) - Corporate sponsorship


| Maddy Nugent (2022) - Sponsorship authenticity | B.D.C. Tang (2021) - Sponsorship engagement | M.G. Guerra Calvo (2020) - Celebrity endorsement | S. Caulton (2019) - Brand crises | I. Goh (2018) - Sponsorship portfolios | I. C. Y. Lim (2016) - Brand innovativeness | S.C. Yu (2013) - Celebrity portfolios | A. Spry (2007) - Celebrity endorsement | M. Chong (2006) - Consumer innovativeness | P. Stower (2006) - Multiple celebrity endorsement |


Associate Editor

  • International Journal of Consumer Studies (2020 - 2024)


  • Journal of Strategic Marketing - Special issue on Research in Strategic Marketing
  • Journal of Product & Brand Management - Special issue on Brand Equity

Editorial Board Membership

| Journal of International Marketing | Journal of Business Research | European Journal of Marketing | International Marketing Review | Journal of Product and Brand Management | Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics | Australasian Marketing Journal |


  • Australian Research Council

Invited Seminars

| Australian National University | IIM-Calcutta | IIM-Ahmedabad | Indian Institute of Science | IIM - Bangalore | University of Melbourne | University of New South Wales | University of Adelaide | University of New England |

Visiting Positions

| Indian Institute of Management - Bangalore 2016 | University of Oregon 2013 | University of Adelaide 2009 | University of Michigan 2009 | Indian School of Business 2003 |

Ravi Pappu
Ravi Pappu

Dr Nicolas Pontes

Senior Lecturer
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Not available for supervision
Media expert

Nicolas Pontes is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at the UQ Business School and he holds a PhD and a MSc in Marketing, both with a focus in Branding. His industry experience include roles such as marketing research coordinator, marketing manager, and marketing consultant. He has more than 10 years experience in teaching and research at leading universities in Australia where had has had the role of Program Coordinator for Advertising and IMC majors of both Undergraduate and Post-Graduate levels. Dr Pontes is also the Founder and Academic Advisor at Newish Communications Inc., the first student-run communications agency in Australia. His research interests are in the area of consumer decision making and information processing with a particular interest in online consumer behaviour, social media engagement, price and promotion advertising, and branding. His research has been published in the European Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Product & Brand Management, and Journal of Brand Management. His work has also been presented at international advertising and marketing conferences such as Association for Consumer Research [North America], American Marketing Association, and American Academic of Advertising.

Research Supervision I am not accepting new HDR (Mphil or PhD) students.

Nicolas Pontes
Nicolas Pontes

Dr Heather Stewart

Adjunct Senior Lecturer
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Heather Stewart has been a journalist for 20 years, including almost a decade with the ABC in news and current affairs and covering content for ABC Radio National. She is a Walkley award winner and two times nominee and her work received a Gold and Bronze Medal in the New York Festival world's best radio documentary and for social equity coverage.

As a media, marketing and communication contractor and consultant in the mining, oil and gas, education, and the not for profile and public sectors in Queensland and Federal government departments she has honed her digital skills preparing integrated marketing communication plans and advertising campaigns and mentored executives in business digital transformation.

in 2016, she received a peer nomination for teaching innovation at TAFE Queensland where she ran two iterations of the Advanced Accelerated Diploma of Marketing positioning mature age student teams with small and medium businesses to create business plans and integrated marketing campaigns.

She completed her PhD at the University of Queensland in 2018 conducting a longitudinal study into the impact of technological change on ABC journalists and journalism while teaching students in media and communication at UQ and QUT.

Joining UQ as a teaching and learning academic in 2006, she has coordinated courses and received a UQ Teaching and Learning Excellence Award. She was the joint winner of the UQ Vice Chancellor's Award, a high commendation in the UQ Trailblazer award for her teaching model empowering students to tell First Nation stories in an informed way. She co-led the United Nations World Press Freedom Day Indigenous Voice Communication for Social Change Forum at UQ in 2010.

She currently is a Post Doc Researcher at The University of Queensland,with Associate Professor Sarah Jane Kelly and Associate Professor Remi Ayoko.

As Chief Investigator she is leading the Digital First Business Transformation Project and the Rapid Transition to Online Learning study with partners in eight regions. She is the leader of a team in a bilateral Australia Indonesia Centre SRR PAIR grant investigating the impact of COVID-19 on Indonesia's Small and Medium Enterprises.

Heather is a Visiting Professor at Universitas Indonesia.

Heather specialises in digital media, marketing and communication change management, journalism work practice research, digital transformation in the media, work-integrated learning, and change management, and best practice for coverage of mental health and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories.

In 2020, she supported the Service Learning Online Internship Program at Griffith University as a research assistant and cofacilitator with a focus on mental health and well-being, digital inclusivity, environmental sustainability, and all abilities inclusivity. The pilot project is the subject of a book chapter and series of research publications.

Dr Stewart is a UQ Mental Health Champion and First Responder supporting students and staff. If you are in need of support please email

Heather Stewart
Heather Stewart