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Associate Professor Ravi Pappu
Associate Professor

Ravi Pappu

+61 7 334 68089



Ravi Pappu is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the UQ Business School, University of Queensland, Australia. He teaches topics related to applying quantitative research methods in business to honours and PhD students and market and consumer research to postgraduate students.

Over the years, he has received the UQ Business School Teaching Excellence Award and the UQ Business School Research Excellence Award. Twice he was a Finalist for a UQ Teaching Excellence award.

Ravi received a PhD in marketing from the University of New England, Australia, and an MBA and a Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing, both awarded with Distinction from the University of Waikato, New Zealand. Earlier, he received a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical engineering from JNTU, Anantapur in India, awarded with First Class and Distinction.

Ravi's research interests include the areas of advertising, branding, international marketing, new products and innovation. His research has been published in several internationally recognised journals, including the Journal of International Business Studies and the Journal of the Academy of the Marketing Science. His research has been funded through several competitive grants, including ARC.

Ravi serves on the editorial review boards of premier international journals, including the Journal of International Marketing, the Journal of Business Research and the European Journal of Marketing. He is a member of the American Marketing Association (AMA) and Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP), a Fellow of the Academy of the Marketing Science (AMS) and a Fellow CPM of the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI).

Further information about Ravi is available at the following links.

|Facebook | LinkedIn | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | UQ Researchers | Publons |


Ravi's current research focuses on modelling consumer decision-making concerning different types of brands (e.g. manufacturers, retailers, nonprofits and countries). He is also interested in understanding how marketing communications (e.g. advertising, celebrity endorsement, sponsorship) can shape consumer attitudes and brand perceptions.

Ravi's research on sponsorship, brand equity, brand innovativeness, country-of-origin effects, celebrity endorsement, country branding and retailer branding has been published in scholarly international journals, including. His research papers have been read or downloaded over 360,000 times.

|Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | Journal of Business Research | International Business Review | Journal of International Business Studies | European Journal of Marketing | Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services | Journal of Marketing Education | Journal of Public Policy and Marketing | Journal of Product and Brand Management | Journal of Travel Research |

Research Grants

Ravi was the lead Chief Investigator of an Australian Research Council Linkage project (with Bettina Cornwell) supported by the Australian Red Cross Blood Service. Major outcomes of this research include a model for explaining communication portfolio effects on the image and equity of non-profit brands. Ravi's research has also attracted several internal competitive grants from the University of New England and the University of Queensland.

Awards & Distinctions


As of 2024, Ravi teaches courses in quantitative research methods and applied statistics.

Distinctions (Teaching)

  • 2015 - UQ Business School Teaching Excellence Award
  • 2015 - Finalist - University of Queensland Teaching Excellence Award
  • 2014 - Finalist - University of Queensland Teaching Excellence Award

Teaching Evaluations (Click on the following links to view student evaluations in pdf)



PhD Supervision

Ravi is available for research supervision. His previous research students have achieved publications in internationally recognised journals (e.g., European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research and Journal of Travel Research) and conferences (e.g., AMA, AMS, WMC). Following are some of the areas of his research interest.

| Brand equity | Brand innovativeness | Celebrity endorsement | Corporate sponsorship | Country-of-origin effects |


  • W. Sun (2023) - Tourist misbehaviour (Associate)
  • S. Saha (2022) - Corporate giving
  • M. Hassan (2022) - New product preannouncement
  • M. Chien (2009) - Corporate sponsorship


| Maddy Nugent (2022) - Sponsorship authenticity | B.D.C. Tang (2021) - Sponsorship engagement | M.G. Guerra Calvo (2020) - Celebrity endorsement | S. Caulton (2019) - Brand crises | I. Goh (2018) - Sponsorship portfolios | I. C. Y. Lim (2016) - Brand innovativeness | S.C. Yu (2013) - Celebrity portfolios | A. Spry (2007) - Celebrity endorsement | M. Chong (2006) - Consumer innovativeness | P. Stower (2006) - Multiple celebrity endorsement |


Associate Editor


Editorial Board Membership

| Journal of International Marketing | Journal of Business Research | European Journal of Marketing | International Marketing Review | Journal of Product and Brand Management | Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics | Australasian Marketing Journal |


Invited Seminars

| Australian National University | IIM-Calcutta | IIM-Ahmedabad | Indian Institute of Science | IIM - Bangalore | University of Melbourne | University of New South Wales | University of Adelaide | University of New England |

Visiting Positions

| Indian Institute of Management - Bangalore 2016 | University of Oregon 2013 | University of Adelaide 2009 | University of Michigan 2009 | Indian School of Business 2003 |


Associate Professor Ravi Pappu is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Bachelor (Honours) of Technology, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological
  • Masters (Coursework) of Business Administration, University of Waikato
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing, University of Waikato
  • Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, University of New England Australia
  • Doctor of Philosophy of Marketing, University of New England Australia

Research interests

  • Brand Innovativeness

    How does innovativeness affect customer brand loyalty? Ravi (with Prof. Pascale Quester) developed a model to explain how being seen as innovative helps a brand in achieving brand loyalty from customers. The model also explains what role perceived quality plays in this. The model was empirically tested for three global consumer electronics brands in two product categories. Results of this research (Pappu and Quester 2016) are published in the European Journal of Marketing. This paper has been downloaded more than 19,000 times since publication. This research would of interest to brands (e.g. businesses, nonprofit organizations, retailers, manufacturers, government departments) interested in understanding how to leverage their innovativeness to achieve outcomes such as brand loyalty.

  • Celebrity Endorsement

    How does celebrity endorsement affect brand equity? Ravi (with his honours student Amanda Spry and Prof. Bettina Cornwell, University of Michigan, USA) demonstrated that celebrity endorsement can affect a brand's credibility and thereby its brand equity. These results were published in the European Journal of Marketing. This paper (Spry, Pappu & Cornwell, 2011) has been downloaded more than 106,000 times. This is the most cited article published in the European Journal of Marketing since 2011. The results of this research would be of interest to the Australian government, businesses and nonprofit organisations interested in understanding how advertising can be used to enhance their brand credibility and brand equity by using celebrities. Celebrities in various sectors (e.g. sports, film, tv) can understand how their endorsements can influence the credibility and image of endorsed brands.

  • Country Brand Equity

    How to measure a country's brand value? Ravi (with Prof. Pascale Quester) developed a consumer-based method for measuring a country's brand equity. Brand equity of Australia's major major trading partners (USA, China and South Korea) was measured in two product categories (Consumer electronics and automobiles) in this study. The results were published in International Business Review (Pappu & Quester, 2010). This research would be of interest to the Australian government departments, industry groups and businesses interested in promoting Australian goods and services and Australia's competitiveness in international markets.

  • Retailer Brand Equity

    How much is a retailer brand worth? Ravi (with Prof. Pascale Quester) developed a consumer-based method for measuring a retailer's brand value (Pappu & Quester, 2006a) and the results were published in the Journal of Retailing and consumer Services. The brand equity of major retailers, in the department store (David Jones, Myer and Target) and clothing store (Country Road, Fletcher Jones and Just Jeans) chains, were measured in this research. This research also demonstrated how customer satisfaction affects a retailer's brand equity (Pappu & Quester, 2006b) and how a retailer's brand equity varies by store category (Pappu & Quester, 2008). Results of these two studies were published in the Journal of Product and Brand Management. These two papers have been downloaded more than 28,000 times since publication. This research would of interest to Australian government, businesses and nonprofit organizations interested in understanding how to manage the brand equity of their retailing brands (e.g. health care, road safety, department stores, clothing stores).

  • Corporate Sponsorship of Nonprofits

    How does corporate sponsorship affect charities/nonprofit brands? Ravi (with Prof. Bettina Cornwell, University of Oregon, USA) developed a model to explain how corporate sponsorship affects the sponsored nonprofit brands. Part of the results of this research were published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (Pappu & Cornwell 2014) - one of the top marketing journals in the world. This research demonstrated that fit and similarity are conceptually distinct and shown that together they have an interactive effect on consumers' nonprofit evaluations. This research would be of interest to nonprofits and charities in their brand management decisions, advertising and in evaluating potential sponsors. The results would also be of interest to firms interested in offering sponsorship to charities and nonprofits.

  • Consumer-Based Brand Equity

    How much value do people attach with a brand name? Ravi (with Prof. Pascale Quester, University of Adelaide and Prof. Ray Cooksey, University of New England) developed an improved method, and a scale, for measuring brand equity - the value of a brand name - based on consumer perceptions. The brand equity of global consumer electronics brands (Sony, Toshiba and Hitachi) and automobile brands (Toyota, Mitsubishi and Suzuki) was measured in this research. The results appeared in the Journal of Product and Brand Management (Pappu, Quester & Cooksey, 2005). This is the most cited paper ever published in the Journal of Product and Brand Management published since 2005, and has been read more than 46,000 times since publication. This research would be of interest to organizations (e.g. Australian government, businesses, manufacturers, retailers and non-profits) interested in measuring, and managing the value of their brands.

  • Country-of-origin Effects

    How does a country's image affect brand equity? This research demonstrates how a country's image affects the equity (value) of the brands coming from that country (Pappu, Quester & Cooksey, 2007). This was the first research study integrating the areas of brand equity and country image and the results were published in Journal of International Business Studies, considered to be a prestigious business journal in the international arena. This study also demonstrated how a brand's equity varies according to the brand's perceived country-of-origin (Pappu, Quester & Cooksey, 2006). These results were published in a quality international academic marketing journal, the European Journal of Marketing. The paper was downloaded more than 24,000 times since 2006. Results of this research would be of interest to the Australian government, industry groups and businesses interested in promoting, offering, managing Australian brands in international markets or foreign brands in the Australian market.

Research impacts

Ravi's research articles have been read/downloaded more than 360,000 times (As of February 2024).

Brand equity

Celebrity endorsement

  • Celebrity endorsement, brand credibility and brand equity is one of the most read European Journal of Marketing papers with more than 131,000 full-text downloads. It is also one of the most cited EJM article (top 1%) published since 2011. In the list of the top 40 articles published in the journal.

Country-of-origin effects

Retailer equity


  • Chien, Cornwell & Pappu 2011 co-authored with his doctoral student M. Chien and T B Cornwell, is in the top 5% of the most cited Journal of Business Research articles published since 2011.

Information has been compiled from Scopus, Emerald, ResearchGate, Science Direct and UQ eSpace.


Search Professor Ravi Pappu’s works on UQ eSpace

61 works between 2000 and 2023

1 - 20 of 61 works



Journal Article

Responses to compatriot tourist misbehavior: The importance of social identity, emotions and misbehavior type

Sun, Wanting, Chien, Monica P. and Pappu, Ravi (2023). Responses to compatriot tourist misbehavior: The importance of social identity, emotions and misbehavior type. Journal of Travel Research, 63 (8), 2042-2061. doi: 10.1177/00472875231206543

Responses to compatriot tourist misbehavior: The importance of social identity, emotions and misbehavior type



Journal Article

Corporate-giving and its impact on consumer evaluations: a meta-analysis

Saha, Sajeeb, Ranjan, Rakesh Kumar , Pappu, Ravi and Akhlaghpour, Saeed (2023). Corporate-giving and its impact on consumer evaluations: a meta-analysis. Journal of Business Research, 158 113656, 113656. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.113656

Corporate-giving and its impact on consumer evaluations: a meta-analysis



Journal Article

Motivational differences in need for smell

Pappu, Usha L., Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T. L., Pappu, Ravi and Ashkanasy, Neal (2023). Motivational differences in need for smell. European Journal of Marketing, 57 (2), 505-532. doi: 10.1108/EJM-07-2020-0503

Motivational differences in need for smell



Journal Article

Parents, products, and the development of preferences: child palate and food choice in an obesogenic environment

Cornwell, T. Bettina, Setten, Eric, Paik, Sung-Hee W. and Pappu, Ravi (2021). Parents, products, and the development of preferences: child palate and food choice in an obesogenic environment. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 40 (3) ARTN 0743915620939581, 429-446. doi: 10.1177/0743915620939581

Parents, products, and the development of preferences: child palate and food choice in an obesogenic environment



Journal Article

Investigating the impact of perceived nonprofit sponsorship engagement on prosocial behavior

Goh, Iris Kai Lin , Pappu, Ravi and Chien, P. Monica (2021). Investigating the impact of perceived nonprofit sponsorship engagement on prosocial behavior. Journal of Business Research, 126, 113-125. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.12.042

Investigating the impact of perceived nonprofit sponsorship engagement on prosocial behavior



Journal Article

How does brand innovativeness affect brand loyalty?

Pappu, Ravi and Quester, Pascale G. (2016). How does brand innovativeness affect brand loyalty?. European Journal of Marketing, 50 (1/2), 2-28. doi: 10.1108/EJM-01-2014-0020

How does brand innovativeness affect brand loyalty?



Journal Article

Corporate sponsorship as an image platform: understanding the roles of relationship fit and sponsor–sponsee similarity

Pappu, Ravi and Cornwell, T. Bettina (2014). Corporate sponsorship as an image platform: understanding the roles of relationship fit and sponsor–sponsee similarity. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 42 (5), 490-510. doi: 10.1007/s11747-014-0373-x

Corporate sponsorship as an image platform: understanding the roles of relationship fit and sponsor–sponsee similarity



Journal Article

Sponsorship portfolio as a brand-image creation strategy

Chien, P. Monica, Cornwell, T. Bettina and Pappu, Ravi (2011). Sponsorship portfolio as a brand-image creation strategy. Journal of Business Research, 64 (2), 142-149. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2010.02.010

Sponsorship portfolio as a brand-image creation strategy



Journal Article

Celebrity endorsement, brand credibility and brand equity

Spry, Amanda, Pappu, Ravi and Cornwell, Bettina (2011). Celebrity endorsement, brand credibility and brand equity. European Journal of Marketing, 45 (6), 882-909. doi: 10.1108/03090561111119958

Celebrity endorsement, brand credibility and brand equity



Journal Article

Country equity: Conceptualization and empirical evidence

Pappu, Ravi and Quester, Pascale (2010). Country equity: Conceptualization and empirical evidence. International Business Review, 19 (3), 276-291. doi: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2009.12.006

Country equity: Conceptualization and empirical evidence



Journal Article

Valuing brand equity of a geographic region

Brailsford, Tim, Dash, Stephen, Hutchinson, Marion, Pappu, Ravi and Ritchie, Brent W. (2009). Valuing brand equity of a geographic region. Tourism Analysis, 14 (6), 765-779. doi: 10.3727/108354210X12645141401188

Valuing brand equity of a geographic region



Journal Article

Country image and consumer-based brand equity: Relationships and implications for international marketing

Pappu, Ravi, Quester, Pascale G. and Cooksey, Ray W. (2007). Country image and consumer-based brand equity: Relationships and implications for international marketing. Journal of International Business Studies, 38 (5), 726-745. doi: 10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400293

Country image and consumer-based brand equity: Relationships and implications for international marketing



Journal Article

A consumer-based method for retailer equity measurement: Results of an empirical study

Pappu, Ravi and Quester, Pascale (2006). A consumer-based method for retailer equity measurement: Results of an empirical study. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 13 (5), 317-329. doi: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2005.10.002

A consumer-based method for retailer equity measurement: Results of an empirical study



Journal Article

Does customer satisfaction lead to improved brand equity? An empirical examination of two categories of retail brands

Pappu, Ravi and Quester, Pascale (2006). Does customer satisfaction lead to improved brand equity? An empirical examination of two categories of retail brands. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 15 (1), 4-14. doi: 10.1108/10610420610650837

Does customer satisfaction lead to improved brand equity? An empirical examination of two categories of retail brands



Journal Article

Consumer-based brand equity and country-of-origin relationships: Some empirical evidence

Pappu, Ravi, Quester, Pascale G. and Cooksey, R. W. (2006). Consumer-based brand equity and country-of-origin relationships: Some empirical evidence. European Journal of Marketing, 40 (5/6), 696-717. doi: 10.1108/03090560610657903

Consumer-based brand equity and country-of-origin relationships: Some empirical evidence



Journal Article

Consumer-based brand equity: Improving the measurement – empirical evidence

Pappu, Ravi, Quester, Pascale G. and Cooksey, Ray W. (2005). Consumer-based brand equity: Improving the measurement – empirical evidence. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 14 (3), 143-154. doi: 10.1108/10610420510601012

Consumer-based brand equity: Improving the measurement – empirical evidence



Journal Article

Why do undergraduate marketing majors select marketing as a business major? Evidence from Australasia

Pappu, Ravi (2004). Why do undergraduate marketing majors select marketing as a business major? Evidence from Australasia. Journal of Marketing Education, 26 (1), 31-41. doi: 10.1177/0273475303262349

Why do undergraduate marketing majors select marketing as a business major? Evidence from Australasia


Journal Article

Sport consumers: perceiving and enjoying danger in American football

Cornwell, T. Bettina, Pappu, Ravi and Setten, Eric (2023). Sport consumers: perceiving and enjoying danger in American football. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 24 (5), 853-870. doi: 10.1108/IJSMS-11-2022-0195

Sport consumers: perceiving and enjoying danger in American football


Journal Article

When compatriot tourists behave badly: the impact of misbehavior appraisal and outgroup criticism construal

Sun, Wanting, Chien, P. Monica, Ritchie, Brent W. and Pappu, Ravi (2022). When compatriot tourists behave badly: the impact of misbehavior appraisal and outgroup criticism construal. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 23 100695, 100695. doi: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2022.100695

When compatriot tourists behave badly: the impact of misbehavior appraisal and outgroup criticism construal


Conference Publication

Planning for disaster: managing a values-based brand crisis: an abstract

Caulton, Stuart, France, Cassandra and Pappu, Ravi (2022). Planning for disaster: managing a values-based brand crisis: an abstract. 2021 AMS Virtual Annual Conference and World Marketing Congress, Virtual, 1-4 June 2021. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-95346-1_190

Planning for disaster: managing a values-based brand crisis: an abstract


Past funding

  • 2009 - 2012
    Examining the impact of country of origin on brand credibility.
    UQ Early Career Researcher
    Open grant
  • 2008 - 2010
    Examining the impact of marketing communications on brand image, brand equity and behaviour outcomes
    ARC Linkage Projects
    Open grant
  • 2006 - 2007
    Examination of the impact of celebrity endorsement on consumer-based brand equity
    UQ FirstLink Scheme
    Open grant
  • 2006 - 2008
    Examination of the impact of firm sponsorship on consumer-based brand equity
    UQ New Staff Research Start-Up Fund
    Open grant



Associate Professor Ravi Pappu is:
Available for supervision

Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.

Available projects

  • Celebrity Endorsement

    This project is in the area of marketing communications and examines the impact of celebrity endorsements on consumer brand evaluations.

  • Corporate Sponsorship

    This project is in the areas of brand management and marketing communications and examines the impact of corporate sponsorship on consumer brand evaluations.

  • Retailer Branding

    This project examines consumer evaluations of retailers as brands.

  • Country Branding

    This project is in the area of international marketing and involves the examination of the value consumers attach with countries as brand names.

  • Brand Innovativeness

    This project involves the examination of consumer perceptions of brand innovativeness.

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The impact of digital transformation on consumer-based brand equity

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Ashish Sinha

Completed supervision



Contact Associate Professor Ravi Pappu directly for media enquiries about:

  • Australian products - branding
  • Brand equity
  • brand extensions
  • brand image
  • brand innovativeness
  • brand management
  • brand name
  • brand value
  • branding
  • Celebrity endorsement
  • charities
  • consumer marketing
  • corporate sponsorship
  • Country branding
  • country image
  • country-of-origin effects
  • Destination marketing
  • International branding
  • international marketing
  • Marketing
  • Marketing communications
  • nonprofit branding
  • nonprofit marketing
  • Place marketing
  • retail branding
  • Sponsorship and branding

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