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Emeritus Professor Neal Ashkanasy

Emeritus Professor
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Not available for supervision
Media expert

Neal M. Ashkanasy OAM, PhD is an Emeritus Professor of Management at the UQ Business School at the University of Queensland in Australia. He came to academe in after an 18-year career in water resources engineering. He received his PhD in social/organizational psychology from the same university. His research is in leadership, organizational culture, ethics, and emotions in organizations, and his work has been published in leading journals including the Academy of Management Journal and Review, the Journal of Organizational Behavior, and the Journal of Applied Psychology. He is Associate Editor for Emotion Review and Series Co-Editor of Research on Emotion in Organizations. He has served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Organizational Behavior and Associate Editor for the Academy of Management Review and Academy of Management Learning and Education. Prof. Ashkanasy is a Fellow of the Academy for the Social Sciences in the UK (AcSS) and Australia (ASSA); the Association for Psychological Science (APS); the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP); Southern Management Association (SMA), and the Queensland Academy of Arts and Sciences (QAAS). In 2017, he was awarded a Medal in the Order of Australia.

Neal Ashkanasy
Neal Ashkanasy

Professor Pierre Benckendorff

Deputy Dean, Graduate School
Graduate School
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Professor Pierre Benckendorff is an award-winning researcher specialising in visitor behaviour, technology enhanced learning and tourism. He has held several teaching and learning leadership positions at The University of Queensland and James Cook University in Australia. His experience includes coordinating a team of teaching and learning staff, program quality assurance and accreditation, and curriculum reviews of undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs in business, tourism, hospitality and event management. He has developed and taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses in introductory tourism management, international tourism, tourist behaviour, tourism and leisure futures, tourism transportation, tourism operations, tourism technologies, tourism analysis, business skills and marketing communications.

Pierre has been actively involved in a number of national teaching and learning projects totalling close to AUD 1 million in grant funding. In 2007, he received a national Carrick citation for outstanding contributions to student learning. Pierre was part of the national team that developed the Learning and Teaching Academic Standards for Tourism, Hospitality and Events and has continued to co-lead efforts to embed and measure these standards under the auspices of CAUTHE. He is currently the co-chair of knowledge creation for the BEST Education Network and in this capacity, has worked with the World Travel and Tourism Council to edit a book of international cases based on Tourism for Tomorrow award finalists and winners. He is the co-editor of the Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Tourism. Pierre serves regularly as an external reviewer of tourism programs in Australia and overseas institutions.

His research interests include visitor behaviour, tourism information technologies, and tourism education and training. He has authored over 80 publications in these areas in leading international journals and is a regular speaker at tourism research conferences. He is on the editorial board of several leading tourism journals and is a regular reviewer of papers. He has also co-authored one of the leading textbooks on tourism and information technology. He has served as a judge for the Queensland Tourism Awards as well as the Australian Tourism Awards. His passion for travel and tourism has taken him to some of the world’s leading theme parks and airports, the major cities of Europe and North America, the African Savannah and the bustling streets of Asia. He has also travelled extensively throughout Australia and New Zealand.

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Pierre Benckendorff
Pierre Benckendorff

Dr Mark Brown

Senior Lecturer
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

I'm a senior lecturer in marketing at the UQ Business School. My expertise lies in the domain of digital marketing strategy. Study after study suggests that firms and marketers are having difficulty “becoming digital”. I spend my days investigating the nature of the challenge and determining what leading marketing organisations can do to rapidly increase their digital sophistication. Consumers are inundated with meaningless messages and making your brand stand out – in any language, or on any device, is a major challenge. As Australia’s first PhD in digital marketing, I have a long-game perspective on digital transformation. The majority of my research examines how brands can engage with their markets in more meaningful ways. Transferring your business to digital is easy but being human is not. I therefore specialise in studying how consumers respond best to digital communications, with a particular interest in issues of data retention and and privacy. My background is in telecommunications and I have consulted with several firms and government bodies in the areas of digital marketing strategy. I have taught extensively at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. If you’re interested in learning more about the kind of work I do or if you’d like to explore how we might be able to work together, please reach out to me via the contact details listed here.

Mark Brown
Mark Brown

Dr Cassandra Chapman

Affiliate of Centre for Research in
Centre for Research in Social Psychology
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Affiliate of Social Identity and Gr
Social Identity and Groups Network
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Associate Professor
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Not available for supervision

Dr Cassandra Chapman holds a PhD in the psychology of charitable giving (University of Queensland) and is now an Associate Professor of Marketing and ARC DECRA Fellow, specialised in donor psychology and fundraising.

Having come to academia with a background in nonprofit marketing, Cassandra’s research focuses on the social psychology of charitable giving, effective and ethical fundraising, and charity scandals. She uses diverse methods to understand when and why donors are more (or less) willing to give to particular causes and the implications such preferences have for how charities communicate.

Cassandra’s research has won national and international research awards, including the AFP Early Career Emerging Scholar Award (AFP, 2023), the Skystone Partners Prize for Research on Fundraising and Philanthropy (AFP, 2020), and the Gabriel G. Rudney Memorial Award for an Outstanding Dissertation in Nonprofit and Voluntary Action Research (ARNOVA, 2019). She has published over 35 articles in international journals, such as Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Psychology & Marketing, and the Journal of Business Ethics, and has served as Associate Editor of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.

Cassandra Chapman
Cassandra Chapman

Dr Srinwanti Chaudhury

Lecturer in Marketing T& R
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

Srin Chaudhury received her PhD in Marketing from the University of New South Wales, Sydney. She has a Masters’ degree in Psychology from the University of Texas and Bachelors’ degrees in Biological Sciences and Psychology from the University at Buffalo. Prior to joining UQ, Srin was a Postdoctoral Scholar at the Katz School of Business in the University of Pittsburgh.

Srin’s research prioritizes individual and collective well-bring and examines how psychological, social, and interpersonal factors influence consumer behaviour. Within this broad domain, she is interested in how emotions, cognitions, and cultures affect how consumers interpret and respond to information about brands and products. Her research has been published in highly respected journals such as Emotion, Nature Scientific Reports, and Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (in-principal acceptance). Her research has also been presented at premier international marketing conferences including the conferences of the Association of Consumer Research (ACR), the Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP), and the American Marketing Association (AMA). Srin’s work has also received the Best paper in the Sustainability and Public Policy track and the Best paper in the Conference awards in Summer AMA 2021.

Srinwanti Chaudhury
Srinwanti Chaudhury

Dr Monica Chien

Discipline Convenor (Tourism) of UQ
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Associate Professor
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

Dr Monica Chien has multidisciplinary training in marketing, psychology and tourism, and has an extensive background in hospitality. She has won multiple awards for her teaching and research, and has been invited as a visiting scholar to universities in Japan.

Dr Chien’s scholarly interest and expertise lie in the field of Consumer Behaviour, and she is an active researcher in the associated fields of traveller behaviour, sports fan behaviour, resident study, branding and marketing communications with demonstrated research impact on industry, government and policy both within Australia and internationally. She has particular expertise and interest in experimental studies, and has published in leading international marketing and tourism journals.

Dr Chien has conducted research and consultancy with industry and government, leading several international and national projects. She is currently investigating how sport scandals affect sponsoring brands and stakeholders in sport. Her recent projects also examine the nexus between international education and tourism, as well as residents’ response to tourism and mega-event development.

Monica Chien
Monica Chien

Dr Len Coote

Discipline Convener (Marketing) of
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Associate Professor
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Len Coote holds the rank of Associate Professor in The University of Queensland Business School. His primary academic contribution is to the study of economic choices, which are ubiquitous in marketing (e.g., consider the decisions to install solar panels, purchase private health insurance, and use toll roads—to name just a few). Together with his academic collaborators, he developed a very general and flexible model for studying decision making and choice. The model integrates the mathematics of Daniel McFadden’s (UC Berkeley) conditional logistic regression and Karl Joreskog’s (Uppsala) linear structural relations models.

Len’s primary teaching interests are in quantitative marketing, which is a precursor to the new discipline of business analytics. In his opinion, today’s business school students need greater “data literacy” and business schools must place greater emphasis on equipping students to succeed in a world of artificial intelligence and big data. The methods of business analytics—data visualisation, machine learning, optimisation methods, predictive analytics, text mining, and web analytics—have much application to solving business and marketing problems. Len is passionate about bringing these methods to a new generation of business school students.

For the past 10 years, Len has performed several valued service roles at the University of Queensland. He served as Acting Dean of the UQ Business School for 1.5 years through to December, 2017. Before that he served as Deputy Dean of the Business School (1.5 years) and Head of the Marketing Discipline (7 years). As Acting Dean, Len was committed to understanding the needs of business and responding to those needs by introducing advanced and innovative programs. The introduction of the Bachelor of Advanced Business (Honours) program reflects this commitment.

Len is an active participant in community service roles. For example, he is the Vice-Chair of the Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research, Inc. ACSPRI is a non-profit consortium of Australian universities. Its mission is to improve the quality of research in the social and behavioural sciences and encourage Australian governments to take an evidence-based approach to policymaking. Before serving in the role of Vice-Chair, he was an instructor on ACSPRI’s summer and winter programs for circa 10 years (teaching courses on structural equations with latent variables).

Len Coote
Len Coote

Professor Sara Dolnicar

ARC Australian Laureate Fellow
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Sara Dolnicar was born in Ljubljana (Slovenia), grew up in Vienna (Austria) and now lives and works in Brisbane (Australia). She holds university degrees in psychology and business administration.

Sara is an expert on Airbnb and Airbnb regulation, making hotels operate in more environmentallyb sustainable ways while reducing operating cost, public acceptance of recycled waster and social marketing more generally.

To date, Sara has (co-)authored more than 300 refereed papers and led 16 Australian Research Council (ARC) grants, including the prestigous QEII and Laureate Fellowships. She won more than 30 awards, including two lifetime achievement awards: The US-based Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) Distinguished Researcher Award (2017) for ground-breaking research that positively impacts the tourism industry, and outstanding service to the tourism research community (in the association’s 48-year history this award has been given to only four people); and the Slovenian Ambassador of Science 2016, the highest honour the Republic of Slovenia bestows on expatriate Slovenian researchers in recognition of global excellence, impact, and knowledge transfer.

Sara Dolnicar
Sara Dolnicar

Dr Cassandra France

School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

Dr Cassandra France has a PhD in brand strategy and is a Lecturer at UQ in the Marketing Discipline.

After gaining industry experience working in brand strategy, advertising and marketing, Cassandra's research approach bridges theory and practice to better understand how contemporary branding phenomenon can be executed by brand managers.

Cassandra is interested in customer-brand relationships and has an increasing interest in the role of brands in contributing to society. Upcoming work is focused on brand purpose and non-profit brand vulnerability.

Her leading research explores how customer perceptions of value can be influenced by their own active behaviour. Specifically, how the act of co-creating the brand (by development, feedback, advocacy and helping) may impact the co-creators perceptions of value for the brand. Evidence of the value for the firm is clear, but consideration of how contributions may shift value perceptions for the co-creator is less well considered, although vital for long term engagement. Her work appears in the Journal of Brand Management, Journal of Marketing Management, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, among others.

Cassandra is also a dedicated educator, previously Program Leading the Master of Business at University of Queensland and receiving numerous awards for excellence in teaching, including the 2023 UQ Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning, the 2022 BEL Award for Excellence in Student Learning and the 2021 UQ Business School Excellence Award for Student Engagement.

Cassandra has completed training in Supervising Doctoral Studies, Contemporary Expectations in HDR Supervision, Supervising Indigenous HDR candidates, Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Core Cultural Learning and Mental Health First Aid.

Cassandra France
Cassandra France

Dr Teegan Green

Lecturer in Marketing
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Not available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Teegan Green is lecturer in marketing at the Business School, University of Queensland.

She has previously been a postdoctoral research fellow with the Australian Institute of Business Economics (AIBE), including the AIBE Centre for Gender Equality in the Workplace.

Her background is as a service researcher and her research interests and publications span technology in healthcare including robotics, digital transformation of services, services marketing, education and trust. She has a h-index of 6, and has 252 citations (Google Scholar, May 2022). Her published work appears in several Australian Business Deans' Council (ABDC) journals including the A* Journal of Service Research (the top journal in service research), plus Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Australasian Marketing Journal, Journal of Relationship Marketing, Marketing Education Review, Studies in Higher Education, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education.

She gained her Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in 2017 from The University of Queensland, St Lucia exploring how healthcare service providers perceive they can establish trust with patients via different forms of technology-mediated interaction, spanning robotics, teleconferencing and store-and-forward email for healthcare consultation, diagnostics and treatment. She also holds two Arts degrees majoring in Japanese and English, and Mandarin; as well as a Bachelor of Education (Secondary), and a Bachelor of Business Management in Marketing with First Class Honours from The University of Queensland. She was awarded the University Medal (2013) and was Valedictorian for her graduating class (2013).

Dr Green won first place in the prestigious University of Queensland Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition for both her honours work (2012) and her doctoral work (2015).

Dr Green's ORCID is available here:

Dr Green's profile page at The University of Queensland Business School is available here:

Teegan Green
Teegan Green

Associate Professor Nicole Hartley

Director (Program Convener MBA Exec
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Associate Professor
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Associate Professor Nicole Hartley is the MBA Director at UQ Business School. Nicole's career as an academic has spanned 19 years at institutions in both Sydney and Queensland. She is an internationally recognised research academic in the field of services marketing and digital technology. Her specific research interests include service technology, virtualised services, customer preference and adoption, new media and service innovation. Nicole’s current research agenda focuses upon exploring customer perceptions in response to the advent of technology and various forms of disruption in the delivery of services, particularly healthcare. Nicole is also an award-winning educator with teaching expertise in marketing strategy, digital media, consumer behaviour and experiential industry-based projects. Prior to her academic career, Nicole was employed as Marketing Manager/Director for various corporations within the tourism, education and communication industries both in Australia and in the UK.

Nicole Hartley
Nicole Hartley

Professor Janet McColl-Kennedy

Program Lead, Innovation Pathways (
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Janet R. McColl-Kennedy is Professor of Marketing, UQ Business School, and Lead, Innovation Pathways Program, FaBA (Australia's Food and Beverage Accelerator), Trailblazer Universities program, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.

Professor McColl-Kennedy is an Honorary Visiting Professor and Fellow, Cambridge Service Alliance, Institute for Manufacturing, in the Department of Engineering, the University of Cambridge, UK. Research Collaborators | Cambridge Service Alliance. She is also the Founding Co-Lead of the Service Innovation Alliance (SIA) Research Hub at the Business School, The University of Queensland. SIA is a multidisciplinary research hub focusing on Customer Experience, Service Innovation and Sustainability, with an emphasis on AI, digital transformation and service design.

Janet embodies scholarly excellence. She is an elected Fellow of the prestigious Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia (ASSA) in 2022 for her distinguished contribution to the social sciences. She is also a Distinguished Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) having "demonstrated outstanding contributions to the Academy and also demonstrated eminence in the Marketing discipline through research, scholarship, education and leadership".

Professor McColl-Kennedy was recognised in the "Highly Cited Researcher Awards for 2021", released by Clarivate™. This outstanding achievement is for those who are pioneers in their field, demonstrated by the production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for the field and year in the Web of Science™. She received a commendation by UQ’s Vice Chancellor Deborah Terry. “This is a very significant achievement that reflects the outstanding quality and impact of their research.” Only two persons in Australia were listed in the “Economics and Business” category, Janet being the only academic in Marketing in Australia to receive this award. In 2023 and 2024 she was ranked in the World's Best Business and Management Scientists by

Professor Janet McColl-Kennedy has made a significant research contribution to the discipline of Marketing, specifically in her research area of “Services”. With over 200 publications (90 being refereed international journal articles, 21 book chapters/books, 6 industry articles, white papers, and reports, 14 workbooks and 71 refereed international conference proceedings), Professor McColl-Kennedy is not only a leading senior marketing academic in Australia, she is internationally recognised as a leading researcher in Service Science. Her research interests focus on customer experience management and measurement, and the role of digital technology, AI, customer insights and choice preferences, customer complaining behaviour and customer value co-creation. She has particular expertise in health care services. Professor McColl-Kennedy is dedicated to nurturing the next generation of researchers mentoring over 20 PhD and honours students.

Janet leads several cross disciplinary and international research teams, obtaining over $83.9 million in competitive research grants, including 20 years of continuous funding from the prestigious Australian Research Council (ARC).

She has a H index of 61 (Google scholar) 43 (Scopus) and over 19,210 citations (Google Scholar).

Professor McColl-Kennedy has held several senior leadership positions in the UQ School of Management and UQ Business School, including Marketing Discipline Leader for 10 years from 1996 to 2005, Research Director of the UQ Business School from January 2006 to June 2008 and from April 2009 to January 2010, Director International in the School of Business from January to December 2010 and Associate Director, Research (Engagement and Impact) in 2019 before being appointed Director of Research again in January 2020 until January 2023.

Professor McColl-Kennedy has held Visiting Professorships at Indiana University, USA, Bocconi University Milan, Italy, the University of New South Wales, Sydney, and the University of Cambridge, UK.

Professor McColl-Kennedy’s work consistently appears in prestigious journals in her field such as the Journal of Retailing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Service Research, Harvard Business Review, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Service Management, Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management and Industrial Marketing Management.

In recognition of her international research reputation she is an inaugural member of the Advisory Board of the Cambridge Service Alliance, University of Cambridge, UK, a global alliance between leading businesses and universities. Founded by Cambridge University Institute for Manufacturing and Judge Business School, in alliance with BAE Systems, IBM, and Caterpillar the Cambridge Service Alliance was formed in 2010 and is designed to bring together some of the world’s best firms and researchers devoted to delivering today the insights, education and approaches needed for the Complex Service Solutions of tomorrow. For more information on Cambridge Service Alliance see

Her latest work focuses on measuring and managing customer experience (CX) See

  • Appointed to the Advisory Board of CTF Service Research Center, Karlstad University, Sweden from 2012 ongoing. Global companies on the board include Ericsson, Tetra Pak, Volvo and IKEA.
  • Appointed to the Internationally Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB), Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), Norway from 2014 -2022.
  • Appointed as Academic Scholar, Cornell Institute for Healthy Futures, Cornell University, New York, USA, 2016 -2019.
  • Appointed Research Faculty in the Center for Service, Arizona State University, USA in 2018 ongoing.


* April 2024 – Ranked in 2024 World's Best Business and Management Scientists. (See World's Best Business and Management Scientists: H-Index Business and Management Science Ranking in Australia 2024 | Ranked second top Marketing Professor in all of Australia.

* June 2023 - Received the inaugural Bo Edvardsson Industry Impact in Services award, QUIS18, VinUniversity, Hanoi, Vietnam.

* November 2022 – Elected Fellow of the Academy of The Social Sciences in Australia (FASSA)

* June 2020 – Awarded highly commended paper. Finalist (with two others) for the 2019 Journal of Service Research best paper award.

[McColl-Kennedy, J.R., M. Zaki, K. Lemon, F. Urmetzer and A. Neely (2019), “Gaining Customer Experience Insights that Matter”, Journal of Service Research, 22, 1, pp.8-26.]

* December 2019 awarded the 2019 University of Queensland Business School's “Research Team Engagement Award" for outstanding achievement in research - Service Innovation Alliance (SIA) interdisciplinary research group.

*July 2019 – “Robert Johnston Highly Commended Paper award of 2018”. “Awarded for your outstanding research” by the Journal of Service Management Editorial Review Board. Award presented at Frontiers in Service Conference, 19 July 2019, Singapore.

[Bolton, R., J.R. McColl-Kennedy, L. Cheung, A.S. Gallan, C. Orsingher, L. Witell, M. Zaki (2018), “Customer Experience Challenges: Bringing Together Digital, Physical and Social Realms”, Journal of Service Management, 29, 5, pp. 776-808.]

* November 2018 - Awarded the Cross-Discipline Research Award by the UQ Business School for outstanding achievement in research (29 November 2018).

* September 2018 - "the most influential marketing academic in Australia". Professor McColl-Kennedy is named "the leading researcher in the field of Marketing in Australia", "Australia’s Research Field Leaders” The Australian, 26 September, 2018, page 12.

* June 2017 - Best Article Finalist – “Highly Commended Paper of 2016” Journal of Service Research article.

[Patterson, P. G., M. K. Brady and J.R. McColl-Kennedy (2016), "Geysers or Bubbling Hot Springs? A Cross-cultural Examination of Customer Rage From Eastern and Western Perspectives, Journal of Service Research, 19, 3, pp. 243-259.]

* February 2016 – “Highly Commended Paper of 2015”. Short listed for the Journal of Service Management (JOSM) - 2015 - Robert Johnston Award with two others).

[McColl-Kennedy, J.R., P.G. Patterson, M.K. Brady, L. Cheung and D. Nguyen (2015), “To Give or Not to Give Professional Services to Non-paying Clients: Professionals’ Giving Backstory”, Journal of Service Management, 26 (3): 426-459.]

* October 2015 our paper Bolton, R.N., Gustafsson, A., McColl-Kennedy, J.R., Sirianni, N.J. and Tse, D.K. (2014), “Small Details that Make Big Differences: a Radical Approach to Consumption Experience as a Firm's Differentiating Strategy”, Journal of Service Management, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 253-274 made it into the top 20 most cited Marketing articles since 2011 list.

* March 2015 - Highly Recommended paper - Short listed (in the top four best papers) for the best 2014 article in Journal of Service Management."As of November / December 2014 , this highly cited paper received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of the academic field of Economics & Business based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year." Source: ISI Web of Science.

[ Bolton, R.N., Gustafsson, A., McColl-Kennedy, J.R., Sirianni, N.J. and Tse, D.K. (2014), “Small Details that Make Big Differences: a Radical Approach to Consumption Experience as a Firm's Differentiating Strategy”, Journal of Service Management, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 253-274.]

* March 2013 - Highly Recommended - Short listed (in the top five best papers) for the best 2012 article in Journal of Service Research. [McColl-Kennedy, J.R., Vargo, S.L., Dagger, T.S., Sweeney, J.C. and van Kasteren, Y. (2012). “Health Care Customer Value Cocreation Practice Styles”, Journal of Service Research, Vol.15, No. 4, pp. 370-389 – the lead article.]

* 2011 Appointed Fellow of ANZMAC (Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy) since 2011, having “demonstrated outstanding contributions to the Academy and also demonstrated eminence in the Marketing discipline through research, scholarship, education and leadership”.

* 2011 Winner of the Distinguished Researcher Award (Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy). “This is an annual award for a member of the ANZMAC community judged to have made the most significant contribution to advancing our knowledge of marketing through their research”.

* 2011 Short listed (with two other papers) for the Accenture Award. The award is given each year to the author(s) of the article published in the California Management Review in 2009 that has "made the most important contribution to improving the practice of management". [Patterson, P.G., McColl-Kennedy, J.R., Smith, A.K. and Lu, Z. (2009), “Customer Rage: Triggers, Tipping Points and Take-Outs”, California Management Review, Vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 6-28.]

* 2011 “Outstanding author contribution” winner, Emerald Literary Network, Award for Excellence for 2010 chapter "Service encounter needs theory: A dyadic, psychosocial approach to understanding service encounters". [Bradley, G.L., McColl-Kennedy, J.R., Sparks, B.A., Jimmieson, N.L. and Zapf, D. (2010), “Service Encounter Needs Theory: A Dyadic, Psychosocial Approach to Understanding Service Encounters”, in Zerbe, W.J., Härtel, C.E.J., and Ashkanasy, N.M. (Eds.) Research on Emotion in Organizations, Volume 6: Emotions in Creativity, Learning, and Change, Emerald Group Publishing/JAI Press, Bingley, UK, pp. 221-258.]

* 2010 Honorable mention - Short listed for best "Services" article published in 2009 by AMA SERVSIG [McColl-Kennedy, J.R., Patterson, P.G., Smith, A.K. and Brady, M. (2009). “Customer Rage Episodes: Emotions, Expressions and Behaviors”, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 85, No. 2, pp. 222-237.]

* 2010 Awarded best paper in AMJ [Tombs, A.G. and McColl-Kennedy, J.R. (2010), “Social and Spatial Influence of Customers on Other Customers in the Social-servicescape”. Australasian Marketing Journal, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 120-131.]

* 2009 Best paper award 2009 EIASM Naples Forum on Service, Capri Italy (McColl-Kennedy et al 2009)

* 2008 Best paper award 2008 ANZMAC conference (McColl-Kennedy and Patterson 2008)

* 2003 Best paper award European Marketing Conference (EMAC) 2003

* 2001 Best paper award AMA SERVSIG Conference 2001

MAJOR GRANTS – Leads cross disciplinary international research teams

*2022-2024 ARC Linkage Projects Grant [LP2102000586] [$1,258,024 including $596,349 cash ($496,349 cash from ARC and $100,000 cash from partner organisations)] “Transforming Primary Healthcare Service Delivery: A Digital-Human Approach” Team: (Professor Janet McColl-Kennedy (Lead CI), UQ Emeritus Professor Mieke van Driel Kalwun Health Service, Associate Professor Lisa Hall UQ School of Public Health, Professor Damian Hine UQ GCI/QAAFI, Dr Mohamed Zaki Cambridge Service Alliance, The University of Cambridge, Dr Christoph Breidbach UQ Business School, Ms Tracey Johnson CEO Inala Primary Care and Adjunct Professor Paresh Dawda)

*2016-2022 ARC Discovery Projects Grant [DP160100421] [$330,000] “Modelling Multidimensional Multiparty Decisions to Improve Outcomes for Customers and Service Providers: New Theory and Measurement Tools” (Professor Janet McColl-Kennedy (Lead CI), Assoc. Professor Len Coote, Professor Claire Wainwright, (UQ Medical School) Professor Scott Bell (UQ Medical School), Professor Michael Brady, Florida State University)

*2015-2021 ARC Linkage Projects Grant [LP150100629] [$1.1 million including $180,000 from ARC] “Examining the Effectiveness of Patient-centred Practices on Health Outcomes” (Professor Pennie Frow Uni of Sydney (Lead CI), Professor Janet McColl-Kennedy, UQ, Professor Adrian Payne UNSW, Dr Rahul Govind UNSW)

*2011-2015 ARC Discovery Projects Grant [DP110102312] [$350,000] 'Pro Bono Service: Drivers, Delight, Dark Side and Downside for the Professional' (Professor Janet McColl-Kennedy (Lead CI), Professor Paul G. Patterson UNSW, Professor Michael K. Brady Florida State University and Dr Doan Nguyen The University of Queensland.)

*2008-2010 ARC Discovery Projects Grant [DP0879469] [$220,000] 'Balancing the needs of customers and employees following service failure: A dyadic psychosocial approach' (with Graham Bradley and Beverley Sparks, Griffith University; Nerina Jimmieson, University of Queensland; and Dieter Zapf , Frankfurt University.)

* 2007-2012 ARC Linkage Projects Grant [LP0775220] [$116,000] "Customer Co-production in Ongoing Health Service Delivery: A Longitudinal Study' (Professor Janet McColl-Kennedy UQ (Lead CI), Dr Tracey Dagger, University of Queensland, Professor Jill Sweeney, University of Western Australia, Bev Mirolo and Maryanne Hargraves, Haematology and Oncology Clinics of Australasia Pty Ltd).

* 2006-2008 ARC Discovery Projects Grant [DP0664410] [$240,000] "Customer Rage Spectrum Emotions in Service Failure Encounters: Linking Experience, Expression, Behaviour and Organisational Responses" Professor Janet McColl-Kennedy UQ (Lead CI), Professor P.G. Patterson, University of New South Wales, Associate Professor A.K. Smith George Washington University, USA, Professor M.K. Brady (Florida State).

* 2004-2007 ARC Discovery Projects Grant [DP0450736] [$210,000] "'The Impact of Customer-Focused Business Strategies on Organisational Performance in a Professional Service Context" (Assoc Professor J. Sweeney University of Western Australia (Lead CI), Professor G. Soutar, University of Western Australia and Professor Janet McColl-Kennedy UQ).


Professor McColl-Kennedy brings a wealth of experience from over 30 years of teaching at university level. She has taught classes at both the undergraduate level and postgraduate level, as well as undertaking executive training, across all modes of delivery including intensive, weekend, and weekly modes. She has taught in Australia, Singapore, Beijing, China, Seoul, Korea, Milan, Italy and in the USA.

Awards: 2020 Excellence Award in Blended Learning – Team Award UQ Business School

Awarded to: Master of Leadership in Service Innovation Team comprising of Assoc Professor David Solnet, Ryan Waters, Darren Mead, Carrie Finn, Anna Black, Elizabeth Sara Dominguez, Buddy Nuku, Michelle Goward, Professor Janet McColl-Kennedy, Dr Teegan Green, Assoc Prof Tim Kastelle, Assoc Professor Pierre Benckendorff, Dr Russell Manfield, Dr Ida Asadi Someh, Assoc Professor Nicole Hartley, Ms Daniela Berg, and Dr Richard O'Quinn.

She was the 2011 Winner of the UQ Business School Corporate Education Teaching Award. She has a sustained track record of high teaching evaluations in executive teaching and masters courses including MBA.

Professor McColl-Kennedy has supervised 50 masters dissertations and 15 PhD students to successful completion. Professor McColl-Kennedy has examined PhD theses from the University of Melbourne, University of New South Wales, University of Sydney, University of Auckland, Macquarie University, Sydney, and Griffith University, among others.

Janet McColl-Kennedy
Janet McColl-Kennedy

Associate Professor Ravi Pappu

Associate Professor
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Ravi Pappu is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the UQ Business School, University of Queensland, Australia. He teaches topics related to applying quantitative research methods in business to honours and PhD students and market and consumer research to postgraduate students.

Over the years, he has received the UQ Business School Teaching Excellence Award and the UQ Business School Research Excellence Award. Twice he was a Finalist for a UQ Teaching Excellence award.

Ravi received a PhD in marketing from the University of New England, Australia, and an MBA and a Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing, both awarded with Distinction from the University of Waikato, New Zealand. Earlier, he received a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical engineering from JNTU, Anantapur in India, awarded with First Class and Distinction.

Ravi's research interests include the areas of advertising, branding, international marketing, new products and innovation. His research has been published in several internationally recognised journals, including the Journal of International Business Studies and the Journal of the Academy of the Marketing Science. His research has been funded through several competitive grants, including ARC.

Ravi serves on the editorial review boards of premier international journals, including the Journal of International Marketing, the Journal of Business Research and the European Journal of Marketing. He is a member of the American Marketing Association (AMA) and Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP), a Fellow of the Academy of the Marketing Science (AMS) and a Fellow CPM of the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI).

Further information about Ravi is available at the following links.

|Facebook | LinkedIn | ResearchGate | Google Scholar | UQ Researchers | Publons |


Ravi's current research focuses on modelling consumer decision-making concerning different types of brands (e.g. manufacturers, retailers, nonprofits and countries). He is also interested in understanding how marketing communications (e.g. advertising, celebrity endorsement, sponsorship) can shape consumer attitudes and brand perceptions.

Ravi's research on sponsorship, brand equity, brand innovativeness, country-of-origin effects, celebrity endorsement, country branding and retailer branding has been published in scholarly international journals, including. His research papers have been read or downloaded over 360,000 times.

|Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | Journal of Business Research | International Business Review | Journal of International Business Studies | European Journal of Marketing | Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services | Journal of Marketing Education | Journal of Public Policy and Marketing | Journal of Product and Brand Management | Journal of Travel Research |

Research Grants

Ravi was the lead Chief Investigator of an Australian Research Council Linkage project (with Bettina Cornwell) supported by the Australian Red Cross Blood Service. Major outcomes of this research include a model for explaining communication portfolio effects on the image and equity of non-profit brands. Ravi's research has also attracted several internal competitive grants from the University of New England and the University of Queensland.

Awards & Distinctions

  • 2018 - Inaugural JPBM Award for most impactful article, Emerald Literati Network (with P.G. Quester & R.W. Cooksey)
  • 2016 - Outstanding Reviewer of the Year Award, Emerald Literati Network
  • 2015 - UQ Business School Teaching Excellence Award
  • 2009 - Outstanding Reviewer of the Year Award, Emerald Literati Network
  • 2006 - UQ Business School Research Excellence Award
  • 2000 - Best Marketing Research Paper Award, American Marketing Association (with A. Sinha & P. Leszeczyc)
  • 1998 - Highly Commended Paper, Doctoral Colloquium, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference


As of 2024, Ravi teaches courses in quantitative research methods and applied statistics.

  • RBUS6902 Quantitative Business Research Methods I

Distinctions (Teaching)

  • 2015 - UQ Business School Teaching Excellence Award
  • 2015 - Finalist - University of Queensland Teaching Excellence Award
  • 2014 - Finalist - University of Queensland Teaching Excellence Award

Teaching Evaluations (Click on the following links to view student evaluations in pdf)


  • RBUS6903 Quantitative Business Research Methods II (SEM) |2020 | 2019 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 |
  • RBUS6902 Quantitative Business Research Methods I (Multivariate Analysis) | 2024 (s1) | 2023 (S2) | 2023 (s1) | 2022 (s2) |2022 (s1) |2021 |2020 | 2019 | 2018 |2017| | 2016 |
  • RBUS6931 Scientific Method in Management II | 2018 |2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 |
  • RBUS6931 Scientific Method in Management I | 2018 |2017|


  • MKTG7510 Market and Consumer Research |2019 | 2018 |2017| | 2016 | 2015 |

PhD Supervision

Ravi is available for research supervision. His previous research students have achieved publications in internationally recognised journals (e.g., European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research and Journal of Travel Research) and conferences (e.g., AMA, AMS, WMC). Following are some of the areas of his research interest.

| Brand equity | Brand innovativeness | Celebrity endorsement | Corporate sponsorship | Country-of-origin effects |


  • W. Sun (2023) - Tourist misbehaviour (Associate)
  • S. Saha (2022) - Corporate giving
  • M. Hassan (2022) - New product preannouncement
  • M. Chien (2009) - Corporate sponsorship


| Maddy Nugent (2022) - Sponsorship authenticity | B.D.C. Tang (2021) - Sponsorship engagement | M.G. Guerra Calvo (2020) - Celebrity endorsement | S. Caulton (2019) - Brand crises | I. Goh (2018) - Sponsorship portfolios | I. C. Y. Lim (2016) - Brand innovativeness | S.C. Yu (2013) - Celebrity portfolios | A. Spry (2007) - Celebrity endorsement | M. Chong (2006) - Consumer innovativeness | P. Stower (2006) - Multiple celebrity endorsement |


Associate Editor

  • International Journal of Consumer Studies (2020 - 2024)


  • Journal of Strategic Marketing - Special issue on Research in Strategic Marketing
  • Journal of Product & Brand Management - Special issue on Brand Equity

Editorial Board Membership

| Journal of International Marketing | Journal of Business Research | European Journal of Marketing | International Marketing Review | Journal of Product and Brand Management | Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics | Australasian Marketing Journal |


  • Australian Research Council

Invited Seminars

| Australian National University | IIM-Calcutta | IIM-Ahmedabad | Indian Institute of Science | IIM - Bangalore | University of Melbourne | University of New South Wales | University of Adelaide | University of New England |

Visiting Positions

| Indian Institute of Management - Bangalore 2016 | University of Oregon 2013 | University of Adelaide 2009 | University of Michigan 2009 | Indian School of Business 2003 |

Ravi Pappu
Ravi Pappu

Dr Nicolas Pontes

Senior Lecturer
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Not available for supervision
Media expert

Nicolas Pontes is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at the UQ Business School and he holds a PhD and a MSc in Marketing, both with a focus in Branding. His industry experience include roles such as marketing research coordinator, marketing manager, and marketing consultant. He has more than 10 years experience in teaching and research at leading universities in Australia where had has had the role of Program Coordinator for Advertising and IMC majors of both Undergraduate and Post-Graduate levels. Dr Pontes is also the Founder and Academic Advisor at Newish Communications Inc., the first student-run communications agency in Australia. His research interests are in the area of consumer decision making and information processing with a particular interest in online consumer behaviour, social media engagement, price and promotion advertising, and branding. His research has been published in the European Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Product & Brand Management, and Journal of Brand Management. His work has also been presented at international advertising and marketing conferences such as Association for Consumer Research [North America], American Marketing Association, and American Academic of Advertising.

Research Supervision I am not accepting new HDR (Mphil or PhD) students.

Nicolas Pontes
Nicolas Pontes

Professor Peter Popkowski-Leszczyc

Research Hub Co Leader (Alliance fo
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Director of HDR Students of UQ Busi
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Director of HDR
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Not available for supervision
Media expert
Peter Popkowski-Leszczyc
Peter Popkowski-Leszczyc

Dr Josephine Previte

Senior Lecturer
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Josephine Previte’s research focuses on issues related to the use of qualitative and digital methodologies in marketing and health service research, gender and embodiment issues in social marketing practice and social technology influences on consumer behaviour.

She has worked on a broad range of social marketing projects including alcohol consumption, breastfeeding, breastscreening, blood donation and new technology use to deliver social marketing services. Her research interests in social marketing, technology and consumption contexts has led to publications in academic journals, book chapters and conference papers, and delivered findings to invited speaking engagements.

Josephine Previte
Josephine Previte

Dr Heather Stewart

Adjunct Senior Lecturer
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Heather Stewart has been a journalist for 20 years, including almost a decade with the ABC in news and current affairs and covering content for ABC Radio National. She is a Walkley award winner and two times nominee and her work received a Gold and Bronze Medal in the New York Festival world's best radio documentary and for social equity coverage.

As a media, marketing and communication contractor and consultant in the mining, oil and gas, education, and the not for profile and public sectors in Queensland and Federal government departments she has honed her digital skills preparing integrated marketing communication plans and advertising campaigns and mentored executives in business digital transformation.

in 2016, she received a peer nomination for teaching innovation at TAFE Queensland where she ran two iterations of the Advanced Accelerated Diploma of Marketing positioning mature age student teams with small and medium businesses to create business plans and integrated marketing campaigns.

She completed her PhD at the University of Queensland in 2018 conducting a longitudinal study into the impact of technological change on ABC journalists and journalism while teaching students in media and communication at UQ and QUT.

Joining UQ as a teaching and learning academic in 2006, she has coordinated courses and received a UQ Teaching and Learning Excellence Award. She was the joint winner of the UQ Vice Chancellor's Award, a high commendation in the UQ Trailblazer award for her teaching model empowering students to tell First Nation stories in an informed way. She co-led the United Nations World Press Freedom Day Indigenous Voice Communication for Social Change Forum at UQ in 2010.

She currently is a Post Doc Researcher at The University of Queensland,with Associate Professor Sarah Jane Kelly and Associate Professor Remi Ayoko.

As Chief Investigator she is leading the Digital First Business Transformation Project and the Rapid Transition to Online Learning study with partners in eight regions. She is the leader of a team in a bilateral Australia Indonesia Centre SRR PAIR grant investigating the impact of COVID-19 on Indonesia's Small and Medium Enterprises.

Heather is a Visiting Professor at Universitas Indonesia.

Heather specialises in digital media, marketing and communication change management, journalism work practice research, digital transformation in the media, work-integrated learning, and change management, and best practice for coverage of mental health and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories.

In 2020, she supported the Service Learning Online Internship Program at Griffith University as a research assistant and cofacilitator with a focus on mental health and well-being, digital inclusivity, environmental sustainability, and all abilities inclusivity. The pilot project is the subject of a book chapter and series of research publications.

Dr Stewart is a UQ Mental Health Champion and First Responder supporting students and staff. If you are in need of support please email

Heather Stewart
Heather Stewart

Dr Tim Sun

Senior Research Fellow
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision
Tim Sun

Associate Professor Jay Weerawardena

Associate Professor
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert


Associate Professor Jay Weerawardena is a leading researcher in Strategic Marketing and social Impact Research. His core theoretical foundation is the role of dynamic capabilities in innovation-based competitive strategy. Jay has expanded his research into related areas of international marketing strategy and social sector research. In social sector research, he has extensively published in social entrepreneurship, social innovation, and social value creation. In addition to his impactful papers in reputed journals, Jay has won ARC Discovery grants, edited special issues, represented his core research expertise in editorial boards of reputed journals, delivered keynote and plenary presentations, led special topic sessions, and taken leadership roles in reputed international conferences.

Jay has co-edited several special issues of internally reputed journals which include the Journal of Business Research (ABDC A) (2021) on ‘business model innovation in social purpose organizations’, Industrial Marketing Management Journal (A*) on ‘capabilities, innovation and competitive advantage’ (2011), Journal of World Business (A*) (2007) on ‘accelerated internationalization of born global firms’ and the International Journal of Non-profit and Voluntary Sector Marketing on ‘non-profit competitive strategy’ (2008).

Jay has actively collaborated with internationally reputed scholars that had led to higher-ranked publications and competitive grant success. His current work involves examining the role of big data and marketing analytics role firm competitive strategy and how social purpose organizations balance social mission and commercial value in their effort to build financially viable social purpose organizations. While the former is fuelled by the exponential growth of the digital economy the latter has attracted the increased scholar attention due to its pivotal importance for the sustenance of social purpose organizations.

Jay serves in several editorial boards of reputed international journals including the Journal of Social Entrepreneurship of which he is an Associate Editor. He is a fellow of the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) and a Certified Marketing Practitioner of the AMI.

Current service roles

Elected member of the UQ Academic Board and its Assessment Sub-Committee (ASC)

Co-lead, UQBS Research Hub on Social Impact and Social Enterprises

Current research interests

(1) Social entrepreneurship and social innovation-led dual value creation

(2) Non-profit brand vulnerability and building resilient non-profit brands

(3) Business model innovation in social purpose organizations

(3) Big data and marketing analytics capabilities in digital innovation and firm competitive strategy

(4) Value co-creation in digital services context

Jay Weerawardena
Jay Weerawardena