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Professor Peter Popkowski-Leszczyc

Peter Popkowski-Leszczyc

+61 7 344 31254



Professor Peter Popkowski-Leszczyc is:
Not available for supervision
Media expert


  • Bachelor of Science, New York University
  • Masters (Coursework) of Business Administration, New York University
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Texas

Research interests

  • Research Interests

    Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc is Professor of Marketing, Co-Lead of the Alliance of Social Impact Research Hub, Director of Higher Degree Research and a member of the School of Business Executive Team at the University of Queensland. His primary research interests include: Auctions (bidding behavior in auctions and auction mechanism design, Charity auctions, Application of controlled field experiments); Charity and Sustainability (charitable giving, Fundraising, Charity auctions, Cause related marketing, sustainable consumption); Retailing (Consumer shopping behavior, Robotics in retailing, Consumer search and influence of information on price formation, Pricing and price dispersion). He has published over 60 articles, including papers in top journals like, Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Product and Operations Management, Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Retailing, International Journal of Research in Marketing and other outlets. Peter was the founder of, a local Internet auction site created for academic research purposes and charitable fundraising. CampusAuctionMarket raised over $4,000,000 for various charities.


Search Professor Peter Popkowski-Leszczyc’s works on UQ eSpace

90 works between 1990 and 2024

1 - 20 of 90 works



Journal Article

On the Reference Point Effect of Reserve and Buy It Now prices

Zhang, Zelin, Haruvy, Ernan and Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. (2021). On the Reference Point Effect of Reserve and Buy It Now prices. Journal of Retailing, 98 (2), 356-372. doi: 10.1016/j.jretai.2021.01.006

On the Reference Point Effect of Reserve and Buy It Now prices



Journal Article

The influence of coupon duration on consumers’ redemption behavior and brand profitability

Zhang, Zelin, Ma, Minghui, Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T. L. and Zhuang, Hejun (2020). The influence of coupon duration on consumers’ redemption behavior and brand profitability. European Journal of Operational Research, 281 (1), 114-128. doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2019.08.029

The influence of coupon duration on consumers’ redemption behavior and brand profitability



Journal Article

Bidding frenzy: speed of competitor reaction and willingness to pay in auctions

Häubl, Gerald and Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. (2019). Bidding frenzy: speed of competitor reaction and willingness to pay in auctions. Journal of Consumer Research, 45 (6), 1294-1314. doi: 10.1093/jcr/ucy056

Bidding frenzy: speed of competitor reaction and willingness to pay in auctions



Journal Article

Why is price dispersion higher online than offline? The impact of retailer type and shopping risk on price dispersion

Zhuang, Hejun, Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T. L. and Lin, Yuanfang (2018). Why is price dispersion higher online than offline? The impact of retailer type and shopping risk on price dispersion. Journal of Retailing, 94 (2), 136-153. doi: 10.1016/j.jretai.2018.01.003

Why is price dispersion higher online than offline? The impact of retailer type and shopping risk on price dispersion



Journal Article

A study of bidding behavior in voluntary-pay philanthropic auctions

Haruvy, Ernan and Leszczyc, Peter T. L. Popkowski (2018). A study of bidding behavior in voluntary-pay philanthropic auctions. Journal of Marketing, 82 (3), 124-141. doi: 10.1509/jm.16.0476

A study of bidding behavior in voluntary-pay philanthropic auctions



Journal Article

Measuring the impact of price guarantees on bidding in consumer online auctions

Haruvy, Ernan and Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T. L. (2016). Measuring the impact of price guarantees on bidding in consumer online auctions. Journal of Retailing, 92 (1), 96-108. doi: 10.1016/j.jretai.2015.07.003

Measuring the impact of price guarantees on bidding in consumer online auctions



Journal Article

Does Higher Transparency Lead to More Search in Online Auctions?

Haruvy, Ernan, Leszczyc, Peter T. L. Popkowski and Ma, Yu (2014). Does Higher Transparency Lead to More Search in Online Auctions?. Production and Operations Management, 23 (2), 197-209. doi: 10.1111/j.1937-5956.2012.01357.x

Does Higher Transparency Lead to More Search in Online Auctions?



Journal Article

Search and Choice in Online Consumer Auctions

Haruvy, Ernan and Leszczyc, Peter T. L. Popkowski (2010). Search and Choice in Online Consumer Auctions. Marketing Science, 29 (6), 1152-1164. doi: 10.1287/mksc.1100.0601

Search and Choice in Online Consumer Auctions



Journal Article

To bundle or not to bundle: determinants of the profitability of multi-item auctions

Leszczyc, Peter T. L. Popkowski and Haeubl, Gerald (2010). To bundle or not to bundle: determinants of the profitability of multi-item auctions. Journal of Marketing, 74 (4), 110-124. doi: 10.1509/jmkg.74.4.110

To bundle or not to bundle: determinants of the profitability of multi-item auctions



Journal Article

Charitable Motives and Bidding in Charity Auctions

Leszczyc, Peter T. L. Popkowski and Rothkopf, Michael H. (2010). Charitable Motives and Bidding in Charity Auctions. Management Science, 56 (3), 399-413. doi: 10.1287/mnsc.1090.1120

Charitable Motives and Bidding in Charity Auctions



Journal Article

Bidder motives in cause-related auctions

Haruvy, Ernan and Leszczyc, Peter T. L. Popkowski (2009). Bidder motives in cause-related auctions. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 26 (4), 324-331. doi: 10.1016/j.ijresmar.2009.07.001

Bidder motives in cause-related auctions



Journal Article

Why more can be less: An inference-based explanation for hyper-subadditivity in bundle valuation

Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T. L., Pracejus, John W. and Shen, Yingtao (2008). Why more can be less: An inference-based explanation for hyper-subadditivity in bundle valuation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 105 (2), 233-246. doi: 10.1016/j.obhdp.2007.10.001

Why more can be less: An inference-based explanation for hyper-subadditivity in bundle valuation



Journal Article

The effect of multi-purpose shopping on pricing and location strategy for grocery stores

Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T. L. , Sinha, Ashish and Sahgal, Anna (2004). The effect of multi-purpose shopping on pricing and location strategy for grocery stores. Journal of Retailing, 80 (2), 85-99. doi: 10.1016/j.jretai.2004.04.006

The effect of multi-purpose shopping on pricing and location strategy for grocery stores



Journal Article

Experimental choice analysis of shopping strategies

Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T. L. and Timmermans, Harry (2001). Experimental choice analysis of shopping strategies. Journal of Retailing, 77 (4), 493-509. doi: 10.1016/s0022-4359(01)00054-9

Experimental choice analysis of shopping strategies



Journal Article

Consumer store choice dynamics: an analysis of the competitive market structure for grocery stores

Leszczyc, P.T.L.P., Sinha, A. and Timmermans, H.J.P. (2000). Consumer store choice dynamics: an analysis of the competitive market structure for grocery stores. Journal of Retailing, 76 (3), 323-345. doi: 10.1016/S0022-4359(00)00033-6

Consumer store choice dynamics: an analysis of the competitive market structure for grocery stores



Journal Article

An unconditional competing risk hazard model of consumer store-choice dynamics

Popkowski Leszczyc, P.T.L. and Timmermans, H.J.P. (1996). An unconditional competing risk hazard model of consumer store-choice dynamics. Environment and Planning A, 28 (2), 357-368. doi: 10.1068/a280357

An unconditional competing risk hazard model of consumer store-choice dynamics


Journal Article

Competitive coupon promotions: a theory-based model for online retail platforms and third-party sellers

Li, Zonghuo and Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T. L. (2024). Competitive coupon promotions: a theory-based model for online retail platforms and third-party sellers. Electronic Commerce Research, 1-35. doi: 10.1007/s10660-024-09864-z

Competitive coupon promotions: a theory-based model for online retail platforms and third-party sellers


Journal Article

Donors' self‐ and other‐oriented motives for selecting charitable causes

Thottam, Aakash K., Chapman, Cassandra M. and Leszczyc, Peter Popkowski (2024). Donors' self‐ and other‐oriented motives for selecting charitable causes. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 23 (4), 1859-1870. doi: 10.1002/cb.2313

Donors' self‐ and other‐oriented motives for selecting charitable causes


Journal Article

Social media and nonprofit fundraising: the influence of Facebook likes

Haruvy, Ernan E. and Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T. L. (2024). Social media and nonprofit fundraising: the influence of Facebook likes. European Journal of Marketing, 58 (1), 33-65. doi: 10.1108/EJM-05-2022-0364

Social media and nonprofit fundraising: the influence of Facebook likes


Conference Publication

How do scents influence consumers

Pappu, Usha, Pappu, Ravi and Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. (2024). How do scents influence consumers. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1-3 December 2023.

How do scents influence consumers


Past funding

  • 2021 - 2024
    Optimal Fundraising Design in a Competitive Market: A Unifying Framework
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant



Professor Peter Popkowski-Leszczyc is:
Not available for supervision

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    The adoption of service robots: A comparison between people-processing and possession-processing service settings

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Nicolas Pontes

  • Doctor Philosophy


    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Cassandra Chapman

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Peer influence and Sustainable Purchases

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Cristyn Meath

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Humanoid Social Robots in Retailing: Barriers to Consumer Use

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Nicolas Pontes

  • Doctor Philosophy


    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Cassandra Chapman

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Consumer preference for a grocery store type due to the perception of local socio-economic benefits

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Nicolas Pontes

Completed supervision



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