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Associate Professor Annika Antonsson

Adjunct Associate Professor
PA Southside Clinical Unit
Faculty of Medicine
Available for supervision

Associate Professor Annika Antonsson is a virologist with epidemiological training. Viruses can cause cancer, and Annika’s research has been focused on human papillomavirus (HPV) and its role in different types of cancer. HPV is the virus that causes cervical cancer.

Her current main research areas are oral HPV infections in the general population and HPV in mouth and throat cancer (mucosal squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck; HNSCC).

Some cancers of the mouth and throat are increasing and some of this increase is caused by HPV infection. HPV is a sexually transmitted infection and changing sexual behaviour is believed to have caused the increase in HPV-positive tumours of the mouth and throat. Annika is investigating how often HPV in found in HNSCCs and if there are any lifestyle factors linked with having HPV or not to have HPV in tumours.

It is not known how common the potentially cancer-causing viruses are in the mouth of the general population, and this is another area of research Annika is looking into. She has also worked on HPV in skin (normal skin and cancer), infections in breast carcinogenesis, HPV in oesophageal cancer and polyomaviruses in normal skin and skin cancer.

Annika Antonsson
Annika Antonsson

Professor Gabrielle Belz

Chair in Immunology
Frazer Institute
Faculty of Medicine
Available for supervision

Gabrielle Belz originally trained in veterinary medicine and surgery and received her PhD in understanding the organisation of lymphatics and lymphoid tissues at The University of Queensland. After a short stint in Canada to work on B cells, she moved to St Jude Children’s Research Hospital to work with Peter Doherty supported by an NHMRC CJ Martin Fellowship. Here she established a number of systems that now allow tracking of virus-specific T cells and established the paradigm changing notion that CD4 T cell help was required for generating antiviral responses. She returned to The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research and uncovered the identity of the key dendritic cells necessary for initiating antiviral infections. Subsequently she was awarded the Burnet Prize and NHMRC Elizabeth Blackburn Fellowship. Her research contributions have been recognized by a number of awards including a Wellcome Trust Overseas Fellowship, HHMI international fellowship, ARC Future fellowship, Doctor of Veterinary Science and the Gottschalk Medal (Australian Academy of Science). Her laboratory focuses on deciphering the key cellular and transcriptional signals of protective immunity particularly by T cells and in understanding how innate immune cells develop and make novel contributions to mucosal immune defence.

Gabrielle Belz
Gabrielle Belz

Dr Seweryn Bialasiewicz

Senior Research Fellow
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr. Bialasiewicz worked at the Royal Children's Hospital and the Children's Health Queensland HHS for over 18 years conducting translational research and clinical support centering on infectious disease (primarily viral and bacterial) molecular diagnostics, general microbiology and molecular epidemiology. In 2019, he became a group leader at The University of Queensland's Australian Centre for Ecogenomics, expanding on a growing interest in the microbial ecology of the human body, it's role in health and disease, and ways to manipulated to achieve desirable outcomes. One Health microbial ecology, where human health is interconnected with the health of animals (both livestock and wildlife), and the broader environment is also an area of active interest. His background in virology has influenced the work he does, meaning a key focus of his microbial ecology works centres around the interactions between all types of microorgansims (bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi, and micro-eukaryotes).

Ongoing work includes:

- Leveraging of emerging technologies to explore the hidden microbial diversity and their interactions in the human body.

- Using the technology to develop microbial (e.g. phage)-based treatments or preventatives to complex diseases (e.g. Otitis Media, Chronic Rhinosinusitis, GvHD).

- Understanding the genetics of antibiotic resistance spread.

Seweryn Bialasiewicz
Seweryn Bialasiewicz

Dr Ralf Dietzgen

Honorary Associate Professor
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Not available for supervision
Media expert

Plant viruses and horticultural crop improvement

Dr Dietzgen is internationally recognised for his work on plant virus characterisation, detection and engineered resistance. Before joining UQ, Dr Dietzgen was a Science Leader in Agri-Science in the Queensland Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation. He previously held research positions at the University of Adelaide, University of California, Cornell University and University of Kentucky. Dr Dietzgen’s research interests are in molecular virus-plant-insect interactions, virus biodiversity and evolution, and disease resistance mechanisms. His focus is on the biology of RNA viruses in the family Rhabdoviridae and the molecular protein interactions of plant-adapted rhabdoviruses and tospoviruses. He has published extensively on plant virus characterisation and genetic variability, RNAi- mediated virus resistance and diagnostic technologies with 20 review articles and book chapters and over 65 peer-reviewed publications.

Ralf Dietzgen
Ralf Dietzgen

Dr Kayvan Etebari

Senior Lecturer in Horticulture and
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision

I am an entomologist with a research interest focused on studying host-pathogen interactions and discovering insect-specific viruses. I have investigated gene expression and the role of small non-coding RNAs in various host-pathogen models, particularly in crucial agricultural pests and medically significant vectors like the Aedes aegypti, responsible for transmitting dengue and Zika viruses. My previous project, aimed at exploring the function of Oryctes rhinoceros nudivirus in the biological control of the coconut rhinoceros beetle in the Pacific Islands, has substantially enhanced our comprehension of this invasive pest within the framework of an offshore biosecurity strategy. By establishing industry partnerships and securing funding to improve the Australian sugar industry, one of Australia's largest agricultural sectors, I have been able to focus on entomopathogenic viruses that affect root-feeding pests in sugarcane.

Kayvan Etebari
Kayvan Etebari

Dr Wenyi Gu

Affiliate of The Nanomaterials Cent
NanoMaterials Centre
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Research Fellow
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Available for supervision

Dr. Wenyi Gu’s early education was conducted in China which include his undergraduate and master’s degrees in veterinary medicine. In 1996, he migrated to Australia and pursued his PhD study in biochemistry & molecular biology at the Australian National University (ANU). After a short period of work at John Curtin Medical School ANU as a junior scientist, he moved to Brisbane in 2001 for his post-doc at the University of Queensland and currently a post-doctoral research fellow at AIBN. He held a Peter Doherty Fellowship (2006-2009) and was further supported by NHMRC to spend 7 months at Harvard University as a visiting fellow in 2008. Since his post-doctoral research he has been working in the area of using RNAi to treat viral diseases and cancers. He also has a strong background in immunology and vaccine development.

Wenyi Gu
Wenyi Gu

Dr Sumaira Hasnain

Honorary Associate Professor
Mater Research Institute-UQ
Faculty of Medicine
Available for supervision
Media expert

A/Prof Sumaira Hasnain graduated with her PhD in December 2010 from The University of Manchester and is an Associate Professor at Mater Research with a team of eight researchers. A/Prof Hasnain was the first globally to demonstrate that immunity can modulate protein production in secretory cells in infection and chronic diseases. Her long-term vision has been to characterise these novel immune factors and manipulate them therapeutically using pre-clinical models of immune-driven pathologies.

A/Prof Hasnain holds a patent for targeted immunotherapy in metabolic disease which has led to the formation of a spin-off company, Jetra Therapeutics and venture capitalist funding. She has a rapid upward trajectory in research, evident by extensive body of high-quality publications including in Nature Medicine, Nature Communications, Journal of Experimental Medicine, Oncogene and Gastroenterology. She has been awarded more than $9 million in competitive funding and recently gained the National Health and Medical Research Council L1 Investigator Grant. A/Prof Hasnain has won 21 awards to date, including the Commercialisation award from The University of Queensland in 2022 and the Gastroenterological Society for Australasia; Lawrie Powell Award in 2023.

Sumaira Hasnain
Sumaira Hasnain

Associate Professor Karyn Johnson

Affiliate Associate Professor of Sc
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Science
Associate Professor
School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Associate Dean (Academic) and Deput
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision

Invertebrate Virology

Insects are commonly infected with viruses. We study the interactions between viruses and their insect or arthropod hosts.

Viruses are obligate parasites, that is, they are completely dependent on the host cell machinery to complete their replication cycle. During infection, viruses commonly cause pathology in the host. For these reasons, viruses and hosts are in a constant evolutionary arms race. The host evolves antiviral mechanisms to prevent virus infection, while the virus adapts to overcome these host responses. Insects are ideal hosts to understand both the host response and the virus mechanisms for controlling the host.

My research group investigates the interactions between viruses and insects, primarily using Drosophila as a model. In this model we can control the genetics of both the host and the virus to tease apart the contribution of each partner to the interaction.

We discovered that a bacterium, Wolbachia, mediated antiviral protection in insects. We have several projects investigating both the mechanisms that protect the insects from virus infection and the impact of this protection on virus transmission.

Karyn Johnson
Karyn Johnson

Dr Larisa Labzin

Affiliate Research Fellow of School
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Science
UQ Amplify Fellow
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Available for supervision

Dr. Larisa Labzin studies how our innate immune system detects viral infections and how it decodes different signals to mount an appropriate immune response. Dr. Labzin's interest in innate immunity started during her honours training with Prof. Matt Sweet at the IMB, looking at how inflammatory signalling is regulated in macrophages. After gaining more experience while working as a research assistant for Prof. Sweet, she moved to Germany to the University of Bonn for her PhD. At the Univeristy of Bonn, Dr. Labzin investigated the anti-inflammatory effects of High-Density Lipoprotein with Prof. Eicke Latz. Here she discovered novel regulatory pathways that control inflammation. Dr. Labzin then moved to Cambridge, UK as an EMBO postdoctoral fellow to work with Dr. Leo James at the Medical Research Council Laboratory for Molecular Biology. In Dr. James' lab Dr. Labzin focused on how viruses are sensed by the innate immune system to trigger inflammation. In particular, Dr Labzin investigated how antibodies change the way viruses trigger inflammation. While in Cambridge, Dr. Labzin was awarded an NHMRC CJ Martin Fellowship to return to Australia. Larisa returned to the IMB in September 2019 to work with Prof. Kate Schroder. Dr. Labzin is an IMB Fellow and leads an independent research team studying inflammation in response to influenza and SARS-CoV-2.

Larisa Labzin
Larisa Labzin

Associate Professor Michael Landsberg

Affiliate Associate Professor
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Affiliate of ARC COE for Innovation
ARC Centre of Excellence for Innovations in Peptide and Protein Science
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Associate Professor
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision
Media expert

A/Prof Landsberg's undergraudate and Honours studies, majoring in Chemistry, were completed at Central Queensland University and the CSIRO (JM Rendel laboratories) before he moved to the University of Queensland to study a PhD in Biochemistry (awarded 2003). He then moved to a postdoctoral position at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience, spending time as a Visiting Scientist at Harvard Medical School (2008) and securing promotion to Senior Research Officer upon his return to IMB in 2009. He additioanlly spent time as a Visiting Scientist at the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute in 2010 and 2011.

In 2016, he joined UQ's School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences as a Group Leader in Cryo-EM and Macromolecular Structure and Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry and Biophysics, where he was promoted to Associate Professor in 2019. He has secured >$13.5M in competitive research funding since 2012, including major grants from the Australian Research Council and National Health and Medical Research Council. He his research has been presented at over 70 national and international conferences and research institutions.

Michael Landsberg
Michael Landsberg

Dr Ji Lu

Affiliate of Australian Centre for
Australian Centre for Water and Environmental Biotechnology
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Australian Centre for Water and Environmental Biotechnology
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision
Ji Lu
Ji Lu

Dr Rhys Parry

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision
Media expert

I am a molecular virologist and postdoctoral research fellow in Prof. Alexander Khromykh's laboratory, specialising in virus evolution, virus bioinformatics, and reverse genetics.

My research journey began with a Bachelor of Science, First Class Honours in Molecular Biology from The University of Queensland (2015). I then pursued my PhD (2016-2021) at UQ's School of Biology under Prof. Sassan Asgari, where I analysed the virome and microbiome of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes, focusing on their interactions with Wolbachia pipientis infections.

Since 2021, I have been a postdoctoral researcher in Prof. Alexander Khromykh's RNA Virology lab. Here, I contributed to developing the SARS-CoV-2 circular polymerase extension reaction (CPER) reverse-genetics methodology. As a physical containment 3 (PC3) researcher, I examine the virological properties of Flaviviruses and SARS-CoV-2 viruses under stringent PC3 conditions. Recently, with support from Therapeutic Innovation Australia and the Australian Infectious Diseases Research Centre, I have been utilising the Kunjin virus replicon system as a versatile and durable self-replicating RNA platform for vaccine and protein replacement therapy.

Beyond my virology work, I actively provide bioinformatics and phylogenetics support within UQ and internationally. Let's connect if you’re interested in collaborating on differential gene and ncRNA expression analysis, ATAC-sequencing, ancestral state prediction, virus discovery, or microbiome analyses.

I am also on the organising committee of MicroSeq (2023-2024), an Australasian Microbiology conference focused on microbial sequencing promoting PhD students and early career researchers. Additionally, I am an incoming Ex Officio member of the Australian Society for Microbiology (ASM) Queensland branch.

Rhys Parry
Rhys Parry

Dr Andrii Slonchak

ARC Future Fellow
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Slonchak obtained PhD in molecular biology in 2010. During PhD he was investigating cell-specific mechanisms responsible for transcriptional regulation of the human gene encoding for phase II detoxification enzyme glutathione S-transferase P1 in normal and cancer cells. When working on this project he acquired an interest in the role of noncoding RNAs in regulation of gene expression, which he further developed by joining the RNA virology lab at University of Queensland to study the role of noncoding RNAs in flavivirus-host interactions under supervision of Prof. Alexander Khromykh.

His current research into the role of noncoding RNAs in flavivirus infection involves a combination of molecular, biochemical and computational techniques. His research includes studying the role of host miRNAs in response to flavivirus infection, identifying the functions of virus-derived long noncoding RNA (subgenomic flaviviral RNA, sfRNA) in viral replication and inhibition of the host immune pathways and determining the mechanisms of sfRNA biogenesis in insect-specific flaviviruses. In his research Dr Slonchak make an extensive use of high-throughput technologies such as RNA-seq followed by reconstruction of gene interaction networks and computational modeling of signaling pathways.

Andrii Slonchak
Andrii Slonchak