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Dr Pratheep Kumar Annamalai

Adjunct Senior Fellow
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Faculty of Science
Not available for supervision
Media expert

Dr. Pratheep Annamalai is a polymer and nanomaterials scientist with a keen interest in engineering materials for sustainable living. He is an Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences. He has extensive expertise in both translational and fundamental research using nanotechnological tools towards sustainability. Currently, he is interested in alternative proteins and valorisation of agricultural crops and food waste into reactive, building blocks for improving the performance and utility of bioproducts. Thematically, his research focuses on

  • Food Processing (plant-based food products)
  • Bioproducts (from agri-food waste)
  • Sustainable building blocks (for advanced materials).

Before joining UQ, Pratheep studied Chemistry in University of Madras, received PhD in Chemistry from University of Pune (India), then went on to work as a postdoctoral researcher on hydrophobic membranes at the Université Montpellier II (France), and on ‘stimuli-responsive smart materials’ at the Adolphe Merkle Institute - Université de Fribourg (Switzerland).

Upon being instrumental in the discovery of ‘spinifex nanofibre nanotechnology’ and establishing Australia’s first nanocellulose pilot-plant, he has been awarded UQ Excellence awards for leadership and industry partnerships for 2019. Recognising his contribution to the nanomaterials, polymer nanocomposites, polymer degradation and stabilisation regionally and globally, he has been invited to serve as a committee member for ISO/TC229-WG2 for characterisation of nanomaterials (2016), a mentor in TAPPI mentoring program (2018), guest/academic editor for various journals (Fibres, Int. J Polymer Science, PLOS One). He has served as a member of the UQ-LNR ethics committee for reviewing the applications (2017-) and a member of the AIBN-ECR committee in 2014.

Pratheep Kumar Annamalai
Pratheep Kumar Annamalai

Associate Professor Vinh Dao

Associate Professor
School of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • PhD (Civil Engineering), The University of Queensland, Australia.
  • M.Eng (Civil Engineering), The University of Queensland, Australia.
  • Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, The University of Queensland, Australia.
  • B.Eng (Civil Engineering), The University of Danang, Vietnam.

Vinh Dao is an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at The University of Queensland, where he has been since 2009. He is currently the UQ-IITD Research Academy Theme Lead for Advanced materials and manufacturing. He was the Director of Teaching and Learning (UQ Civil Engineering, 2020-2021) and the Deputy Director of Research (UQ Civil Engineering, 2019).

He has been an elected National Councillor of the Concrete Institute of Australia (2013-2023), responsible for "Concrete In Australia" Magazine (2013-2019) and "Technical & Publications" portfolio (2019-2023). He is currently also (i) an Associate Editor of Australian Journal of Structural Engineering and (ii) the General Secretary of EASEC International Steering Committee. He was (i) the Vice-Chair of the 16th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction and (ii) an invited presenter of the National Seminar Series on “Early-age cracking in concrete structures” in capital cities around Australia, besides many state/industry seminars.

Vinh's research interests are in the broad areas of structural engineering and fundamental behaviour of concrete/structures. The focus of his research has been on connecting materials behaviour to structural response of concrete in order to address major issues facing construction industry; with current emphasis on (i) performance of concrete structures at early ages and at elevated temperatures and (ii) low carbon concretes.

In teaching, he has been lecturing in the areas of structural mechanics, reinforced and prestressed concrete design, concrete technology, and advanced structural engineering. He has received a few nominations for the most effective lecturer from UQ-EAIT Dean’s commendation students and was profiled in Learning@UQ for having contributed to high quality of the student experience at UQ.

Vinh Dao
Vinh Dao

Dr Juan Hidalgo Medina

Adjunct Senior Fellow
School of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision
Media expert


Dr Juan P. Hidalgo is a Senior Adjunct Fellow within the School of Civil Engineering (honorary position) and is currently a Fire Safety Engineer at Airbus Operations GmbH.

Juan joined The University of Queensland in 2016 as the first of the three academic appointments in the Centre for Future Timber Structures to lead the research and teaching on the fire safety of engineered timber structures. His background is in fire safety engineering, building systems and timber construction. His research to date has primarily focused on the performance of building materials for sustainable and durable construction exposed to fire conditions. Juan's field of expertise comprises material thermal degradation and flammability, heat transfer, and fire dynamics, highlighting his vast experience in multi-scale fire testing. Juan is actively involved in multiple research projects focused on sustainable construction, such as timber, insulation materials, or composites, and studying the fire dynamics in modern buildings. At present, Juan contributes to supervision and research collaborations on fire safety for the built environment with the Fire Safety Engineering Research Group at UQ.

Juan completed his BEng-MEng in Industrial Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), a five-year degree equivalent to Mechanical/Civil Engineering in the UK with a final year specialisation with a particular focus on structural engineering. He also attained an MSc in Industrial Construction and Installations at the same University. During his MSc, Juan joined PBD Fire Consultants S.L., a Spanish company specialising in fire safety design for the built environment. He worked for this company for two years as a consulting fire engineer in multiple national and international projects. Following the completion of his MSc in 2011, Juan joined the University of Edinburgh (UK) to pursue his PhD in Fire Safety Engineering sponsored by Rockwool International A/S, which was completed in 2015 with the thesis entitled “Performance-Based Methodology for the Fire Safe Design of Insulation Materials in Energy Efficient Buildings”. He continued his academic career at the University of Edinburgh as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the BRE Centre for Fire Safety Engineering, being involved in numerous research projects such as the FireComp project, and other projects focused on the fire performance of facades, timber construction, concrete and diverse construction systems.

Previous involvement in Teaching and Learning

During his appointment as academic staff at UQ, Dr Juan P. Hidalgo contributed to the teaching of Civil Engineering Bachelor and Masters programmes, including the BE-ME in Civil and Fire Safety Engineering (EA-accredited) and the MEngSc in Fire Safety Engineering. He was involved in the following courses:

  • Introduction to Fire Safety Engineering (FIRE3700).
  • Fire Engineering Design: Solutions for Implicit Safety (FIRE4610).
  • Fire Dynamics (FIRE7620).
  • Fire Dynamics Laboratory (FIRE7640).
  • Structural Fire Engineering (FIRE7660).
  • Fire Engineering Design: Explicit Quantification of Safety (FIRE7680).
  • Research Thesis (FIRE7500).
  • Design of Timber Structures (CIVL4334).
Juan Hidalgo Medina
Juan Hidalgo Medina

Dr Danish Kazmi

Adjunct Senior Lecturer
School of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Danish Kazmi completed his PhD in Geotechnical Engineering at The University of Queensland (UQ) in Australia. His PhD research investigated the potential use of crushed waste glass as a sustainable alternative to depleting traditional construction sands (natural and quarried) to backfill granular columns for in situ ground improvement. He is a pioneer globally in researching the potential use of crushed waste glass to backfill granular columns for ground improvement in clayey soil.

His research mainly focuses on developing sustainable geomaterials by recycling ever-increasing wastes as alternatives to diminishing and increasingly expensive natural aggregates in geotechnical construction, helping the transition to a circular economy.

Danish is a TEDx Speaker and delivered a TEDx Talk at TEDxBrisbane. He is also one of the youngest researchers ever from his centre at UQ to receive a PhD.

Danish won the prestigious Career Development Fellowship at UQ, funded by the Australian Government. He received the coveted UQ Global Change Scholar Award and Future Leader Award. He won the Young Science Ambassador Award for the Wonder of Science Program in Australia to help promote a STEM culture in Queensland schools. He is a passionate science communicator and a double award winner at the Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT®) at the UQ’s School of Civil Engineering level. His PhD research has been featured in several Australian magazines and has led him to win several scholarships, alongside his selection to present at well-reputed live science communication events. Danish has published three high-definition UQ-branded Video Abstracts to communicate his research to the broader society and help maximise science outreach. Danish was interviewed by Inspiring Australia as part of Australia's National Science Week celebrations to help spark the interest of students in STEM education. He has successfully initiated cross-institutional research collaborations with world-leading national and international organisations and is an invited reviewer for various top-ranking scientific journals.

Danish currently works full-time as a Geotechnical Engineer in the Tunnels & Geotechnics Team (South Queensland Region) at GHD in the Australian industry. Previously, he worked as a full-time Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering at UQ. He is passionate about helping to develop transformative civil and geotechnical engineering solutions through leading-edge research leveraging university-industry collaborations.

Danish is a UQ Global Change Scholar and Green Office Representative. He is an accredited Mental Health First Aider and a UQ Mental Health Champion. He is also a certified Carbon Literate. Danish cares deeply about the environment and believes planet Earth is our most valuable asset. Outside work, he enjoys volunteering for sustainability and social initiatives, connecting with nature, and spending time at the beach.

Australian Geotechnical Industry Experience Highlights

  • Asset management, site inspections, construction quality assurance and compliance
  • Dam inspections, monitoring, regulatory compliance and high-level reporting
  • Geotechnical site investigations (including sonic drilling, auger drilling, etc.)
  • Borehole and test pit logging
  • In-situ sampling of soils and rocks
  • Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
  • Dynamic Cone Penetration Test (DCP) and PANDA® Lightweight Dynamic Cone Penetration Test
  • Packer Test (to determine the average hydraulic conductivity of underground rock formations)
  • Geotechnical instrumentation (standpipe and vibrating wire piezometers, data loggers, telemetry, etc.)
  • Geotechnical cost estimation, report writing and proposal development
Danish Kazmi
Danish Kazmi

Associate Professor David Lange

Assoc. Professor - Structural Eng
School of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Director of HDR Students of School
School of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Associate Professor - Structural En
School of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision
Media expert

David Lange joined the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Queensland in early 2018 as a lecturer in Structural Fire Engineering. His background is in Structural Fire Safety Engineering, including risk and performance based design methodoloiges and structural mechanics under high temperature. He has several years of experience working in the research and education sector in Europe, where he has participated in a wide range of projects including coordination of a Horizon 2020 research and innovation action and as principal or co-investigator in a variety of nationally and internationally funded projects in the field of fire safety engineering.

His research interests follow two main tracks: structural fire engineering and infrastructure resilience. In the field of fire safety, his work includes: the study of steel, concrete and composite structures exposed to fire; the response of modern engineeried timber structures to fire; studies of the fire performance of novel materials including load bearing glass and composite structures; travelling fires; uncertainty quantification and probabilsitic design. In the field of critical infrastructure resileince, he has studied the enrichment of risk management methodologies with the resiults of resilience assessment studies and the operationalisation of resilience to various infrastructure sectors and communities which may be exposed to natural disasters.

David Lange
David Lange

Associate Professor Liza O'Moore

Associate Professor and Associ
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Associate Professor and Associate D
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Associate Professor
School of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision
Media expert

A/Prof Liza O'Moore's research interests are in: reinforced and prestressed concrete design, concrete technology, time-dependent properties of concrete and durability of concrete structures.

Liza has over 30 years experience in structural and concrete design. After graduation Liza joined a local consulting firm and worked mainly in the areas of industrial and commercial structural design. Upon completion of her postgraduate research, she joined the Civil Structures group in the Brisbane office of Arup. During her time with Arup as a senior engineer and then associate, she was involved in a number of reinforced concrete design projects undertaken both locally and overseas. In January 2001, Liza joined the academic staff in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Queensland. She is currently teaching in the areas of reinforced concrete and concrete design and applied mechanics. Her research interests are in the areas of creep and shrinkage of concrete structures, durability, high performance concretes, the performance of industrial slabs and pavements and geopolymer concretes. She is a Life Member of the Concrete Institute of Australia and was a member of the National Council (2007-2015) and National Executive (2009-2015). Liza served as the first female National President of the Concrete Institute of Australia (2011-2013).

Liza is also active in the area of Engineering Education. She teaches into first and second year engineering and leads the final year capstone design project. Liza has research interests in the areas of transition and preparedness for first year, graduate competencies and large class teaching. Liza has been awarded School of Engineering Teaching Excellence Awards in 2005 and 2006, EAIT Faculty Teaching Award 2007, and a special EAIT Faculty Award for Sustained Excellence in Teaching (2012). In 2010 Liza was awarded a UQ Award for Teaching Excellence, which was followed in 2011 by an Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning. She was a project team member on the OLT funded “Get set for success: using online self-assessments to motivate first year engineering students”. Liza has undertaken interdisciplinary research in the areas of competence assurance and the use of simulators for CRC – Rail.

Liza has also provided advice on accreditation of VET sector Associate Degrees, and in the curriculum development for new BE (Civil) programs at tertiary level. In 2014 Liza was part of the expert team of national and international experts in Civil Engineering Education advising Charles Sturt University on the development of Australia’s first graduate entry five year Engineering Master’s program commencing in 2016.

Liza O'Moore
Liza O'Moore

Dr Lisa Ottenhaus

Senior Lecturer
School of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Lisa Ottenhaus is a structural engineer and senior lecturer, with expertise in design of timber connections. Lisa's research interests encompass the theory, analysis, design and performance of timber connections, including detailing for timber durability. Lisa and their team research offsite timber construction using both engineered wood products and light timber framing, design for adaptability, disassembly and reuse, and reversible timber joints.

Lisa holds a PhD from the University of Canterbury, Aotearoa New Zealand, on the seismic performance of connections in tall timber buildings, a Masters of Science in structural engineering from Delft University of Technology, and a Bachelor of Science from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

As part of the ARC Advance Timber Hub, Lisa co-leads Node 3 on Extending Building Life, and project 1.2 on timber connections. Lisa is a steering committee member of WG1 a COST Action Helen (Holistic Design of Taller Timber Buildings), and a founding member of the International Association for Mass Timber Construction.

Lisa is a committee member of TM-010 (Australian Standards technical committee on Timber Structures and Framing), and a steering committee member of the Australian Timber Construction Educator Network.

Lisa has been an invited speaker at the prefabAUS Offsite conference, the Brisbane Architecture and Design Festival, the International Holzbau Forum (Innsbruck, Austria) and has been interviewed by the Guardian, ABC Radio, Built Offsite, and the Holzmagazin.

Lisa Ottenhaus
Lisa Ottenhaus

Dr Luis Yerman

Research Fellow
School of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision
Media expert

I have a multidisciplinary background in chemical and civil engineering, chemistry and materials science. Currently, I am the UQ leader of the National Centre for Timber Durability and Design Life, based at USC. I apply my expertise to understand the effects of fungal decay and moisture intrusion in timber connections, as well as the improvement of the fire performance of timber. I supervise 6 PhD students.

Luis Yerman
Luis Yerman