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Dr Bradd Witt

Bradd Witt

+61 7 336 56005



Having started in animation in the 80s Bradd made the move to science with his studies at The University of Queensland. After completing his PhD Bradd worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow. He has been employed at The University of Queensland since 2000.

His research interests are in agriculture and sustainability with a focus on how industry engages with changing societal expectations.


Dr Bradd Witt is:
Available for supervision
Media expert

Fields of research


  • Bachelor of Arts, unknown
  • Bachelor (Honours) of Applied Science, The University of Queensland
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland


Search Professor Bradd Witt’s works on UQ eSpace

49 works between 1997 and 2024

41 - 49 of 49 works


Journal Article

Century-scale environmental reconstruction by using stable carbon isotopes: just one method from the big bag of tricks

Witt, Graham B. (2002). Century-scale environmental reconstruction by using stable carbon isotopes: just one method from the big bag of tricks. Australian Journal of Botany, 50 (4), 441-454. doi: 10.1071/BT02006

Century-scale environmental reconstruction by using stable carbon isotopes: just one method from the big bag of tricks


Journal Article

Carbon isotope variability in the bone collagen of red kangaroos (Macropus rufus) is age dependent: Implications for palaeodietary studies

Witt, Graham B. and Ayliffe, Linda K. (2001). Carbon isotope variability in the bone collagen of red kangaroos (Macropus rufus) is age dependent: Implications for palaeodietary studies. Journal of Archaeological Science, 28 (3), 247-252. doi: 10.1006/jasc.1999.0539

Carbon isotope variability in the bone collagen of red kangaroos (Macropus rufus) is age dependent: Implications for palaeodietary studies


Conference Publication

Is Rangeland Research Driven by Discipline? An Analysis of the Rangeland Journal 1976 -1999

Witt, G.B. and Page, M. J. (2000). Is Rangeland Research Driven by Discipline? An Analysis of the Rangeland Journal 1976 -1999. The Australian Rangeland Society Centenary Symposium, Broken Hill, 21 - 24 August, 2000. Broken Hill: Australian Rangeland Journal.

Is Rangeland Research Driven by Discipline? An Analysis of the Rangeland Journal 1976 -1999


Journal Article

Retrospective Monitoring of Rangeland Vegetation Change: Ecohistory from Deposits of Sheep Dung Associated with Shearing Sheds

Witt, GB, Berghammer, LJ, Beeton, RJS and Moll, EJ (2000). Retrospective Monitoring of Rangeland Vegetation Change: Ecohistory from Deposits of Sheep Dung Associated with Shearing Sheds. Austral Ecology (formerly the Australian Journal of Ecology), 25 (3), 260-267. doi: 10.1046/j.1442-9993.2000.01027.x

Retrospective Monitoring of Rangeland Vegetation Change: Ecohistory from Deposits of Sheep Dung Associated with Shearing Sheds


Conference Publication

Vegetation change in the eastern Karoo (South Africa) from 1916 to 1992 using carbon isotope analysis of historical wool staples

Witt, G.B., Moll, E. J., Beeton, R. J. S. and Hoffman, M. T. (1999). Vegetation change in the eastern Karoo (South Africa) from 1916 to 1992 using carbon isotope analysis of historical wool staples. People and Rangelands: Building the Future, the VI International Rangeland Congress, Townsville, Qld., Aust., 19 -23 July, 1999. Aust.: VI International Rangeland Congress.

Vegetation change in the eastern Karoo (South Africa) from 1916 to 1992 using carbon isotope analysis of historical wool staples


Conference Publication

Ecological history from faecal deposits beneath shearing sheds: A novel approach for reconstructing vegetation change in Australian rangelands

Witt, G.B., Berghammer, L. J., Bland, S., Beeton, R. J. S. and Moll, E. J. (1999). Ecological history from faecal deposits beneath shearing sheds: A novel approach for reconstructing vegetation change in Australian rangelands. People and Rangelands: Building the Future, the VI International Rangeland Congress, Townsville, 19 - 23 July, 1999. Aust.: VI International Rangeland Congress.

Ecological history from faecal deposits beneath shearing sheds: A novel approach for reconstructing vegetation change in Australian rangelands


Conference Publication

Historical vegetation change in south west Queensland: Can the past guide vegetation management today

Witt, G. B. (1999). Historical vegetation change in south west Queensland: Can the past guide vegetation management today. Vegetation Management Forum, Charleville, Qld., Australia, 3 - 4 Aug , 1999. Charleville: South West Natural Resource Management Group.

Historical vegetation change in south west Queensland: Can the past guide vegetation management today


Journal Article

Isotopes, wool, and rangeland monitoring: Let the sheep do the sampling

Witt, GB, Moll, EJ, Beeton, RJS and Murray, PJ (1998). Isotopes, wool, and rangeland monitoring: Let the sheep do the sampling. Environmental Management, 22 (1), 145-152. doi: 10.1007/s002679900091

Isotopes, wool, and rangeland monitoring: Let the sheep do the sampling


Other Outputs

How the west was once: reconstructing historical vegetation change and monitoring the present using carbon isotope techniques

Witt, G. Bradd (1997). How the west was once: reconstructing historical vegetation change and monitoring the present using carbon isotope techniques. PhD Thesis, School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/325531

How the west was once: reconstructing historical vegetation change and monitoring the present using carbon isotope techniques


Past funding

  • 2021 - 2023
    From method to market - unlocking ecosystem service opportunities for livestock producers (MLA Donor Company Limited and Meat & Livestock Australia Limited funding administered by QDAF)
    Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
    Open grant
  • 2018
    Community expectations and perceptions of the environmental performance of Australian livestock industries: learning from a decade of transition, challenges and change
    Open grant
  • 2015
    Improving the precision and reliability of dating Acacia cambagei (gidgee) for the purpose of extending proxy climate records for central Australia beyond the instrumental record
    Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering
    Open grant
  • 2012
    Developing semi-arid taxa as tools for paleoclimate analyses using dendrochronology
    Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering
    Open grant
  • 2009
    Investigating long-term grazing exclosure for the assessment of maximum carbon storage and biodiversity of the Mulga lands
    Commonwealth Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
    Open grant
  • 2005
    Too Many or Too Few Trees In South West Queensland? Getting an Historical Perspective for Managing Vegetation
    UQ Early Career Researcher
    Open grant
  • 1999
    Sheep as high resolution recorders of vegetation dynamics and landscape utilisation through isotopic analysis of their wool
    ARC Australian Research Council (Small grants)
    Open grant
  • 1998
    Analysis of stable carbon isotopes to evaluate rangeland use
    ARC Australian Research Council (Small grants)
    Open grant



Dr Bradd Witt is:
Available for supervision

Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Understainding social dimensions of agriculture and its transition to renewable engery

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Julia Loginova

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Sustainability and communication in the Australian dairy sector

    Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Understanding and enhancing the adaptive capacity of market vendors in the Pacific: Experiences and lessons from Vanuatu

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Karen McNamara

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Managing wildlife in social-ecological systems: exploring social perspectives

    Associate Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Angela Dean

Completed supervision



Contact Dr Bradd Witt directly for media enquiries about:

  • Agricultural landscapes
  • Biodiversity
  • Carbon
  • Climate reconstruction
  • Dendrochronology
  • Environmental change - rural and rangelands
  • Environmental policy
  • Socio-ecological values

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