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Journal Article

Carbon and ecosystem service markets in rangelands and grazing systems are a wicked problem: multi-stakeholder partnership or roundtable as a vehicle forward?

Cotton, Rebecca and Witt, Bradd (2024). Carbon and ecosystem service markets in rangelands and grazing systems are a wicked problem: multi-stakeholder partnership or roundtable as a vehicle forward?. The Rangeland Journal, 46 (1) RJ23029. doi: 10.1071/rj23029

Carbon and ecosystem service markets in rangelands and grazing systems are a wicked problem: multi-stakeholder partnership or roundtable as a vehicle forward?


Book Chapter

Tracing the impact and contribution of the “six attributes of social resilience”

Maclean, Kirsten and Witt, Bradd (2023). Tracing the impact and contribution of the “six attributes of social resilience”. Rural development for sustainable social-ecological systems: putting communities first. (pp. 355-387) edited by Claudia Baldwin and Séverine van Bommel. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-34225-7_18

Tracing the impact and contribution of the “six attributes of social resilience”


Journal Article

Navigating sustainability trade-offs in global beef production

Castonguay, Adam C., Polasky, Stephen, H. Holden, Matthew, Herrero, Mario, Mason-D’Croz, Daniel, Godde, Cecile, Chang, Jinfeng, Gerber, James, Witt, G. Bradd, Game, Edward T., A. Bryan, Brett, Wintle, Brendan, Lee, Katie, Bal, Payal and McDonald-Madden, Eve (2023). Navigating sustainability trade-offs in global beef production. Nature Sustainability, 6 (3), 284-294. doi: 10.1038/s41893-022-01017-0

Navigating sustainability trade-offs in global beef production


Journal Article

Community perceptions of carbon farming: a case study of the semi-arid Mulga Lands in Queensland, Australia

Jassim, Danya, Witt, Bradd and Evans, Megan C. (2022). Community perceptions of carbon farming: a case study of the semi-arid Mulga Lands in Queensland, Australia. Journal of Rural Studies, 96, 78-88. doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2022.10.010

Community perceptions of carbon farming: a case study of the semi-arid Mulga Lands in Queensland, Australia


Journal Article

A leap of faith: regenerative agriculture as a contested worldview rather than as a practice change issue

Page, Camille and Witt, Bradd (2022). A leap of faith: regenerative agriculture as a contested worldview rather than as a practice change issue. Sustainability, 14 (22) 14803, 1-20. doi: 10.3390/su142214803

A leap of faith: regenerative agriculture as a contested worldview rather than as a practice change issue


Journal Article

Telling our story: communicators’ perceptions of challenges and solutions for sustainability communication within the Australian beef industry

Faulkner, Taylah, Witt, Bradd and Bray, Heather (2022). Telling our story: communicators’ perceptions of challenges and solutions for sustainability communication within the Australian beef industry. Journal of Science Communication, 21 (06) A04, 1-23. doi: 10.22323/2.21060204

Telling our story: communicators’ perceptions of challenges and solutions for sustainability communication within the Australian beef industry


Journal Article

Drivers of adoption and spread of wildlife management initiatives in Mexico

Romero‐de‐Diego, Cristina, Dean, Angela, Jagadish, Arundhati, Witt, Bradd, Mascia, Michael B. and Mills, Morena (2021). Drivers of adoption and spread of wildlife management initiatives in Mexico. Conservation Science and Practice, 3 (7) e438. doi: 10.1111/csp2.438

Drivers of adoption and spread of wildlife management initiatives in Mexico


Journal Article

How environmental values influence trust and beliefs about societal oversight and need for regulation of the Australian cattle industry

Witt, G. B., Althor, G., Colvin, R. M., Witt, K. J., Gillespie, N., McCrea, R., Lacey, J. and Faulkner, T. (2021). How environmental values influence trust and beliefs about societal oversight and need for regulation of the Australian cattle industry. Environmental Research Letters, 16 (3) 034006, 1-8. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abe1f7

How environmental values influence trust and beliefs about societal oversight and need for regulation of the Australian cattle industry


Journal Article

Power, perspective, and privilege: the challenge of translating stakeholder theory from business management to environmental and natural resource management

Colvin, R. M., Witt, G. Bradd and Lacey, Justine (2020). Power, perspective, and privilege: the challenge of translating stakeholder theory from business management to environmental and natural resource management. Journal of Environmental Management, 271 110974, 110974. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110974

Power, perspective, and privilege: the challenge of translating stakeholder theory from business management to environmental and natural resource management


Journal Article

The role of conflict framing and social identity in public opinion about land use change: an experimental test in the Australian context

Colvin, R. M., Witt, G. Bradd, Lacey, Justine and McCrea, Rod (2020). The role of conflict framing and social identity in public opinion about land use change: an experimental test in the Australian context. Environmental Policy and Governance, 30 (2) eet.1879, 84-98. doi: 10.1002/eet.1879

The role of conflict framing and social identity in public opinion about land use change: an experimental test in the Australian context


Other Outputs

Evaluating the impact and effectiveness of the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework

Witt, Bradd, Sauvage, Claire, Witt, Katherine, Gillespie, Nicole and Ariyawardana, Anoma (2020). Evaluating the impact and effectiveness of the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework. North Sydney, NSW, Australia: Meat and Livestock Australia .

Evaluating the impact and effectiveness of the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework


Journal Article

“System of hunger”: understanding causal disaster vulnerability of indigenous food systems

Jackson, Guy, McNamara, Karen E. and Witt, Bradd (2020). “System of hunger”: understanding causal disaster vulnerability of indigenous food systems. Journal of Rural Studies, 73, 163-175. doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2019.10.042

“System of hunger”: understanding causal disaster vulnerability of indigenous food systems


Journal Article

The community cost of consultation: Characterising the qualitative social impacts of a wind energy development that failed to proceed in Tasmania, Australia

Colvin, R. M., Witt, G. Bradd, Lacey, Justine and Witt, Kathy (2019). The community cost of consultation: Characterising the qualitative social impacts of a wind energy development that failed to proceed in Tasmania, Australia. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 77, 40-48. doi: 10.1016/j.eiar.2019.03.007

The community cost of consultation: Characterising the qualitative social impacts of a wind energy development that failed to proceed in Tasmania, Australia


Other Outputs

Conducive and hindering factors for effective disaster risk reduction in Emae Island, Vanuatu

Jackson, Guy, McNamara, Karen E. and Witt, Bradd (2019). Conducive and hindering factors for effective disaster risk reduction in Emae Island, Vanuatu. Geneva: UNISDR Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Conducive and hindering factors for effective disaster risk reduction in Emae Island, Vanuatu


Journal Article

A quantitative systematic review of distributive environmental justice literature: a rich history and the need for an enterprising future

Althor, Glenn and Witt, Bradd (2019). A quantitative systematic review of distributive environmental justice literature: a rich history and the need for an enterprising future. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 10 (1), 91-103. doi: 10.1007/s13412-019-00582-9

A quantitative systematic review of distributive environmental justice literature: a rich history and the need for an enterprising future


Journal Article

Large-scale environmental degradation results in inequitable impacts to already impoverished communities: A case study from the floating villages of Cambodia

Althor, Glenn, Mahood, Simon, Witt, Bradd, Colvin, Rebecca M. and Watson, James E. M. (2018). Large-scale environmental degradation results in inequitable impacts to already impoverished communities: A case study from the floating villages of Cambodia. Ambio, 47 (7), 1-13. doi: 10.1007/s13280-018-1022-2

Large-scale environmental degradation results in inequitable impacts to already impoverished communities: A case study from the floating villages of Cambodia


Journal Article

Using a community vote for wind energy development decision-making in King Island, Tasmania

Colvin, Rebecca , Witt, G. Bradd and Lacey, Justine (2018). Using a community vote for wind energy development decision-making in King Island, Tasmania. Case Studies in the Environment, 2 (1), 1.21-7. doi: 10.1525/cse.2017.000927

Using a community vote for wind energy development decision-making in King Island, Tasmania


Journal Article

A framework for disaster vulnerability in a small island in the Southwest Pacific: a case study of Emae Island, Vanuatu

Jackson, Guy, McNamara, Karen and Witt, Bradd (2017). A framework for disaster vulnerability in a small island in the Southwest Pacific: a case study of Emae Island, Vanuatu. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 8 (4), 358-373. doi: 10.1007/s13753-017-0145-6

A framework for disaster vulnerability in a small island in the Southwest Pacific: a case study of Emae Island, Vanuatu


Journal Article

Enhancing critical thinking skills in first year environmental management students: a tale of curriculum design, application and reflection

Whiley, Dona, Witt, Bradd, Colvin, R. M., Sapiains Arrue, Rodolfo and Kotir, Julius (2017). Enhancing critical thinking skills in first year environmental management students: a tale of curriculum design, application and reflection. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 41 (2), 1-16. doi: 10.1080/03098265.2017.1290590

Enhancing critical thinking skills in first year environmental management students: a tale of curriculum design, application and reflection


Journal Article

The climate reconstruction potential of Acacia cambagei (gidgee) for semi-arid regions of Australia using stable isotopes and elemental abundances

Witt, G. Bradd, English, Nathan B., Balanzategui, Daniel, Hua, Quan, Gadd, Patricia, Heijnis, Henk and Bird, Michael I. (2017). The climate reconstruction potential of Acacia cambagei (gidgee) for semi-arid regions of Australia using stable isotopes and elemental abundances. Journal of Arid Environments, 136, 19-27. doi: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2016.10.002

The climate reconstruction potential of Acacia cambagei (gidgee) for semi-arid regions of Australia using stable isotopes and elemental abundances