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Dr Anthony Halog

School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr. Anthony Halog: A Pioneer in Sustainable Systems and Circular Economy

Dr. Anthony Halog is a leading authority in sustainable systems engineering and circular economy, with over 22 years of post-PhD experience in academia and research. His work focuses on integrating life cycle assessment (LCA), systems thinking, and industrial ecology to advance global sustainability efforts. Dr. Halog has successfully led numerous research projects in industrial ecology and sustainable supply chain management, contributing significantly to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) and Planetary Boundaries frameworks.

His prolific career includes over 125 publications that have been widely cited and referenced in policy documents by international bodies such as the United Nations and the European Union. With a strong commitment to mentoring, Dr. Halog has guided numerous PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers, fostering the next generation of sustainability experts. Since completing his PhD, he has examined numerous theses from various universities in Australia, North America, Africa, and Asia. His experience also extends to reviewing several grant proposals for prestigious funding bodies, including the National Science Foundation in the USA and European funding schemes.

Dr. Anthony Halog has received numerous fellowships and awards throughout his career. Notably, he was awarded fellowships from prestigious institutions such as the OECD, DAAD, and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). He has held visiting fellowships across the globe, including in the UK, Germany, Japan, and Saudi Arabia, focusing on areas like Circular Economy, Green Hydrogen Policy, and Life Cycle Assessment. Dr. Halog's accolades also include early career fellowships from NSERC (Canada) and JSPS, along with several international research grants and academic scholarships, reflecting his global recognition in sustainability science and engineering.

Key areas of expertise include circular economy, bioeconomy, LCA, sustainable supply chain management, and the application of operations research and optimization in engineering sustainable systems. Dr. Halog’s interdisciplinary approach and international collaborations have positioned him as a thought leader in transitioning to a low-carbon, circular economy.

Anthony Halog
Anthony Halog

Dr Sam Hames

Research Fellow (Computational Huma
School of Languages and Cultures
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Available for supervision
Sam Hames
Sam Hames

Emeritus Professor Ian Hayes

Emeritus Professor
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision
Media expert

Software Engineering. Ian's research interests are in formal methods for software development.

Errors in a compiler for a programming language can generate errors in the myriad of programs they compile. Our research is looking at verifying optimisation phases of a compiler.

Concurrent programs are difficult to reason about due to the interleaving of execution of concurrent threads leading to an explosion of possible execution sequences. Our research is developing techniques for rely/guarantee reasoning about concurrent programs.

Both the above research strands make use of the Isabelle/HOL theorem prover.

Ian Hayes
Ian Hayes

Dr Leah Henrickson

Lecturer in Digital Media and Cultu
School of Communication and Arts
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Leah Henrickson is a Lecturer in Digital Media and Cultures at the University of Queensland. She is the author of Reading Computer-Generated Texts (Cambridge University Press, 2021) and other peer-reviewed articles about how we understand text generation systems and output, artificial intelligence, and digital media ecosystems. Dr Henrickson also studies digital storytelling for critical self-reflection, community building, and commercial benefit. She regularly supports projects and organisations in their digital storytelling efforts as consultant and advisor.

Dr Henrickson is especially keen to collaborate on projects involving digital methods and media, hermeneutics, histories of communications media, and unconventional text production and dissemination.

Leah Henrickson
Leah Henrickson

Associate Professor David Highton

Associate Professor and Course Coor
Princess Alexandra Hospital Southside Clinical Unit
Faculty of Medicine
Available for supervision


David Highton
David Highton

Professor Helen Huang

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision

Dr. Huang is a Professor and ARC Future Fellow in School of ITEE, The University of Queensland. She received her BSc degree from Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University, China, and her PhD in Computer Science from School of ITEE, The University of Queensland in 2001 and 2007 respectively. Dr. Huang's research interests mainly include multimedia indexing and search, social data analysis and knowledge discovery. She has published 200+ papers in prestigious venues, and is currently an Associate Editor of The VLDB Journal, ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), Pattern Recognition Journal, etc and also a member of the VLDB Endowment Board of Trustees.

Dr. Huang has received 2016 Chris Wallace Award from Computing Research and Education (CORE) Australasia for a notable breakthrough or a contribution of particular significance in Computer Science, and Women in Technology (WiT) Infotech Research Award 2014, Queensland. She was also a recipient of the Excellence in Higher Degree by Research Supervision Award, University of Queensland, 2018. Dr. Huang is the Data Science Discipline Leader, UQ.

Helen Huang
Helen Huang

Emeritus Professor Jadwiga Indulska

Emeritus Professor
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Not available for supervision
Media expert

Prof Jadwiga Indulska's research interests are in: autonomic and context-aware pervasive/ubiquitous systems (self-adapting computer systems), wired and wireless computer networks, and interoperability of heterogeneous distributed systems

She received her PhD from AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow in 1985. Her current research projects are in the fields of:

  • Autonomic, context-aware pervasive/ubiquitous systems, i.e. self-adapting computer applications which can (i) provide seamless computing over a variety of computers and computer networks, and (ii) adapt to the current context of users and their tasks.
  • Communication protocols for computer networks (Internet protocols and protocols for wired networks, wireless networks, heterogeneous wired/wireless networks and sensor networks).
Jadwiga Indulska
Jadwiga Indulska

Professor Marta Indulska

Director of Research
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Director of Research of UQ Business
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Marta Indulska is a Professor of Business Information Systems and Director of Research at the UQ Business School, The University of Queensland, Australia. She teaches on topics related to the use and management of Information Systems and Information Technology in business, specifically with a focus on increasing operational efficiency and effectiveness. In 2017, she was a recipient of the UQ Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning. Marta has a background in Computer Science, having obtained her Computer Science doctorate degree in 2004. Her main research interests include conceptual modelling, business process management and open innovation. She has published over 100 fully refereed articles in internationally recognised journals and conferences, and has contributed several chapters to published books. Her research has been funded through several competitive grants, including ARC Discovery. Marta has also worked with organisations in the retail, consulting and non-profit sectors to provide guidance on a variety Information Technology topics.

Marta Indulska
Marta Indulska

Professor Paul Jagals

Director, WHOCC for CH&E
Child Health Research Centre
Faculty of Medicine
Not available for supervision

Paul specialises in Assessment and Management of Risk and Impact of Socio-Environmental determinants on the Wellbeing of our younger generations across their life span.

His overall vision is about how we use Environmental Health Intelligence to improve decision-making towards delivering more efficient Environmental Health Practices, Services and Solutions for local and regional communities in remote and disadvantaged socio-economic settings.

Within the complex interdisciplinary domains that hold the socio-environmental determinants of wellbeing, Paul’s operational research focuses on how / what interventions would best support communities to prevent, mitigate and adapt to EH risk and impact in rapidly changing environments and climate.

Paul Jagals
Paul Jagals

Dr David Kainer

Senior Research Fellow
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision
Media expert

I am a computational biologist with a centre-wide research role in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Plant Success in Nature and Agriculture, based here at UQ. I spend my time researching new computational techniques for predicting complex quantitative traits by integrating multiple layers of 'omics data (amongst dozens of other things!).

Areas of interest:

  • Machine Learning, AI and high performance computing to learn and exploit functional connectivity in biological data
  • Gene Expressions networks
  • Multiplex networks, information propagation and perturbation
  • Genomic Prediction

My goal is to aid crop and forestry breeders in selecting parental lines more accurately, which gives us a pathway to improving certain plant species. I also spend time developing new data analysis techniques that are being applied to human disease and conditions such as Autism and substance addiction.

David completed his PhD at Australian National University in 2017, focusing on the genome-wide basis of foliar terpene variation in Eucalyptus. He then undertook a postdoc at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a US Dept of Energy lab with a focus on big data. After a stint as a staff scientist at Oak Ridge, David arrived at the Centre of Excellence in 2023 in the role of a Senior Research Fellow.

David Kainer
David Kainer

Dr Hassan Khosravi

Affiliate Associate Professor of Sc
School of Education
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Associate Professor
Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Hassan Khosravi is an Associate Professor in Data Science and Learning Analytics at The University of Queensland. As a computer scientist by training, he is passionate about the role of artificial intelligence in the future of education. In his research, he draws on theoretical insights driven from the learning sciences and exemplary techniques from the fields of human-centred AI and crowdsourcing to build technological solutions that enhance student learning and experience. His past research and publications have addressed a number of diverse topics such as learning graphical models, statistical-relational learning, social network analysis, cybersecurity and game theory.

Hassan's teaching career includes coordinating 30 different offerings with class sizes ranging from 50 to 700, in 10 distinct courses to a total of approximately 7000 students at three top-ranked institutions: Simon Fraser University (SFU) and The University of British Columbia (UBC) in Canada, and The University of Queensland (UQ) in Australia. He has taught a range of courses including introductory programming courses, data structures and algorithms, artificial intelligence, database management systems as well as graduate-level data science courses. he also leads and teaches into a variety of formal and programs that mentor and foster the next generation of great teachers. These programs cover a wide variety of topics, including student-centred learning, active learning tools and strategies, supporting assessment design and delivery at scale, and enhancing teaching with learning analytics.

Hassan holds a Senior Fellowship with the Higher Education Academy, which has been awarded in recognition of his contributions to effective approaches to teaching and learning as well as successful coordination, support, supervision, management and mentoring of others in relation to learning and teaching.

Hassan Khosravi
Hassan Khosravi

Associate Professor Jiwon Kim

Associate Professor
School of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision

Jiwon Kim is an Associate Professor in Transport Engineering and the Director of Higher Degree by Research in the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Queensland. She was a DECRA Fellow (2019-2022) sponsored by the Australian Research Council. She joined UQ in 2014 after completing her PhD research at Northwestern University. Prior to joining Northwestern, she worked at Samsung C&T (Engineering & Construction Group). She received Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in civil engineering from Korea University.

Her research interests broadly encompass the application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) to enhance prediction, automation, and insight generation in transportation and urban mobility. She is passionate about developing intelligent autonomous systems that facilitate real-time traffic management and control, mobility service optimization, and traveller support. Her current research explores the potential of deep learning, reinforcement learning, and other cutting-edge AI/ML approaches to achieve these objectives.

Jiwon Kim
Jiwon Kim

Associate Professor Dan Kim

Associate Professor
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision

Prospective Students

Please visit the link (

Short Biography

Dr. Dan Dongseong Kim is Deputy Director of UQ Cybersecurity and an Associate Professor (in the commonwealth system, is broadly equivalent to a North American full professor) (continuing appointment) in Cyber Security at The University of Queensland (UQ), Brisbane, Australia. Before UQ, he was a faculty member (permanent academic staff; Senior Lecturer 2015-2018, Lecturer 2011-2014) in Cyber Security in the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering at The University of Canterbury (UC), Christchurch, New Zealand from 2011 to 2018. From 2008 to 2011, he was a postdoc at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina in the US. He was a visiting scholar at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland in the US in 2007. His research interests are in Cyber Security and Dependability for various systems and networks. Please visit his research team webpage:


  • Google Scholars (6000+ citations, h-index: 40, i10-index: 111):
  • DBLP (170+ publications):

Research Focus: Cyber G.A.M.E

  • Graphical Models for Cyber Security: Model-based Cyber Security Risk Analysis
  • AI for Cybersecurity & Cyber Security for AI: Securing AI systems and Cybersecurity using AI techniques
  • Moving Target Defense (MTD): Resilient and Proactive Defence
  • Evolving Attacks and Defense Automation: Red team and Blue team Automation and evaluation using AI

Professional Activities (selected)

  • Associate Editor, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (impact factor: 33.84 (2022-2023), #1 impact factor among all the IEEE journals), 2021 - present.
  • Editorial Board Member, Elsevier Computers and Security (impact factor: 5.6 (2023)), 2019 - present.
  • Editorial Board Member, Elsevier Computer Networks (impact factor: 5.6 (2023)), April 2022 - present.
  • An Elected Member of the IFIP WG 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance (2021 onwards).
    • The IFIP WG 10.4 consists of over 60 experts in the field of fault-tolerance, dependable and secure computing.
  • Steering committee member of IFIP/IEEE DSN, 2021-2025.
  • Steering committee chair of IEEE PRDC, 2022-present.
  • Steering committee member of IEEE PRDC, 2019-present.
  • TPC member of international conferences including IFIP/IEEE DSN, SRDS, ISSRE, ICDCS, etc.

Selected publications

  • Adversarial Machine Learning for Network Intrusion Detection Systems: A Comprehensive Survey, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (Impact factor in 2021: 33.84)
  • Toward Proactive, Adaptive Defense: A Survey on Moving Target Defense, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 2020 [Impact Factor 2018-19: 22.973]
  • A Survey on Threat Situation Awareness Systems: Framework, Techniques, and Insights, ACM Computing Surveys, 2022 [Impact Factor 2021-22: 10.282, ranked 4/137 in Computer Science Theory & Methods]
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of shuffle and redundancy MTD techniques in the cloud. Computers & Security (2021) [Impact factor: 4.438]
  • Threat-Specific Security Risk Evaluation in the Cloud. IEEE Trans. Cloud Comput. 9(2): 793-806 (2021) [Impact factor: 4.714]
  • Dynamic Security Metrics for Measuring the Effectiveness of Moving Target Defense Techniques, Computers & Security, Elsevier, 2018 [Impact factor: 4.438]
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Moving Target Defenses using Security Models. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE TDSC), 2016. [CORE Rank A, Impact factor: 6.404]
  • Recovery from software failures caused by Mandelbugs. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2016. [CORE Rank A, Impact factor: 2.79]
  • Sensitivity Analysis of Server Virtualized System Availability. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 61(4): 994-1006, 2012. [CORE Rank A, Impact factor: 2.293]
  • Scalable Optimal Countermeasure Selection using Implicit Enumeration on Attack Countermeasure Trees, IEEE/IFIP DSN 2012 [CORE Rank A*]

Research Sponsors (past and current)

  • NSF (US), IBM T.J. Watson (US), US Army Research Lab. (US), NEC (Japan), Tait Comm. (NZ), MBIE (NZ), NPRP (Qatar), ADD (Republic of Korea), NRF (Republic of Korea), etc.

Recent Ph.D. graduates (selected)

  1. Kok Onn Chee (Ph.D., University of Queensland, 2024: Principal Advisor): Security Modelling and Analysis of Internet of Things against Evolving Attacks.

  2. Minjune Kim (Ph.D., , University of Queensland, 2023: Principal Advisor): Security and performance evaluation of software defined networking adopting moving target defenses (Research Engineer at CSRIO's Data61, Australia).
  3. Dilli P. Sharma (Ph.D., University of Canterbury, 2020; senior supervisor at UC, -> co-supervisor at UQ): Software-defined networking based moving target defenses. (Postdoc at U. of New Brunswick, Canada -> Postdoc at the University of Toronto, Canada).

  4. Taehoon Eom (Ph.D., 2020, KAU, Korea, co-supervisor): Security modeling and analysis for performance enhancement in software defined network (Researcher at KAU-> Research Professor at KAU -> Artificial Intelligence Industry Cluster Agency (AICA), South Korea).

  5. Hooman Alavizadeh (Ph.D., Massey University, NZ, 2019, co-supervisor): Effective Security Analysis for Combinations of MTD Techniques on Cloud Computing (a Postdoc, Massey University -> Postdoc at UNSW Canberra->Lecturer at U of Sydney-> Lecturer (continuing academic staff), La Trobe University, Australia).

  6. Kieran Morris (Ph.D., ECE, University of Canterbury, NZ, 2019, co-supervisor): Reliability and resilience evaluation of distribution automation (first employment: Tait communications, NZ-> Noted Ltd ).

  7. Simon (Enochson) Yusuf (Ph.D., Computer Science, NZ, University of Canterbury, Dec 2018, senior supervisor): Dynamic Cyber Security Modeling and Analysis (Postdoc at UQ-> Lecturer (continuing academic staff) at Federal University Kashere (FUK), Gombe, Nigeria -> Lecturer at Whitecliffe College, New Zealand. )

  8. Mengmeng Ge (Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Canterbury, 2018; senior supervisor): Graphical security modeling and assessment for the Internet of things (Lecturer (continuing academic) in Cybersecurity at Deakin University -> RMIT University, Australia -> Deloitte New Zealand-> Senior Lecturer, University of Canterbury, New Zealand).

  9. Iman Elmir (Ph.D., Hassan 1st Univ. Morocco, 2017, co-supervisor): Security Modeling and Analysis of Intrusion Tolerant Data Centers

  10. Jin B. Hong (Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Canterbury, April 2015, senior supervisor): Scalable and Adaptable Security Modeling and Analysis. (First employment: Postdoc, UC, NZ -> Lecturer, then Senior Lecturer in Cybersecurity at U of Western Australia)

  11. Nguyen Tuan Anh (Ph.D., August 2015, KAU, co-supervisor): Availability Modeling and Analysis of Data Center Systems using Stochastic Reward Nets. (Postdoc, Kunkuk University, South Korea -> an Academic Research Professor, Kunkuk University, South Korea)

Cyber Security Research Experience

Dan Dongseong Kim has been working on various topics in computer and network security since 2001. Dan started his research with crypto algorithms design, implementation, and testing for hardware devices such as FPGA/ASICs. Then, he worked on machine learning/data mining approaches for (host-based, network-based) intrusion detection from 2001 onward. His master's thesis was a machine learning (ML)-based network intrusion detection. He worked on various computer and network security topics such as an intelligent SIEM (it was called enterprise security management at that time), authentication protocols for RFID systems, security and privacy for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), etc. His Ph.D. topics were security and privacy for WSNs. He spent one year as a visiting scholar at The University of Maryland (UMD), College Park, Maryland in the US in 2007 under the supervision of Prof. Virgil D. Gligor.

He started working on dependability more seriously in addition to Cyber Security in 2008 when he started his postdoc research at Duke University under the supervision of the Hudson Chaired Professor Kishor S. Trivedi. He worked on research projects funded by the US NSF, NEC Japan, and IBM T.J. Watson in the area of dependability (availability/performance) of data centers/cloud computing and cybersecurity modeling & analysis.

Since he became a faculty member at The University of Canterbury, New Zealand in August 2011, he explored deeply the area of graphical models for cybersecurity, metrics, measurement, and efficient evaluation methods for automated cybersecurity modeling and analysis and applied those key ideas to Cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Moving Target Defenses (MTD), cyber deception, and automated cyber-attacks generation. He worked with diverse groups of people from various countries including Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Mongolia, Morocco, Malaysia, Nepal, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, USA, UK, and Vietnam.

Academic Genealogy

As for his academic genealogy, his Ph.D. thesis advisor was

  • Jong-Sou Park (Pennsylvania State University, Ph.D., 1994); his one was
  • Paul Thomas Hulina (Pennsylvania State University, Ph.D., 1969); then it runs back through
  • Jon Gustav Bredeson (Northwestern University, Ph.D., 1967),
  • Seifollah Louis Hakimi (The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), Ph.D., 1959),
  • Mac Van Valkenburg (Stanford University, Ph.D., 1952),
  • Oswald Garrison Villard, Jr. (Stanford University, Ph.D., 1949),
  • Frederick Emmons Terman (widely credited as being the father of Silicon Valley) (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 1924, Sc.D.) and
  • Vannevar Bush (Jointly Harvard/MIT, D. Eng., 1916) to
  • Arthur Edwin Kennelly (Professor at Harvard/MIT) (who was working in Thomas Edison's West Orange Laboratory from December 1887 to March 1894) and Dugald C. Jackson.

His postdoc advisor is Professor Kishor S. Trivedi (UIUC, Ph.D., 1974) who is a Life Fellow of IEEE and the Hudson Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University, USA. Please visit the academic tree from Duglad C. Jackson up to the ancestors at the academic tree (link).

Dan Kim
Dan Kim

Professor Ryan Ko

Chair & Director-CyberSecurity
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Chair & Director - Cyber Security
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision
Media expert

Professor Ryan Ko is Chair and Director of UQ Cyber and a member of the Academic Board at the University of Queensland, Australia. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering)(Hons.) (2005), and PhD (2011) from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Ko has held senior scientific leadership, executive, and directorship roles across industry and academia, and has more than a decade of board, governance and advisory experience across government, industry and NGOs across Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and USA.

He currently serves on the Audit and Risk Committee for the board of the global not-for-profit ORCID, and has served on boards and advisory groups for AustCyber, Queensland Government, Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA), and the NZX-listed (NZE:LIC) Livestock Improvement Cooperation (LIC).

He has also served as expert advisor to INTERPOL, the government of Tonga, NZDF, NZ Minister for Communications' Cyber Security Skills Taskforce, and one of four nationally-appointed Technical Adviser for the Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015, Ministry of Justice. He has also served as independent technical expert for court cases.

He is also Adjunct Professor at the Singapore Institute of Technology, and Affiliate Faculty Member at NIATEC at the Idaho State University, USA.

He is co-founder of Cyber Security Certification Australia (CSCAU), CyberCert, and First Watch Ltd (NZ) – an industrial cybersecurity spin-off based on his patented OT security and provenance research at the University of Waikato.

Since joining UQ in 2019, he has served as:

  • Deputy Head of School (External Engagement) (2021-2022)
  • Founding Discipline Leader of the Cyber Security and Software Engineering discipline (2020-2021)
  • Group Leader - Cyber Security (2019)

Ko has successfully established several university-wide, multi-disciplinary academic research and education programmes, including establishing and leading:

  • UQ Cyber - interdisciplinary cyber scurity research centre involving 60+ academics and their respective teams from the 6 Schools (EECS, Business, Economics, Law, Social Science, Mathematics & Physics), the Centre for Policy Futures, and 4 Faculties since 2019.
  • UQ's interdisciplinary postgraduate programme (MCyber, PGDipCyber, GCertCyber) involving four UQ faculties in 2019,
  • NZ's first cyber security graduate research programme and lab (Cybersecurity Researchers of Waikato (CROW)) in 2012,
  • NZ's first Master of Cyber Security (encompassing technical and law courses), the NZ Cyber Security Challenge since 2014, and
  • NZ Institute for Security and Crime Science – Te Puna Haumaru as its founding director, the Evidence Based Policing Centre (at Wellington with NZ Police and ESR), and Master of Security and Crime Science in 2017 with the University of Waikato, NZ.

Over his academic career, Ko has been awarded A$20+million in competitive grants as lead Chief Investigator, and ~A$40+million as co-investigator. Prior to UQ, he was the highest funded computer scientist in New Zealand, as Principal Investigator and Science Leader of the largest MBIE-awarded cloud security research funding for STRATUS (NZ$12.2 million; 2014-2018). STRATUS' research was awarded 'Gold' by MBIE (i.e. top performing project, 2017), adopted by INTERPOL and featured in NZ's Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet's NZ Cyber Security Strategy 2016 annual report.

Ko has a track record developing international and national cyber security curricula, including:

  • Co-creation of the gold-standard (ISC)2 Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) curriculum (2014-2015)
  • Authoring the draft of the NZQA's Level 6 Cybersecurity Diploma qualification as part of the NZ Cyber Security Skills Taskforce on behalf of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Ko has also experience developing competitions and coaching competitive cyber security teams, including:

  • Co-founding the NZ Cyber Security Challenge in 2014, and leading the NZCSC from 2014 to 2018. NZCSC is now the premier national cyber security competition in NZ.
  • Co-founding the Oceania Cybersecurity Challenge (OCC) in 2020, and leading the competition from 2022 to present. OCC is now the regional qualifiers for the International Cybersecurity Challenge
  • Co-founding the International Cybersecurity Challenge (ICC) as part of the Steering Committee in 2022. ICC has been held in Athens (2022) and San Diego (2023). It is aiming to be the world cup of cyber competitions.
  • Head Coach of Team Oceania for the ICC. 2022 Results: Overall 4th; 2023 Results: Overall 2nd in the world.

He contributed to the establishment of the Government of Tonga CERT and CERT NZ, and has spoken regularly on cyber and cloud security research across the globe, including the OECD, Republic of Korea National Assembly (2018), INTERPOL (2017), TEDx Ruakura (2017), and the NZ Members of Parliament (2016).

Within the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27, Prof Ko was Head of Delegation for the Singapore national body, served as Editor, ISO/IEC 21878 “Security guidelines for design and implementation of virtualized servers”, and hosted the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 meetings at Hamilton, NZ, in 2017. He is currently one of the editors of the ISO/IEC PWI 5181 Data Provenance Reference Model. In 2022, Ko co-chaired the development of the Singapore standard TR 106:2022 Tiered cybersecurity standards for enterprises in collaboration with the SPSTC and Singapore Cyber Security Agency.

Ko serves as an assessor for the Australian Research Council (ARC), Irish Research Council, Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO), and NZ MBIE College of Assessors (since 2015).

He is also an external expert for the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA).

Ko has externally examined 11 PhD and 3 Masters theses for universities in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Hong Kong and Singapore.

For his contributions to the field, he was elected Fellow of the Australian Computer Society, Fellow of the Queensland Academy of Arts and Sciences, and Fellow of Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) (2016). He was awarded the Singapore Government (Enterprise Singapore)’s Young Professional Award (2018) for his leadership at ISO, and awarded the inaugural CSA Ron Knode Service Award 2012 for the establishment of Cloud Data Governance and Cloud Vulnerabilities Research Working Groups. He is also recipient of the 2015 (ISC)2 Information Security Leadership Award.

For his research and teaching excellence, he was awarded the University of Queensland Awards for Excellence - Leadership (Commendation) (2023), EAIT Nominations for Most Effective Teacher (both semesters of 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023), University of Waikato's Early Career Excellence Award (2014), Faculty Teaching Excellence Awards (2014, 2015, 2018), and the Nola Campbell eLearning Excellence Award (2014). During his PhD, he was also awarded A*STAR SIMTech's Best Student Award (2009), and clinched the 1st Prize of the IEEE Services Cup 2009 at IEEE ICWS (CORE A*) in Los Angeles, CA.

Earlier in his career, Ko was a systems engineer, and subsequently founded two start-ups (one was a social enterprise which became an events/conventions management contractor with IMG at mega-events in Singapore, including the inaugural Youth Olympics in 2010).

He is an active science communicator and is regularly interviewed and featured by Australian (ABC News, SBS News, 7 News, 9 News, Courier Mail, Network 10, AFR), Singaporean (Channel NewsAsia, CNA Radio938), NZ (NZ Herald, Dominion Post,, Waikato Times, TVNZ, Central TV) and international media on topics of cyber security, cybercrime and data privacy.

Ryan Ko
Ryan Ko

Dr Jessica Korte

Honorary Senior Research Fellow
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Jessica Korte is passionate about the ways good technology can improve lives. To ensure technology is “good”, she advocates involving end users in the design process; especially when those people belong to “difficult” user groups - which usually translates to “minority” user groups. Her philosophy for technology design (and life in general) is that the needs of people who are disempowered or disabled by society should be considered first; everyone else will then benefit from technology that maximises usability. Her research areas include Human-Computer Interaction, Machine Learning, and Participatory & Collaborative Design.

Jessica was drawn to research by a desire to explore some of the ways technology and design can empower and support people from marginalised groups. She has worked with Deaf children and members of the Deaf community to create a technology design approach, and successfully organised and run international workshops on Pushing the Boundaries of Participatory Design, leading to the World’s Most Inclusive Distributed Participatory Design Project.

Jessica has recently been awarded a TAS DCRC Fellowship to create an Auslan Communication Technologies Pipeline, a modular, AI-based Auslan-in, Auslan-out system capable of recognising, processing and producing Auslan signing.

Jessica is currently looking to recruit research students with an interest in exploring topics in an Auslan context, including machine learning, natural language processing, chatbots, video GAN, or procedural animation.

Jessica Korte
Jessica Korte

Dr Veronika Kuchta

Honorary Research Fellow
School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision

Veronika Kuchta received her Diploma degree in Mathematics at the Heidelberg University in Germany in 2010. She reseived her PhD in applied cryptography at the University of Surrey, United Kingdom in 2016. She worked as a postdoc at the Universite libre de Bruxelles in Belgium from 2016-2018. From 2018 till 2020 she has been a Research Fellow at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. FromDecember 2020 to July 2022 she was employed by The University of Queensland, School of Mathematics and Physics as a lecturer in mathematical cryptography. From November 2022 she is Assistant Professor at Florida Atlantic University (Boca Raton, USA), department of mathematical sciences. Her research interst focus on the different areas of mathematical cryptography, post-quantum cryptography and its applications to the real-world.

Veronika Kuchta
Veronika Kuchta

Dr Gayan Chaminda Lankeshwara

Available for supervision
Gayan Chaminda Lankeshwara

Professor Xue Li

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision
Xue Li
Xue Li

Associate Professor Jacki Liddle

Conjoint Associate Professor
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Available for supervision

Jacki Liddle is a research fellow and occupational therapist researching quality of life, participation and life transitions. She uses innovative technology, along with qualitative and quantitative research methods to investigate the needs and experiences of people living with neurological conditions (dementia, Parkinson's disease, stroke), older people and their caregivers. She has worked with a multi-disciplinary team co-designing technology with people living with dementia and their care partners to support communication. Currently, she is in a conjoint position with Princess Alexandra Hospital, supporting the development, conduct and application of research that improves outcomes for patients.

She has also been involved in developing technology to measure outcomes including lifespace, time use, and activity and role participation to help monitor and improve community outcomes. Dr Liddle's PhD focused on researching the experiences related to retirement from driving for older people, which led to the development of the CarFreeMe program to improve outcomes related to driving cessation. Versions of the program for older drivers, people living with dementia and people with traumatic brain injury have been developed and trialled.

Jacki Liddle
Jacki Liddle

Dr Kai Li Lim

Affiliate of Dow Centre for Sustain
Dow Centre for Sustainable Engineering Innovation
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
St Baker Fellow in E-Mobility
School of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
St Baker Fellow in E-Mobility - Res
Dow Centre for Sustainable Engineering Innovation
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Kai Li Lim is the inaugural St Baker Fellow in E-Mobility at the UQ Dow Centre for Sustainable Engineering Innovation. Specialising in data science, engineering, and emerging technologies, Dr Lim focuses on real-time vehicle telematics, infrastructure management, and computer vision-based autonomous driving.

At UQ, Dr Lim's research centres on electric vehicle (EV) usage and charging patterns to inform adoption policies and strategies. His work includes examining trends for incentive design and assessing the environmental and economic impacts of EVs. Dr Lim's current focus is on charging reliability and addressing EV drivers' pain points. His research has been featured in academic, industry, and media publications, facilitating discussions with various stakeholders.

Dr Lim has published a range of articles, book chapters, and conference papers in reputable venues. He has delivered invited talks and appeared in media outlets such as ABC, Courier Mail, and The Conversation. Collaborating with various UQ schools, including Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), Economics, and Environment, Dr Lim has secured funding for projects on topics like carbon emissions offset after EV uptake and evaluating price incentives for EV charging using real-time data.

In addition to his work at UQ, Dr Lim collaborates closely with the UC Davis Electric Vehicle Research Center, where he recently completed a six-month visiting fellowship on EV charging. He engages in speaking events and networking opportunities centred on sustainability and transportation innovation, delivering keynote speeches at conferences and industry roundtables.

Dr Lim holds a BEng (Hons) degree in electronic and computer engineering from the University of Nottingham, an MSc degree in computer science from Lancaster University, and a PhD degree from The University of Western Australia, supported by the Australian Government under the Research Training Programme.

Kai Li Lim
Kai Li Lim