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Professor Steve Adkins

Associate Professor
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision
Steve Adkins
Steve Adkins

Emeritus Professor Ross Barnard

Emeritus Professor
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision
Media expert
Ross Barnard
Ross Barnard

Professor Jimmy Botella

School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Faculty of Science
Affiliate of Centre for Crop Scienc
Centre for Crop Science
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Botella's research interests are in genetic engineering, molecular biology and signal transduction in plants.

Dr. Jimmy Botella is Professor of Plant Biotechnology at the University of Queensland. He obtained a degree in Quantum Chemistry from the University of Madrid (Spain) and a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Malaga (Spain). After postdoctoral positions at Michigan State University and Pennsylvania State University he joined the University of Queensland in 1995. At UQ he founded the Plant Genetic Engineering Laboratory (PGEL) specialising in the fields of tropical and subtropical agricultural biotechnology for almost 15 years. J. Botella has eleven international patents in the field of Plant Biotechnology and is a founding member of two biotechnology companies (Coridon Ltd. and Origo Biotech).

Dr Botella is a member of the Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology research group.

Some highlights of the Plant Genetic Engineering Laboratory’s research:

  • Production and field trial of the world’s first genetically modified pineapples with genetic constructs to control flowering time. These pineapples will allow farmer control over harvesting times.
  • Development of a new technology to confer protection against nematode infestation.
  • Discovery of a gene that can confer resistance to the devastating fungus Fusarium oxysporum in plants.
  • Development of a new technology to confer protection against pathogenic fungi in plants.

Research interests

Dr. Botella’s research has two major foci: basic cell biology and applied biotechnology. In cell biology he is interested in studying the function of the Heterotrimeric G proteins in plants. This family of proteins is extremely important in humans but their role in pant systems is still largely unknown. Dr. Botella’s research has strongly contributed to the current body of knowledge available in plants with critical contributions such as the discovery and characterization of the first plant gamma subunits and the establishment of these subunits as the critical element conferring function specificity to all plant G proteins. Dr. Botella’s team has also discovered the important role that these proteins play in defense against pathogens. New and unpublished data has now revealed that G proteins are important yield enhancing factors in crops such as rice. Another research interest resides in the communication between plants and insects. There is plenty of knowledge of how important smell, volatiles emitted by the plant, is for foraging insects in order to determine their host preferences. Nevertheless, most of the available studies have been performed using synthetic chemicals in artificial experimental settings. Dr. Botella’s team and collaborators have genetically engineered plants to produce different volatile mixes in the flowers in order to perform in vivo behavioral studies in insects.

Biotechnology research at the Plant Genetic Engineering Laboratory mostly arises from discoveries made in basic research. The PGEL focuses in tropical and subtropical crops. These crops have attracted little attention in terms of biotechnology but are essential sources of food and energy for a large part of the world’s population, especially in Asia and the Indian subcontinent. The PGEL has developed a number of platform technologies that can be applied to multiple crops in order to confer resistance to pathogens, modify plant architecture and control flowering time.

Current research projects include:

  • Plant heterotrimeric G proteins: New roles in defence, stomatal control and ABA perception.
  • Putting smells into context: using in vivo technologies to understand plant-insect odour communication.
  • Use of host-derived RNA interference technology to control plant pathogens (especially pathogenic fungi and nematodes).
  • Control of Fusarium wilt disease.
  • Genetic improvement of grain crops.
  • Genetic engineering research projects
Jimmy Botella
Jimmy Botella

Dr Peter Crisp

UQ Amplify Researcher
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Faculty of Science
Affiliate of Centre for Crop Scienc
Centre for Crop Science
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Available for supervision

Dr Peter Crisp is an expert in crop genomics, epigenomics and molecular genetics. He leads a research group in the School of Agriculture and Food Science. His research group seeks to understand the contribution of epigenetics to heritable phenotypic variation in crop plants, focusing on cereals including barley, sorghum, wheat and maize. This includes the development of methods to harness epigenetic variation for crop improvement; understanding the role of epigenetics in stress responses and using innovative epigenomic approaches to distill large genomes down to the relatively small fraction of regions that are functionally important for trait variation. Research in the Crisp Lab spans both wet lab and computational biology providing a powerful platform to integrate genetic, genomic and biotechnological approaches.

Check out the CrispLab website here

Follow Dr Crisp on Twitter: @pete_crisp

Peter Crisp
Peter Crisp

Associate Professor Brett Ferguson

Affiliate of ARC COE for Innovation
ARC Centre of Excellence for Innovations in Peptide and Protein Science
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Associate Professor Legume Biotech
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Faculty of Science
Associate Professor
Centre for Crop Science
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Available for supervision
Media expert

A/Prof Brett Ferguson’s research interest are in molecular genetics, genomics, genetic transformation and genome editing, such as CRISPR, to unravel the molecular mechanisms driving plant development. His primary focus is on legume crops, using biotechnology and bioinformatic approaches to identify key genes and signals controlling traits of interest. This includes the agriculturally- and environmentally-important symbiosis between legume plants and beneficial rhizobia bacteria that fix critical nitrogen for their host plant. In addition, A/Prof Ferguson works with the fascinating legume tree, Pongamia pinatta, which has tremendous potential as a feedstock for the sustainable production of biodiesel and aviation fuel.

A/Prof Brett Ferguson leads the Integrative Legume Research Group (ILRG) in the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences (SAFS) at the University of Queensland (UQ). He is an Affiliate of the Centre for Crop Science in the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI), and an Affiliate of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Innovations in Peptide and Protein Science (CIPPS). A/Prof Ferguson is also a Chief Investigator in the large, multi-national Hy-Gain for Smallholders Project primarily funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The work of A/Prof Ferguson has contributed to the discovery of many new genes and signals, such as novel microRNAs and peptide hormones, that have critical roles in controlling plant development. His research group identified the complete family of CLE peptide encoding genes of several legume species using an array of molecular and bioinformatic approaches. Additional discoveries of genes involved in legume nodule formation, nitrogen signalling and the regulation of root development, are also having an impact in the research field. Many of these factors could be useful in supporting translational studies and breeding programs that look to improve crop performance. His work also established a requirement for brassinosteroid hormones in legume nodulation and demonstrated a central role for gibberellins in nodule development. Moreover, he contributed to some of the initial work reporting a role of strigolatones in shoot branching, and demonstrated that plants can transport quantities of auxin far in excess of their endogenous levels.

A/Prof Ferguson has also contributed to the developed of new tools and techniques, such as petiole feeding, precision feeding in growth pouches, stem girdling, pHairyRed for promoter-reporter fusions, new hairy-root transformation techniques, novel integrative vectors to enhance transformation efficiency, synthetic biology approaches to generate mature double stranded miRNA, etc.

Brett Ferguson
Brett Ferguson

Professor Ian Godwin

Professor and Academic Centre Direc
Centre for Crop Science
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Centre Director of Centre for Crop
Centre for Crop Science
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Professor and Academic Centre Direc
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Available for supervision
Media expert

Professor Ian Godwin has over 30 years’ experience in plant biotechnology research, first undertaking sugar beet genetic engineering at Birmingham University in the UK in the 1980s. He joined UQ in 1990, holding an academic position in plant molecular genetics. In 2019 he joined QAAFI as Director of the Centre for Crop Science.

He leads research in the use of biotechnological tools for crop improvement, with emphasis on the sustainable production of grain crops. Major focus is on the improvement of crops for food, feed and bio-industrial end-uses. He has pioneered the use of GM and gene edited techniques in sorghum. Research projects include international collaborations with a focus on food security and plant genetic resource conservation with collaborators in Germany, Denmark, the United States, China, Ethiopia and Pacific Island countries. He is passionate about the public communication of science, and has spoken at many public events on genetics, GM plants and food, animal cloning, and the future of agriculture in a changing climate. In 2003 he was an ABC Science Media Fellow, and has appeared on ABC and BBC radio on numerous occasions.

His popular science book Good Enough to Eat?: Next Generation GM Crops was published by the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2019.

Ian Godwin
Ian Godwin

Professor Lee Hickey

ARC Future Fellow
Centre for Crop Science
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Available for supervision
Media expert

Professor Lee Hickey is a plant breeder and crop geneticist within the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation at The University of Queensland, Australia. He is an ARC Future Fellow and Director of the ARC Training Centre in Predictive Breeding. His own research group specialises in plant breeding innovation to support development of more productive food crops, such as wheat, barley and chickpea. He has a strong interest in the integration of breeding technologies, such as genomic prediction, AI, speed breeding and genome editing. His advice for speed breeding crops is sought internationally and the technology is now adopted by plant breeding programs worldwide, which is fast-tracking development of improved crop varieties for farmers. His research outcomes have featured in >90 refereed publications, including articles in high profile journals Nature Plants, Nature Protocols and Nature Biotechnology. Lee is a prolific science communicator and his research outcomes have appeared in mainstream media such as BBC World News, National Geographic, and the New York Times. He is passionate about training the next generation of plant breeders and currently mentors 18 PhD students, while 20 of his previous graduates now work for leading plant breeding companies and high-profile research institutes around the globe.

Check out the Hickey Lab website here

Follow Professor Lee Hickey on X: @DrHikov

Research interests

  • Speed breeding techniques to reduce the length of breeding cycles
  • Understanding the genetics of physiological traits that support yield in different environments
  • Integrating breeding technologies to accelerate genetic gain in breeding programs
  • Innovative genomic selection methodologies
  • Identifying novel sources of disease resistance
Lee Hickey
Lee Hickey

Dr Martina Jones

Research Fellow
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Available for supervision

Operations Manager - National Biologics Facility

Deputy Director - ARC Training Centre for Biopharmaceutical Innovation

Research Areas: Discovery and engineering of antibodies for diagnostic or therapeutic uses

BScApp (Biotech) Honours Class I (1998) The University of Queensland

PhD (2008) The University of Queensland

Martina Jones
Martina Jones

Dr Sundar Kalaipandian

Advance Queensland Industry Researc
Centre for Horticultural Science
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Advance Queensland Industry Re
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Faculty of Science
Advance Queensland Industry Researc
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision

Dr Sundar Kalaipandian obtained his BSc (Agriculture) and MSc (Plant Breeding and Genetics) from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India. He worked as a senior research fellows at Sugarcane Breeding Institute in India. He then went to undertake his PhD in Biotechnology at Academia Sinica, Taiwan. He received a postdoctoral fellowship from Academia Sinica. He got a postdoctoral position to work at Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), and moved to Australia. He worked for University of Adelaide and Biosecurity Queensland. Then, he joined as a research fellow at the University of Queensland. Currently, he received an Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellowship project to develop a commercial tissue culture protocol on date plam.

Sundar has developed expertise in genetics, plant breeding, biotechnology, genomics, and bioinformatics during his career. He has specialized in the development of abiotic and biotic stress tolerant varieties. He has worked on several plant species including sugarcane, rice, maize, Arabidopsis, wheat, coconut, date palm, Australian native plant species and weeds. He has experience in developing strong collaborations with national and international organizations, and private industries. He is interested in commercialization of scientific technologies for farmers and bringing various technologies to field. He is also interested to work on Australian native plant species and environmental factors that affect their germination and growth. Apart from scientific skills, he is taking various roles in preparation of collaborative agreements, biosecurity documents, project and budget management activities.

Sundar Kalaipandian
Sundar Kalaipandian

Dr Dibesh Karmacharya

Available for supervision

Dibesh Karmacharya has a Conservation Biology degree from Wayne State College, USA and a PhD on Conservation and Microbiome Genetics from Griffith University, Australia. He worked extensively in the US for Caliper Lifesciences in New Jersey as a research scientist (transgenic animal models). He promoted Genomics and Proteomics technology platforms for GE Healthcare Lifesciences in the US and Canada. He founded the Center for Molecular Dynamics Nepal (CMDN), a wildlife genetics and clinical epidemiology research center and is the Chairman and Executive Director of the Organization. He also founded Intrepid Nepal Pvt. Ltd.-a molecular diagnostics-based Biotechnology Company, and Intrepid Cancer Diagnostics-a leading cancer diagnostic laboratory. He leads several innovative researches in Nepal including building Nepal’s first genetic database of wild tigers through Nepal Tiger Genome Project. He was the Principal Investigator of PREDICT Nepal project-an emerging pandemic threat project. He also founded BIOVAC Nepal Pvt. Ltd. - a vaccine research, development and manufacturing company. He is Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Regional Project Coordinator of Pandemic Prevention Leadership Initiative (PPLI). He specializes in One Health and Conservation Genetics.

Dibesh Karmacharya
Dibesh Karmacharya

Dr Yasmine Lam

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Centre for Crop Science
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Available for supervision

Yasmine Lam is a researcher within the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation at the University of Queensland. Her main areas of interest are using biotehnological tools like gene editing to dissect key traits of interest in cereals to further understand the molecular mechanisms that underpin phenotypes. Currently, her main focus is dissecting various components of plant architecture using CRISPR and a holistic phenotyping approach to further disseminate the influences these genes can have for future trait improvement in key cereal crops.

Yasmine Lam
Yasmine Lam

Dr Karen Massel

Research Fellow
Centre for Crop Science
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Available for supervision
Media expert

Karen is a Research Fellow in QAAFI at the University of Queensland whose research group is focused on the improvement of crops using genomic and biotechnological tools. She began her scientific journey through obtaining an Honours BSc in Pharmaceutical sciences (Genomics) from the University Ottawa where her honours focused on the impact of RNA stability in cold-treated wheat seedlings. From there she joined Ian Godwin's group in SAFS at UQ to start her PhD in developing and optimising biotechnological tools in sorghum to understand food and feed quality. As a research fellow, she has applied these initiatives to numerous tropical grain crops and using these tools to study a range of traits focused on understanding key developmental pathways.

Karen Massel
Karen Massel

Professor Neena Mitter

Centre Director of Centre for Horti
Centre for Horticultural Science
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Centre Director, Horticultural Sci
Centre for Horticultural Science
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Centre Director, Horticultural Scie
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Available for supervision
Media expert

Prof Neena Mitter is the founding Director of both the QAAFI Centre for Horticultural Science and the Australian Research Council Industrial Transformational Research HUB for Sustainable Crop Protection at The University of Queensland (UQ). The Centre of Horticultural Science, which constitutes over 70 core staff and students and champions over $37 Million worth of research projects, is collectively committed to developing the horticulture of tomorrow. As Director Neena purposely oversees that the three major research themes of the Centre; ‘horticulture crop breeding and agronomy’, ‘plant protection’ and ‘emerging technologies’, are carefully networked across multiple regional Centre locations and that they operate in close collaboration with industry, growers and government, to boost innovation, productivity and economic growth.

Neena’s career and passion for delivering real world outcomes has received recognitions such as Fellowship to Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, Young Scientist Award from the Prime Minister of India, Queensland International Fellowship, Gates Grand Challenges Explorations Award and Women in Technology Outstanding Life Sciences Award. Neena is continually driven by the realisation of agriculture’s significance in shaping the world, economically, socially, environmentally and politically. Her high impact science and exceptional industry engagement has led to commercially focused innovations namely 'BioClay for crop protection', 'Nanovaccines for animal health', and ‘Clonal propagation of avocado using plant stem cells’. Her incomparable collaboration and industry commitment has awarded her directorship of ARC Industrial Transformational Research HUB for Sustainable Crop Protection so she can continue to bridge the gap between fundamental and applied science and place Australia squarely on the world stage as a provider of a non-toxic, non-GM, ecologically sustainable Ag-Nano innovation. Her world’s first avocado tissue culture technology has the disruptive power to meet the growing global demand for new plants, will smash 2022 backlog of supply and demand. Neena has served as an invited member on the Federal Government’s Decadal Plan for Agriculture and was invited to the OECD summit to develop policy and risk assessment guidelines on RNA based pesticides. She is an active Deputy member of the National Leadership Council on Cultural Diversity ( liaises within its business, government, universities and civil society membership. Neena is highly and consistently sort after to present at internationally hosted Forums such as Nature conferences and the World Science Festival.

Neena Mitter
Neena Mitter

Dr Loan Nguyen

Research Fellow/Senior Research off
Centre for Animal Science
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr. Nguyen is an expert in applying long-read Oxford Nanopore Sequencing Technologies (ONT) in agriculture, particularly livestock and other sectors. Her groundbreaking contributions include being the pioneer in sequencing the genomes of Brahman and Wagyu cattle, developing an innovative epigenetic clock for age prediction in cattle, and successfully implementing ONT portable sequencers for Blockchain traceability systems in Australia.

As a leader in the field, Dr. Nguyen spearheads the use of ONT long-read technology to scaffold genome assemblies in livestock, plants, protists, and insects. Her multidisciplinary expertise in molecular biology, advanced genomics, and animal sciences also empowers her to explore causative markers for commercial SNP arrays and identify significant DNA variants from low-coverage sequencing data sets.

Dr. Nguyen's exceptional achievements and expertise have been acknowledged through the prestigious ARC Industry Fellowship, recognising her as a promising early career researcher. Her work has significantly contributed to advancing genomic research in agriculture and has opened new avenues for utilising ONT sequencing technologies across diverse domains.

Loan Nguyen
Loan Nguyen

Dr Elizabeth Ross

Senior Research Fellow
Centre for Animal Science
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Not available for supervision
Elizabeth Ross
Elizabeth Ross

Dr Frances Shapter

Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Scien
School of Veterinary Science
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision

Dr Shapter's background was originally in Agricultural Science and higher education which evolved to the completion of her PhD in molecular genetics in 2008. Prior to her current appointments she was the senior researcher on ARC linkage, Australian Flora Foundation and RIRDC research grants looking at the genetic foundations of domestication and adaptation in Australian native grasses. She supervised two HDR students and has a strong publication record in this field. Her research interests centre on identifying and developing practical applications for gene sequencing. Fran is passionate about teaching and has worked as a facilitator commercially and trained early career researchers and PhD candidates in Project Management, IP and commercialisation and Leadership. She was a participant in the 2020 summit and was appointed to the federal advisory Rural R&D Council in 2009. Dr Shapter was also a sitting member of the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator's Ethics and Community Consultative Committee, 2016-2020.

Fran began tutoring at the UQ School of Veterinary Science in 2011, in large animal production, parasitology and microbiology. Since then she has held a variety of teaching, research and professional roles based around project management, curriculum design and blended learning design. She was the project manager for a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) grant which developed 40 vertically and horizontally integrated, online, adaptive tutorials for veterinary science students and was co-author on the manual developed by this project. She assisted with the development of a new flexible delivery laboratory animal science course in 2015 and delivers 5 weeks of online learning units into this course currently. She has been part of the SoTL research and evaluation associated with both these projects and has reported outcomes at University showcases annually since 2016.

In 2017 Fran became the new Student Clinical Skills Hub Coordinator, a purpose-built, state-of-the-art self-directed learning facility for students of veterinary science. Whilst undertaking this role student usage, resource availability and online support for the Hub has increased more than tenfold. Fran's aim is to provide a safe, authentic, self-directed learning environment where students can practice their clinical skills in accordance with individual competences, beyond the scheduled contact hours of their programs and further enhance their capacity for self-directed, lifelong learning whilst acknowledging the vast array of qualifications, previous training, life experience and cultural backgrounds each student brings with them to the Hub.In 2020 Fran recieved a UQ Teaching Excellence Award due to the demonstarted impact of the SVS Student Clinical Skills Hub.

In 2019 Fran was appointed as a Lecturer in Veterinary Science, while continuing her role as the Hub's coordinator. She continues to maintain her teaching roles into the veterinary program in animal handling, animal production, reproduction, microbiology, parasitology and plant identification. Fran has an additional role in the School with regard to asissting with the design, development and integration of blended learning resources, after working with the Science faculties blended learning design team in 2018. However her SoTL portfolio is best showcased by the development of the online learning community and training resources she has developed for the Student Clinical Skills Hub. As of June 2021, Fran has also taken on the role of the School of Veterinary Science Honours Program Coordinator.

Frances Shapter
Frances Shapter