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Professor Mikael Boden

School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision
Media expert

Mikael Bodén has a PhD in Computer Science and statistical machine learning from the University of Exeter (UK) but has spent the last decade and a half in biological research environments, including the Institute for Molecular Bioscience/ARC Centre of Excellence in Bioinformatics and the School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, where he is currently located. He is the director of UQ’s postgraduate program in bioinformatics. Mikael Bodén has supervised 7 postdocs from funding he received from both ARC and NHMRC; he has been the primary advisor for 11 PhD and 3 MPhil graduates; he is currently supervising another 6 PhD students in bioinformatics and computational biology. Mikael Bodén collaborates with researchers in neuroscience, developmental biology, protein engineering and bioeconomy to mention but a few, and contributes expertise in the processing, analysis and integration of biological data; this is exemplified by recent publications in Science, Nature Catalysis, Nature Communications, Cell Systems, Nucleic Acids Research and Bioinformatics.

Mikael Boden
Mikael Boden

Dr Birgitta Ebert

FaBA Future Academic Leader in Ferm
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Available for supervision
Media expert

Birgitta Ebert’s research focuses on developing biotechnology concepts to address critical challenges such as pollution, climate change and overexploitation of natural resources.

She specializes in improving microbial catalysts for eco-friendly chemical and material production by leveraging metabolic engineering, synthetic biology, systems analysis, and modelling. Her goal is to create microbial cell factories that convert renewable resources and waste into valuable products, reducing reliance on petrochemicals. She collaborates closely with chemists and chemical engineers to enhance the integration of chemical and biological processes for improved efficiency and sustainability.

Birgitta has a background in Chemical Engineering and a PhD in Systems Biotechnology from TU Dortmund University (Germany). She led a research group in Systems Metabolic Engineering at the Institute of Applied Microbiology at RWTH Aachen University (Germany) from 2012 to 2019. In 2016, she expanded her expertise in Synthetic Biology by joining the Keasling lab at the University of California in Berkeley and the Joint BioEnergy Institute in Emeryville (USA).

Since April 2019, she has been at the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology at the University of Queensland, applying her expertise to engineer microbial cell factories for fermentation-based manufacturing.

Birgitta Ebert
Birgitta Ebert

Associate Professor Frederic Gachon

Principal Research Fellow
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Affiliate Associate Professor of Sc
School of Biomedical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine
Available for supervision
Media expert

Frédéric Gachon received his PhD in 2001 from the University of Montpellier (France). Between 2001 and 2006, he performed his post-doctoral training with Prof. Ueli Schibler at the department of Molecular Biology of the University of Geneva (Switzerland), where he started to work on the regulation of physiology by the circadian clock. In 2006, he worked at the Institute of Human Genetic in Montpellier (France) as a junior group leader before continued his career in Switzerland as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacology of the University of Lausanne (2009-2012) and as a group leader at the Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences, Lausanne (2012-2018). He finally joined the Institute of Molecular Bioscience of the University of Queensland as an Associate Professor in 2019. During all these years, research of the Gachon group focussed on the understanding of the role of feeding and circadian rhythms on mouse and human physiology, contributing to the fundamental basis for chronopharmacology and chrononutrition.

Frederic Gachon
Frederic Gachon

Associate Professor Emma Hamilton-Williams

Principal Research Fellow
Frazer Institute
Faculty of Medicine
Available for supervision
Media expert

Associate Professor Emma Hamilton-Williams’ career focuses on understanding how immune tolerance is disrupted leading to the development of the autoimmune disease type 1 diabetes. She received her PhD from the Australian National University in 2001, followed by postdoctoral training in Germany and the Scripps Research Institute in the USA.

In 2012, she started a laboratory at the Frazer Institute, University of Queensland where she investigates the gut microbiota as a potential trigger or therapy target for type 1 diabetes, as well as developing an immunotherapy for type 1 diabetes. The overall aim of her research is to find new ways to prevent or treat the underlying immune dysfunction causing autoimmunity.

She is Chief Scientific Officer for an Australia-wide pregnancy-birth cohort study of children at increased risk of type 1 diabetes, which aims to uncover the environmental drivers of this disease. Her laboratory uses big-data approaches including proteomics, metabolomics and metagenomics to understand the function of the gut microbiota linked to disease.

She recently conducted a clinical trial of a microbiome-targeting biotherapy aimed at restoring a healthy microbiome and immune tolerance, with an ultimate aim of preventing type 1 diabetes.

Emma Hamilton-Williams
Emma Hamilton-Williams

Professor Esteban Marcellin

School of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Professorial Research Fellow
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Available for supervision
Esteban Marcellin
Esteban Marcellin

Dr Verónica Martinez Salazar

Advance Queensland Industry Researc
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Available for supervision

Dr Veronica is an Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellow, under the supervision of Professor Esteban Marcellin and Professor Lars Nielsen. She received her Biotechnology Engineering degree at the University of Chile in 2007 and completed her Ph.D. in Systems Biology at The University of Queensland in 2014. After completing her Ph.D. she performed 2 years of postdoctoral training at The University of Queensland, as part of a collaboration project with Universidad de Chile. Both Ph.D. studies and postdoctoral training were financially supported by the Chilean Government, under a competitive scholarship and fellowship, respectively. Later she worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow- Biopharmaceutical Upstream Bioprocessing at the ARC Training Centre for Biopharmaceutical Innovation (CBI), The University of Queensland.

She has some teaching experience. She had performed tutorial teaching in several courses at Universidad de Chile and the University of Queensland. In 2016 she was in charge of the Beer and Biofuels practical, part of the subject: Biomolecular Engineering (CHEE4020) of the chemical engineering department at The University of Queensland. In 2023 she gave an invited speaker lecture about cell culture optimization at the Biologics course (BIOT7018) at The University of Queensland.

Her research focuses on the improvement of biopharmaceutical production using mammalian cells. She is specifically interested in (1) the development of computational tools for metabolic systems biology, and (2) the improvement of upstream bioprocess. On the tools side, she has worked on the integration of thermodynamic principles and omics datasets into genome-scale models to estimate metabolic flux distributions; and developed a method for the estimation of dynamic metabolic fluxes. She has used these tools to describe experimental mammalian cells data and to guide the improvement of biopharmaceutical production processes. She has also been involved in the development of the latest human and CHO genome-scale models. On the process side, she worked on the improvement of a high cell density culture, using systems biology tools to develop a cell line adapted to high cell density and to develop an improved upstream bioprocess.

Her current project focuses on the development of a platform to generate good producer cell factories of difficult-to-express proteins.

Verónica Martinez Salazar
Verónica Martinez Salazar

Dr Zoltan Neufeld

Senior Lecturer
School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision
Zoltan Neufeld
Zoltan Neufeld

Dr Quan Nguyen

Affiliate Senior Research Fellow of
School of Biomedical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine
Affiliate of The Centre for Populat
Centre for Population and Disease Genomics
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Senior Research Fellow
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Quan Nguyen is a Group Leader at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB), The University of Queensland. He is leading the Genomics and Machine Learning (GML) lab to study neuroinflammation and cancer-immune cells at single-cell resolution and within spatial morphological tissue context. His research interest is about revealing gene and cell regulators that determine the states of the complex cancer and neuronal ecosystems. Particularly, he is interested in quantifying cellular diversity and the dynamics of cell-cell interactions within the tissues to find ways to improve cancer diagnosis or cell-type specific treatments or the immunoinflammation responses that cause neuronal disease.

Using machine learning and genomic approaches, his group are integrating single-cell spatiotemporal sequencing data with tissue imaging data to find causal links between cellular genotypes, tissue microenvironment, and disease phenotypes. GML lab is also developing experimental technologies that enable large-scale profiling of spatial gene and protein expression (spatial omics) in a range of cancer tissues (focusing on brain and skin cancer) and in mouse brain and spinal cord.

Dr Quan Nguyen completed a PhD in Bioengineering at the University of Queensland in 2013, postdoctoral training in Bioinformatics at RIKEN institute in Japan in 2015, a CSIRO Office of Chief Executive (OCE) Research Fellowship in 2016, an IMB Fellow in 2018, an Australian Research Council DECRA fellowship (2019-2021), and is currently a National Health and Medical Research Council leadership fellow (EL2). He has published in top-tier journals, including Cell, Cell Stem Cell, Nature Methods, Nature Protocols, Nature Communications, Genome Research, Genome Biology and a prize-winning paper in GigaScience. In the past three years, he has contributed to the development of x8 open-source software, x2 web applications, and x4 databases for analysis of single-cell data and spatial transcriptomics. He is looking for enthusiastic research students and research staff to join his group.

Quan Nguyen
Quan Nguyen

Dr Dietmar Oelz

Senior Lecturer
School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision
Media expert

I studied Technical Mathematics at the Vienna University of Technology. I also earned a Master's degree in Law and I finished the first ("non-clinical") part of Medical Studies at the University of Vienna. I earned my PhD in Applied Mathematics at the University of Vienna in 2007. My PhD advisor was Christian Schmeiser, my co-advisor was Peter Markowich. I spent several months at the University of Buenos Aires working with C. Lederman and at the ENS-Paris rue d'Ulm in the group of B. Perthame.

Before coming to UQ, I held post-doc positions at the Wolfgang Pauli Insitute (Vienna), University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences (RICAM). In 2013 I won an Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). I was a post-doc researcher in the group of Alex Mogilner first at UC Davis, then at the Courant Institute of Math. Sciences (New York University).

Dietmar Oelz
Dietmar Oelz

Dr Sathish Periyasamy

Academic Title - Research Fellow
Queensland Brain Institute
Available for supervision

Dr Sathish Periyasamy is a Research Fellow at a Queensland Brain Institute and Senior Scientist at Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research. He is currently building and focusing on Systems/Genomic Medicine and conducting research in the interface of systems genetics and psychiatry. He is involved in studying the mechanisms of (patho-)physiological processes in psychiatric disorders using a unique combination of educational experience coupled with over twenty-five years of computer programming and eleven years of computational biology experience in biomedicine. Over the past 20 years, his experience working in chemical, biological and medical domains has enabled him to focus on the interface of basic and clinical research and contribute to translational research. From 2011 to 2014, he was involved in cancer genetics research at King Abdullah International Medical Research Centre, KSA. As the bioinformatics lead, with interdisciplinary skills and expertise at the interface of computational intelligence, systems biology, and quantitative/psychiatric genetics, He has been contributing to psychiatric genetics research since 2014 in Professor Bryan Mowry’s lab.

His current research areas include:

  • Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Statistical Genetics - Developing and applying GWAS, post-GWAS bioinformatics, cross-population genetic association and systems genetics approaches.
  • Psychiatric Genomics
    • Common and rare variant association studies in schizophrenia using data generated from DNA microarray and whole-exome/whole-genome sequencing technologies.
    • Post-GWAS bioinformatics approaches to characterise risk variants discovered in schizophrenia GWAS.
    • Cross-population genetic association approaches in schizophrenia.
  • Computational Intelligence – Developing conventional and visible deep learning models for biomedicine.
  • Developing genetic resources for Indigenous Oceanic populations
Sathish Periyasamy
Sathish Periyasamy

Dr Oliver Rawashdeh

Sr. Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences
School of Biomedical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine
Available for supervision
Media expert

I received my Bachelor's in Biology (2001) from Yarmouk University in Jordan, followed by postgraduate degrees from the University of Houston in Houston-Texas (2002-2007). My studies are integrative in nature, joining the best of both the Neuroscience world and Circadian Biology (the study of biological clocks). In the laboratory of Prof. Arnold Eskin, I investigated how processes as complex as learning and memory are modulated by biological clocks i.e. the circadian (about 24 hours) system, using Aplysia californica as the experimental model. After completing my Master's in Science in 2005, my research focused on the mechanism by which biological clocks modulate learning and memory. This work was performed in the laboratories of Prof. Gregg Cahill and Prof. Greg Roman, experts in chronobiology and behavioral neuroscience, respectively. Using Zebrafish as a model system, I investigated the role of melatonin, a night-time restricted hormonal signal, in modulating long-term memory consolidation. My findings, published in Science in 2007, shows that the circadian system via the cyclic night-time confined synthesis/release of melatonin “the hormone of darkness” functions as a modulator, shaping daily variations in the efficiency by which memories are processed. After receiving my Ph.D. in 2007, I joined as a postdoctoral fellow the laboratory of the pharmacologist and melatonin researcher Prof. Margarita Dubocovich. My postdoctoral work engaged in elucidating the role of melatonin in circadian physiology and pharmacology during development and ageing in rodents (Mus musculus) and non-human primates (Macaca mulatta) at the Feinberg School of Medicine (Northwestern University-Chicago) and the State University of New York (SUNY). From 2010-2015, I held a teaching/research position in the Dr. Senckenbergische Anatomy and the Dept. of Neurology at the Goethe University in Frankfurt-Germany. During this time, I was involved in teaching gross human anatomy while continuing my endeavor in understanding the mechanistics involved in shaping memory processes (acquisition, consolidation and retrieval) by the circadian system.

Oliver Rawashdeh
Oliver Rawashdeh