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Dr Dietmar Oelz

Dietmar Oelz

+61 7 336 53262



I studied Technical Mathematics at the Vienna University of Technology. I also earned a Master's degree in Law and I finished the first ("non-clinical") part of Medical Studies at the University of Vienna. I earned my PhD in Applied Mathematics at the University of Vienna in 2007. My PhD advisor was Christian Schmeiser, my co-advisor was Peter Markowich. I spent several months at the University of Buenos Aires working with C. Lederman and at the ENS-Paris rue d'Ulm in the group of B. Perthame.

Before coming to UQ, I held post-doc positions at the Wolfgang Pauli Insitute (Vienna), University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences (RICAM). In 2013 I won an Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). I was a post-doc researcher in the group of Alex Mogilner first at UC Davis, then at the Courant Institute of Math. Sciences (New York University).


Dr Dietmar Oelz is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Doctor of Philosophy, International University Vienna

Research interests

  • Mathematical and Computational Biology

    Cell Biology, Collective Behaviour, Multi-scale Modelling, mechanobiology of cells and tissues, cell movement, intra-cellular transport, cytoskeleton dynamics, actomyosin contractility

  • Applied Mathematics

    perturbation methods, multi-scale modelling, numerical schemes, stochastic modelling

  • Scientific computing

    Brownian dynamics simulations, numerics of PDEs, computational methods in continuum mechanics

  • Partial Differential Equations

  • Continuum mechanics (Fluids, solids)

  • Dynamical systems, discrete particle models

  • Fractional differential equations

Research impacts

Biological systems integrate a multitude of processes on various spatial and temporal scales. The output of biological processes is typically robust to a range of random perturbations. Mathematics is an outstanding tool to investigate such cooperative mechanisms on the molecular level which can hardly be assessed experimentally.

Building on a sound applied mathematics and partial differential equations (PDE) background, the area of my research is to identify and describe biological processes by formulating mathematical models, to evaluate them using numerical simulation and mathematical analysis and to validate such models against experimental data.

A ubiquitous example for a highly complex biological system are cells. They use cytoskeletons composed of long fibers on the micron length scale to sustain their shape mechanically. Molecular processes on the nanoscale which change the structure of these fibers as well as force generation by motor proteins promote remodeling of cell shape, cell migration and intracellular transport. This is the basis for vital processes such as muscle contraction, cell division, immune system response, wound healing and embryogenesis, and it plays a crucial role in pathological processes such as tumor metastasis and neurodegenerative deseases.

The central question of my research is: how do proteins on the nanoscale and larger protein complexes on the micronscale cooperate in living cells to promote cell movement, shape changes, force generation and intra- cellular transport? This type of research contributes to the development of new techniques in bioengineering and of new therapeutic approaches in clinical fields such as oncology and immunology.

One important aspect of biological mechanisms is insensitivity to random perturbations. Hence mathe- matical models on the microscopic level are necessarily stochastic and I employ mathematical analysis and numerical simulation such as Brownian Dynamics to analyze the sensitivity of models and to identify robust characteristics of a systems output. Especially the smallness of the molecular length scales interferes with experimental imaging techniques to assess these biological processes in vivo. For this reason an essential aspect of my research is to use asymptotic analysis to derive and justify macroscopic coarse-grained models based on thoroughly formulated microscopic models. In general this process yields partial differential equations such as reaction-drift-diffusion models and fluid dynamics models. I analyze these models, which often exhibit amazingly rich mathematical properties, analytically and by numerical simulation in order to relate the experimentally measurable macroscopic features to the microscopic dynamics of interest.


Search Professor Dietmar Oelz’s works on UQ eSpace

40 works between 2005 and 2024

1 - 20 of 40 works


Journal Article

Asymptotic limits of transient patterns in a continuous-space interacting particle system

González-Tokman, Cecilia and Oelz, Dietmar B. (2024). Asymptotic limits of transient patterns in a continuous-space interacting particle system. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 480 (2299). doi: 10.1098/rspa.2023.0754

Asymptotic limits of transient patterns in a continuous-space interacting particle system


Journal Article

A New Perspective for Scientific Modelling: Sparse Reconstruction Based Approach for Learning Time-Space Fractional Differential Equations

Vats, Yash, Mehra, Mani, Oelz, Dietmar and Singh, Abhishek Kumar (2024). A New Perspective for Scientific Modelling: Sparse Reconstruction Based Approach for Learning Time-Space Fractional Differential Equations. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 19 (12), 1-14. doi: 10.1115/1.4066330

A New Perspective for Scientific Modelling: Sparse Reconstruction Based Approach for Learning Time-Space Fractional Differential Equations


Journal Article

Compression-dependent microtubule reinforcement enables cells to navigate confined environments

Ju, Robert J., Falconer, Alistair D., Schmidt, Christanny J., Martinez, Marco A. Enriquez, Dean, Kevin M., Fiolka, Reto P., Sester, David P., Nobis, Max, Timpson, Paul, Lomakin, Alexis J., Danuser, Gaudenz, White, Melanie D., Haass, Nikolas K., Oelz, Dietmar B. and Stehbens, Samantha J. (2024). Compression-dependent microtubule reinforcement enables cells to navigate confined environments. Nature Cell Biology, 26 (9), 1520-1534. doi: 10.1038/s41556-024-01476-x

Compression-dependent microtubule reinforcement enables cells to navigate confined environments


Conference Publication

Uncovering Microtubule-driven Mechanisms of Melanoma Invasion

Ju, R. J., Falconer, A. D., Dean, K. M., Fiolka, R. P., Sester, D. P., Nobis, M., Timpson, P., Lomakin, A. J., Danuser, G., White, M. D., Oelz, D. B., Haass, N. K. and Stehbens, S. J. (2024). Uncovering Microtubule-driven Mechanisms of Melanoma Invasion. 50th Annual Meeting of the Dermatological Research Working Group (ADF), Dusseldorf, Germany, 6-9 March 2024. Chichester, West Sussex United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell.

Uncovering Microtubule-driven Mechanisms of Melanoma Invasion


Journal Article

A mathematical model for axonal transport of large cargo vesicles

Rahman, Nizhum and Oelz, Dietmar B. (2023). A mathematical model for axonal transport of large cargo vesicles. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 88 (1) 1, 1-22. doi: 10.1007/s00285-023-02022-3

A mathematical model for axonal transport of large cargo vesicles


Journal Article

Super-resolved trajectory-derived nanoclustering analysis using spatiotemporal indexing

Wallis, Tristan P., Jiang, Anmin, Young, Kyle, Hou, Huiyi, Kudo, Kye, McCann, Alex J., Durisic, Nela, Joensuu, Merja, Oelz, Dietmar, Nguyen, Hien, Gormal, Rachel S. and Meunier, Frédéric A. (2023). Super-resolved trajectory-derived nanoclustering analysis using spatiotemporal indexing. Nature Communications, 14 (1) 3353, 1-16. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-38866-y

Super-resolved trajectory-derived nanoclustering analysis using spatiotemporal indexing


Other Outputs

Data for NASTIC

Wallis, Tristan P., Jiang, Anmin, Young, Kyle, Hou, Huioyi, Kudo, Kye, McCann, Alex, Durisic, Nela, Joensuu, Merja, Oelz, Dietmar, Nguyen, Hien, Gormal, Rachel S. and Meunier, Frederic A. (2023). Data for NASTIC. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/0901bca

Data for NASTIC


Conference Publication

Fractional order modified Treves model: simulation and learning

Vats, Yash, Mehra, Mani, Oelz, Dietmar and Gandhi, Saurabh R. (2023). Fractional order modified Treves model: simulation and learning. 2023 International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications (ICFDA), Ajman, United Arab Emirates, 14-16 March 2023. Piscataway, NJ, United States: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/icfda58234.2023.10153321

Fractional order modified Treves model: simulation and learning


Journal Article

F-actin bending facilitates net actomyosin contraction By inhibiting expansion with plus-end-located myosin motors

Tam, Alexander K. Y., Mogilner, Alex and Oelz, Dietmar B. (2022). F-actin bending facilitates net actomyosin contraction By inhibiting expansion with plus-end-located myosin motors. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 85 (1) 4, 1-35. doi: 10.1007/s00285-022-01737-z

F-actin bending facilitates net actomyosin contraction By inhibiting expansion with plus-end-located myosin motors


Journal Article

Classification and stability analysis of polarising and depolarising travelling wave solutions for a model of collective cell migration

Rahman, Nizhum, Marangell, Robert and Oelz, Dietmar (2022). Classification and stability analysis of polarising and depolarising travelling wave solutions for a model of collective cell migration. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 421 126954, 126954. doi: 10.1016/j.amc.2022.126954

Classification and stability analysis of polarising and depolarising travelling wave solutions for a model of collective cell migration


Journal Article

Spatial redistribution of neurosecretory vesicles upon stimulation accelerates their directed transport to the plasma membrane

Schenk, Elaine B., Meunier, Frederic A. and Oelz, Dietmar B. (2022). Spatial redistribution of neurosecretory vesicles upon stimulation accelerates their directed transport to the plasma membrane. PLoS One, 17 (3) e0264521, e0264521. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0264521

Spatial redistribution of neurosecretory vesicles upon stimulation accelerates their directed transport to the plasma membrane


Journal Article

Protein friction and filament bending facilitate contraction of disordered actomyosin networks

Tam, Alexander K.Y., Mogilner, Alex and Oelz, Dietmar B. (2021). Protein friction and filament bending facilitate contraction of disordered actomyosin networks. Biophysical Journal, 120 (18), 4029-4040. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2021.08.012

Protein friction and filament bending facilitate contraction of disordered actomyosin networks


Journal Article

Quasi-steady-state reduction of a model for cytoplasmic transport of secretory vesicles in stimulated chromaffin cells

Oelz, Dietmar B. (2021). Quasi-steady-state reduction of a model for cytoplasmic transport of secretory vesicles in stimulated chromaffin cells. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 82 (4) 29, 29. doi: 10.1007/s00285-021-01583-5

Quasi-steady-state reduction of a model for cytoplasmic transport of secretory vesicles in stimulated chromaffin cells


Journal Article

Polarization wave at the onset of collective cell migration

Oelz, Dietmar, Khataee, Hamid, Czirok, Andras and Neufeld, Zoltan (2019). Polarization wave at the onset of collective cell migration. Physical Review E, 100 (3) 032403, 032403. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.100.032403

Polarization wave at the onset of collective cell migration


Journal Article

Bidirectional sliding of two parallel microtubules generated by multiple identical motors

Allard, Jun, Doumic, Marie, Mogilner, Alex and Oelz, Dietmar (2019). Bidirectional sliding of two parallel microtubules generated by multiple identical motors. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 79 (2), 571-594. doi: 10.1007/s00285-019-01369-w

Bidirectional sliding of two parallel microtubules generated by multiple identical motors


Journal Article

Space dependent adhesion forces mediated by transient elastic linkages: new convergence and global existence results

Milišić, Vuk and Oelz, Dietmar (2018). Space dependent adhesion forces mediated by transient elastic linkages: new convergence and global existence results. Journal of Differential Equations, 265 (12), 6049-6082. doi: 10.1016/j.jde.2018.07.007

Space dependent adhesion forces mediated by transient elastic linkages: new convergence and global existence results


Journal Article

Microtubule dynamics, kinesin-1 sliding, and dynein action drive growth of cell processes

Oelz, Dietmar B., del Castillo, Urko, Gelfand, Vladimir I. and Mogilner, Alex (2018). Microtubule dynamics, kinesin-1 sliding, and dynein action drive growth of cell processes. Biophysical Journal, 115 (8), 1614-1624. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2018.08.046

Microtubule dynamics, kinesin-1 sliding, and dynein action drive growth of cell processes


Book Chapter

Numerical treatment of the Filament-Based Lamellipodium Model (FBLM)

Manhart, Angelika , Oelz, Dietmar , Schmeiser, Christian and Sfakianakis, Nikolaos (2017). Numerical treatment of the Filament-Based Lamellipodium Model (FBLM). Modeling cellular systems. (pp. 141-159) edited by Frederik Graw, Franziska Matthäus and Jürgen Pahle. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-45833-5_7

Numerical treatment of the Filament-Based Lamellipodium Model (FBLM)


Journal Article

Existence and uniqueness of solutions for a model of non-sarcomeric actomyosin bundles

Hirsch, Stefanie, Oelz, Dietmar and Schmeiser, Christian (2016). Existence and uniqueness of solutions for a model of non-sarcomeric actomyosin bundles. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, 36 (9), 4945-4962. doi: 10.3934/dcds.2016014

Existence and uniqueness of solutions for a model of non-sarcomeric actomyosin bundles


Journal Article

A drift-diffusion model for molecular motor transport in anisotropic filament bundles

Oelz, Dietmar and Mogilner, Alex (2016). A drift-diffusion model for molecular motor transport in anisotropic filament bundles. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, 36 (8), 4553-4567. doi: 10.3934/dcds.2016.36.4553

A drift-diffusion model for molecular motor transport in anisotropic filament bundles


Past funding

  • 2018 - 2024
    How motor proteins contract the cell cortex and form a cell division ring
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant



Dr Dietmar Oelz is:
Available for supervision

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Available projects

  • Collective Cell Migration in Development

    This project deals with simulation of collective cell migration in tissues. It will include collaboration with experimentists at IMB and colleagues from QUT.

  • Mechano-biological regulation of immune cell cytotoxicity (applied/computational mathematics, data science)

    Investigate mechano-biological regulation of cytotoxicity of immune cells through material properties of target cells and their cell nuclei. Use modelling and simulation of fluctuating membranes in order to characterise how area and persistence of interaction zones is controlled by cytoskeletal stress and nuclear elasticity.

    This PhD project will involve both computational simulation of stochastic partial differential equations and formal mathematical (asymptotic) analysis as well as collaboration with experimentalists Alexis Lomakin and it might also involve data analysis and statistical inference of parameter values.

  • Stress fibers: structure, dynamics and mechanotransduction

    This project deals with emergent structures in the cortex of living cells. We will perform agent based simulations (Brownian Dynamics) and investigate the nucleation and growth of contractile stress fibres in the cortex.

  • PDEs on Curved Surfaces

    In this project, we are investigating hydra spheroids modelled as elastic closed surfaces. The project involves the mechanical description of the spheroids (solid mechanics of shells) and the description of their microstructure (actin filament network). Students should have interest in (learning) Tensor Calculus and dealing with complex PDEs doing computations with pen & paper. In particular, I would like to obtain results on linear stability analysis of this model, which almost certainly would also involve numerics.

  • Parameter identification for 2D Dynamical System (Inverse problems, Bayesian Inference methods)

    The system of equations I have in mind originates from modelling osmotic swelling of hydra spheroids.Data on swelling is available and I hope that using parameter identification techniques we will be able to determine the nonlinear function through through which morphogen concentration determines the elastic modulus of the hydra tissue.

  • Analysis of 2D Dynamical System

    The system of equations I have in mind originates from modelling osmotic swelling of hydra spheroids. Here I would like to carry out the classical phase plane analysis to understand the expected dynamics qualitatively.

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Fractional Differential Equations in Mathematical Biology - modelling and simulation.

    Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Computational Biomechanical Modelling and simulation of cellular migration in heterogeneous 3D environment

    Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Modelling and simulation of cellular contractility and mechano-transduction in epithelial tissue.

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Dr Samantha Stehbens, Dr Zoltan Neufeld

Completed supervision



Contact Dr Dietmar Oelz directly for media enquiries about:

  • Mathematical Biology
  • Modelling and Simulation

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