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Dr Tim Barlott

Tim Barlott




Tim Barlott is an Associate Lecturer in Occupational Therapy (School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences), PhD candidate in Sociology (School of Social Sciences), and Co-Director of the SocioHealthLab. Tim has a background as a community practitioner, educator, and community-based participatory researcher in Canada, Australia, and internationally.

Drawing from (critical) social theory and postmodern philosphy, Tim's research interrogates the socio-political aspects of everyday life and social inequities, and pursues affirmative/disruptive/transformative possibilities. Tim's research primarily uses the work of postmodern philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. Their work provides a useful set of theoretical tools for conceptualising social inequities, analysing the dynamic relations of complex social formations, and pursuing transformational change. Using a Deleuzio-Guattarian conceptual framework, Tim's PhD research explores the transformative potential of freely-given relationships for people diagnosed with a severe mental illness.

Current Research Projects:

  • Cartographies of freely-given relationships in mental health (PhD project)
  • Ethical tensions in occupational therapy practice that attends to social inequities
  • Theorising the creativity and social production of occupation
  • Social connectedness and ICT use by people with intellectual/learning disabilities


Dr Tim Barlott is:
Available for supervision


  • Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy, University of Alberta
  • Masters (Coursework) of Science in Rehabilitation Science - Occupational Therapy, University of Alberta

Research interests

  • Critical occupational science

  • Sociology of health

  • Social transformation

  • Community Mental health

  • Micropolitics

  • Connectedness

  • Community development

  • Poststructuralism

  • New materialism

  • Posthumanism

  • Social theory

  • Citizenship

  • Community-based participatory research (CBPR)

  • Post-qualitative research

  • Qualitative research

  • Postmodernism

  • Deleuze and Guattari

  • Social movements


Search Professor Tim Barlott’s works on UQ eSpace

43 works between 2013 and 2024

21 - 40 of 43 works


Journal Article

A transactional perspective on the everyday use of technology by people with learning disabilities

Barlott, Tim, MacKenzie, Paige, Le Goullon, Damian, Campbell, Liam and Setchell, Jenny (2021). A transactional perspective on the everyday use of technology by people with learning disabilities. Journal of Occupational Science, 30 (2), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/14427591.2021.1970616

A transactional perspective on the everyday use of technology by people with learning disabilities


Other Outputs

Cartography of freely-given relationships in mental health

Barlott, Timothy (2021). Cartography of freely-given relationships in mental health. PhD Thesis, School of Social Science, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/5f2bdb1

Cartography of freely-given relationships in mental health


Journal Article

Desiring occupation: theorising the passion, creativity, and social production of everyday life

Barlott, Tim and Turpin, Merrill (2021). Desiring occupation: theorising the passion, creativity, and social production of everyday life. Journal of Occupational Science, 29 (1), 1-11. doi: 10.1080/14427591.2020.1867226

Desiring occupation: theorising the passion, creativity, and social production of everyday life


Journal Article

A socio‐emotional analysis of technology use by people with intellectual disabilities

Setchell, J., Barlott, T. and Torres, M. (2021). A socio‐emotional analysis of technology use by people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 65 (2) jir.12796, 149-161. doi: 10.1111/jir.12796

A socio‐emotional analysis of technology use by people with intellectual disabilities


Other Outputs


Barlott, Tim (2021). Becoming-sick. Journal of Autoethnography, 2 (2), 215-216. doi: 10.1525/joae.2021.2.2.215



Journal Article

Using SMS to support reflection in health professional students on placement in an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health context

Barlott, Tim, Nelson, Alison, Brown, Renée, Jackson, Kirsty and Rulfs, Jannah (2020). Using SMS to support reflection in health professional students on placement in an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health context. Australian Journal of Clinical Education, 7 (1). doi: 10.53300/001c.17207

Using SMS to support reflection in health professional students on placement in an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health context


Journal Article

Destabilising social inclusion and recovery, and pursuing 'lines of flight' in the mental health sector: destabilising social inclusion and recovery

Barlott, Tim, Shevellar, Lynda, Turpin, Merrill and Setchell, Jenny (2020). Destabilising social inclusion and recovery, and pursuing 'lines of flight' in the mental health sector: destabilising social inclusion and recovery. Sociology of Health and Illness, 42 (6), 1328-1343. doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.13106

Destabilising social inclusion and recovery, and pursuing 'lines of flight' in the mental health sector: destabilising social inclusion and recovery


Book Chapter

Experiencias de los cuidadores en el contacto con las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para el desarrollo

Rodriguez, Francene and Barlott, Tim (2019). Experiencias de los cuidadores en el contacto con las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para el desarrollo. Rehabilitación Basada en Comunidad: una estrategia local para el acceso a derechos y el ejercicio de la ciudadanía. (pp. 1-14) edited by Solangel Garcia. Santiago, Chile: Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

Experiencias de los cuidadores en el contacto con las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para el desarrollo


Conference Publication

Children seeking asylum: A qualitative study of occupational therapists’ perspectives on challenges faced by children in Australian detention facilities

Mitchelson, Kelly, Begg, Hannah, Crawford, Emma, Barlott, Tim and Turpin, Merrill (2017). Children seeking asylum: A qualitative study of occupational therapists’ perspectives on challenges faced by children in Australian detention facilities. Occupational Therapy Australia, 27th National Conference and Exhibition, Perth, WA, Australia, 19-21 July 2017. Richmond, VIC, Australia: Wiley-Blackwell . doi: 10.1111/1440-1630.12400

Children seeking asylum: A qualitative study of occupational therapists’ perspectives on challenges faced by children in Australian detention facilities


Journal Article

Increasing participation in the information society by people with disabilities and their families in lower-income countries using mainstream technologies

Barlott, Tim, Adams, Kim and Cook, Al (2016). Increasing participation in the information society by people with disabilities and their families in lower-income countries using mainstream technologies. Universal Access in the Information Society, 15 (2), 189-198. doi: 10.1007/s10209-015-0418-z

Increasing participation in the information society by people with disabilities and their families in lower-income countries using mainstream technologies


Conference Publication

Children seeking asylum: a qualitative study of occupational therapists' perspectives on challenges faced by children in Australian detention facilities

Mitchelson, K., Begg, H., Crawford, E., Barlott, T. and Turpin, M. (2016). Children seeking asylum: a qualitative study of occupational therapists' perspectives on challenges faced by children in Australian detention facilities. NT-QLD Division OT Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 28 October 2016.

Children seeking asylum: a qualitative study of occupational therapists' perspectives on challenges faced by children in Australian detention facilities


Journal Article

Project backpage: using text messaging to initiate outreach support for victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation

Gordon Gow, Timothy Barlott, Kathleen Quinn, Jacqui Linder, Andrea Soler, Gillian Edwards and Samina Hossain (2015). Project backpage: using text messaging to initiate outreach support for victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Journal of Human Trafficking, 1 (4), 259-274. doi: 10.1080/23322705.2015.1016769

Project backpage: using text messaging to initiate outreach support for victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation


Journal Article

Using SMS as a tool to reduce exclusions experienced by caregivers of people with disabilities in a resource-limited Colombian community

Barlott, Timothy, Adams, Kim, Rodriguez, Francene and Mendoza, Monica (2015). Using SMS as a tool to reduce exclusions experienced by caregivers of people with disabilities in a resource-limited Colombian community. Disability and Rehabiliation: Assistive Technology, 10 (4), 347-354. doi: 10.3109/17483107.2014.974223)

Using SMS as a tool to reduce exclusions experienced by caregivers of people with disabilities in a resource-limited Colombian community


Journal Article

Safety and feasibility of intermittent electrical stimulation for the prevention of deep tissue injury

Ahmetovic, Alisa, Mushahwar, Vivian, Sommer, Ryan, Schnepf, Dana, Kawasaki, Lisa, Warwaruk-Rogers, Robyn, Barlott, Tim, Chong, Su Ling, Isaacson, Glen, Kim, Seoyoung, Ferguson-Pell, Martin, Stein, Richard B., Ho, Chester, Dukelow, Sean and Chan, K. Ming (2015). Safety and feasibility of intermittent electrical stimulation for the prevention of deep tissue injury. Advances in Wound Care, 4 (3), 192-201. doi: 10.1089/wound.2014.0569

Safety and feasibility of intermittent electrical stimulation for the prevention of deep tissue injury


Conference Publication

Fostering Inclusive Innovation for Agriculture Knowledge Mobilization in Sri Lanka: A Community-University Partnership Development Project

Gow, Gordon, Waidyanatha, Nuwan, Jayathilake, Chandana, Barlott, Timothy, Hambly, Helen and Mahmuda, Anwar (2015). Fostering Inclusive Innovation for Agriculture Knowledge Mobilization in Sri Lanka: A Community-University Partnership Development Project. 7th International Conference on Communities and Technologies, Limerick, Ireland, 27-30 June 2015. Bonn, Germany: International Institute for Socio-Informatics.

Fostering Inclusive Innovation for Agriculture Knowledge Mobilization in Sri Lanka: A Community-University Partnership Development Project


Conference Publication

Technology Stewardship, Text Messaging, and Collaboration in Agricultural Work: Preliminary Results from an Action Research Study in Sri Lanka

Waidyanatha, Nuwan, Gow, Gordon A., Barlott, Timothy and Jayathilake, Chandana (2015). Technology Stewardship, Text Messaging, and Collaboration in Agricultural Work: Preliminary Results from an Action Research Study in Sri Lanka. Computer Supported Collaborative Work Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 14-18 March 2015. New York, NY, United States: ACM. doi: 10.1145/2685553.2699007

Technology Stewardship, Text Messaging, and Collaboration in Agricultural Work: Preliminary Results from an Action Research Study in Sri Lanka


Conference Publication

Project Backpage - Initiating Outreach with Text Messaging

Gow, G., Quinn, K. and Barlott, T. (2014). Project Backpage - Initiating Outreach with Text Messaging. 11th Annual Human Trafficking, Prostitution, and Sex Work Conference, Toledo, OH, United States, 18-19 September 2014.

Project Backpage - Initiating Outreach with Text Messaging


Conference Publication

Simple tools for complex communities: text messaging to reduce social exclusion of caregivers in Colombia

Barlott, Timothy (2014). Simple tools for complex communities: text messaging to reduce social exclusion of caregivers in Colombia. QLD2014 – Occupational Therapy Australia State Conference, Noosa Head, QLD, Australia, 24-25 October 2014.

Simple tools for complex communities: text messaging to reduce social exclusion of caregivers in Colombia


Conference Publication

Rapid prototyping with Free and Open Source Software: Deploying Ushahidi to support Edmonton's Council for Safe Communities

Gow, G. and Barlott, T. (2014). Rapid prototyping with Free and Open Source Software: Deploying Ushahidi to support Edmonton's Council for Safe Communities. Canadian Communication Association 2014 Annual Conference, St Catherines, ON, Canada, 24 May 2014.

Rapid prototyping with Free and Open Source Software: Deploying Ushahidi to support Edmonton's Council for Safe Communities


Conference Publication

Using mobile phones to address social exclusion in Colombia

Barlott, Timothy (2014). Using mobile phones to address social exclusion in Colombia. Canadian College of Health Leaders, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 16 January 2014.

Using mobile phones to address social exclusion in Colombia



Dr Tim Barlott is:
Available for supervision

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