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Journal Article

The dissident interview: a deterritorializing guerrilla encounter

Barlott, Tim, Shevellar, Lynda, Turpin, Merrill and Setchell, Jenny (2019). The dissident interview: a deterritorializing guerrilla encounter. Qualitative Inquiry, 26 (6), 107780041985904-660. doi: 10.1177/1077800419859041

The dissident interview: a deterritorializing guerrilla encounter


Journal Article

Connectedness and ICT: opening the door to possibilities for people with intellectual disabilities

Barlott, T., Aplin, Tammy, Catchpole, Emma, Kranz, Rebecca, Le Goullon, Damien, Toivanen, Amanda and Hutchens, Sarah (2019). Connectedness and ICT: opening the door to possibilities for people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 24 (4), 174462951983156-521. doi: 10.1177/1744629519831566

Connectedness and ICT: opening the door to possibilities for people with intellectual disabilities



Journal Article

Becoming minor: mapping new territories in occupational science

Barlott, Tim, Shevellar, Lynda and Turpin, Merrill (2017). Becoming minor: mapping new territories in occupational science. Journal of Occupational Science, 24 (4), 524-534. doi: 10.1080/14427591.2017.1378121

Becoming minor: mapping new territories in occupational science


Journal Article

An occupational perspective on psychedelic therapy: a scoping review

Hogan, Gabriella Ann, Wagner, Karen Elaine, Tichenor, Erin and Barlott, Tim (2024). An occupational perspective on psychedelic therapy: a scoping review. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 1-16. doi: 10.1177/00084174241228678

An occupational perspective on psychedelic therapy: a scoping review


Journal Article

Physiotherapy’s necessity for ableism: reifying normal through difference

Breedt, Eduan and Barlott, Tim (2024). Physiotherapy’s necessity for ableism: reifying normal through difference. Disability and Society, 1-24. doi: 10.1080/09687599.2024.2353075

Physiotherapy’s necessity for ableism: reifying normal through difference


Journal Article

Navigating ethical tensions when working to address social inequities

McArdle, Hannah, Barlott, Tim, McBryde, Cathy, Shevellar, Lynda and Branjerdporn, Nataya (2023). Navigating ethical tensions when working to address social inequities. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77 (1) 7701205160, 1-8. doi: 10.5014/ajot.2023.050071

Navigating ethical tensions when working to address social inequities


Journal Article

Occupational multi-level responsiveness: describing the skills used by occupational therapists working with children seeking asylum in Australia

Crawford, Emma, Barlott, Tim, Begg, Hannah, Mitchelson, Kelly, Teo, Amos and Turpin, Merrill (2022). Occupational multi-level responsiveness: describing the skills used by occupational therapists working with children seeking asylum in Australia. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 30 (3), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/11038128.2022.2072384

Occupational multi-level responsiveness: describing the skills used by occupational therapists working with children seeking asylum in Australia


Journal Article

A trial of the AASPIRE healthcare toolkit with Australian adults on the autism spectrum

Kang, Lisa R. J., Barlott, Tim, Turpin, Merrill and Urbanowicz, Anna (2022). A trial of the AASPIRE healthcare toolkit with Australian adults on the autism spectrum. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 28 (4), 350-356. doi: 10.1071/py21134

A trial of the AASPIRE healthcare toolkit with Australian adults on the autism spectrum


Journal Article

Afflexivity in post-qualitative inquiry: prioritising affect and reflexivity in the evaluation of a health information website

Setchell, Jenny, Olson, Rebecca, Turpin, Merrill, Costa, Nathalia, Barlott, Tim, O’Halloran, Kate, Wigginton, Britta and Hodges, Paul (2021). Afflexivity in post-qualitative inquiry: prioritising affect and reflexivity in the evaluation of a health information website. Health Sociology Review, (3), 1-16. doi: 10.1080/14461242.2021.1976068

Afflexivity in post-qualitative inquiry: prioritising affect and reflexivity in the evaluation of a health information website


Journal Article

A transactional perspective on the everyday use of technology by people with learning disabilities

Barlott, Tim, MacKenzie, Paige, Le Goullon, Damian, Campbell, Liam and Setchell, Jenny (2021). A transactional perspective on the everyday use of technology by people with learning disabilities. Journal of Occupational Science, 30 (2), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/14427591.2021.1970616

A transactional perspective on the everyday use of technology by people with learning disabilities


Journal Article

Desiring occupation: theorising the passion, creativity, and social production of everyday life

Barlott, Tim and Turpin, Merrill (2021). Desiring occupation: theorising the passion, creativity, and social production of everyday life. Journal of Occupational Science, 29 (1), 1-11. doi: 10.1080/14427591.2020.1867226

Desiring occupation: theorising the passion, creativity, and social production of everyday life


Journal Article

A socio‐emotional analysis of technology use by people with intellectual disabilities

Setchell, J., Barlott, T. and Torres, M. (2021). A socio‐emotional analysis of technology use by people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 65 (2) jir.12796, 149-161. doi: 10.1111/jir.12796

A socio‐emotional analysis of technology use by people with intellectual disabilities


Journal Article

Using SMS to support reflection in health professional students on placement in an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health context

Barlott, Tim, Nelson, Alison, Brown, Renée, Jackson, Kirsty and Rulfs, Jannah (2020). Using SMS to support reflection in health professional students on placement in an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health context. Australian Journal of Clinical Education, 7 (1). doi: 10.53300/001c.17207

Using SMS to support reflection in health professional students on placement in an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health context



Journal Article

Destabilising social inclusion and recovery, and pursuing 'lines of flight' in the mental health sector: destabilising social inclusion and recovery

Barlott, Tim, Shevellar, Lynda, Turpin, Merrill and Setchell, Jenny (2020). Destabilising social inclusion and recovery, and pursuing 'lines of flight' in the mental health sector: destabilising social inclusion and recovery. Sociology of Health and Illness, 42 (6), 1328-1343. doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.13106

Destabilising social inclusion and recovery, and pursuing 'lines of flight' in the mental health sector: destabilising social inclusion and recovery


Journal Article

Increasing participation in the information society by people with disabilities and their families in lower-income countries using mainstream technologies

Barlott, Tim, Adams, Kim and Cook, Al (2016). Increasing participation in the information society by people with disabilities and their families in lower-income countries using mainstream technologies. Universal Access in the Information Society, 15 (2), 189-198. doi: 10.1007/s10209-015-0418-z

Increasing participation in the information society by people with disabilities and their families in lower-income countries using mainstream technologies


Journal Article

Project backpage: using text messaging to initiate outreach support for victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation

Gordon Gow, Timothy Barlott, Kathleen Quinn, Jacqui Linder, Andrea Soler, Gillian Edwards and Samina Hossain (2015). Project backpage: using text messaging to initiate outreach support for victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Journal of Human Trafficking, 1 (4), 259-274. doi: 10.1080/23322705.2015.1016769

Project backpage: using text messaging to initiate outreach support for victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation


Journal Article

Using SMS as a tool to reduce exclusions experienced by caregivers of people with disabilities in a resource-limited Colombian community

Barlott, Timothy, Adams, Kim, Rodriguez, Francene and Mendoza, Monica (2015). Using SMS as a tool to reduce exclusions experienced by caregivers of people with disabilities in a resource-limited Colombian community. Disability and Rehabiliation: Assistive Technology, 10 (4), 347-354. doi: 10.3109/17483107.2014.974223)

Using SMS as a tool to reduce exclusions experienced by caregivers of people with disabilities in a resource-limited Colombian community


Journal Article

Safety and feasibility of intermittent electrical stimulation for the prevention of deep tissue injury

Ahmetovic, Alisa, Mushahwar, Vivian, Sommer, Ryan, Schnepf, Dana, Kawasaki, Lisa, Warwaruk-Rogers, Robyn, Barlott, Tim, Chong, Su Ling, Isaacson, Glen, Kim, Seoyoung, Ferguson-Pell, Martin, Stein, Richard B., Ho, Chester, Dukelow, Sean and Chan, K. Ming (2015). Safety and feasibility of intermittent electrical stimulation for the prevention of deep tissue injury. Advances in Wound Care, 4 (3), 192-201. doi: 10.1089/wound.2014.0569

Safety and feasibility of intermittent electrical stimulation for the prevention of deep tissue injury