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Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)

Professor Kris Ryan

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)

Professor Kris Ryan

Areas of responsibility

As Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Professor Kris Ryan is responsible for preserving the University’s commitment to high-quality teaching and learning, promoting a culture of excellence across the student experience.

The DVC(A) leads initiatives aimed at student success and retention, integration of services for students and quality standards. 


Prior to his appointment at The University of Queensland, Kris held multiple education leadership roles in student experience, diversity and inclusion, education innovation and education policy. He has published over 80 articles and book chapters with a focus on tertiary education and engineering research.
Kris has led multidisciplinary teams to establish and implement the design of innovative learning and teaching spaces within Australia and overseas. He has led the development of multiple education technologies, including a novel eAssessment platform enabling multidisciplinary online assessment.

These contributions have been recognised nationally and internationally and include an Australian Financial Review Education Award, the International Architecture MasterPrize™ (AMP) for Educational Buildings, and the International eAssessment award for summative assessment.

Kris holds a Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (2009), Doctor of Philosophy (2005), and a Bachelor of Engineering (2000) from Monash University.


Megan Alexander, Executive Assistant
+61 7 3346 7754

Dr Michaela Deen, Director, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
+61 7 3345 9034

Level 3, Brian Wilson Chancellery, St Lucia campus

Executive team

Professor Suzanne Le Mire

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience)

The PVC (ESE) works closely with the DVC(A) to promote a culture of excellence in teaching, learning and assessment. They lead strategic projects that aim to provide a distinctive student experience enriched by UQ's research capacity.


Brenda Parker, Executive Assistant

+61 7 3365 1075

Dr Kathryn Blyth

Director, Academic Services Division and Academic Registrar

The Director oversees the strategic planning, administration and delivery of academic services, ensuring the integrity and efficiency of academic processes and student records.


Cassey Symons, Executive Assistant

+61 7 3365 2600

Professor Gregory Winslett

Director, Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI)

The Director is responsible for achieving ITaLI's objectives. These include innovation in teaching and learning, digital learning, development and recognition of excellent teaching, quality assurance and enhancement, curriculum reform and renewal, and research in teaching and learning.

View Greg Winslett's profile


Christine Neville, Executive Assistant

Dr Caroline Williams

University Librarian

The University Librarian leads UQ Library, with a particular focus on enhancing the student experience of the Library, developing partnerships and collaborative ways of working, and building support for research, including open access. 

View Dr Caroline Williams' profile


Karen Platz, Personal Assistant

+61 7 3365 6551

Dr Dino Willox

Director, Student Enrichment and Success

Student Enrichment and Success facilitates opportunities and produces resources that enhance student academic achievement, personal growth, and success throughout the student learning journey.

View Dino Willox's profile


Caitlin Taylor, Executive Assistant

+61 7 3443 3743

Kym Powell

Associate Director, Student Support and Wellbeing (Interim)

Student Support and Wellbeing Services focus on proactive engagement, early intervention and timely supports to ensure students have what they need to thrive academically and personally. 


Executive Assistant

+61 7 3346 0653