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Professor Andrew Borrell

Andrew Borrell

+61 7 4542 6740




Dr Borrell obtained bachelor and master’s degrees in Agricultural Science at The University of Melbourne, focusing on the Green Revolution genes (Rht1 and Rht2) in wheat for his thesis. He then completed a PhD at The University of Queensland on improving the efficiencies of nitrogen and water use for rice in the semi-arid tropics. Andrew was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to study the impact of rice research in Asia and the US on rice production in the Australian tropics. Much of his post-doctoral research has focused on improving drought adaptation in sorghum, rice, wheat and barley.

Dr Borrell is a crop physiologist and Centre Leader of the Queensland Government’s Hermitage Research Facility, a centre of excellence for crop improvement in water-limited environments. For more than a decade, Andrew has led an international project (Australia/US) aimed at discovering key genes underpinning the stay-green drought adaptation trait in cereals, using sorghum as a model crop. Prior to this, he conducted research to better understand the physiological basis of stay-green in sorghum. Dr Borrell began his career as a rice agronomist with the Queensland Government.

Dr Borrell co-leads projects in sub-Saharan Africa and India to develop drought-adapted sorghum germplasm. In addition to drought physiology in major cereals, Andrew has supervised a research program aimed at discovering frost adaptation in winter cereals at heading stage. He has also worked extensively in South-East Asia for the past 25 years developing sustainable cropping systems, including recent research on rice production and adaptation to climate change in Vietnam. Dr Borrell has served as Secretary-General of the Asian Crop Science Association.


Professor Andrew Borrell is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland

Research interests

  • Research Interests

    Producing more food with less water is one of the major challenges facing humanity. My research involves elucidating the physiological/molecular basis of drought adaptation in cereals, including the discovery of genes and gene networks that regulate adaptation, e.g. the stay-green drought adaptation trait in sorghum, wheat and barley; root architecture in sorghum, wheat and barley; early vigour in barley. Strong international collaborations to advance these areas of research include partners in USA (Texas A&M University), India (ICRISAT, IIMR), and Ethiopia (EIAR, Jimma University) with funding from GRDC, TAMU, GCP, ACIAR and BMGF. Other research interests include the efficiency with which resources (radiation, water and nitrogen) are utilized by crop plants, and developing sustainable cropping systems. This research has focused on developing novel water-saving strategies for climate-smart rice production in Australia and Asia. International partners for this research have included Indonesia (University of Mataram, Lombok), Vietnam (VAAS), and Norway (NIBIO), with funding from GRDC, ACIAR and NIBIO. Photosynthesis is another research interest, with particular focus on extending the duration of photosynthesis in C3 (wheat) and C4 (sorghum) plants. This research is funded by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Translational Photosynthesis.


Search Professor Andrew Borrell’s works on UQ eSpace

133 works between 1989 and 2024

121 - 133 of 133 works


Journal Article

Improving management of rice in semi-arid eastern Indonesia: responses to irrigation, plant type and nitrogen

Borrell, A. K., Kelly, R. M. and Van Cooten, D. E. (1998). Improving management of rice in semi-arid eastern Indonesia: responses to irrigation, plant type and nitrogen. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 38 (3), 261-271.

Improving management of rice in semi-arid eastern Indonesia: responses to irrigation, plant type and nitrogen


Journal Article

Season, nitrogen rate and plant type affect nitrogen uptake and nitrogen use efficiency in rice

Borrell, A. K., Garside, A. L., Fukai, S. and Reid, D. J. (1998). Season, nitrogen rate and plant type affect nitrogen uptake and nitrogen use efficiency in rice. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 49 (5), 829-843. doi: 10.1071/A97057

Season, nitrogen rate and plant type affect nitrogen uptake and nitrogen use efficiency in rice


Journal Article

Season and plant type affect the response of rice yield to nitrogen fertilisation in a semi-arid tropical environment

Borrell, A. K., Garside, A. L., Fukai, S. and Reid, D. J. (1997). Season and plant type affect the response of rice yield to nitrogen fertilisation in a semi-arid tropical environment. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 49 (2), 179-190. doi: 10.1071/A97056

Season and plant type affect the response of rice yield to nitrogen fertilisation in a semi-arid tropical environment


Journal Article

Research on drought resistance in grain sorghum in Australia

Henzell, R. G., Hammer, G. L., Borrell, A. K., McIntyre, C. L. and Chapman, S. C. (1997). Research on drought resistance in grain sorghum in Australia. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter, 38, 1-9.

Research on drought resistance in grain sorghum in Australia


Journal Article

Improving efficiency of water use for irrigated rice in a semi-arid tropical environment

Borrell, A. K., Garside, A. L. and Fukai, S. (1997). Improving efficiency of water use for irrigated rice in a semi-arid tropical environment. Field Crops Research, 52 (3), 231-248. doi: 10.1016/S0378-4290(97)00033-6

Improving efficiency of water use for irrigated rice in a semi-arid tropical environment


Journal Article

Maintaining green leaf area in grain sorghum increases nitrogen uptake under post-anthesis drought

Borrell, A. K. and Douglas, A. C. L. (1997). Maintaining green leaf area in grain sorghum increases nitrogen uptake under post-anthesis drought. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter, 38, 89-92.

Maintaining green leaf area in grain sorghum increases nitrogen uptake under post-anthesis drought


Journal Article

A review of crop science in Australia

Borrell, A. K. (1995). A review of crop science in Australia. Agricultural Science, 8 (6), 29-33.

A review of crop science in Australia


Journal Article

AIAS delegate meets with Asian countries

Borrell, A. K. (1995). AIAS delegate meets with Asian countries. Agricultural Science, 8 (6), 27-28.

AIAS delegate meets with Asian countries


Other Outputs

Improving efficiencies of nitrogen and water use for rice in semi-arid tropical Australia

Borrell, Andrew Kenneth (1994). Improving efficiencies of nitrogen and water use for rice in semi-arid tropical Australia. PhD Thesis, School of Land, Crop and Food Science, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/f438ef9

Improving efficiencies of nitrogen and water use for rice in semi-arid tropical Australia


Journal Article

The influence of the Rht1 and Rht2 alleles on the deposition and use of stem reserves in wheat

Borrell, Andrew K., Incoll, L. D. and Dalling, Michael J. (1993). The influence of the Rht1 and Rht2 alleles on the deposition and use of stem reserves in wheat. Annals of Botany, 71 (4), 317-326. doi: 10.1006/anbo.1993.1041

The influence of the Rht1 and Rht2 alleles on the deposition and use of stem reserves in wheat


Journal Article

Alternative methods of irrigation for rice production in tropical Australia

Borrell, A. K., Fukai, S. and Garside, A.L. (1991). Alternative methods of irrigation for rice production in tropical Australia. International Rice Research Newsletter, 16 (3), 28-28.

Alternative methods of irrigation for rice production in tropical Australia


Journal Article

The influence of the Rht1 and Rht2 alleles on the growth of wheat stems and ears

Borrell, Andrew K., Incoll, L. D. and Dalling, Michael J. (1991). The influence of the Rht1 and Rht2 alleles on the growth of wheat stems and ears. Annals of Botany, 67 (2), 103-110. doi: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.aob.a088108

The influence of the Rht1 and Rht2 alleles on the growth of wheat stems and ears


Journal Article

Partitioning of dry matter and the deposition and use of stem reserves in a semi-dwarf wheat crop

Borrell, Andrew K., Incoll, L.D., Simpson, Richard J. and Dalling, Michael J. (1989). Partitioning of dry matter and the deposition and use of stem reserves in a semi-dwarf wheat crop. Annals of Botany, 63 (5), 527-539. doi: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.aob.a087778

Partitioning of dry matter and the deposition and use of stem reserves in a semi-dwarf wheat crop


Current funding

  • 2021 - 2027
    Reducing lodging risk in sorghum to increase grower confidence and profitability
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant
  • 2019 - 2024
    Cereal blueprints for a water-limited world
    ARC Discovery Projects
    Open grant

Past funding

  • 2019 - 2023
    Climate-smart interventions for smallholder farmers in Ethiopia
    International Development Research Centre-Cultivate Africa's Future Fund
    Open grant
  • 2018 - 2022
    Postdoctoral Fellowship interfacing crop improvement and agronomy/nutrition programs
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant
  • 2016 - 2017
    Proving that PIN genes are associated with drought adaptation in sorghum: A targeted research project to enhance commercialisation opportunities
    Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
    Open grant
  • 2014 - 2019
    PEARL 1: Characterizing the Ethiopian Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench] Germplasm Collection for Drought Adaption Traits Associated with Root and Shoot
    Jimma University
    Open grant
  • 2013 - 2020
    Sorghum Core Breeding Project
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant
  • 2012 - 2015
    Development and evaluation of drought-adapted sorghum germplasm for Africa and Australia - Phase II
    Generation Challenge Program Grant
    Open grant
  • 2011 - 2014
    Identifying candidate genes for stay-green in Sorghum (extension) (GRDC project led by DAFF)
    Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
    Open grant
  • 2010 - 2012
    Development and evaluation of drought-adapted sorghum germplasm for Africa & Australia (CIMMYT project novated from DEEDI)
    International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre
    Open grant
  • 2010 - 2013
    Improving postrainy sorghum varieties to meet the growing grain and fodder demand in India (ICRISAT(ACIAR) project novated from DEEDI)
    International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
    Open grant
  • 2008 - 2013
    Optimised wheat root architecture for increased yield and yield stability in the face of a changing climate
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant
  • 2008 - 2012
    Nationally coordinated frost trials
    Grains Research & Development Corporation
    Open grant



Professor Andrew Borrell is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

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Contact Professor Andrew Borrell directly for media enquiries about:

  • Climate-smart crops
  • Discovering genes for drought adaptation in cereals
  • Drought adaptation in crops
  • Root architecture in crops
  • Science and food security
  • Stay-green trait

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