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Emeritus Professor Neal Ashkanasy

Emeritus Professor
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Not available for supervision
Media expert

Neal M. Ashkanasy OAM, PhD is an Emeritus Professor of Management at the UQ Business School at the University of Queensland in Australia. He came to academe in after an 18-year career in water resources engineering. He received his PhD in social/organizational psychology from the same university. His research is in leadership, organizational culture, ethics, and emotions in organizations, and his work has been published in leading journals including the Academy of Management Journal and Review, the Journal of Organizational Behavior, and the Journal of Applied Psychology. He is Associate Editor for Emotion Review and Series Co-Editor of Research on Emotion in Organizations. He has served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Organizational Behavior and Associate Editor for the Academy of Management Review and Academy of Management Learning and Education. Prof. Ashkanasy is a Fellow of the Academy for the Social Sciences in the UK (AcSS) and Australia (ASSA); the Association for Psychological Science (APS); the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP); Southern Management Association (SMA), and the Queensland Academy of Arts and Sciences (QAAS). In 2017, he was awarded a Medal in the Order of Australia.

Neal Ashkanasy
Neal Ashkanasy

Associate Professor Remi Ayoko

Associate Professor
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Oluremi (Remi) is an Associate Professor of Management in the UQ Business School at the University of Queensland, Australia. Remi has had extensive teaching experience in tertiary institutions across three nations. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). Remi's principal research interests include conflict management, emotions, leadership, diversity, team work and employee physical work environment and territoriality. The results of her cutting-edge research have been presented in several international (e.g. US Academy of Management - AOM, European Group for Organizational Studies-EGOS & International Association of Conflict Management - IACM conference) and national conferences (e.g. Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management-ANZAM). Remi is an award-winning researcher and has published in reputable journals such as Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB), Organization Studies (OS), Applied Psychology: An International Review (APIR), International Journal of Conflict Management (IJCM), Journal of Business Research (JBR) and Journal of Business Ethics (JBE). She has also written many book chapters and co-edited the Handbook of Conflict Management Research (Edward Edgar) and Organizational Behaviour and the Physical Environment of Work (Routledge). Remi is the immediate past Editor in Chief of the Journal of Management and Organization and she is currently on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Conflict Management, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research Journal and Strategic Change . Remi is the Convenor and Leader of the UQ's Next Generation of Workspaces Research Network (NGWN- and the Chair of the UQ Cultural Inclusion Council (CIC- She is a recipient (with others) of a highly coveted Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Grant awarded to study the impact of employee physical work environment (e.g. office configurations) on employees' territoriality, wellbeing and productivity. She has appeared on radio (national/international),TV and newspapers talking about workspace issues. Remi is a member of the Australian Human Resource Institute (AHRI), US Academy of Management, International Association of Conflict Management and ANZAM.

Remi Ayoko
Remi Ayoko

Dr Tao Bai

Lecturer in International Business
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr. Tao Bai is a lecturer in International Business. His research interests include multinational firm strategy, non-market strategy including political activity and social activity, and the intersection between, with the focus on emerging market multinationals as a field of research and practice. He has published articles at Strategic Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, Research Policy, Long Range Planning, Management International Review, and Journal of Business Research, and in top Chinese academic and practical journals.

Tao Bai
Tao Bai

Associate Professor Henri Burgers

Discipline Convenor, Strategy and E
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Associate Professor
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Henri Burgers is the Head of the Strategy & Entrepreneurship Discipline at The University of Queensland. He obtained his PhD from the RSM Erasmus University, and worked at the Queensland University of Technology prior to joining UQ. His research focuses on the intersection of corporate entrepreneurship, managerial and organisational capabilities, and institutional contexts with the aim of helping individuals and organisations unlock their entrepreneurial potential. He has published in top journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, Long Range Planning, and Technovation. He has worked with leading firms, industry associations and governments across the globe. His research received well over 1mln AUD in research funding, including two prestigious grants from the Australian Research Council to improve entrepreneurship and innovation in the natural resources industries.

Henri teaches courses and provides workshops on strategic decision-making and agile innovation for different levels. He has developed and transformed a wide range of Bachelor and Masters and Executive courses and programs to embed more entrepreneurship and strategic decision-making skills in curricula. He was awarded a Senior Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy for his teaching. He is a recognised reviewer for numerous journals and grants and serves on the Editorial Boards of Journal of Business Venturing and Group and Organization Management.

Henri Burgers
Henri Burgers

Dr Michael Collins

Senior Lecturer
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Michael joined the Business School in 2019 after completing a PhD in Organisation and Management at UNSW Business School in 2016. Prior to this he served as a Commissioned Officer in the Australian Defence Force for 15 years and as a Director of a management consultancy until 2018.

During this period he gained extensive front-line to executive leadership experience across a diverse range of organisations and cultures. He has worked across a broad range of industries, including finance, mining, rail and government, and his consulting expertise encompasses organisation development and learning, talent management and leadership assessment and development.

Michael Collins
Michael Collins

Dr Vicky Comino

Senior Lecturer
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Vicky Comino is a Senior Lecturer at the TC Beirne School of Law at The University of Queensland. Dr Comino's main research area is corporate law, and in particular the regulation of corporate misconduct. Before commencing an academic career, she practised as a solicitor working at a top tier law firm in the fields of corporate law, leasing, commercial and residential conveyancing, strata development, securities and opinion work. Over the years, Dr Comino has worked voluntarily for Legal Aid, South Brisbane Immigration & Community Legal Service, Women's Equal Opportunity (WEO) and Justice and the Law Society (JATL) (UQ). She has also served on numerous committees, most recently as the chair of a major Queensland Law Society accreditation committee for the accreditation of lawyers as Business Law Specialists. Dr Comino's recent articles have addressed important topics in the corporations law area. Those topics include the difficulties facing the use of civil penalties by calling for Parliament to pass legislation to resolve procedural obstacles, the adequacy of ASIC's 'tool-kit' to deal with corporate and financial wrongdoing, including the deployment of 'new' enforcement tools, such as enforceable undertakings and the possibilities and limits of the use of 'corporate culture' as a regulatory mechanism. Her 2015 monograph Australia's "Company Law Watchdog" – ASIC and Corporate Regulation, which focuses on exploring how, and to what extent, a public authority like ASIC can achieve more effective regulation certainly comes at a time when ASIC's performance is increasingly under the microscope. This is in view of its mixed record of success in some highly publicised cases and a seemingly endless procession of corporate and financial scandals, such as those that engulfed the major Australian banks, prompting not only a number of parliamentary inquiries into ASIC's performance and capabilities, but the establishment of the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry. Her book also consolidates her position as a leading Australian researcher on corporate regulation, with her work cited in the Final Report of the Banking Royal Commission and reports of the Australian Law Reform Commission on Corporate Criminal Responsibility. Dr Comino's research has global relevance and she has extended her work beyond Australia to evaluate international developments, especially in the US and the UK. She is examining the different responses of regulators to the dilemmas presented by policing corporate and securities violations in the aftermath of, and since, the GFC to try to resolve the issue of how policy-makers and regulators should deal with corporate wrongdoing more effectively in the future. She also travelled to the UK in 2018 after being awarded a Liberty Fellowship from the University of Leeds to undertake collaborative work comparing corporate regulation there and in Australia. Dr Comino holds the degrees of BA, LLB (Hons), LLM and PhD (UQ), and is a Fellow of the ​Australian Centre for Private Law (UQ).

Vicky Comino
Vicky Comino

Dr Csilla Demeter

Research Fellow
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

Csilla Demeter is a social scientist in the Business School, whose research investigates how corporations respond to climate change. Her research is focused on understanding the debate on the challenges generated by the Energy transition in Australia, as the sector adapts to climate change. She also explores public perceptions toward Reef restoration interventions.

Csilla contributed to sustainable tourism research by investigating the suitability of Environmentally Extended Input-Output Analysis as a tool that can be adopted by small and medium enterprises to calculate their carbon emissions without compromising on accuracy, by quantifying the effectiveness of interventions designed to change environmentally significant behaviour, comparing intervention effectiveness across a wide range of intervention mechanisms, and by proposing a novel approach to trigger behavioural change in enjoyment focused contexts.

Csilla Demeter
Csilla Demeter

Dr Tom Doig

Affiliate of Centre for Communicati
Centre for Communication and Social Change
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Affiliate of Centre for Critical an
Centre for Critical and Creative Writing
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Lecturer in Creative Writing
School of Communication and Arts
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Not available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Tom Doig is a creative nonfiction author, investigative journalist and scholar. Tom was the recipient of the 2023 CLNZ-NZSA Writer's Award for his work on prepper subcultures in Aotearoa New Zealand. He has written two books about the unprecedented 2014 Hazelwood mine fire disaster: Hazelwood (Penguin Random House, 2020) and The Coal Face (Penguin Books Australia, 2015). Hazelwood was a finalist for the 2020 Walkley Book Award, Journalism and the 2021 Ned Kelly Awards, Best True Crime and Highly Commended in the 2020 Victorian Premier's Literary Awards, Non-Fiction. The Coal Face was joint winner of the 2015 Oral History Victoria Education Innovation Award. Dr Doig has also written a humorous travel memoir, Mörön to Mörön: Two men, two bikes, one Mongolian misadventure (Allen & Unwin, 2013). He is the contributing editor of the interdisciplinary collection Living with the Climate Crisis: Voices from Aotearoa (Bridget Williams Books, 2020).

Dr Doig teaches creative non-fiction and poetry.

As a scholar, Dr Doig is interested in interdisciplinary approaches to the accelerating climate crisis, with a focus on the cultural, social and psychological aspects of climate breakdown. He is currently researching a new book: We Are All Preppers Now (forthcoming with Scribe Publications), documenting survivalists, doomsday preppers, climate activists and other subcultures of imminent collapse around the world.

Tom Doig
Tom Doig

Professor Joseph Fan

School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Not available for supervision
Media expert

Professor Joseph Fan joined UQ Business School in 2022, after serving 25 years in Hong Kong (CUHK 2004-2011; HKUST 1997-2004; HKU 1996-1997). He holds a PhD in finance from University of Pittsburgh, USA (1996) and a BA degree in economics from National Taiwan University (1985).

Joseph is a world leading researcher and an expert on the finance, governance, and organization of emerging market companies. He has published his research in a wide spectrum of renounced academic journals, including Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Business, Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Accounting and Economics, and Journal of Accounting Research.

Joseph is one of the most cited researchers in finance globally – over 20,000 citations in Google Scholar. In particular, his co-authored research about ownership structures of East Asian companies has been named the 26th most cited article of all time published by Journal of Finance as of 2021. His another co-authored paper about political connections of Chinese firms published in Journal of Financial Economics has been named by Abacus (2018) as the 2nd most cited paper of all time on China finance and accounting topics. Joseph's research leadership is reflected by his long service on various editorial boards of international journals, including Journal of Corporate Finance and Management Science. His research insights are frequently quoted by global and regional medias, including The Economist, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Nikkei Asian Review, and South China Morning Post.

Besides research, Joseph devotes to disseminating knowledge to the industry and business community through applied research, executive education, and consulting. He is a co-author of The Family Business Map and several other books and case studies about family business governance and succession. He has developed a full EMBA course on corporate governance from emerging market perspectives and another course on family firm succession and governance, both are new and important addition to the business school curriculum. Joseph has consulted corporate governance and family business succession topics to numerous large and median sized global and regional industry leaders in China and Southeast Asia. The strong linkage between Joseph’s academic research and industry impacts has been acknowledged by Hong Kong University Grant Committee in its 2020 Research Assessment Exercise, as one of the top level (4/4) social impact cases submitted by all universities in Hong Kong.

Joseph Fan
Joseph Fan

Dr Sarel Gronum

Director of Teaching and Learning o
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Deputy Director Teaching and Learni
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Director of Teaching and Learning
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Sarel Gronum is the Director of Teaching and Learning at the University of Queensland Business School and a passionate academic with more than 20 years international experience in leading large tertiary education program portfolios. He lectures and supervises in Innovation and Entrepreneurship and actively research in the areas of management education, innovation, network practices and business model innovation. His research has been published in top-tiered journals. As the UQ Venture’s Academic in Residence, consultant and executive educator, Sarel empowers entrepreneurs, corporate and public sector organisations to develop and implement innovative commercialisation and growth strategies.

Sarel Gronum
Sarel Gronum

Dr Mireia Guix

Lecturer in Tourism
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr. Guix researches how tourism and hospitality organizations approach change to integrate sustainability considerations and report on their progress for external accountability. Her work focuses on corporate social responsibility and grand challenges such as modern slavery and climate change.

She worked on projects funded by the European Union, the United Nations Environmental Program, and the Inter-American Development Bank to run life and online stakeholder consultations for sustainable tourism policy and assess industry disclosure and progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

Dr. Guix regularly publishes in top academic journals, including Tourism Management, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, and International Journal of Hospitality Management.

Mireia Guix
Mireia Guix

Professor Alex Haslam

Affiliate of Centre for Research in
Centre for Research in Social Psychology
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Affiliate of Social Identity and Gr
Social Identity and Groups Network
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Affiliate of Centre for Business an
Centre for Business and Organisational Psychology
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
UQ Laureate Fellow
School of Psychology
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Available for supervision
Media expert

Alex is Professor of Social and Organizational Psychology and Laureate Fellow at the University of Queensland. His research focuses on the study of group and identity processes in organizational, social, and clinical contexts.

Together with colleagues, Alex has written and edited 15 books and published over 300 peer-reviewed articles on these topics. His most recent books are:The New Psychology of Leadership: Identity, Influence and Power (2nd Ed. with Stephen Reicher & Michael Platow, Psychology Press, 2020), The New Psychology of Sport: The Social Identity Approach (with Katrien Fransen & Filip Boen, Sage, 2020),The New Psychology of Health: Unlocking the Social Cure (with Catherine Haslam, Jolanda Jetten, Tegan Cruwys and Genvieve Dingle, Routledge, 2018), andSocial Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies (2nd Ed. with Joanne Smith, Sage, 2017).

Alex is a former Chief Editor of the European Journal of Social Psychology and currently Associate Editor of The Leadership Quarterly. He has won a range of major awards from scientific organisations in Australia, Europe, the UK, and the US, including recognition for distinguished contributions to psychological science from both the Australian Psychological Society and British Psychological Society. In 2022 he was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia "for significant service to higher education, particuarly psychology, through research and mentoring".

Alex Haslam
Alex Haslam

Associate Professor Radha Ivory

Associate Professor
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

Dr Radha Ivory is a Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of Queensland, Australia (UQ), where she teaches company law and researches the transnational regulation of corruption and corporate crime.

Her work explores the interlocking domestic and international laws that aim to govern powerful economic and political actors, from politically exposed persons to multinational enterprises. Radha asks what these laws require of whom; how they develop and change across borders; and how we can better appraise and design them to manage their unintended consequences. Her approach is interdisciplinary, using doctrinal legal and socio-legal methodologies, as well as insights from economics, sociology, and international relations. Current projects focus on the human rights impacts of asset recovery laws, the reform of transnational anticorruption and corporate criminal laws, and the securitisation of integrity regulations (corporate ‘lawfare’).

Radha’s research has appeared in leading law journals (International & Comparative Law Quarterly, London Review of International Law, UNSW Law Journal) and important edited collections (e.g., Krieger/Peters/Kreuzer, Due Diligence in the International Legal Order, Oxford University Press; Aaronson/Shaffer, Transnational Legal Ordering of Criminal Justice, Cambridge University Press). Her sole-authored book, Corruption, Asset Recovery, and the Protection of Property in Public International Law: The Human Rights of Bad Guys was published by Cambridge University Press and launched by former Australian federal treasurer, The Hon. Peter Costello AC. Her work with Pieth on corporate criminal liability is also widely cited. A regular speaker at international conferences and meetings, Radha has been a visitor at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and has delivered presentations at the University of Melbourne, the Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania), and the University of Bergen.

Radha’s scholarship is informed by her past and ongoing roles in the international and private sectors. She commenced her career at Freehills (now Herbert Smith Freehills) in Brisbane, Australia, before joining an NGO self-governance and compliance initiative, Building Safer Organisations in Geneva, Switzerland. Prior to commencing at UQ, Radha was a Senior Expert, Collective Action and Compliance, at the Basel Institute on Governance, Switzerland. In that role, she supported Ukraine and Colombia in anticorruption project design and implementation. During her PhD studies, Radha held research roles in the Basel Institute’s International Centre for Asset Recovery (ICAR) and the University of Basel. Radha currently consults to the World Bank and has previously been engaged by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. She is on the Advisory Board of the Bribery Prevention Network, Australia.

Radha was awarded a PhD (summa cum laude) from the University of Basel, and Bachelors of Arts (International Relations and German) and Laws (Hons I) from UQ.

Radha Ivory
Radha Ivory

Dr Ree Jordan

Lecturer in Management
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Not available for supervision

Ree's research focus explores the broad theme of organisational outliers, constructively challenging dominant belief structures and impact on leadership practice. Specific topics include mavericks and maverickism (beneficial non-conformity), game-changers, innovation, entrepreneurship, decision-making, and leadership (including Indigenous womens leadership) in enacting effective, responsive, and adaptive change in a rapidly changing world.

Ree has extensive professional experience in leading organisational change and leadership development initiatives across whole-of-organisations, as well as teams. She has worked with government departments, universities, not-for-profit organisations, and industry.

Ree Jordan
Ree Jordan

Dr Caroline Knight

Senior Lecturer
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Caroline Knight is a Senior Lecturer in Management at The Univeristy of Queensland Business School. Prior to this, Caroline was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the Centre for Transformative Work Design at the Future of Work Institute, Curtin Univeristy, Perth, Western Australia. Caroline collaborates with research and industry partners internationally to conduct rigorous research which explores how we can design work which is optimally healthy for individuals and organisations. Her key reserach interests include work design, remote and hybrid work, work redesign interventions, and wellbeing. she is also inetrested in exploring different quantitative methods and applying them in her work. Caroline's reserach has been published in top peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Organizational Behaviour, Human Relations, the Journal of Vocational Behavior, Work & Stress, and the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.

Caroline Knight
Caroline Knight

Professor Thomas Maak

Trust, Ethics and Governance Allian
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Professorial Chair in Ethics
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

Thomas Maak is the inaugural Professorial Chair in Ethics at the University of Queensland Business School. A business ethicist by training, he previously served as Director Centre for Workplace Leadership and Professor of Leadership at the University of Melbourne. Thomas is global authority in the field of responsible leadership, business ethics, and the micro-foundations of CSR. His research links the individual, group, and organizational levels, combining ethical theory, political philosophy, relational thinking and stakeholder theory. His research interests include ethical decision-making, political CSR, and organizational neuroscience. His work has been published in leading academic journals such as the Academy of Managment Learning & Education, Journal of Management Studies, Human Resource Management, Organizational Researdh Methods, and the Journal of Business Ethics.

Thomas has extensive experience in leadership development and has worked for several years with PricewaterhouseCoopers on their award-winning senior executive program ‘Ulysses’. He has also worked with other leading companies, including BMW, Volkswagen, Shell, UBS, Dong Energy, and Novo Nordisk. Through his work with leading social entrepreneurs in South Asia and South America, including Gram Vikas, Hagar, and Fundacion Paraguaya, he is also interested in social innovation and the advancement of human dignity in a fractured world. Before coming to Australia, Thomas started his academic career at the University of St. Gallen, home to the world’s best MSc in Management, and is a graduate from the INSEAD International Director’s Program. From 2004-2008 he held an appointment as Senior Research Fellow at INSEAD, France, and co-directed a research stream within the PwC-INSEAD initiative on high-performing organizations, before being appointed Full Professor at ESADE Business School in Barcelona, one of the top-ranked MBA schools in the world, and a leader in corporate executive education. In 2014 he was a visiting professor at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Thomas is the immediate past president of ISBEE, the International Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics and has chaired the 2022 World Congress in Bilbao, Spain.

Thomas Maak
Thomas Maak

Dr Karolina Mikolajewska-Zajac

Research Fellow
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Not available for supervision
Media expert

Karolina Mikołajewska-Zając is a Research Fellow in Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the UQ Business School. Her research revolves around patterns of societal crises and their influence on entrepreneurship and the dynamics and systemic effects of digital platforms' growth. Karolina's work uses ecological epistemologies, emphasizing relationality, process, and systemic connection.

Karolina obtained her PhD in Management and Organization Studies from Kozminski University in Warsaw, Poland. During her PhD, she held a 2-year visiting position at the University of California at Berkeley, where she conducted fieldwork tracing the organizational trajectory and ecosystemic effects of digital platforms focused on hospitality (Couchsurfing and Airbnb). Her research has been published in Organization Studies, European Journal of Social Theory, Internet Histories, and The Handbook of the Sharing Economy, among others. Karolina is a member of the editorial collective at ephemera. theory & politics in organization and a member of the steering committee at the International Sociological Association's Thematic Group 10 Digital Sociology.

Karolina Mikolajewska-Zajac
Karolina Mikolajewska-Zajac

Associate Professor Muhammad Nadeem

Research Hub Co Leader of UQ Busine
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Associate Professor
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Nadeem is an Associate Professor of Accounting and the Co-lead of the Business Sustainability Initiative (BSI) research hub at the University of Queensland (UQ) Business School. Prior to joining UQ, Nadeem held academic positions at the University of Otago and Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand.

Nadeem's research interests are interdisciplinary, encompassing corporate governance structures, corporate social and environmental responsibility, and financial and non-financial disclosures, including climate change disclosures. His work on these topics has been published in high-quality journals (ABDC A*, ABS/AJG4, and FT50) such as The British Accounting Review, British Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, and Corporate Governance: An International Review, among others. His research findings and commentaries have also been featured in several media outlets (e.g., The Conversation, Newsroom) and have received multiple Best Paper Awards at international conferences, including the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) and the Corporate Governance SIG of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) conference. Additionally, he has won several other awards, including the Best Emerging Researcher award.

Nadeem is frequently invited by international universities to present research seminars, and he has delivered keynote speeches at several international conferences. He has also organized multiple international conferences. Nadeem often interacts with standard-setting bodies, including the External Reporting Board (XRB) in New Zealand and the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB), through research forums and by moderating/facilitating forum sessions. As part of his service to the academic community, Nadeem regularly reviews papers for top-ranked journals and serves on the editorial boards of several journals, such as Meditari Accountancy Research (Associate Editor) and the Journal of Intellectual Capital (Editorial Advisory Board member).

Nadeem primarily teaches accounting courses, including Sustainability Accounting and Reporting, Cost and Management Accounting, and Advanced Management Accounting, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has supervised five PhD students to completion and accepts new supervisees in his areas of interest. His PhD graduates hold key faculty positions at international universities. He has served as an examiner of several PhD theses.

Nadeem enjoys serving in leadership roles and has held several academic leadership positions during his career, including co-lead of the BSI research hub at UQ, Deputy Associate Dean of Postgraduate Programs, and Director of the Master of Professional Accounting degree at Otago.

Nadeem is a member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) and the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ).

Learn more about his research at the following links:

Google Scholar ID: XFJ46cEAAAAJ

Scopus ID: 57193715133

ResearcherID: AAD-2362-2019

ORCID: 0000-0002-8877-4400

Want to know more about the Business Sustainability Initiative (BSI) research hub? Click here.

Muhammad Nadeem
Muhammad Nadeem

Professor Daniel Nyberg

School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

From the politics of climate change to defending democracy, Professor Daniel Nyberg is seeking to understand how corporations, governments, and citizens negotiate different priorities when facing key challenges of our time.

This qualitative researcher takes an interdisciplinary approach to his work across two main areas:

  1. climate change, where he interrogates the links between climate change and corporate capitalism, and
  2. defending democracy, where he seeks to untangle the relationships between industry and government.

“These are some of the biggest threats facing humankind,” he affirms.

“How could you not be interested?”

Climate Change

Professor Nyberg’s interest in climate change came from a growing sense of urgency. As public interest in green products grew, corporations were beginning to address climate change internally, through the design and delivery of green products and services. At the same time, the climate emergency led to attempts to contain or regulate polluting industries, for example through carbon offsets and other measures.

“It’s important to understand what corporations are doing in order to mitigate and/or minimise the effects of climate change,” Professor Nyberg explains.

“We also need to have knowledge about what they’re doing so we can regulate their activities.”

Working alongside Professor Christopher Wright from the University of Sydney's Business School, and Dr Vanessa Bowden from the University of Newcastle's School of Humanities, Creative Industries and Social Sciences, this ground-breaking research has been published in a number of leading international journals. The three colleagues collaborated on the book, Organising Responses to Climate Change: The Politics of Mitigation, Adaptation and Suffering (2022, Cambridge University Press), building on the success of Professor Nyberg and Professor Wright's book, Climate Change, Capitalism, and Corporations: Processes of Creative Self-Destruction (2015, Cambridge University Press), which attracted wide attention across both the social and natural sciences.

Defending Democracy

Building on this work, Professor Nyberg has developed a strong interest in corporate political activity, both in how public policy is interpreted and implemented in practice, as well as in how corporations seek to influence public policy. This shift from the narrow focus on corporate outcomes to the broader understanding of democratic processes, is particularly relevant in the fraught debates around climate policy.

“I’m currently exploring how corporations influence democracy,” he states.

“The clearest example is the Labor Government’s super profit tax proposal of 2010, which the mining industry vehemently opposed. Even though it spent $22 million doing so, calculations by the Australian Financial Review suggest it saved $10 billion by agreeing to a truce with then-Prime Minister Julia Gillard. So, you can see it’s often much easier and cheaper for corporations to deal with public policies than it is for them to deal with their processes.”

Daniel Nyberg
Daniel Nyberg

Dr Richard O'Quinn

Lecturer in Management & Leadership
School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Not available for supervision

Richard teaches courses on leadership, strategic decision-making, and strategic human resource management in the graduate, MBA, Executive Education, and online education programs at The Business School, University of Queensland. Richard's research interests include leadership, strategic decision-making, and organization studies using practice and process perspectives. His interest in these fields stems from his previous 23-year career as a commissioned officer in the US Army Special Operations Forces. Richard routinely consults and coaches a number of leaders and organizations in leadership, strategy, and organization improvement.

Richard O'Quinn
Richard O'Quinn