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Dr Priya Martin

Priya Martin




Dr Priya Martin is a clinician researcher facilitating world-class research to improve the safety and quality of healthcare, enhance collaborative work, and bridge the evidence-practice gap. Following her multi-award-winning PhD (University of South Australia, 2018) on 'factors that contribute to high quality clinical supervision of allied health professionals', she completed a post-doctoral Advance Queensland Industry Research Fellowship on the 'impact of COVID-19 on clinical supervision of staff and students in healthcare settings' (2021-22). She moved to academia in 2021, after 18 years of industry experience in clinical, education, training, and project management roles across public and private sectors in Australia and India. Dr Martin collaborates with more than 50 researchers from over 20 universities and institutes across health and academic sectors in Australia, and several countries internationally.

Dr Martin has received 19 prestigious awards and prizes to date (12 in the last five years), in recognition of professional excellence and outstanding contributions in her field. Recent notable awards include: Australia and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE) Early Career Health Professions Education Research Prize (2022), InterprofessionalResearch.Global Barbara Bradfield Award for Best Interprofessional Education Research (2021), Darling Downs Health Researcher of the Year Award (2020), Centre for Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE, UK) Post-graduate Student Scholarship Award (2018), Fresh Science Top Ten Young Scientists in Queensland (2018), IPAA Top Ten Young Leaders in the Queensland Public Service (2018), ANZAHPE Post-graduate Student Prize (for best PhD research, 2017), and Health Services Research Association Australia and New Zealand (HSRAANZ) Best PhD Paper Award (2017).

Dr Martin's expertise is in healthcare workforce and educational research, methodology for mixed methods, qualitative designs and reviews, rural health, implementation, and program evaluation. She has supervised over 100 students and recent graduates in several healthcare settings, in clinical, project, and research areas. She currently supevises HDR students at UQ, and is an associate advisor for PhD students inter-state in UniSA and Uni Adelaide. She continues to build supervision and mentoring capacity of new supervisors across a range of professions.


Dr Priya Martin is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Bachelor of Occupational Therapy, unknown
  • Masters (Coursework), unknown
  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of South Australia

Research interests

  • Health services research

  • Educational research

  • Interprofessional education and collaborative practice

  • Clinical supervision

  • Methodology for mixed methods and qualitative research, and reviews

  • Evidence implementation

  • Rural Health

Research impacts

Dr Priya Martin’s research has generated significant knowledge and health impact, especially through evidence-informed training and education. Dr Martin’s PhD research was used to develop state-wide supervision training programs for staff in Queensland Health across 16 hospital and health services. She was the lead investigator on an Health Workforce Australia (HWA, 2014) Clinical Supervision Support Program Grant which funded the roll out of supervision training across Queensland public and private health sectors. Evaluation of training programs and resources developed by Dr Martin have demonstrated positive impacts on healthcare worker and organisational outcomes. Her PhD and post-doctoral work are being used to inform national and local policies, training resources, and organisational guidelines (e.g. Occupational Therapy Australia, Queensland Health, and the Rural Health Commissioner’s report).

Dr Martin’s work has been cited by authors from 24 countries in the last five years, across ten different subject areas (including Environmental Science, Computer Science, Business, Management and Accounting), demonstrating the wide reach and impact of her research beyond her subject areas of Medicine, Social (Health) Sciences, and Nursing (Scopus, May 2022). To strengthen links between the academic and healthcare sectors to facilitate rapid uptake of evidence into practice, Dr Martin serves on several committees including international (e.g., Interprofessional.Global Global Impact Working Group), national (e.g., AIPPEN steering committee), and local (e.g., Darling Downs Health Human Research Ethics Committee; 2017-20) committees. Dr Martin was the Australian representative on the CAIPE international liaison group for interprofessional education (2018-20); an invited member of the Queensland Centre for Mental Health Learning state-wide clinical supervision training program curriculum review committee (2013-14; 2018-19); and an invited memeber of the Central Queensland University occupational therapy curriculum development advisory group (2010-13). Dr Martin is an editorial board member for the BMC Medical Education journal, and has been a peer reviewer for the NHMRC.


Search Professor Priya Martin’s works on UQ eSpace

120 works between 2006 and 2024

101 - 120 of 120 works


Conference Publication

Tele-education: The backbone of telehealth

Martin, P., Burge, V., Fuelling, P., Wills, J. and Abernathy, L. (2014). Tele-education: The backbone of telehealth. Rural and Remote telehealth conference, Toowoomba, QLD Australia, October 2014.

Tele-education: The backbone of telehealth


Conference Publication

Best practice in clinical supervision including telesupervision

Martin, P. (2014). Best practice in clinical supervision including telesupervision. SIMposium, Queensland Regional Training Network, Brisbane, QLD Australia, October 2014.

Best practice in clinical supervision including telesupervision


Conference Publication

Telesupervision: overcoming barriers in technology to optimize supervision practice

Martin, P., Ducat, W. and Kumar, S. (2014). Telesupervision: overcoming barriers in technology to optimize supervision practice. Rural and Remote telehealth conference, Toowoomba, QLD Australia, October 2014.

Telesupervision: overcoming barriers in technology to optimize supervision practice


Conference Publication

Oceans apart yet connected: findings from a qualitative study on professional supervision in rural and remote allied health services

Ducat, W., Martin, P., Kumar, S., Richardson, V. and Abernathy, L. (2014). Oceans apart yet connected: findings from a qualitative study on professional supervision in rural and remote allied health services. SARRAH conference, Kingscliffe, NSW Australia, September 2014.

Oceans apart yet connected: findings from a qualitative study on professional supervision in rural and remote allied health services


Conference Publication

An innovative case-based interprofessional learning program: Was it worth the effort?

Newby, M. , Martin, P., Moran, M., Browne, M. and Kumar, S. (2014). An innovative case-based interprofessional learning program: Was it worth the effort?. ANZAHPE conference, Gold Coast, QLD Australia, July 2014.

An innovative case-based interprofessional learning program: Was it worth the effort?


Conference Publication

Viewing the interprofessional clinical education world through the occupational therapy lens: rewards and challenges

Martin, P. (2014). Viewing the interprofessional clinical education world through the occupational therapy lens: rewards and challenges. 16th International World Federation Occupational Therapy Congress, Yokohoma, Japan, June 2014.

Viewing the interprofessional clinical education world through the occupational therapy lens: rewards and challenges


Conference Publication

Quality and effectiveness of clinical supervision of occupational therapists in a large Australian state – a sequential, mixed methods study

Martin, P., Copley, J., Khan, A. and Tyack, Z. (2014). Quality and effectiveness of clinical supervision of occupational therapists in a large Australian state – a sequential, mixed methods study. 16th International World Federation Occupational Therapy Congress, Yokohoma, Japan, June 2014.

Quality and effectiveness of clinical supervision of occupational therapists in a large Australian state – a sequential, mixed methods study


Journal Article

Twelve tips for effective clinical supervision based on a narrative literature review and expert opinion

Martin, Priya, Copley, Jodie and Tyack, Zephanie (2014). Twelve tips for effective clinical supervision based on a narrative literature review and expert opinion. Medical Teacher, 36 (3), 201-207. doi: 10.3109/0142159X.2013.852166

Twelve tips for effective clinical supervision based on a narrative literature review and expert opinion


Conference Publication

Riding past the waves to discover new frontiers: An innovative interprofessional program in a regional health service

Newby, M. and Martin, P. (2014). Riding past the waves to discover new frontiers: An innovative interprofessional program in a regional health service. SARRAH conference, Kingscliffe, NSW Australia, September 2014.

Riding past the waves to discover new frontiers: An innovative interprofessional program in a regional health service


Conference Publication

Allied health new graduate interprofessional learning program: Fostering team collaboration and assessment of outcomes

Martin, P. (2013). Allied health new graduate interprofessional learning program: Fostering team collaboration and assessment of outcomes. Central Queensland University Interprofessional Symposium, Rockhampton, QLD Australia, November 2013.

Allied health new graduate interprofessional learning program: Fostering team collaboration and assessment of outcomes


Conference Publication

Effectiveness of clinical supervision of occupational therapists in Queensland

Martin, P., Tyack, Z. and Copley, J. (2013). Effectiveness of clinical supervision of occupational therapists in Queensland. National OT Conference, Adelaide, SA Australia, July 2013.

Effectiveness of clinical supervision of occupational therapists in Queensland


Conference Publication

Promoting positive occupational therapy student placement experiences in rural Queensland

Martin, P. and Furness, L. (2013). Promoting positive occupational therapy student placement experiences in rural Queensland. National OT Conference, Adelaide, SA Australia, July 2013.

Promoting positive occupational therapy student placement experiences in rural Queensland


Conference Publication

Supervision for rural occupational therapists – is the future looking bright?

Martin, P. and Tyack, Z. (2013). Supervision for rural occupational therapists – is the future looking bright?. National Rural Health Conference, Adelaide, SA Australia, April 2013.

Supervision for rural occupational therapists – is the future looking bright?


Conference Publication

A step closer – the student buddy system implemented in Central Queensland

Martin, P. and Tyack, Z. (2012). A step closer – the student buddy system implemented in Central Queensland. SARRAH conference, Launceston, TAS Australia, September 2012.

A step closer – the student buddy system implemented in Central Queensland


Conference Publication

Differences in Clinical Supervision practices between regional/rural and metropolitan occupational therapists in Queensland

Martin, P. and Tyack, Z. (2012). Differences in Clinical Supervision practices between regional/rural and metropolitan occupational therapists in Queensland. SARRAH conference, Launceston, TAS Australia, September 2012.

Differences in Clinical Supervision practices between regional/rural and metropolitan occupational therapists in Queensland


Journal Article

Long-term follow-up of persons with spinal cord injury integrated in the community

Martin, Priya, Cherian, Binu, John, Judy, Tharion, George and Bhattacharjee, Suranjan (2010). Long-term follow-up of persons with spinal cord injury integrated in the community. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 17 (2), 76-82. doi: 10.12968/ijtr.2010.17.2.46333

Long-term follow-up of persons with spinal cord injury integrated in the community


Conference Publication

Recent technological advances in neuro-rehabilitation

Martin, P. (2007). Recent technological advances in neuro-rehabilitation. UDAAN NR2CON, an International Conference on Neural repair and Neuro-rehabilitation, Delhi, India, September 2007.

Recent technological advances in neuro-rehabilitation


Conference Publication

Coma stimulation

Martin, P. (2007). Coma stimulation. National OT Conference on Head Injury and Neurorehabilitation, Coimbatore, India , August 2007.

Coma stimulation


Conference Publication

Occupational therapy role in managing clients with spinal cord injury

Martin, P. (2007). Occupational therapy role in managing clients with spinal cord injury. National Physiotherapy Conference, Vellore, India, August 2007.

Occupational therapy role in managing clients with spinal cord injury


Conference Publication

Update in management of spinal cord injury

Martin, P. (2006). Update in management of spinal cord injury. OT Symposium, Saveetha College, Madras, India, September 2006.

Update in management of spinal cord injury



Dr Priya Martin is:
Available for supervision

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Supervision history

Current supervision



Contact Dr Priya Martin directly for media enquiries about:

  • Clinical supervision
  • Healthcare worker wellbeing
  • Interprofessional education and practice

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