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Dr Tolulope Anthony Adekola

Tolulope Anthony Adekola




Tolulope's expertise lies in intellectual property law and innovation policy, public health law, and law and technology. More broadly, his work has come to focus on three sectors now recognized as the so-called grand challenges: pharmaceuticals and health, climate change, and food security. He is a recipient of several awards including the Australian Legal Research Award (ECR) 2024(shortlisted) and the BEL Award of Excellence in Research(ECR) 2024 (winner).He completed his PhD at the City University of Hong Kong, funded by the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong and the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition in Germany. After completing his doctoral research, he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Germany. He holds a German and European Law Certificate from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany, and is qualified as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria. He is currently a consultant to the South African Research Chair in Industrial Development at the University of Johannesburg and the United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa. He is also an affiliate fellow at the Information Society Law Center of the University of Milan, Italy, and the Centre for Policy Futures at the University of Queensland. Among his past experiences, he has held teaching positions at the City University of Hong Kong and Landmark University, Nigeria.


Dr Tolulope Anthony Adekola is:
Available for supervision

Research interests

  • Intellectual Property Law and Public Health Law

    Tolulope's research focuses on the role of intellectual property law in vaccine development and distribution.


Search Professor Tolulope Anthony Adekola’s works on UQ eSpace

16 works between 2019 and 2023

1 - 16 of 16 works



Regional cooperation, intellectual property law and access to medicines: a holistic approach for least developed countries

Adekola, Tolulope Anthony (2023). Regional cooperation, intellectual property law and access to medicines: a holistic approach for least developed countries. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003342519

Regional cooperation, intellectual property law and access to medicines: a holistic approach for least developed countries


Journal Article

Human rights law, intellectual property and vaccine nationalism: lessons for the post-COVID-19 world

Adekola, Tolulope Anthony and Majekolagbe, Faith O. (2023). Human rights law, intellectual property and vaccine nationalism: lessons for the post-COVID-19 world. Australian Journal of Human Rights, ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print), 1-19. doi: 10.1080/1323238X.2023.2286941

Human rights law, intellectual property and vaccine nationalism: lessons for the post-COVID-19 world


Journal Article

When mRNA technology meets patent law: innovation, barriers and public health

Adekola, Tolulope Anthony (2023). When mRNA technology meets patent law: innovation, barriers and public health. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, 18 (12), 867-877. doi: 10.1093/jiplp/jpad086

When mRNA technology meets patent law: innovation, barriers and public health


Conference Publication

The bourgeoning mRNA technology patent landscape - implications for innovation and concerns regarding technology underutilisation

Adekola Tolulope Anthony (2023). The bourgeoning mRNA technology patent landscape - implications for innovation and concerns regarding technology underutilisation. The Fifth IP and Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) Conference, Singapore, 1-3 March 2023.

The bourgeoning mRNA technology patent landscape - implications for innovation and concerns regarding technology underutilisation


Journal Article

Pharmaceutical patent law and policy in Africa: a survey of selected SADC member states

Mercurio, Bryan, Adekola, Tolulope Anthony and Tsega, Chimdessa Fekadu (2023). Pharmaceutical patent law and policy in Africa: a survey of selected SADC member states. Legal Studies, 43 (2), 331-350. doi: 10.1017/lst.2022.43

Pharmaceutical patent law and policy in Africa: a survey of selected SADC member states


Journal Article

Compulsory licences in a regional context: an appraisal of the TRIPS amendment’s special regional treatment

Adekola, Tolulope Anthony (2022). Compulsory licences in a regional context: an appraisal of the TRIPS amendment’s special regional treatment. GRUR International, 71 (9), 822-830. doi: 10.1093/grurint/ikac075

Compulsory licences in a regional context: an appraisal of the TRIPS amendment’s special regional treatment


Other Outputs

COVID-19 and beyond: recalibrating Africa's use of TRIPS flexibilities for sustainable pharmaceutical access

Adekola Tolulope Anthony (2022). COVID-19 and beyond: recalibrating Africa's use of TRIPS flexibilities for sustainable pharmaceutical access. Munich, Germany: Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition.

COVID-19 and beyond: recalibrating Africa's use of TRIPS flexibilities for sustainable pharmaceutical access


Journal Article

Investment robo-advisors: some reflections on China's regulatory experience

Xiao, Shanyun and Adekola, Tolulope Anthony (2021). Investment robo-advisors: some reflections on China's regulatory experience. Banking and Finance Law Review, 37 (1), 127-148.

Investment robo-advisors: some reflections on China's regulatory experience


Journal Article

Should COVID-19 treatment be patented? Rethinking the theoretical justification for the grant of pharmaceutical patent

Adekola, Tolulope Anthony (2020). Should COVID-19 treatment be patented? Rethinking the theoretical justification for the grant of pharmaceutical patent. European Intellectual Property Review, 42 (11), 695-697.

Should COVID-19 treatment be patented? Rethinking the theoretical justification for the grant of pharmaceutical patent


Journal Article

Revisiting the public health implications of the United States-Mexico-Canada agreement

Adekola, Tolulope Anthony (2020). Revisiting the public health implications of the United States-Mexico-Canada agreement. Globalization and Health, 16 (1) 50, 1-2. doi: 10.1186/s12992-020-00579-y

Revisiting the public health implications of the United States-Mexico-Canada agreement


Journal Article

Intellectual Property and Access to Medicines in Africa: A Regional Framework for Access

Adekola, Tolulope Anthony (2020). Intellectual Property and Access to Medicines in Africa: A Regional Framework for Access. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property, 10 (2), 269-270. doi: 10.4337/qmjip.2020.02.08

Intellectual Property and Access to Medicines in Africa: A Regional Framework for Access


Journal Article

Has the Doha paragraph 6 system reached its limits?

Adekola, Tolulope Anthony (2020). Has the Doha paragraph 6 system reached its limits?. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, 15 (7), 525-529. doi: 10.1093/jiplp/jpaa058

Has the Doha paragraph 6 system reached its limits?


Journal Article

Regional mechanism under DOHA Paragraph 6 system: the largely untested alternative route for access to patented medicines

Adekola, Tolulope Anthony (2020). Regional mechanism under DOHA Paragraph 6 system: the largely untested alternative route for access to patented medicines. Asian Journal of Wto & International Health Law and Policy, 15 (1), 61-90.

Regional mechanism under DOHA Paragraph 6 system: the largely untested alternative route for access to patented medicines


Journal Article

US–China trade war and the WTO dispute settlement mechanism

Adekola, Tolulope Anthony (2019). US–China trade war and the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. Journal of International Trade Law and Policy, 18 (3), 125-135. doi: 10.1108/JITLP-02-2019-0011

US–China trade war and the WTO dispute settlement mechanism


Journal Article

Public health–oriented intellectual property and trade policies in Africa and the regional mechanism under Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights amendment

Adekola, T. A. (2019). Public health–oriented intellectual property and trade policies in Africa and the regional mechanism under Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights amendment. Public Health, 173, 1-4. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2019.04.019

Public health–oriented intellectual property and trade policies in Africa and the regional mechanism under Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights amendment


Journal Article

Abolition of graphical representation in EU trademark directive: should countries with similar provisions follow EU’s footsteps?

Adekola, Tolulope Anthony (2019). Abolition of graphical representation in EU trademark directive: should countries with similar provisions follow EU’s footsteps?. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 24 (3-4), 62-68.

Abolition of graphical representation in EU trademark directive: should countries with similar provisions follow EU’s footsteps?



Dr Tolulope Anthony Adekola is:
Available for supervision

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