2025 Journal Article mRNA Technology Transfer Hub and Intellectual Property: Towards a more Equitable and Sustainable ModelAdekola, Tolulope Anthony and Mercurio, Bryan (2025). mRNA Technology Transfer Hub and Intellectual Property: Towards a more Equitable and Sustainable Model. World Trade Review, 1-19. doi: 10.1017/S147474562400020X |
2024 Journal Article Regulating genome-edited products – an international trade law perspectiveAdekola, Tolulope Anthony, Ediboglu-Sakowsky, Ezgi, Endrich-Laimböck, Tobias, Graßer, Tabea, Hofmeister, Elisabeth, Wilfert, Juna Icaza and Kim, Daria (2024). Regulating genome-edited products – an international trade law perspective. Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper Series. |
2023 Journal Article Human rights law, intellectual property and vaccine nationalism: lessons for the post-COVID-19 worldAdekola, Tolulope Anthony and Majekolagbe, Faith O. (2023). Human rights law, intellectual property and vaccine nationalism: lessons for the post-COVID-19 world. Australian Journal of Human Rights, 29 (2), 375-393. doi: 10.1080/1323238X.2023.2286941 |
2023 Journal Article When mRNA technology meets patent law: innovation, barriers and public healthAdekola, Tolulope Anthony (2023). When mRNA technology meets patent law: innovation, barriers and public health. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, 18 (12), 867-877. doi: 10.1093/jiplp/jpad086 |
2023 Journal Article Pharmaceutical patent law and policy in Africa: a survey of selected SADC member statesMercurio, Bryan, Adekola, Tolulope Anthony and Tsega, Chimdessa Fekadu (2023). Pharmaceutical patent law and policy in Africa: a survey of selected SADC member states. Legal Studies, 43 (2), 331-350. doi: 10.1017/lst.2022.43 |
2022 Journal Article Compulsory licences in a regional context: an appraisal of the TRIPS amendment’s special regional treatmentAdekola, Tolulope Anthony (2022). Compulsory licences in a regional context: an appraisal of the TRIPS amendment’s special regional treatment. GRUR International, 71 (9), 822-830. doi: 10.1093/grurint/ikac075 |
2021 Journal Article Investment robo-advisors: some reflections on China's regulatory experienceXiao, Shanyun and Adekola, Tolulope Anthony (2021). Investment robo-advisors: some reflections on China's regulatory experience. Banking and Finance Law Review, 37 (1), 127-148. |
2020 Journal Article Should COVID-19 treatment be patented? Rethinking the theoretical justification for the grant of pharmaceutical patentAdekola, Tolulope Anthony (2020). Should COVID-19 treatment be patented? Rethinking the theoretical justification for the grant of pharmaceutical patent. European Intellectual Property Review, 42 (11), 695-697. |
2020 Journal Article Revisiting the public health implications of the United States-Mexico-Canada agreementAdekola, Tolulope Anthony (2020). Revisiting the public health implications of the United States-Mexico-Canada agreement. Globalization and Health, 16 (1) 50, 1-2. doi: 10.1186/s12992-020-00579-y |
2020 Journal Article Intellectual Property and Access to Medicines in Africa: A Regional Framework for AccessAdekola, Tolulope Anthony (2020). Intellectual Property and Access to Medicines in Africa: A Regional Framework for Access. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property, 10 (2), 269-270. doi: 10.4337/qmjip.2020.02.08 |
2020 Journal Article Has the Doha paragraph 6 system reached its limits?Adekola, Tolulope Anthony (2020). Has the Doha paragraph 6 system reached its limits?. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, 15 (7), 525-529. doi: 10.1093/jiplp/jpaa058 |
2020 Journal Article Regional mechanism under DOHA Paragraph 6 system: the largely untested alternative route for access to patented medicinesAdekola, Tolulope Anthony (2020). Regional mechanism under DOHA Paragraph 6 system: the largely untested alternative route for access to patented medicines. Asian Journal of Wto & International Health Law and Policy, 15 (1), 61-90. |
2019 Journal Article US–China trade war and the WTO dispute settlement mechanismAdekola, Tolulope Anthony (2019). US–China trade war and the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. Journal of International Trade Law and Policy, 18 (3), 125-135. doi: 10.1108/JITLP-02-2019-0011 |
2019 Journal Article Public health–oriented intellectual property and trade policies in Africa and the regional mechanism under Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights amendmentAdekola, T. A. (2019). Public health–oriented intellectual property and trade policies in Africa and the regional mechanism under Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights amendment. Public Health, 173, 1-4. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2019.04.019 |
2019 Journal Article Abolition of graphical representation in EU trademark directive: should countries with similar provisions follow EU’s footsteps?Adekola, Tolulope Anthony (2019). Abolition of graphical representation in EU trademark directive: should countries with similar provisions follow EU’s footsteps?. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, 24 (3-4), 62-68. |