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Dr Tolulope Anthony Adekola

Affiliate of Centre for Policy Futu
Centre for Policy Futures
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Research Fellow
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

Tolulope's expertise lies in intellectual property law, public health law, and law and technology. More broadly, his work has come to focus on three sectors now recognized as the so-called grand challenges: pharmaceuticals and health, climate change, and food security. He completed his PhD at the City University of Hong Kong, funded by the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong and the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition in Germany. After completing his doctoral research, he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition. He holds a German and European Law Certificate from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany, and is qualified as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria. He is currently a consultant to the South African Research Chair in Industrial Development at the University of Johannesburg and the United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa. He is a recipient of several awards and a nominee for the Australian Legal Research Award (ECR) 2024. He is also an affiliate fellow at the Information Society Law Center of the University of Milan, Italy, and the Centre for Policy Futures at the University of Queensland. Among his past experiences, he has held teaching positions at the City University of Hong Kong and Landmark University, Nigeria.

Tolulope Anthony Adekola
Tolulope Anthony Adekola

Professor James Allan

Garrick Professor of Law
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

Areas of interest are legal and moral philosophy, constitutional law and bills of rights.

Professor James Allan holds the oldest named chair at The University of Queensland. Before arriving in Australia in February of 2005 he spent 11 years teaching law in New Zealand at the University of Otago and before that lectured law in Hong Kong. Professor Allan is a native born Canadian who practised law in a large Toronto law firm and at the Bar in London before shifting to teaching law. He has had sabbaticals at the Cornell Law School, at the Dalhousie Law School in Canada as the Bertha Wilson Visiting Professor in Human Rights, and at the University of San Diego School of Law.

Professor Allan has published widely in the areas of legal philosophy and constitutional law, including in all the top English language legal philosophy journals in the US, the UK, Canada and Australia, much the same being true of constitutional law journals as well. Professor Allan also has a sideline interest in bills of rights; he is opposed to them. Indeed he is delighted to have moved to a country without a national bill of rights. He has been actively involved in the efforts trying to stop one from being enacted here in Australia. Professor Allan’s latest book is The age of foolishness: a doubter's guide to constitutionalism in a modern democracy (published 2022). Professor Allan also writes widely for newspapers and weeklies, including The Australian, The Spectator Australia and Quadrant, and since arriving here in Australia he has given or participated in more than 80 lectures, debates and talks.

James Allan
James Allan

Dr Rebecca Ananian-Welsh

Affiliate of Centre for Public, Int
Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Associate Professor
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Associate Professor Rebecca Ananian-Welsh is a constitutional law scholar and Editor of the University of Queensland Law Journal at the TC Beirne School of Law. Her research focuses on courts, national security and press freedom and she has published widely in these fields, including more than 25 journal articles, two edited collections and a monograph. Her present research focuses on the nature of courts under the Constitution, and the protection of press freedom.

Rebecca's research in national security, press freedom and fair trial principles has been recognised in an Academy of Social Sciences in Australia’s Paul Bourke Award for Early Career Research and a UQ BEL Faculty award. Her book 'The Tim Carmody Affair: Australia's Greatest Judicial Crisis' (co-authored with Profs Gabrielle Appleby and Andrew Lynch), was shortlisted for a Queensland Literary Award and her Sydney Law Review article 'The Inherent Jurisdiction of Courts and the Fair Trial' has been shortlisted for the 2020 Article of the Year in the Australian Legal Research Awards.

Prior to joining UQ, Rebecca held positions at UNSW Law with the Laureate Fellowship Project 'Anti-Terror Laws and the Democratic Challenge' and the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law's Terrorism & Law Project, as a litigation solicitor at DLA Piper, and as a legal officer with the Federal Attorney-General's Department.

Rebecca Ananian-Welsh
Rebecca Ananian-Welsh

Professor Nicholas Aroney

Centre Director of Centre for Publi
Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Affiliate of Centre for Public, Int
Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Nicholas Aroney is Professor of Constitutional Law at The University of Queensland, Director (Public Law) of the Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law and a Senior Fellow of the Centre for Law and Religion at Emory University. In 2010 he received a four-year Future Fellowship from the Australian Research Council to study comparative federalism and in 2021 he secured an Australian Research Council Discovery Grant to investigate the nature and function of constituent power in federal systems. He has held visiting positions at Oxford, Cambridge, Paris II, Edinburgh, Durham, Padua, Sydney, Emory and Tilburg universities.

Professor Aroney has published over 160 journal articles, book chapters and books in the fields of constitutional law, comparative constitutional law and legal theory. He has led several international research projects in comparative federalism, bicameralism, legal pluralism, and law & religion, and he speaks frequently at international conferences on these topics. His most notable publications in these fields include: The Constitution of a Federal Commonwealth: The Making and Meaning of the Australian Constitution (Cambridge University Press, 2009), Shari'a in the West (Oxford University Press, 2010) (edited with Rex Ahdar), The Future of Australian Federalism (Cambridge University Press, 2012) (edited with Gabrielle Appleby and Thomas John), The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia: History, Principle and Interpretation (Cambridge University Press, 2015) (with Peter Gerangelos, James Stellios and Sarah Murray), Courts in Federal Countries (Toronto University Press, 2017) (edited with John Kincaid), The Routledge Handbook of Subnational Constitutions and Constitutionalism (Routledge 2021) (edited with Patricia Popelier and Giacomo Delledone) and Christianity and Constitutionalism (Oxford University Press, 2022) (edited with Ian Leigh).

Professor Aroney is a former editor of The University of Queensland Law Journal (2003-2005) and International Trade and Business Law Annual (1996-1998), and a past secretary of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy. He is a past member of the Governing Council and the current Co-Convenor of the Queensland Chapter of the Australian Association of Constitutional Law. He is also a member of the editorial advisory board of the American Journal of Jurisprudence, Public Law Review, Australian Journal of Law and Religion and International Trade and Business Law Review. He has made numerous influential submissions to government and parliamentary inquiries and in 2013 undertook a review of the Crime and Misconduct Act for the Queensland Government with the Hon Ian Callinan AC QC, a former Justice of the High Court of Australia. In 2017 he was appointed by the Australian Prime Minister to an Expert Panel to advise on whether Australian law adequately protects the human right to freedom of religion.

Professor Aroney joined the Law School in 1995 after working with a major national law firm and acting as a legal consultant in the field of building and construction law.

Nicholas Aroney
Nicholas Aroney

Professor Kit Barker

Centre Director of Australian Centr
Australian Centre for Private Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

Kit Barker joined the TC Beirne School of Law in 2006. He was educated at Exeter College, Oxford, where he graduated with first class honours (in 1988) and subsequently completed the BCL (with distinction) in 1991. He was admitted to the Middle Temple Inn of Court as a Harmsworth Scholar and to the Bar of England and Wales in 1990. He is interested in private law as a whole, but specialises in the law of torts and unjust enrichment law and the law's doctrine, philosophical foundations and remedies. More recently, his work has explored the interface between private law and public law and public policy, with a focus on the tortious liability of government, misfeasance in public office and the use of private enforcement techniques in public law. He is a former Associate Dean (Research) at the TC Beirne School of Law and an assistant editor of the Torts Law Journal. He is co-author of three books - Unjust Enrichment (3rd ed, Sydney, Lexis Nexis, Butterworths, 2024, 1st ed, 2008), The Law of Torts in Australia (5th ed, 2011, OUP) and Remedies: Commentary and Materials (Thomson, 2015). He is also an editor and contributor to six essay collections: Life and Death in Private Law (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2024), Private Law: Key Encounters with Public Law (Cambridge University Press, 2013), The Law of Misstatements (Hart Publishing, 2015); Private Law and Power (Hart Publishing, 2017) ; Private Law in the Twenty-First Century (Hart Publishing, 2017); Apportionment in Private Law (Hart Publishing, 2018) and the Research Handbook on Unjust Enrichment and Restitution (Edward Elgar, 2020).

He is a fellow of the Australian Academy of Law and current director of the Australian Centre of Private Law at the TC Beirne School of Law.

Kit Barker
Kit Barker

Associate Professor Francesca Bartlett

Affiliate of Centre for Public, Int
Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Associate Professor
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

Associate Professor Francesca Bartlett lectures in Ethics and the Legal Profession and Contract Law. She is the Director of Teaching and Learning at the School of Law. She is a Fellow of the Centre for Public, Comparative and International Law and researches in the area of lawyers' ethics and practice, access to justice and women and the law. She was a CI on the Australian Feminist Judgments Project funded by the Australian Research Council under a Discovery Project Grant. She is undertaking a number of projects relating to lawyers working across Australia including around family violence, and how technology impacts upon access to justice and ethics in the legal profession. She has led a project concerning technology and access to justice in the legal assistance sector funded under an AIBE Applied Research Fund grant and was a CI on a project funded by the Queensland Law Society concerning disruption to and innovation by small law firms across Queensland. Francesca was a Visiting Fellow at the Centre on the Legal Profession at Stanford University in November 2018.

She is a member of the Queensland Law Society Ethics Committee and is the Vice President of the International Association of Legal Ethics. Francesca is an Academic Member of the School's Pro Bono Centre Advisory Board. Before joining the Law School, she practiced for a number of years as a commercial solicitor at a national law firm in Melbourne and Brisbane. Prior to embarking on her legal career, Francesca completed a PhD in English which concerned the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from their Families.

Francesca Bartlett
Francesca Bartlett

Dr Lemi Baruh

Affiliate of Centre for Communicati
Centre for Communication and Social Change
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Senior Lecturer in Communication
School of Communication and Arts
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Available for supervision

Lemi Baruh (Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, Annenberg School for Communication, 2007) is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Communication and Arts at the University of Queensland. He is the co-founder of the Social Interaction and Media Lab at Koç University, Istanbul. His research spans various topics, including the effects of social media on interpersonal attraction, surveillance, online security, privacy in online environments, and the role of media in shaping public opinion. His recent work also investigates misinformation and conspiracy theories in the context of health communication, with a particular focus on the COVID-19 pandemic and the influence of news and social media on public perceptions and behaviors related to health.

Lemi Baruh
Lemi Baruh

Associate Professor Justine Bell-James

Affiliate of Centre for Public, Int
Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Affiliate of Centre for Marine Scie
Centre for Marine Science
Faculty of Science
Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversit
Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
Faculty of Science
Director of HDR of T.C. Beirne Scho
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Associate Professor
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Justine Bell-James is an Associate Professor at the TC Beirne School of Law with expertise in environmental and climate change law. She holds a PhD from QUT (2010) and was a postdoctoral research fellow at UQ's Global Change Institute from 2011-2013.

Justine’s main research interest is legal mechanisms for the protection, management and restoration of coastal and marine ecosystems. She currently leads an ARC Discovery Project (2019-2023) considering how coastal wetland ecosystem services can be integrated into legal frameworks. She is also currently funded as the legal expert on the $3m CSIRO/BHP project ‘Accelerating Adoption and Implementation of Blue Carbon in Australia’ and on two National Environmental Science Program projects to lead legal analysis on interdisciplinary projects related to coastal wetland restoration.

Justine's work on legal mechanisms to facilitate blue carbon projects in Australia and internationally informed the development of a 'blue carbon' methodology under Australia's Emissions Reduction Fund. This methodology has allowed for the carbon abatement generated by particular coastal restoration activities to receive Australian Carbon Credit Units. Much of her research now focuses on remaining legal barriers to upscaling coastal and marine restoration, including legal permitting processes and land tenure.

Justine's work cuts across disciplines, and she is an affiliated researcher with UQ's Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science. Her recent collaborations and consultancies have involved colleagues from science, industry, NGOs, government and legal practice.

Justine also has expertise in climate change litigation, and her work on opportunities for litigation under Queensland's Human Rights Act 2019 has underpinned the successful Waratah Coal case decided by Queensland's Land Court in 2022.

Justine Bell-James
Justine Bell-James

Professor Rick Bigwood

Affiliate of Centre for Public, Int
Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Head of T.C. Beirne School of Law
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Sir Gerard Brennan Chair in Law and
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

Professor Rick Bigwood’s principal teaching and research interests lie in the areas of contract and property law. He was formerly a Senior Solicitor and Acting Principal Solicitor with the Federal Attorney-General's Department in Canberra (Office of Commercial Law). Before joining TC Beirne School of Law, Professor Bigwood taught at Bond University for five years, and he was on the Auckland Law Faculty for 16 years before that, where he was also the Director of the Research Centre for Business Law. He has published widely in leading international journals on subjects within contract, equity and property law, and he has been a keynote speaker at international conferences on contract law. His publications include the following books: Legal Method in New Zealand (Butterworths, 2001); Exploitative Contracts (Oxford University Press, 2003) (awarded the JF Northey Memorial Book Award for 2003); The Statute: Making and Meaning (LexisNexis, 2004); Public Interest Litigation: The New Zealand Experience in International Perspective (LexisNexis, 2006); The Permanent New Zealand Court of Appeal: Essays on the First 50 Years (Hart Publishing, 2009); Contract as Assumption: Essays on a Theme (by Brian Coote) (Hart Publishing, 2010); The Law of Remedies: New Directions in the Common Law (Irwin Law, 2010) (with Jeff Berryman); and Cheshire & Fifoot, Law of Contract (10th Australian edition, 2012) (with Nick Seddon). Professor Bigwood was formerly the General Editor of the New Zealand Universities Law Review, and was Editor of the New Zealand Law Review 2002-2008. He is currently a member of the editorial boards of the New Zealand Universities Law Review and the Journal of Contract Law. Professor Bigwood has received a number of awards, prizes and honours for his teaching at various tertiary educational institutions, in a variety of countries, including a National Tertiary Teaching Excellence Award in 2006 (New Zealand).

Rick Bigwood
Rick Bigwood

Professor Peter Billings

Affiliate of Centre for Public, Int
Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Peter Billings is a Professor at the School of Law, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. His research interests are in particular areas of public law: administrative law, immigration and refugee law, social welfare law and human rights law. In 2016 he received an Australian Award for University Teaching - Award for Programs that Enhance Learning (Pro Bono Centre). Since 2010 he has received five teaching excellence awards within the School of Law for outstanding course/teacher evaluations, and in 2011 was awarded the Vice Chancellor's Equity and Diversity Award (UQ) for the Asylum and Refugee Law Project.

Recently, he has published several papers on 'crImmigration' law, policy and practice in Australia, including a chapter, "International crimes, refugee 'prisoner' swaps and duplicity in Australia's refugee admissions", in J Simeon (ed) Serious International Crimes, Human Rights and Forced Migration (Routledge, 2022). And he authored chapter one in his own edited collection, Regulating Refugee Protection through Social Welfare: Law, Policy and Praxis (Routledge, 2023). Most recently, he has authored a chapter on the corrosive effect of immigration detention laws on officialdom, in M Peterie, Immigration Detention and Social Harm: The Collateral Impacts of Migrant Incarceration (Routledge) forthcoming.

Peter Billings
Peter Billings

Professor Ann Black

Centre Director of Centre for Publi
Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Affiliate of Centre for Public, Int
Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

Professor Ann Black researches in the field of comparative law, law & religion, and legal pluralism, with particular interest in Islamic law and the law and legal cultures of Asia, especially Brunei Darussalam. She teaches two comparative law courses in the undergraduate program - Asian Legal Systems and Introduction to Islamic law in addition to Fundamentals of the Common Law and Comparative Criminal Law in the School's Master's program. Professor Black received the UQ Teaching Excellence Award in 2022, and in 2023 she received the prestigious Award for Teaching Excellence at the Australian Awards for University Teaching.

Professor Black is a co-author with Gary Bell, of Law and Legal Institutions of Asia: Traditions, adaptations and innovations (Cambridge University Press, 2011) and Modern Perspectives on Islamic Law, with Hossein Esmaeili and Nadirsyah Hosen, (Edward Elgar, 2013), and Religious Freedom in a Secular Society, with Jahid Hussein in Brill’s Studies in Religion, Secular Beliefs and Human Rights (2022) and Religious Freedom and Accommodating Religious Diversity: Challenges and Responses (2023). Another book co-edited with Jahid Bhuiyan, Freedom of Religion and Religious Diversity: State Accommodation of Religious Minorities (Routledge) will be available October 2024.

Professor Black is the Executive Director, Comparative Law, in the Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law and is the Program manager for the Centre's Indonesian Law Program, the Legal Pluralism Program, and the Korean Law Program and is a member of the Law and Religion in the Asia-Pacific and the Federalism and Multilevel Governance Program.

Ann Black
Ann Black

Associate Professor Morgan Brigg

Associate Professor
School of Political Science and International Studies
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Available for supervision
Media expert

Morgan Brigg is expert in peace and conflict studies and Indigenous political thought and governance. His research considers the interplay of culture, governance and selfhood in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, governance, and international development. He worked in conflict resolution and mediation prior to his academic career, and he continues to practice as a nationally accredited mediator and facilitator. His research develops ways of knowing and working across cultural difference which draw upon Indigenous approaches to political community. Current projects examine ways of recuperating Indigenous forms of governance and conflict resolution, and the promise of ideas of relationality for making the field of conflict resolution a genuinely global endeavour.


Single-Authored Books

The New Politics of Conflict Resolution: Responding to Difference, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, (2008).

Edited Volumes

Mediating Across Difference: Oceanic and Asian Approaches to Conflict Resolution (with Roland Bleiker), Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, (2011).

Unsettling the Settler State: Creativity and Resistance in Indigenous-Settler State Governance (with Sarah Maddison), Sydney: Federation Press, (2011).

Autoethnographic International Relations, Forum in the Review of International Studies, Vol 36 No 3 and 4, 2010 (with Roland Bleiker)

Journal Articles

"Relational and Essential: Theorising Difference for Peacebuilding", Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. DOI: 10.1080/17502977.2018.1482078 (2018)

"Beyond the thrall of the state: governance as a relational-affective effect in Solomon Islands", Cooperation and Conflict. 53, 2 doi:10.1177/0010836718769096 (2018)

Humanitarian symbolic exchange: extending Responsibility to Protect through individual and local engagement. Third World Quarterly, . doi:10.1080/01436597.2017.1396534 (2017)

(with Jodie Curth-Bibb) "Recalibrating intercultural governance in Australian Indigenous organisations: the case of Aboriginal community controlled health", Australian Journal of Political Science, doi:10.1080/10361146.2017.1281379 (2017)

"Beyond accommodation: The cultural politics of recognition and relationality in dispute resolution." Australian Journal of Family Law 29 (3, Religion, culture and dispute resolution): 188-202 (2015)

“Old Cultures and New Possibilities: Marege’-Makassar Diplomacy in Southeast Asia”, The Pacific Review 24, no.5 (2011): 601-623."

"Autoethnographic International Relations: exploring the self as a source of knowledge" (with Roland Bleiker) Review of International Studies 36, no. 3 (2010):779-798

“Wantokism and State Building in the Solomon Islands: A Response to Fukuyama”. Pacific Economic Bulletin 24, no. 3 (2009): 148-161.

“The Developer’s Self: A Non-Deterministic Foucauldian Frame”. Third World Quarterly 30, no. 8 (2009): 1411-1426.

“Biopolitics Meets Terrapolitics: Political Ontologies and Governance in Settler-Colonial Australia”.Australian Journal of Political Science 42, no. 3 (2007): 403-417.

“Governance and Susceptibility in Conflict Resolution: Possibilities beyond Control”. Social and Legal Studies 16, no. 1 (2007): 27-47.

“Post-Development, Foucault, and the Colonisation Metaphor”. Third World Quarterly 23, no. 3 (2002): 421-436.

Book Chapters

"Relational Peacebuilding: Promise beyond Crisis", Peacebuilding in Crisis? Rethinking Paradigms and Practices of Transnational Cooperation, eds Tobias Debiel, Thomas Held, Ulrich Schneckener. Routledge, 56-69, (2016).

“Indigeneity and Peace”, (with Polly Walker), in "The Palgrave Handbook of Disciplinary and Regional Approaches to Peace". eds Oliver P. Richmond, Sandra Pogodda, Jasmin Ramovic: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 259-271, (2016).

“Beyond Captives and Captors: Settler-Indigenous Governance for the 21st Century” (with Lyndon Murphy). In Unsettling the Settler State: Creativity and Resistance in Indigenous-Settler State Governance, eds. S. Maddison and M. Brigg. Sydney: Federation Press, (2011).

“Conflict Murri Way: Managing Through Place and Relatedness” (with Mary Graham and Polly Walker). InMediating Across Difference: Oceanic and Asian Approaches to Conflict Resolution, eds. M. Brigg and R. Bleiker. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, (2011).

“Culture: Challenges and Possibilities”. In Palgrave Advances in Peacebuilding: Critical Developments and Approaches, ed. O. Richmond. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, (2010).

“Disciplining the Developmental Subject: Neoliberal Power and Governance through Microcredit”. In Prospects and Perils of Microcredit: Neoliberalism and Cultural Politics of Empowerment, ed. J. Fernando. London: Routledge, (2006).

Other Contributions

“Noel Pearson's hunt for the 'radical centre' is doomed”, (with Lyndon Murphy) The Age, February 18 (2016).

“Identity and politics in Settler-Colonialism: Relational analyses beyond domination?” Postcolonial Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13688790.2015.1061908, 2015.

"Dialogue on Governance and Peace: Choiseul and Western Province, Solomon Islands", (with W. Chadwick, C. Griggers), in Sharing and Exploring Pacific Approaches to Dialogue: A compendium of Case Studies from Pacific Island Countries, J. Murdock, T. Vienings and J. Namgyal (eds.), Suva, Fiji, UNDP Pacific Centre (2015).

“Culture, ‘Relationality’, and Global Cooperation" Global Cooperation Research Papers 6, Duisburg, Germany, (2014).

The Forked Tongue of the Whiteman: Culture and contemporary peacebuilding, in Pax In Nuce weblog, Posted on July 31 (2014).

"Review of Kevin Avruch, Context and Pretext in Conflict Resolution: Culture, Identity, Power, and Practice." Australian Journal of International Affairs, (2013).

“Networked Relationality: Indigenous Insights for Integrated Peacebuilding.” Research Report Series, Hiroshima University Partnership for Peacebuilding and Social Capacity (2008).

“Review: Harrison, Simon, (2007) Fracturing Resemblances: Identity and Mimetic Conflict in Melanesia and the West, New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books”. Anthropological Forum 18, no. 2 (2008): 179-181.

“Whitegoods” (with Lyndon Murphy). Arena Magazine, no. 67 (2003): 30-31.

Morgan Brigg
Morgan Brigg

Honorary Professor Simon Bronitt

Honorary Professor
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Simon Bronitt is the Head of School and Dean of Sydney Law School at The University of Sydney. Simon was a Professor in the UQ Law School for five years and served as Deputy Head of School and Deputy Dean (Research) from June 2014 to 2018. He previously served as the Director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security, hosted by Griffith University (2009-2014).

Before moving to Queensland in 2009, Professor Bronitt was a member of the College of Law at The Australian National University (1991-2009). During that time he served as Sub Dean in 1997-98, and was promoted to Professor in 2005. During his time at ANU, he held a number of research leadership roles, including Director of the National Europe Centre an EU-funded centre - in the Research School of Humanities (2003-2008) and Director of the Australian Centre for Military Law and Justice, ANU (2009).

Drawing on comparative and interdisciplinary perspectives, he has published widely on criminal justice topics ranging across terrorism law and human rights, comparative criminal law, covert policing, family violence, and mental health policing. His key publications include two textbooks, Principles of Criminal Law (4th ed, Thomson Reuters 2017) and Law in Context (4th ed, Federation Press, 2012).

Simon Bronitt
Simon Bronitt

Professor Anthony Cassimatis

Centre Director of Centre for Publi
Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Anthony Cassimatis AM is a Professor at the TC Beirne School of Law, the University of Queensland. Anthony teaches administrative law and public international law. He is the Director of the Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law at the University of Queensland. He was the chairperson of the Australian Red Cross' International Humanitarian Law Committee for Queensland from 2005-2018 and he remains a member of this committee, which he joined in 1998. Anthony is the author or co-author of 5 books and numerous articles and book chapters on public international law, administrative law and legal advocacy. He is the editor in chief of the Australian International Law Journal. He has been academic supervisor of teams representing the Law School in the Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition over many years, including teams that have won the Australian national rounds of the competition (2005, 2012 and 2014) and the Jessup Moot World Championship in Washington DC (2005 and 2014). Anthony was a Visiting Fellow at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law at Cambridge University in 2007 and 2018. In 2017, Anthony received a national Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning from the Australian Government. In 2020, Anthony was made a Member of the Order of Australia, General Division, “[f]or significant service to education, to the law, and to the community”. In 2020, he was appointed to the Queensland Parliament's Human Rights Advisory Panel, an appointment that has been extended to 2024. In 2022, Anthony was engaged by Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade as a subject matter expert.

Anthony's research interests include international law, administrative law and public law generally.

Anthony Cassimatis
Anthony Cassimatis

Dr Vicky Comino

Senior Lecturer
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Vicky Comino is a Senior Lecturer at the TC Beirne School of Law at The University of Queensland. Dr Comino's main research area is corporate law, and in particular the regulation of corporate misconduct. Before commencing an academic career, she practised as a solicitor working at a top tier law firm in the fields of corporate law, leasing, commercial and residential conveyancing, strata development, securities and opinion work. Over the years, Dr Comino has worked voluntarily for Legal Aid, South Brisbane Immigration & Community Legal Service, Women's Equal Opportunity (WEO) and Justice and the Law Society (JATL) (UQ). She has also served on numerous committees, most recently as the chair of a major Queensland Law Society accreditation committee for the accreditation of lawyers as Business Law Specialists. Dr Comino's recent articles have addressed important topics in the corporations law area. Those topics include the difficulties facing the use of civil penalties by calling for Parliament to pass legislation to resolve procedural obstacles, the adequacy of ASIC's 'tool-kit' to deal with corporate and financial wrongdoing, including the deployment of 'new' enforcement tools, such as enforceable undertakings and the possibilities and limits of the use of 'corporate culture' as a regulatory mechanism. Her 2015 monograph Australia's "Company Law Watchdog" – ASIC and Corporate Regulation, which focuses on exploring how, and to what extent, a public authority like ASIC can achieve more effective regulation certainly comes at a time when ASIC's performance is increasingly under the microscope. This is in view of its mixed record of success in some highly publicised cases and a seemingly endless procession of corporate and financial scandals, such as those that engulfed the major Australian banks, prompting not only a number of parliamentary inquiries into ASIC's performance and capabilities, but the establishment of the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry. Her book also consolidates her position as a leading Australian researcher on corporate regulation, with her work cited in the Final Report of the Banking Royal Commission and reports of the Australian Law Reform Commission on Corporate Criminal Responsibility. Dr Comino's research has global relevance and she has extended her work beyond Australia to evaluate international developments, especially in the US and the UK. She is examining the different responses of regulators to the dilemmas presented by policing corporate and securities violations in the aftermath of, and since, the GFC to try to resolve the issue of how policy-makers and regulators should deal with corporate wrongdoing more effectively in the future. She also travelled to the UK in 2018 after being awarded a Liberty Fellowship from the University of Leeds to undertake collaborative work comparing corporate regulation there and in Australia. Dr Comino holds the degrees of BA, LLB (Hons), LLM and PhD (UQ), and is a Fellow of the ​Australian Centre for Private Law (UQ).

Vicky Comino
Vicky Comino

Dr Damian Copeland

Adjunct Associate Professor
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

Damian Copeland is a Senior Research Fellow with the TC Beirne School of Law, The University of Queensland in the Law and Future of War project. Damian’s research focuses on the application of export control, arms trade and sanctions regimes relevant to the export and brokering of trusted autonomous military systems and associated technology. His broader research and teaching interests include international humanitarian law and domestic counter-terrorism law.

Damian completed his Bachelor of Law (Hons) at the Queensland University of Technology and Masters in Law (Merit) at the Australian National University. He is completing a PhD at the Australian National University on the Article 36 weapon review of autonomous weapon systems.

Damian is serving member of the Australian Defence Force (Army Legal Corps) and has served in Iraq, Afghanistan, East Timor, Cambodia and Somalia.

Damian Copeland
Damian Copeland

Emeritus Professor Jennifer Corrin

Emerita Professor
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Not available for supervision
Media expert

Professor Emerita Jennifer Corrin researches on law reform and development in plural legal regimes and legal issues affecting small states. She is a former Australian Research Council Future Fellow and in 2019 was a short-term Visiting Fellow at Jesus College, Oxford. Professor Emerita Corrin has participated in a number of research grant projects including an ARC Discovery Grant, which investigated means of better managing the flow of public finances and people across Australia's international borders; and work on environmental issues in Solomon Islands, funded by the MacArthur Foundation. Most recently she has been co-investigator in a project concerning inclusion of women’s voices in marine resource management in the Pacific, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK). Jennifer has been consulted as an expert in a number of legal cases.

Professor Emerita Jennifer Corrin has published in the areas of legal pluralism, comparative law, South Pacific law, customary law, human rights, court systems, evidence, civil procedure, family law, land law, constitutional law and contract. She is the author of Contract Law in the South Pacific and co-author of Introduction to South Pacific Law (heading for its 5th edition), Courts and Civil Procedure in the South Pacific and Proving Customary Law in the Common Law Courts of the South Pacific. In 2019, she co-edited and wrote several chapters in a book on adoption in plural legal regimes. Her latest publication is the co-edited book, Legal Systems of the Pacific: Introducing Sixteen Gems.

Before joining The University of Queensland, Professor Emerita Corrin spent six years at the University of the South Pacific, having joined the Faculty after nine years in her own legal firm in Solomon Islands. She retains strong links with the profession and is a life member of Solomon Islands Bar Association. Professor Emerita Corrin’s memberships include the Australian Academy of Law, the Board of the Commission on Legal Pluralism, the Executive Committee of the Australian Law Academics Association, and titular membership of the International Academy of Comparative Law. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Legal Pluralism, a member of the International Editorial Board of the Journal of South Pacific Law, and a member of the Editorial Board of the Comparative Law Journal and of the Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law.

Jennifer Corrin
Jennifer Corrin

Dr Renato Costa

Affiliate of Centre for Public, Int
Centre for Public, International and Comparative Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

Dr Renato Costa joined the T. C. Beirne School of Law as an LLM student in 2018. Before undertaking his studies at the University of Queensland, he practised as a lawyer in one of Brazil's most prominent law firms. Renato specialises in constitutional and comparative law.

Renato graduated with an LLB from the Faculty of Law at the Catholic University of Pernambuco, in Brazil. He holds a PhD and an LLM from T.C. Beirne School of Law at the University of Queensland. Renato is the Associate Editor of the University of Queensland Law Journal - UQLJ. He teaches Public and Constitutional Law and has been a guest lecturer in courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Renato's main research area is public law, including constitutional, administrative, and comparative law. His research focus is constitutional theory and specific aspects of the Australian constitutional system, including but not limited to the rule of law, federalism, constitutional history, religious freedom and human rights, responsible government, political and legal theology, and jurisprudence.

Renato Costa
Renato Costa

Dr Alan Davidson

Senior Lecturer
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Alan Davidson is a solicitor and barrister of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and of the High Court of Australia. He practiced law for more than a decade before moving into academia full time. He was engaged as an Assistant Professor at Bond University, lecturer at Queensland University of Technology including acting Head of School, and Associate Dean at James Cook University before commencing at the University of Queensland in 1997.

Since 2011 Dr Davidson has participated in UNCITRAL Working Group IV in Vienna and New York biannually, and in 2014 was invited to join its Panel of Experts to assist with the future directions of the Working Group.He is a Director and Fellow of UNCCA (UNCITRAL National Coordination Committee Australia) and is its Education Director arranging for students nationally to attend Working Group sessions (64 students to date). Dr Davidson's PhD is in the field of international banking law, specifically Letters of Credit Transactions. He is a Fellow of the Institute of International Banking Law and Practice and a member of the Asia Advisory Council and the Council of International Standby Practices of the Institute. He regularly speaks at the conferences for the Institute in Hong Kong, Singapore and New York. He presents courses at the TC Beirne School of Law in International Trade Law, International Trade Finance Law, Banking Law and Electronic Commerce Law. He has been a visiting academic in the USA, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and China.

His book Social Media and Electronic Commerce Law has been published in 2 editions by Cambridge University Press. He has also published The Internet for Lawyers and The Internet for Accountants and numerous interactive computer based workbooks and teaching manuals. He was joint author of two editions of the monograph Company Meetings. His publications have appeared in the Australian Law Journal, the Journal of International Banking and Finance Law, the Journal of Commonwealth Law and Legal Education and the International Trade Law Annual. For nine years he authored over 100 articles for Queensland Law Society Journal, Proctor on CyberLaw.

Alan Davidson
Alan Davidson

Dr Pratap Devarapalli

Affiliate of Centre for Policy Futu
Centre for Policy Futures
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Research Fellow
School of Law
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Pratap is an IP Strategist and Patent researcher. He has expertise in dealing with Intellectual Property issues in relation to emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), 3D bioprinting and synthetic biology. He is currently a Postdoctoral fellow at TC Bernie School of Law, University of Queensland, Australia. Pratap pursued his PhD from the Centre for Law and Genetics, University of Tasmania, Australia where his research was focused on "Patenting issues related to Bioprinted tissues and Bioinks." In 2018, he was invited by Govt. of Japan to assist the Japanese Patent Office (JPO) in harmonizing Japanese Patent Law in relation to AI. In 2017, he completed his Master of Law (LLM) in Intellectual Property from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Geneva and the Queensland University of Technology, Australia. He is the recipient of the prestigious International Fellowship offered by WIPO. He holds a Master's degree in Genomics from the Central University of Kerala, India and a Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology, Microbiology, and Chemistry from Acharya Nagarjuna University, India. Pratap also holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Patent informatics from the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR) at the CSIR Unit of Research and Development of Information Products (URDIP), India and worked as a Patent researcher in the same.

Pratap Devarapalli
Pratap Devarapalli