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Associate Professor Archie Chapman

Associate Professor
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Archie Chapman is an Associate Professor in Computer Science in the School of IT and Electrical Engineering.

Archie develops and applies principled artificial intelligence, game theory, optimisation and machine learning methods to solve large-scale and dynamic allocation, scheduling and queuing problems. His recent research has focused on applications of these techniques to problems in future power systems, such as integrating large amounts of renewable power generation and using batteries and flexible loads to provide power network and system services, while making best use of legacy network and generation infrastructure.

Prior to joining UQ, Archie was Research Fellow in Smart Grids at the University of Sydney (2011-2019), and a postdoc fellow at the University of Southampton (2009-2010), where he completed his PhD.

Archie Chapman
Archie Chapman

Professor Begona Dominguez

School of Economics
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Begona Dominguez
Begona Dominguez

Dr Peter Earl

Honorary Associate Professor
School of Economics
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Before joining the School of Economics in 2001, Peter Earl had spent a decade as Professor of Economics at Lincoln University in New Zealand. He decided to move to UQ after spending a semester in the School of Economics as a Visiting Professor in 1999 and having been impressed by the Library, the quality of the students and the School's strength in evolutionary economics.

He specialises in business economics, consumer research and economic method, with an interest in the impact of psychological factors and problems of information and knowledge on decision-making. He is also interested in Post Keynesian approaches to macroeconomics and monetary theory.

His approach blends elements from Austrian Economics, Behavioral Economics, Evolutionary Economics, Institutional Economics and Post Keynesian Economics. He has served as co-editor of the Journal of Economic Psychology and is a founding member of the editorial boards of Review of Political Economy and Marketing Theory. He is the author or editor of eighteen books and numerous articles and book chapters.

Peter Earl
Peter Earl

Emeritus Professor John Foster

Emeritus Professor
School of Economics
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Fellow of the Academy of Social Science in Australia, Life member of Clare Hall College, Cambridge, Past President of the International J.A. Schumpeter Society. Current research interests include: the diffusion of innovations with special reference to the emergence of low carbon emission power generation technologies; modelling evolutionary economic growth with special reference to the role of energy; modelling the impact of climate change on the economy with a specific focus on the power generation sector; modelling the macro-economy as a complex adaptive system; applying self-organisation theory to statistical and economic modelling in the presence of structural change; the re-design of national power grids to accommodate renewable energy generation. He currently serves on the following editorial boards: Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Review of Political Economy, Journal of Bio-economics, Journal of Institutional Economics and, previously, the Scottish Journal of Political Economy and Economic Analysis and Policy. He is Director of the Energy Economics and Management Group at UQ and Focal Leader, Renewable Energy at the Global Change Institute. Previously, he was: Head of the School of Economics at UQ (1999-2008); Deputy Director of the ARC Centre for Complex Systems (2006-2008); Member of the Social, Behavioural and Economic Panel, ARC College of Experts (2005-2007); Member of the Expert Panel appointed by the Federal Minister for Industry and Innovation, Senator Kim Carr, to review the National Innovation System (2008).

John Foster
John Foster

Dr Heiko Gerlach

Associate Professor
School of Economics
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert
Heiko Gerlach
Heiko Gerlach

Dr Kenan Kalayci

Senior Lecturer
School of Economics
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr. Kenan Kalaycı is an experimental economist whose research focus is on behavioural economics and industrial organization. Kenan received his PhD in Economics from Tilburg University and is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of Queensland. Kenan has been an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Research Fellow between 2016-208 and a visiting scholar at the University of Oxford in 2017-2018. Kenan's main research has been in the growing field of behavioural industrial organization, which is the study of markets incorporating insights from psychology and other related disciplines. Kenan has been one of the pioneers in the empirical study of this field, developing experimental methodology to study issues of spurious product differentiation and price discrimination in markets. His research has been published in the International Journal of Industrial Organisation, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation, and Experimental Economics.

Kenan Kalayci
Kenan Kalayci

Associate Professor Jeffrey Kline

Associate Professor
School of Economics
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Jeffrey Kline
Jeffrey Kline

Dr Priscilla Man

Senior Lecturer
School of Economics
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Priscilla Man
Priscilla Man

Professor Flavio Menezes

Director, AIBE
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

Flavio Menezes is a Professor of Economics and Director of the Australian Institute for Business and Economics at the University of Queensland (UQ). Flavio is also the Chair of the Queensland Competition Authority and a member of the NDIA’s Pricing Arrangement Reference Group. Professor Menezes was a member of the Expert Panel for the Special Disability Accommodation (NDIS) 2022-2023 price review. He was the president of the Economic Society of Australia (Queensland) from 2016 – 2018 and a member of the advisory board of the Federal government’s 2019 – 2020 Deregulation Taskforce.

He was the Academic Dean of the School of Economics at UQ from 2009 to 2015, the chair of the Research Evaluation Committee for Economics and Commerce, Excellence of Research in Australia (ERA) 2018, and a member of the same committee for ERA 2015. Professor Menezes was an elected member of UQ’s Academic Board and of its Standing Committee from 2018 to 2021. Prior to joining UQ in 2006, he was a Professor of Economics and a Professor of Regulatory Economics at the Australian National University and the foundation director of the Australian Centre of Regulatory Economics. He was a (part-time) Vice-President at Charles Rivers Associates International in Canberra from 2005 to 2006.

Professor Menezes is a fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. He is an associate editor of Journal of Public Economic Theory and was the co-editor of the Economic Record from 2016 to 2022. He has published extensively on the economics of auctions, competition and regulatory economics, industrial organisation, and market design. He is a sought after UQ Expert on Australian economic policy. Professor Menezes’ engagement with industry and government is significant.

His experience includes advising the federal government, the AEMC, the ACCC, IPART, the QCA, and the ACT and Victorian governments on market design issues in regulatory environments. He has also provided economic advice to many private and public organisations on competition and regulatory issues in telecommunications, defence, fisheries, water, gambling, natural resources, electricity markets, dairy, smart cities, banking, aged care, the NDIS, early childhood education and childcare, health, and transport.

Flavio Menezes
Flavio Menezes

Dr Christoph Mueller

Teaching Associate
School of Economics
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Not available for supervision
Christoph Mueller
Christoph Mueller

Professor John Quiggin

Professorial Research Fellow
School of Economics
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert

John Quiggin is a VC Senior Fellow in Economics at the University of Queensland. He is prominent both as a research economist and as a commentator on Australian economic policy. He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society, the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and many other learned societies and institutions. He has produced over 1500 publications, including six books and over 200 refereed journal articles, in fields including decision theory, environmental economics, production economics, and the theory of economic growth. He has also written on policy topics including climate change, micro-economic reform, privatisation, employment policy and the management of the Murray-Darling river system. His latest book, Economics in Two Lessons: Why Markets Work so Well and Why they can Fail so Badly, was released in 2019 by Princeton University Press.

John Quiggin
John Quiggin

Dr Shino Takayama

Senior Lecturer
School of Economics
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision
Media expert
Shino Takayama
Shino Takayama

Dr Kun Zhang

Lecturer in Economics
School of Economics
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Available for supervision

I am a lecturer at the School of Economics, University of Queensland. I obtained my Ph.D. in Economics from the W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University. My research focuses on information economics (especially mechanism design, communication, and information acquisition) and its applications to industrial organization.

Kun Zhang