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Dr Kenan Kalayci

Kenan Kalayci

+61 7 334 67064



Dr. Kenan Kalaycı is an experimental economist whose research focus is on behavioural economics and industrial organization. Kenan received his PhD in Economics from Tilburg University and is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of Queensland. Kenan has been an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Research Fellow between 2016-208 and a visiting scholar at the University of Oxford in 2017-2018. Kenan's main research has been in the growing field of behavioural industrial organization, which is the study of markets incorporating insights from psychology and other related disciplines. Kenan has been one of the pioneers in the empirical study of this field, developing experimental methodology to study issues of spurious product differentiation and price discrimination in markets. His research has been published in the International Journal of Industrial Organisation, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation, and Experimental Economics.


Dr Kenan Kalayci is:
Available for supervision
Media expert


  • Bachelor of Arts, Sabanci University
  • Masters (Coursework) of Science, Tilburg University
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Tilburg University

Research interests

  • Behavioral Economics

  • Experimental Economics

  • Industrial Organization

Research impacts

Kenan has been recognised by the industry as an expert in experimental economics and industrial economics. He collaborated with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on a project that developed and experimentally tested policies that led to significant savings for the ATO and provided valuable insights for public service. In 2015, Kenan was invited by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to present at the National Consumer Congress as an expert panellist in recognition of his expertise in consumer policy. In 2018, Kenan has been an invited participant at the Roundtable on Resolving Conflicts of Interest in the Banking, Superannuation, and Financial Services Industry organised by UNSW in response to the interim report of the Banking Royal Commission. Kenan is also actively involved in the start-up community in Brisbane as an advisor to dfinanz (a market exchange platform for consumer loans), Volunteeria (a social enterprise website) and participated in HealthHack 2016 at River City Labs. Kenan's current and former students have started companies such as Altina drinks and ModelEcon teaching platform.


Search Professor Kenan Kalayci’s works on UQ eSpace

8 works between 2011 and 2020

1 - 8 of 8 works



Journal Article

Buyer confusion and market prices

Kalayci, Kenan and Potters, Jan (2011). Buyer confusion and market prices. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 29 (1), 14-22. doi: 10.1016/j.ijindorg.2010.06.004

Buyer confusion and market prices


Journal Article

Do regulations work? A comprehensive analysis of price limits and trading restrictions in experimental asset markets with deterministic and stochastic fundamental values

Bao, Zhengyang, Kalaycı, Kenan, Leibbrandt, Andreas and Oyarzun, Carlos (2020). Do regulations work? A comprehensive analysis of price limits and trading restrictions in experimental asset markets with deterministic and stochastic fundamental values. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 178, 59-84. doi: 10.1016/j.jebo.2020.07.012

Do regulations work? A comprehensive analysis of price limits and trading restrictions in experimental asset markets with deterministic and stochastic fundamental values


Journal Article

Costly voting: a large-scale real effort experiment

Faravelli, Marco, Kalayci, Kenan and Pimienta, Carlos (2020). Costly voting: a large-scale real effort experiment. Experimental Economics, 23 (2), 468-492. doi: 10.1007/s10683-019-09620-3

Costly voting: a large-scale real effort experiment


Journal Article

A minimum effort coordination game experiment in continuous time

Leng, Ailin, Friesen, Lana, Kalayci, Kenan and Man, Priscilla (2018). A minimum effort coordination game experiment in continuous time. Experimental Economics, 21 (3), 1-24. doi: 10.1007/s10683-017-9550-3

A minimum effort coordination game experiment in continuous time


Journal Article

Complexity and asset legitimacy in retirement investment

Tse, Alan, Friesen, Lana and Kalayci, Kenan (2016). Complexity and asset legitimacy in retirement investment. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 60, 35-48. doi: 10.1016/j.socec.2015.12.001

Complexity and asset legitimacy in retirement investment


Journal Article

Complexity and biases

Kalayci, Kenan and Serra-Garcia, Marta (2015). Complexity and biases. Experimental Economics, 19 (1), 31-50. doi: 10.1007/s10683-015-9434-3

Complexity and biases


Journal Article

Price complexity and buyer confusion in markets

Kalayci, Kenan (2015). Price complexity and buyer confusion in markets. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 111, 154-168. doi: 10.1016/j.jebo.2015.01.001

Price complexity and buyer confusion in markets


Journal Article

Confusopoly: competition and obfuscation in markets

Kalayci, Kenan (2015). Confusopoly: competition and obfuscation in markets. Experimental Economics, 19 (2), 299-316. doi: 10.1007/s10683-015-9438-z

Confusopoly: competition and obfuscation in markets


Past funding

  • 2016 - 2019
    Market responses to behavioral consumer policy: Experimental study
    ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award
    Open grant
  • 2011 - 2012
    Complexity and bounded rationality in credit markets
    UQ New Staff Research Start-Up Fund
    Open grant



Dr Kenan Kalayci is:
Available for supervision

Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.

Available projects

  • Supervision

    If you’re a current UQ student interested in writing Masters, Honours or a PhD thesis with me send me a short email introducing yourself. You don’t need to send me a CV or already have a thesis idea.

Supervision history

Current supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy

    Information Provision and Decision Making in Financial Markets

    Principal Advisor

    Other advisors: Professor Lionel Page

Completed supervision



Contact Dr Kenan Kalayci directly for media enquiries about:

  • Behavioural Economics
  • Consumer Finance
  • Experimental Economics
  • Industrial Organisation

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