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Associate Professor Cheong Xin Chan

Affiliate of Australian Centre for Ecogenomics (ACE)
Australian Centre for Ecogenomics
Faculty of Science
Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science
Faculty of Science
Associate Professor
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision

Dr Chan has a PhD in Genomics and Computational Biology from UQ. He underwent postdoctoral training at Rutgers University (USA) in algal genomics and evolution. He returmed to UQ in late 2011 as one of the inaugural Great Barrier Reef Foundation Bioinformatics Fellows.

Dr Chan joined the School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences in 2020 as a group leader at the Australian Centre for Ecogenomics (ACE). His group uses advanced computational approaches to study genome evolution and develop scalable approaches for comparative genomics.

Cheong Xin Chan
Cheong Xin Chan

Dr Wen-Sung Chung

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision
Wen-Sung Chung
Wen-Sung Chung

Professor Sandie Degnan

Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science
Faculty of Science
Professorial Research Fellow
School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Not available for supervision
Media expert

Evolutionary and ecological genomics of marine invertebrate animals.

Animals evolve because their genomes need to respond to the constantly changing environment presented by both their external habitat and their internal microbial symbionts. Over evolutionary time, these different factors interact during development, when the animal body plan is being established, to generate the extraordinary animal diversity that graces our planet. In ecological time, early life history stages must detect and respond to the precise nature of their environment to generate a locally-adapted functional phenotype. Using coral reef invertebrates from phyla that span the animal kingdom, we study these gene-environment interactions using genomic, molecular and cellular approaches combined with behavioural ecology in natural populations. We work mostly with embryonic and larval life history stages of indirect developers, as these are crucial to the survival, connectivity, and evolution of marine populations. When not immersed in the molecular or computer lab, we are lucky enough to be immersed in the ocean, often in beautiful places!

Sandie Degnan
Sandie Degnan

Mr Chris Glen

Associate Lecturer
School of Biomedical Sciences
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences
Available for supervision
Chris Glen

Dr Andrew Letten

ARC DECRA Senior Research Fellow
School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision

Andrew is a population biologist in the School of Biological Sciences. A broad goal of his research is to understand the effect of environmental variability on the stability of ecological communities. At the same time, in order to deliver on this broader goal, he is working to scale up understanding from simple tractable systems to the more complex dynamics of real world-systems.

Before joining UQ, he was a Marie Curie fellow working with Jonathan Levine and Alex Hall at ETH Zurich (2018-2020), a postdoctoral fellow in Daniel Stouffer's lab at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand (2017-2018), and a CEHG (Centre for Computational, Evolutionary and Human Genomics) postdoctoral fellow in Tad Fukami's lab at Stanford University, USA (2015-2017). He did his PhD (2011-2015) with David Keith in the Centre for Ecosystem Science at UNSW Australia.

Andrew Letten
Andrew Letten

Dr Yang Liu

Affiliate of ARC COE for Plant Success in Nature and Agriculture
ARC COE for Plant Success in Nature and Agriculture
Faculty of Science
Research Fellow
Centre for Crop Science
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Available for supervision
Media expert


Dr. Yang Liu is an evolutionary geneticist, currently working at the University of Queensland (UQ) as a Research Fellow. Prior to UQ, he obtained a PhD from the University of British Columbia (UBC) and did a postdoc research at UBC and University of Cambridge. He is broadly interested in the eco-evolutionary dynamics of plant populations that have undergone environmental heterogeneity over spatiotemporal scales. The goal of his research is to increase our understanding of the impacts of major episodes in plant demography and life histories on trait evolution and to foster sustainability. He tackles research questions at the interface between ecology and evolutionary biology with the integration of population genetics and quantitative genomics to elucidate the ecological and genetic basis of phenotypic traits and biological adaptation.

Currently, he leverages available Arabidopsis natural accessions across its geographic distribution range, coupled with their genomic data, to perform common-garden and divergent selection experiments. From these he aims to dissect features of the genetic architecture of traits and to reveal their relationships to environmental conditions. He is focusing on the shoot branching phenotype and its associated traits including flowering timing.


Three PhD positions available in 2023-2025

Ongoing Projects

Project 1: Unification of selection and inheritance informs adaptive potential for generations to come (Applications open in 2023; CLOSED)

Natural selection acts on phenotypes and produces immediate phenotypic effects within a generation. In this short-term process, some phenotypes are more successful than others. Use of single traits for selection analysis could generate opposing outcomes and cannot predict how selection operates on an organism. In contrast, multivariate selection in trait combinations utilizes the attribute of functional integrations to reveal how selection works in a multi-dimensional trait space. Selection is an important force driving evolution but not equal to evolution; the latter leads to changes in genetic variation. Only through assessment of the evolutionary responses of phenotypes can we understand the transmission of such selection from one generation to the next. How does selection occurring within a generation affect evolution across generations? In the project, we aim to address the question by unifying the two processes to forecast evolutionary potential in relation to selection. To that end, we partition genetic variance into components based on an experimental design, employ experimental evolution to estimate additive genetic variance-covariances (G) on quantitative scales and evaluate G-matrix evolution. We eventually hope to elucidate how populations subjected to artificial selection move along evolutionary trajectories and whether there are genetic constraints making the fitness optimum evolutionarily inaccessible.

Project 2: Genetic and ecological bases of shoot branching divergence across Arabidopsis species-wide accessions (Applications open in 2024; CLOSED)

Spatial patterns of genetic variation are shaped by environmental factors, topological features, and dispersal barriers. As a result, we often can identify population genetic structure stratified by geographic locations or ecological niches, the drivers of population isolation by distance or the environment, clinal genetic variation over space in alignment with gradually varying environment gradients, and adaptive genetic variation in relation to environmental variables. At the ecological level, assembly rules uncover the coordination of phenotypic traits along environmental clines. Tradeoffs between traits represent the consequence of environmental filters and reflect adaptation to environmental heterogeneity. For example, three fundamental adaptive strategies are delineated by a CSR theory, that is, Competitors, Stress-tolerators, and Ruderals. As such, ways of genetic and phenotypic assemblage over space and throughout time point to a role for natural selection driven by spatially varying environmental conditions to maintain genetic variation that confers natural variation in phenotypes. In this project, we focus on an important agronomic trait – shoot branching – due to its important contribution to the overall shoot architecture of a plant and being a potential target for yield optimization. We aim to dissect features of the genetic architecture of the trait and to reveal its relationships to environmental conditions. We integrate geographic, environmental, and genomic data from the 1001 Arabidopsis Genomes Project, coupled with the branching phenotype measured in selected accessions and then forecasted for the rest of the 1001 accessions using machine-learning models, to investigate the ecological relevance and genetic underpinnings of branching divergence across the Arabidopsis species-wide accessions. Our study has implications for enhancing our understanding of the genetic and ecological basis of shoot branching divergence and the potential for generating novel knowledge for improving phenotypic predictability.

Project 3: Dimensionality, modularity, and integration: Insights from the architecture features of pan-genomes, pan-transcriptome, pan-epigenomes, and pan-chromatin (applications open in 2025) Application Portal ALSO ACCEPTING EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FROM INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS

Organisms are functionally integrated systems, where interactions among phenotypic traits make the whole more than the sum of its parts. How is a suite of traits assembled into an adaptive module? How is an intramodule rewired to form a regulatory network? What is the persistence and stability of a module under exposures to perturbations triggered by altered interactions between the response to disparate environmental conditions or between the responses of multiple traits to the same environment? What constrains modules to vary independently, reflecting the integration and canalization of evolutionary trajectories? In this project, we utilize a compilation of pan-genomes, pan-transcriptome, pan-epigenomes, and pan-chromatin resources of Arabidopsis thaliana to uncover how dimensionality, modularity, and integration are organized at different omics levels including genetic polymorphisms, structural variants, RNA isoforms, expression abundance, epigenetic imprinting, and chromatin accessibility. Ultimately, we apply such functional elements to multivariate genomic selection, in the hope of enhancing multilayered omics-enabled prediction.

Yang Liu
Yang Liu

Dr Justyna Miszkiewicz

ARC Future Fellow
School of Social Science
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Available for supervision
Media expert

I'm a researcher with interdisciplinary interests spanning social and biological sciences. I'm currently an ARC Future Fellow at UQ working on social and temporal dynamics of bone metabolism in humans. My technical expertise is in skeletal histology, which I have applied to a range of questions and samples across different disciplines, including bioarchaeology, biology, biomedicine, forensics, and palaeontology. What fundamentally unites all this research is understanding how the environment and societal structures impact skeletal growth and health. My research has attracted ~$1.7 mln in funding, including an ARC DECRA and Future Fellowship.

I am the current Editor-in-Chief of Anthropological Review, Review Editor of Human Bioarchaeology and Paleopathology (Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology), and Vice-President of the Australasian Society for Human Biology, In 2024, I was awarded the Trail-Crisp medal for outstanding contribution to microscopy as an essential tool for the study of natural history by The Linnean Society of London.

In my previous roles over the last 10 years I was a Martin & Temminck Fellow at Naturalis Biodiversity Center in The Netherlands; spent almost 7 years at the Australian National University in Canberra working as an ARC DECRA Fellow, Senior Lecturer, and Lecturer; and worked as a Research Assistant in medicine at Imperial College London. Until 2014, I spent about 8 years at the University of Kent in Canterbury completing a BSc Hons, PhD (2014), and PGCHE, and working in various teaching roles, including tutoring, lab demonstration, sessional lecturing, and lecturing. I was also previously Treasurer of the Australasian Society for Human Biology, Editor and Associate Editor of The Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, and Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports and Anthropological Review.

Justyna Miszkiewicz
Justyna Miszkiewicz

Professor Daniel Ortiz-Barrientos

School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Not available for supervision
Media expert

In The Ortiz-Barrientos Lab we seek to understand how natural selection drives the origin of traits and new species. We combine empirical and theoretical approaches from across multiple disciplines.

We are located in beautiful Brisbane, Australia, in the School of The Environment at The University of Queensland.

Please explore our pages to learn about research, culture, and the team of scientists that bring their passion and creativity to discovering how nature works.

Daniel Ortiz-Barrientos
Daniel Ortiz-Barrientos