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Professor Heather Smyth

Professorial Research Fellow
Centre for Nutrition and Food Sciences
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Available for supervision
Media expert

Professor Heather Smyth is a flavour chemist and sensory scientist who has been working with premium food and beverage products for more than twenty years. With a background in wine flavour chemistry, her expertise is in understanding consumer enjoyment of foods and beverages in terms of both sensory properties and composition.

Smyth has a special interest in describing and articulating food quality, understanding regional flavours of locally grown Australian produce, and modelling food flavour and textural properties using instrumental measurements. Smyth also specialises in researching how human physiology and psychology can impact sensory perception and therefore food choice.

Heather Smyth
Heather Smyth

Dr Centaine Snoswell

Affiliate Senior Research Fellow of
School of Pharmacy
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Senior Research Fellow
Centre for Health Services Research
Faculty of Medicine
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Snoswell is a Senior Research Fellow with the Centre for Health Services Research, focusing on the economic evaluation of telehealth. Dr Snoswell currently working with the NHMRC Partnership Centre for Health System Sustainability to explore the economic efficiency of implementing telehealth initiatives in Australia. Previous research projects include partnership with The Centre of Research Excellence in Telehealth (CRE) and an economic evaluation of teledermatology in the area of skin cancer.

Dr Snoswell is also a pharmacist with 10 years clinical practice and education experience. Current secondment and affiliate positions include the Princess Alexandra Hospital, and the UQ School of Pharmacy. Dr Snoswell is passionate about optimising healthcare outcomes, with a focus on technology, data security, privacy, and empowering patients.

Centaine Snoswell
Centaine Snoswell

Dr Caroline Steel

Adjunct Associate Professor
School of Education
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Available for supervision
Media expert

My research is in the discipline of higher education and focuses on university teacher beliefs, thinking and practices in relation to the use of educational technologies in teaching & learning. I am also interested in learning designs to support authentic learning approaches using new and emerging technologies such as Web 2.0/3.0 technologies, mobile technologies and 3D immersive environments.

Caroline Steel’s research is in the use of current and emerging educational technologies primarily in university and more recently as applied to the field of Technology-Enhanced Language Learning. She is President and Executive Member of ascilite (Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education). Her research into educational technologies draws on teacher and learner beliefs and affordance theories to investigate learner and teacher preferences and current uses of technology in education. She was lead researcher on a large multi-university research project that investigated the transitional experiences, motivational factors, technology preferences and uses of language students across 3 universities.

Caroline has worked in education-related fields for nearly 20 years as a language teacher, curriculum designer, university teacher educator and now research fellow. Caroline's PhD investigated university teachers' pedagogical beliefs, beliefs about web technologies and how these are enacted in practice. In her research she draws on a number of qualitative research approaches and methods including stimulated recall and concept mapping. Caroline teaches the Masters of Education course ‘Creating classrooms of the future with educational technology' and an undergraduate course in ‘Languages and Technology’.

Caroline Steel
Caroline Steel

Associate Professor Karen Steel

Director of HDR Students of School
School of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Associate Professor
School of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision


1992 - 1995. B.E. (Hons), Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical). The University of Melbourne.

1996 - 1999. Ph.D. (Engineering), Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Melbourne.

2000 - 2008. Research Fellow then Lecturer. Nottingham Fuel and Energy Centre, School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, The University of Nottingham, UK.

2009 - 2018. Lecturer then Senior Lecturer, School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland.

2019 - present. Associate Professor, School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland.

My research interests are in energy and resources, including coal science, gas recovery, and sustainable mineral processing with a strong interest in developing new technologies to solve major issues. I develop new experimental/analytical capabilities and innovative approaches to provide new knowledge and novel insights that can help Australian industries maintain and extend their competitiveness in world markets. I also develop novel process schemes by manipulating solution equilibria and are currently focused on developing new mineral processes that include CO2 sequestration.

Main themes:

Metallurgical Coal Carbonisation and Biocoke Production

I have pioneered the use of high temperature oscillatory shear rheometry to characterise the microstructure of coal during pyrolysis/carbonisation as it transforms into coke (an essential porous carbon material used for steel-making). I obtained real mechanical properties of the plastic phase that forms and studied viscoelastic thresholds for bubble nucleation, growth and coalescence which enabled me to develop a hypothesis for a process problem known as high oven wall pressure. The knowledge base created from this research has paved the way for better models to predict oven wall pressure and elucidated clever ways to control pressure through blending.

This led to an ambitious new focus to develop a mechanistic model for coke strength that would reveal why some coals are not well predicted and how the value of a coal could be improved through blending. I combine rheometry and X-ray micro-CT analysis to reveal the physical mechanisms by which the pore structure of coke forms and how its features contribute to coke strength.

More recently, I have turned my attention to examining how coal can be replaced by biomass in steel production given that 7% of the world’s CO2 emissions come from producing steel. This involves examining the pyrolysis behaviour of biomass and finding ways to replicate the mechanisms that give rise to strong coke. Initial work has involved sugar can bagasse, an agricultural waste, and therefore involves examining the behaviour of grasses.

Significance: Coal is the 2nd biggest export earner for Australia, whereby the majority is metallurgical (met) coal used to make coke, and Australia is currently the largest exporter of met coal in the world. My research is used to ensure Australia remains at the forefront by enabling better predictions on the behaviour of different coals and providing new opportunities for the marketing of Australian coals.

Main collaborators: ACARP, BHP, Anglo American, Rio Tinto, Peabody, Vale, The University of Newcastle (Aus), CSIRO, School of Earth Sciences (UQ).

Novel Technologies for Increasing Gas Recovery from Coal Seams and Predicting Gas Production Rates.

Methane is a ‘cleaner’ fuel than coal because it is hydrogen-rich and can be burned in high efficiency combined cycles. Coal deposits in eastern Australia have enormous amounts of adsorbed methane (known as coal seam gas or coalbed methane) which has given rise to a fast growing industry whereby the methane is extracted, liquefied (LNG), and exported overseas. Extraction depends on the permeability of the coal seam. The most commonly used technology for increasing permeability is hydraulic fracturing, which originates from the conventional oil/gas industry where sandstone is the usual source rock. The structural properties dictating permeability for coal is different, whereby coal is already highly cleated due to the shrinkage process that occurs during formation. Instead of creating a new fracture network, our research has shown that it is possible to increase gas productivity by working with the existing cleat network, enhancing flow by dissolving the minerals within the cleats and etching cleat surfaces.

I have developed new laboratory and analytical capabilities to study the chemical and physical effects caused during chemical injection, including X-ray micro-CT analysis combined with pore characterisation and flow simulation (using GEODICT) to explain the permeability changes observed in laboratory injection tests.

I have also recently developed a new tool that enables the cleats to be examined as methane is desorbed (using high pressure cells and X-ray CT analysis). We aim to relate our observations to the structural properties of the coal and provide industry with a new capability to predict gas production rates for a given well over its life. Approaches taken are also applicable to predicting flow and adsorption behaviour of CO2 for sequestration considerations. Once coal seams become depleted of methane, the same pore space that held the methane is available for long-term CO2 storage

Significance: Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is the 3rd biggest export earner for Australia. Industry is currently targeting regions where gas is easy to extract, and the challenge is to develop new technologies for increasing permeability in other regions and to predict gas production levels as a well depletes. My research supports industry by providing new technologies and new capabilities that helps them maintain and extend their position in the world market.

Main collaborators: Santos, Origin Energy, Arrow Energy, QGC, UQ Centre for Natural Gas, School of Earth Sciences (UQ).

Sequestration of CO2 as Stable Mineral Carbonates

Mineral carbonates are known to be stable for millions of years and so conversion of CO2 emissions to solid carbonate is an attractive solution. My background in manipulating solution equilibria to achieve desired effects led me to establish novel chemical routes for making Mg-carbonates from CO2 and either Mg-silicates or Mg-rich tailings. Given that Mg-silicates can contain Ni the process can be aligned with the current process for Ni recovery. Furthermore, the process can extract CO2 from the atmosphere and can therefore offset the release of CO2 elsewhere.

Significance: Technologies to mitigate against CO2 emissions are of unparalled importance. One of the major challenges is keeping the cost low. Using clever chemistry and combining CO2 sequestration with existing mineral processing operations that produce valuable commodities could enable it to work commercially.

Karen Steel
Karen Steel

Professor Jason Stokes

of School of Chemical Engineering
School of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
School of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision
Media expert

Jason Stokes is a Professor in the School of Chemical Engineering and leads the Premium Food and Beverages Program in Australia’s Food and Beverage Accelerator. This program focuses on industry-driven research to enhance onshore value-adding and business growth opportunities.

Jason is a recognized expert in the rheology, lubrication, structure and processing of complex fluids and soft material, including food and beverages. He pioneered the development of rheology and soft contact tribology techniques to provide new insights into oral processing and sensory perception that includes mouthfeel, taste and flavour. His research has uncovered the physical and structural properties driving the complex sensory attributes of a wide variety of food and beverages. These are used by industry to engineer next-generation foods with improved quality and sustainability.

Jason served in a leadership role as Deputy Associate Dean Research (ADR) in the Faculty of EAIT (2020-23), with a specific focus on research training, development and well-being of emerging researchers. He was previously acting ADR in Faculty of EAIT and Director of Research in the School of Chemical Engineering. Prior to joining UQ in 2008, Jason spent a decade as a research scientist at Unilever’s Corporate Research Laboratory in the UK.

Research Focus:

  • Rheology, tribology, and interfacial properties of soft matter, food and beverages.
  • Soft matter such as gels, soft glasses, suspensions, microgels, emulsions, and foams.
  • Colloids and hydrocolloids such as nanocrystalline cellulose, microgels, polysaccharides, proteins, and starches.
  • Development of structure-property-processing relationships for rational design of food and beverages, including dairy and plant-based.
  • Aqueous lubrication, transport phenomena and flow of non-Newtonian fluids and their application across various industries (minerals, waste, foods, firefighting fluids, polishing fluids).
Jason Stokes
Jason Stokes

Dr Ekaterina Strounina

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Centre for Advanced Imaging
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure)
Not available for supervision

Dr Ekaterina Strounina is a Solid State NMR facility manager in the Centre for Advanced Imaging. She has been working in UQ since 2002, specializing in high-field MRI applications and solid-state NMR spectroscopy.

Ekaterina Strounina
Ekaterina Strounina

Dr Adnan Sufian

Honorary Lecturer
School of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision

Dr Adnan Sufian completed his PhD at UNSW Sydney, spending one year as a visiting scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Prior to joining the University of Queensland, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Imperial College London and has also worked as a geotechnical engineer with SMEC Australia. Dr Sufian's field of research is in the area of multi-scale and multi-phase mechanics of granular materials. His research aims to develop tools and guidelines so that geotechnical engineers can better handle, manipulate and construct with granular materials, and this can lead to innovative solutions to geotechnical issues surrounding the development of urban infrastructure. He is also interested in understanding natural phenomena associated with granular geomaterials such as landscapes affected by erosion, mass movement of materials in landslides, and mitigating the spread of contaminants in subsurface flows. Dr Sufian has strong expertise in the development of novel, efficient and rigorous multi-scale computational modelling techniques, including the Discrete Element Method, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Network Models, with a core focus on the interaction of water with soil particles. His research is naturally multidisciplinary and he currently collaborates with physicists, mathematicians and engineers to uncover emergent phenomena from the collective behaviour of granular particles.

Adnan Sufian
Adnan Sufian

Dr Ummul Sultana

Advance QLD Industry Research Fello
School of Chemical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision
Media expert

Dr Ummul Sultana is a Industry Research Fellow in the Hydrometallurgy Research Group within the School of Chemical Engineering, at the University of Queensland. She obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, followed by Master’s degree in Hydrometallurgy and PhD in Materials Engineering from the Queensland University of Technology in Australia. After finishing her PhD, she started her research career as a Postdoctoral Researcher at UQ in the School of Chemical Engineering in 2019. She has gained experiences in the field of hydrogen energy, nanomaterials-based electrocatalysts development, thermodynamic phase equilibria & database development as well as advanced materials’ characterization techniques. She was invited to the Ohio State University in United States of America to participate in a short course on advanced materials’ characterization techniques. She has been largely contributing to the research area of treating industrial tailings & critical metal recovery techniques. She has also been engaged in teaching, staff & laboratory management as well as managing the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) guidelines in UQ laboratories. Due to her research excellence, she has received the Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award for the class of 2019 and High Achiever Award in 2018 from QUT. She has several publications in well reputed journals and two of her journal articles have been featured in the front covers of “Advanced Functional Materials” (IF 20) and “ChemElectroCehm” (IF 5). In 2021, she was awarded the Research Fellowship Grant from the UQ Research and Innovation Centre. Ummul is currently focusing on Extracting Queensland’s Rare Earth Elements Sustainably project supported by the Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy. She is also an Associate Fellow of Higher Education Academy (AFHEA), member of Royal Society of Chemistry and Engineers Australia professional societies.

Teaching and Learning:

  • Metal Production and Recycling [METL2201]
  • Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy [METL6204]
  • Pyrometallurgy [MINE3212]
Ummul Sultana
Ummul Sultana

Dr Hongfu Sun

Honorary Senior Research Fellow
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision

Dr Hongfu Sun completed his PhD in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Alberta in 2015, followed by postdoctoral training in Calgary until 2018. He joined the Imaging, Sensing and Biomedical Engineering team in the School of ITEE at UQ in 2019 and was awarded the ARC DECRA fellowship in 2021. His research interests include developing novel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast mechanisms, e.g. Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM), fast and multi-parametric MRI acquisitions, and advanced image reconstruction techniques, including deep learning and artificial intelligence, to advance medical imaging techniques for clinical applications.

Dr Sun is currently recruiting graduate students. Check out Available Projects for details. Open to both Domestic and International students.

Hongfu Sun
Hongfu Sun

Associate Professor Peter Sutton

Associate Professor
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision
Media expert

Associate Professor Peter Sutton's research interests are in Engineering Education, Embedded Computing Systems and Reconfigurable Computing

Associate Professor Peter Sutton has worked, studied and taught in the area of computer systems since completing his undergraduate studies in 1990. His particular research interests are in Engineering Education, Embedded System Design Software, Electronic Design Automation, and Reconfigurable Computing Systems.

Peter Sutton
Peter Sutton

Dr Xin Fu Tan

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision

Dr. Xin Fu Tan is an ARC Early Career Industry Fellow. Their research interests encompass the areas of electronics manufacturing, hydrogen storage materials, synchrotron radiation techniques, and electron microscopy. Dr. Tan is currently employed as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The University of Queensland, working on an ARC Discovery Project titled "Intermetallic compounds for high-reliability electronic interconnections" (2020-2024). Additionally, Dr. Tan holds the position of a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) International Research Fellow at Kyushu University, contributing to the project "Improving Metal Hydrides to Diversify Energy Storage and Transportation" (2022-2024), as nominated by the Australian Academy of Science (AAS).

Dr. Tan completed their PhD thesis at The University of Queensland, focusing on the development of novel anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, from 2017 to 2020. Between 2010 and 2016, Dr. Tan worked as a Material Scientist at Hydrexia Pty. Ltd., a start-up company specialising in commercialising solid-state hydrogen storage systems based on lab-developed technology from The University of Queensland. They earned a Bachelor's degree (1st class honours) in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at The University of Melbourne and a Master's degree in Advanced Engineering Materials at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. These experiences have endowed Dr. Tan with unique research expertise across various Materials Engineering fields, encompassing both academic and industrial settings.

Xin Fu Tan
Xin Fu Tan

Dr Helen Tang

Research Fellow
Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre
Sustainable Minerals Institute
Available for supervision
Helen Tang

Associate Professor Philip Terrill

Associate Professor
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision
Media expert

I was awarded my PhD in biomedical engineeering in January 2011; and since then I have been employed at the University of Queensland as a lecturer in Electrical & Biomedical Engineering a within the school of IT and Electrical Engineering. I am trained as a biomedical engineer, and my overarching interest is the development of novel medical diagnostic tools and therapies with the goal improving the health outcomes of people in Australia and globally. My current research is focussed on the application of electronic instrumentation, mathematical modelling and signal's processing to pediatric and adult respiratroy and sleep medicine medicine, and I regard my research strength to be the ability to bridge the gap between clinical physiology and biomedical engineering. In particular:

  • The development of novel instrumentation and mathematical modelling to better understand the physiology underlying disease; and
  • The application of engineering and mathematics to translate recent advances in the understanding of physiology to the clinical environment

My current research themes include:

  • Quantifying ("phenoyping") the contribution of ventilatory control "loop gain" to obstructive sleep apnoea in the clinical environment
  • Development of novel instrumentation to quantify head and torso posuture during sleep, and it's influence on obstructive sleep apnoea severity
  • Developing novel actigraphy systems (using high temporal resolution accelerometry) to quantify sleep disturbance in children
  • Quantifying cardio-respiratory stability in pre-term neonates

Since 2019, I am also the Deputy Associate Dean Academic (First Year) in the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology.

Philip Terrill
Philip Terrill

Dr Jari Torniainen

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision

Dr Torniainen's main research interests are in the fields of biomedical signal and image processing, biophotonics, and applied spectroscopy. He holds BSc/MSc in Electrical Engineering from Aalto University (Finland, 2015) and a PhD in Applied Physics from University of Eastern Finland (Finland, 2020). He has previously worked with developing preprocessing techniques for EEG/MEG, real-time analysis methods for physiological signals (e.g., ECG/EMG/EDA), and near-infrared spectroscopy based analysis of tissue integrity for musculoskeletal tissues. His current research focus is on machine learning in image processing, analysis, and synthesis of biomedical images acquired using a combination of terahertz imaging, nano-FTIR, and Raman spectroscopy. The purpose of this study is to better understand the interaction between light and multi-layered tissues such as articular cartilage and skin.

Jari Torniainen
Jari Torniainen

Dr Adnan Trakic

UQ Amplify Fellow
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision

Dr. Trakic has been awarded the Bachelor in Electrical Engineering (Honors Class I) and the PhD in Biomedical Engineering degrees from The University of Queensland in 2003 and 2007, respectively. Since 2007, he has been a research-academic at The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS,UQ). Dr. Trakic has been awarded the prestigous ARC Postdoctoral Fellowship, Smart Futures Fellowship, Advance Queensland Fellowship (mid-career) and the UQamplfy. He has taught a number of courses at UQ. Dr. Trakic has contributed more than $2.5 million in research grants and has pioneered several novel technologies that are used globally. His expertise and research interests are in:

  • Biomedical Engineering and Imaging (Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Microwave Imaging)
  • Electromagnetics / Computational Electromagnetics
  • Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia for cancer treatement
  • Autonomous Microwave-Robotic Infrastructure Inspection
  • Nanotechnology Metasurfaces for Light Energy Harvesting
Adnan Trakic
Adnan Trakic

Professor Mark Turner

Professor Deputy Head of School
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Faculty of Science
Affiliate Professor
Centre for Nutrition and Food Sciences
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Not available for supervision
Media expert

Mark is a Professor of food microbiology and serves as a Deputy Head of the School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability (since 2019). He leads a research team focused on food safety, quality, and fermentation. He is also a Deputy Lead of the Innovative Ingredients program at the Food and Beverage Accelerator (FaBA), funded by the Australian Trailblazer university program scheme. After completing his PhD at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) under Prof Phil Giffard's supervision, he underwent postdoctoral training in Prof John Helmann's laboratory at Cornell University, USA (1999-2000), and at the CRC for Diagnostic Technologies, QUT (2000-01). He subsequently supported his position through a Dairy Australia Fellowship (2001-03) and an NHMRC New Investigator Grant (2004-06). In 2007, he joined UQ as an academic specialising in food microbiology.

Mark's research is currently funded by Agrifutures Australia, and he has received past funding from ARC Discovery, ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hub, ARC Industry Transformation Training Centre, and ARC Linkage schemes. He has also been supported by Horticulture Innovation (HIA), Dairy Innovation Australia Ltd (DIAL), and the Geoffrey Gardiner Dairy Foundation (GGDF). His research primarily focuses on lactic acid bacteria applications, plant-based dairy alternative fermentations, precision fermentation and biocontrol food applications targeting pathogens like Campylobacter and Listeria monocytogenes. He has successfully supervised 20 PhD and MPhil students to completion and currently supervises 3 postdoctoral research fellows and 2 PhD students.

Mark contributes to teaching in food microbiology, food safety, and food biotechnology subjects at UQ. He is a Fellow of both the Australian Society for Microbiology (FASM) and the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (FAIFST), and serves on the editorial boards of mBio, the Journal of Food Protection, and Food Australia. He has received the 2017 Keith Farrer Award of Merit and the 2023 President's Award from the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (AIFST) for service to the food industry and the Institute. Additionally, Mark holds the position of Secretary and Affiliate Council Delegate in the Australian Association for Food Protection (AAFP), the affiliate of the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP).

Mark Turner
Mark Turner

Dr Wayes Tushar

Senior Lecturer
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Available for supervision


I am a Senior Lecturer at the School of EECS of the University of Queensland (UQ). Before joining UQ, I was at SUTD as a Research Scientist at SUTD-MIT International Design Centre (IDC) from March 2015 to July 2017, and as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow of the Engineering Product Development Pillar from September 2013 to February 2015. My previous employment also includes Visiting Research at NICTA, Australia (January 2013 - June 2013), Visiting Student Research Collaborator at Princeton University, USA (Summer 2011), and Lecturer at Presidency University, Dhaka (June 2007 - March 2009).

I received my B.Sc. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 2007, and my Ph.D. degree in Engineering from the Australian National University (ANU) in 2013.


Wayes's research focuses on different aspects of energy management for the smart grid. Examples include peer-to-peer energy trading, storage management, home energy management, electric vehicles, and transactive energy. He is also interested in the application of game theory, auction theory, data science, and design thinking for energy management.

Research Grants and Management

  1. AQRF11016-17RD2: Peer-to-peer energy trading schemes for sustainable cities, Advance Queensland (2017-2020), CI.
  2. IDG31700103: Consumer-centric energy management for buildings: Design innovation technique for sustainability, SUTD-MIT International Design Centre Pilot (2017-2019), Co-CI.
  3. NRF2015ENC-GBICRD001-028: Green building management system - An open IoT platform approach, Singapore National Research Foundation (2016-2019), Co-CI.
  4. IDG31500106: A pilot project for developing a smart energy management system prototype, SUTD-MIT International Design Centre Pilot (2015-2017), CI.
  5. IDG21500111: Building a toolset for energy audit systems, SUTD-MIT International Design Centre Pilot (2016-2016), CI.
  6. IDSF1200115OH: A general grant for IDC leveraged pilot project, SUTD-MIT International Design Centre Pilot (2015-2016), CI.
  7. NRF2012EWT-EIRP002-045: Demand-focused smart energy management in end-user environments for sustainable cities, Singapore National Research Foundation (2013-2016), Co-CI.

The details of my research activities can also be found on my personal homepage.

Wayes Tushar
Wayes Tushar

Dr Alice Twomey

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Available for supervision

Alice is a multidisciplinary Research Fellow in Professor Catherine Lovelock's Lab who models flows through wetland areas to identify opportunities to improve hydrological connectivity of sites including mangroves, saltmarsh and seagrass by restoring tidal flows. Her research interests include identifying and predicting hydrological restoration opportunities for coastal ecosystems and utilising coastal and marine ecosystems as nature-based solutions for coastal protection.

She completed her PhD (2021) in Environmental Engineering at the University of Queensland, combining the fields of Marine Ecology and Coastal Engineering. Her PhD investigated how interactions between and variability within physical conditions and seagrass characteristics affect each of the three mechanisms; 1) wave attenuation, 2) sediment stabilisation, and 3) sediment accretion, and highlight the implications for coastal protection by seagrass.

Prior to academia, Alice worked as a consultant drainage and coastal engineer for small and large-scale infrastructure projects. Alice is an Engineers Australia Chartered Environmental Engineer and Civil Engineer and an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Alice is currently the Chair of the Early- to Mid-Career Research Committee for the Centre for Marine Science.

Alice Twomey
Alice Twomey

Dr Zephanie Tyack

Honorary Associate Professor
Child Health Research Centre
Faculty of Medicine
Available for supervision
Media expert

Zephanie is a Senior Research Fellow and occupational therapist based at the Child Health Research Centre, and a member of the management team of the Centre for Children’s Burns and Trauma Research, Brisbane. She has a clinical background specialising in paediatrics and burn care. She has worked clinically and in management positions at Royal Children’s Hospital, Brisbane, in private practice and in research capacity building positions in hospitals and health services.

Since 2013 Zephanie’s research has focussed on developing and validating patient-reported outcome measures, as well as using these measures therapeutically for clinical decision making. She led the development of four versions of the Brisbane Burn Scar Impact Profile which have been translated into Czech and are undergoing cross-cultural validation for Brazilian Portuguese. She has a vision of providing all children and their caregivers with an opportunity to communicate their needs and priorities during treatment in a paediatric hospital or health service.

Her current program of work includes collaborative work with children, their caregivers and health professionals to co-design and test the effectiveness and implementation of technology-based interventions in clinical settings to improve quality of life. These interventions include a web-based intervention for paediatric health professionals to support the psychosocial health of families with a child who has experienced physical trauma, and an electronic intervention for children with skin conditions and their caregivers that provides feedback about the patient's health-related quality of life to health professionals. Zephanie also has a continued interest in investigating the effectiveness and implementation of novel interventions to prevent or improve the impact of skin conditions in children and their families. This includes the use of ablative fractional CO2 laser, medical needling, pressure garment and silicone therapy, medical hypnosis and interventions to promote adherence and reduce the burden of treatment.

Zephanie Tyack
Zephanie Tyack

Associate Professor Susannah Tye

Principal Research Fellow - GL
Queensland Brain Institute
Available for supervision

Dr. Susannah Tye joined the Queensland Brain Institute in 2017 and has established a research program within the Asia Pacific Centre for Neuromodulation (QLD, Australia). Before returning to Australia, Dr. Tye directed the Translational Neuroscience Laboratory at the Mayo Clinic (2012-2017). While there she led efforts to develop brain stimulation devices (for rodents and humans) that can quantify neural activity and neurotransmitter dynamics in the living brain. This body of work now forms the basis of the neuropsychiatric arm of the Mayo Clinic’s Deep Brain Stimulation Consortium. Her specific research expertise are in utilising voltammetric (electrochemical) recording techniques to monitor rapid, synaptic neurotransmission in the living brain.

Dr. Tye has over ten years of experience studying neuromodulation in preclinical rodent models and human patients. Her long-term goal is to bridge preclinical and clinical studies to maximise translational impact, specifically in terms of improving patient outcomes for those with severe refractory psychiatric illness. Towards this end, she maintains many international collaborations with both clinical and basic science researchers. Dr. Tye also has a longstanding interest in mentoring young scientists to help them expand their skills in preclinical and basic science research and achieve a successful research career.

Susannah Tye
Susannah Tye