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Conference Publication

The role of crustal faults, relay ramps, and the intersection of fractures in crystalline geothermal reservoirs. Identification and characterization by geophysical prospection and multiscale fracture analysis in the Vallès basin (NE Spain).

Mitjanas, G., Alias, G., Queralt, P., Ledo, J., Del Val, L., Garcia-Martinez, D., Pina-Varas, P. and Marti, A. (2021). The role of crustal faults, relay ramps, and the intersection of fractures in crystalline geothermal reservoirs. Identification and characterization by geophysical prospection and multiscale fracture analysis in the Vallès basin (NE Spain).. Der Geothermie Kongress 2021, Haus der Technik, Essen, 30 November - 2 December 2021.

The role of crustal faults, relay ramps, and the intersection of fractures in crystalline geothermal reservoirs. Identification and characterization by geophysical prospection and multiscale fracture analysis in the Vallès basin (NE Spain).


Conference Publication

Control Source Electromagnetic test in the Vallès Basin (Spain) for geothermal characterization: experiment setup and numerical simulations

Castillo-Reyes, O., Queralt, P., Ledo, J., Marcuello, A., Mitjanas, G. and De La Puente, J. (2020). Control Source Electromagnetic test in the Vallès Basin (Spain) for geothermal characterization: experiment setup and numerical simulations. AGU Fall Meeting 2020, Online, 1-17 December 2020.

Control Source Electromagnetic test in the Vallès Basin (Spain) for geothermal characterization: experiment setup and numerical simulations


Conference Publication

Integration of geophysical methods and fractures study for the Vallès geothermal system characterization (NE Spain)

Mitjanas, G., Ledo, J., Queralt, P., Alías, G., Piña-Varas, P., Marcuello, A. and Martí, A. (2020). Integration of geophysical methods and fractures study for the Vallès geothermal system characterization (NE Spain). EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria, 4-8 May 2020. doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-6769

Integration of geophysical methods and fractures study for the Vallès geothermal system characterization (NE Spain)


Conference Publication

Electrical lithosphere of the Iberian Peninsula: integrating existing magnetotelluric databases and models.

Ledo, J., Queralt, P., Marcuello, A., Martí, A., Pous, J., Santos, F., Campanyà, J., Piña-Varas, P. and Mitjanas, G. (2019). Electrical lithosphere of the Iberian Peninsula: integrating existing magnetotelluric databases and models.. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2019. Munich, Germany: European Geosciences Union.

Electrical lithosphere of the Iberian Peninsula: integrating existing magnetotelluric databases and models.


Conference Publication

CSEM experiment and MT-CSEM 2D joint inversion for a geothermal study in the Vallès Basin (Catalan Coastal Ranges, NE Spain)

Queralt, P., Ledo, J., Marcuello, A. and Mitjanas, G. (2018). CSEM experiment and MT-CSEM 2D joint inversion for a geothermal study in the Vallès Basin (Catalan Coastal Ranges, NE Spain). 24th EM Induction Workshop, Helsingør, Denmark, 13-20 August 2018.

CSEM experiment and MT-CSEM 2D joint inversion for a geothermal study in the Vallès Basin (Catalan Coastal Ranges, NE Spain)