2010 Conference Publication Beliefs towards heart failure medication and self-care activities: are beliefs related to adherence?Cottrell, William N., Emmerton, Lynne and Denaro, Charles (2010). Beliefs towards heart failure medication and self-care activities: are beliefs related to adherence?. 16th International Social Pharmacy Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, 23-26 August, 2010. Redondela, Spain: GRIPP (Global Research Institute of Pharmacy Practice). |
2010 Conference Publication Use of the repertory grid technique to explore heart failure patients’ beliefs towards their medication and self-care activitiesCottrell, N., Emmerton, L. and Denaro, C. (2010). Use of the repertory grid technique to explore heart failure patients’ beliefs towards their medication and self-care activities. National Medicines Symposium 2010, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 26-28 May, 2010. Sydney, NSW, Australia: National Prescribing Service. |
2010 Conference Publication What are pharmacists views on integration into the general practice environment?Freeman, Christopher, Nissen, Lisa, Cottrell, W. Neil, Kyle, Greg and Williams, Ian (2010). What are pharmacists views on integration into the general practice environment?. Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association (APSA) Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 6 - 9 December 2010. |
2010 Conference Publication Medication beliefs in patients with acute coronary syndrome one month after discharge from hospital - a novel interview method using the repertory grid techniqueGujral, Gina, Cottrell, Neil, Nissen, Lisa M. and Winckel, Karl H. (2010). Medication beliefs in patients with acute coronary syndrome one month after discharge from hospital - a novel interview method using the repertory grid technique. National Medicines Symposium 2010, Melbourne, 26-28 May 2010. |
2010 Conference Publication Perceptions of heart failure patients towards non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugsCottrell, N., Emmerton, L. and Denaro, C. (2010). Perceptions of heart failure patients towards non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. National Medicines Symposium 2010, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 26-28 May, 2010. Sydney, NSW, Australia: National Prescribing Service Limited. |
2010 Conference Publication Does a practice pharmacist increase the uptake and timeliness of medication reviews?Freeman, Christopher, Williams, Ian, Kyle, Greg, Cottrell, W. Neil and Nissen, Lisa (2010). Does a practice pharmacist increase the uptake and timeliness of medication reviews?. GP10, Cairns Australia, 6 - 9 October 2010. |
2010 Conference Publication Student learning gains from the final year Pharmacy student Quality Use of medicine (QUM) experiential placementsMcKauge, Leigh, Coombes, Judith and Cottrell, Neil (2010). Student learning gains from the final year Pharmacy student Quality Use of medicine (QUM) experiential placements. ANZAME10: Overcoming BARRIERS, RE(E)Forming professional practice, Townsville, QLD, Australia, 13-16 July 2010. |
2009 Journal Article Myalgia in patients on high-dose and low-to-moderate dose statin therapyGujral, Gina R., Cottrell, W. Neil and Barras, Michael (2009). Myalgia in patients on high-dose and low-to-moderate dose statin therapy. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 39 (3), 202-206. doi: 10.1002/j.2055-2335.2009.tb00453.x |
2009 Conference Publication Application of the repertory grid technique in patients with heart failure: a feasibility studyCottrell, N., Emmerton, L. M. and Denaro, C. (2009). Application of the repertory grid technique in patients with heart failure: a feasibility study. Out of the Wilderness: Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association Annual Conference, Hobart, Tas, Australia, 9-11 December, 2009. Mount Waverley, Victoria: Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association. |
2008 Conference Publication A survey of consumer perceptions on the description of medicine side effects in consumer medicine informationWong, J. and Cottrell, W. N. (2008). A survey of consumer perceptions on the description of medicine side effects in consumer medicine information. Annual Conference of the Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association 2008, Canberra, Australia, 7 December, 2008. |
2008 Journal Article BODE score is a useful predictor of hospital admission in rural patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseMcKellar, Alice, Cottrell, W. Neil and Whelan, Anthony (2008). BODE score is a useful predictor of hospital admission in rural patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respirology, 13 (3), 438-443. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1843.2007.01169.x |
2007 Journal Article Horizontal integration between quality use of medicines and multi-professional education: the University of Queensland experienceWinckel, K., Nissen, L. and Cottrell, N. (2007). Horizontal integration between quality use of medicines and multi-professional education: the University of Queensland experience. Pharmacy Education, 7 (3), 29-29. |
2007 Conference Publication Musculoskeletal pain and preferences when choosing an analgesic in patients with heart failureDing, W. J., Munns, A. and Cottrell, W. N. (2007). Musculoskeletal pain and preferences when choosing an analgesic in patients with heart failure. Annual Conference of the Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association, Sydney, Australia, 8-11 December 2007. |
2007 Journal Article Heart failure patients' awareness and perceptions of the risk of using NSAIDs: A pilot studyCottrell, N., Emmerton, L. M. and Denaro, C. (2007). Heart failure patients' awareness and perceptions of the risk of using NSAIDs: A pilot study. Clinical Therapeutics, 29 (4), 717-719. doi: 10.1016/j.clinthera.2007.04.001 |
2007 Conference Publication Comparison of self reported myalgia in individuals on high and low to moderate dose statin therapyGujral, G., Barras, M. and Cottrell, W. N. (2007). Comparison of self reported myalgia in individuals on high and low to moderate dose statin therapy. Medicines: Design to Delivery. Manly 2007 2nd Annual Conference of The Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association, Manly, NSW, Australia, 8-11 December 2007. Australian Pharmaceutical Science Association (APSA). |
2007 Conference Publication The impact of clinical pharmacist interventions: comparing the risk assessment between pharmacists and a multidisciplinary panelGraham, N., Cottrell, N., Stacey, S., Dade, M. and Stephens, J. (2007). The impact of clinical pharmacist interventions: comparing the risk assessment between pharmacists and a multidisciplinary panel. SHPA 28th Federal Conference 2007, Convention Centre Sydney Australia, 8-11 November 2007. |
2007 Journal Article Ascertaining consumer perspectives of medication information sources using a modified repertory grid techniqueTio, J. H. X., La Caze, A. B. and Cottrell, W. Neil (2007). Ascertaining consumer perspectives of medication information sources using a modified repertory grid technique. Pharmacy World and Science, 29 (2), 73-80. doi: 10.1007/s11096-006-9076-9 |
2007 Conference Publication An Economic Analysis Of Clinical Pharmacy Interventions In A Government-Funded Paediatric Specialist Hospital: A Pilot StudyGraham, N., Cottrell, N., Stacey, S., Dade, M. and Stephen, J. (2007). An Economic Analysis Of Clinical Pharmacy Interventions In A Government-Funded Paediatric Specialist Hospital: A Pilot Study. SHPA 28th Federal Conference 2007, Convention Centre, Sydney Australia, 8 - 11 November 2007. |
2007 Conference Publication Horizontal Integration between Quality Use of Medicines and Multi-professional Education: the University of Queensland ExperienceCottrell, N., Nissen, L. and Winckel, K. (2007). Horizontal Integration between Quality Use of Medicines and Multi-professional Education: the University of Queensland Experience. Second International Clinical Skills Conference: Teaching, learning and assessing clinical skills: does one size fit all?, Prato Monash Centre, Tuscany, Italy, 1 - 4 July 2007. |
2006 Conference Publication The bode score is a useful predictor of admission in rural copd patientsMcKellar, A., Cottrell, N and Whelan, A. (2006). The bode score is a useful predictor of admission in rural copd patients. TSANZ 2006 Annual Scientific Meeting, National Convention Centre Canberra ACT, 24-29 March 2006. Canberra: Thoracic Society of Aust & NZ; Aust & NZ Society of Respiratory Science. |