Professor Lianzhou Wang FAA FTSE is Australian Research Council (ARC) Australian Laureate Fellow at the School of Chemical Engineering, Director of Nanomaterials Centre (Nanomac), and Senior Group Leader of Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN), The University of Queensland. He received his PhD degree from Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1999. Before joining UQ in 2004, he has worked at two leading national research institutions (NIMS and AIST) of Japan as a research fellow for five years. Since joining UQ, he has worked as ARC Queen Elizabeth II Fellow (2006), Senior Lecturer (2007), Associate Professor (2010), Professor (2012-now) and ARC Future Fellow (2012-16), and is now an ARC Australian Laureate Fellow at the Chemical Engineering School and AIBN.
Professor Wang's research focuses on the synthesis, characterisation and application of semiconductor nanomaterials for use in renewable energy conversion/storage systems including photocatalytsts for solar hydrogen and valuable chemical production, rechargeable batteries and low cost solar cells. In the past 20 years at UQ, as a Chief Investigator, he has attracted a large number of competitive research funds from ARC, CRC, CSIRO and industry. Prof. Wang has contributed 3 edited books, 14 edited book chapters, more than 600 journal publications (including top ranking journals such as Science, Nature Energy, Chem. Rev., Chem Soc. Rev., Nature Commmun, Angew. Chem., Adv. Mater., J. Am Chem. Soc., etc.), filed 20 patents and delivered over 130 plenary/keynote/invited presentations. His publications have received >55,000 citations with a H-index of 127 (Google Scholar). Prof. Wang is serving as Editor/Associate Editor/Editorial Board member of more than 10 international journals including Advanced Materials (Wiley Publishing group, Impact factor 32.09). He is named on the list of the Clarivate’ Highly Cited Researchers (Top 0.1% researcher in the world).
Prof. Wang has won a number of prestigious Fellowships/awards including STA Fellowship of Japan, ARC QEII Fellowship of 2006, UQ Research Excellence Award of 2008, Scopus Young Researcher Award of 2011, ARC Future Fellowship of 2012, UQ Research Supervision Award of 2018, ARC Australian Laureate Fellowship of 2019, Research Excellence Award in Chemcial Engieering of 2019, and ARC Industry Laureate Fellowship of 2024.
Prof. Wang is the elected fellow of the Australian Academy of Science (FAA), the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences & Engineering (FTSE), Academia Europaea (MAE) and Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC). On professional services, he serves as the chair of National Committee for Materials Science and Engineering, Australian Academy of Sciences, and the President of Australian Materials Research Society.
Teaching and RHD supervision activities
- Lecturer of second year undergraduate core course CHEE2003 Fluid & Particle Mechanics and fourth year engineering course CHEE4301 Nanomaterials and Their Characterisation
- Research Supervision: 45 RHDs awarded, current supervisor/co-supervisor of ~20 PhD students & 15 Postdoctoral Fellows/Research Fellows/Senior Research Fellows.
- Professor Lianzhou Wang is:
- Available for supervision
- Media expert
Fields of research
- Bachelor of Engineering, Qilu University of Tech
- Masters (Coursework) of Engineering, Nanjing University of Chemical Technology
- Doctoral Diploma of Engineering, University of the Chinese Academy of Science
Research interests
Semiconductor nanomaterials for solar energy conversion and storage applications
Design and development of functional semiconductor nanomaterials for energy conversion and storage applications including photocatalysis for solar fuel production, low cost solar cells and rechargeable batteries
Research impacts
Wang’s achievements have not only established him as a world leader in the design and preparation of innovative semiconductor materials, but have also advanced important industrial applications of material engineering, chemical engineering, and nanotechnology in critical domains of renewable energy conversion and storage applications, including artifical leaf for solar fuel hydrogen production, high efficiency low cost solar cells, new electrode materials for high energy long lifespan batteries and printed electronics, which have attracted over 200 media/news coverage. Some research impact stories are listed below:
1. Ultrastable functional composite glasses for clean energy conversion
2. New generation quantum dot solar cells with world record efficiency
3. New artificial leaf for harnessing solar energy to produce renewable hydrogen and to reduce CO2 emission.
4. Printed batteries
5. Long lifespan high-energy battery materials
Search Professor Lianzhou Wang’s works on UQ eSpace
Journal Article
Synthesis of MCM-48 under low surfactant/silicon molar ratio conditions
Yu J., Shi J.-L., Wang L.-Z., Gao J.-H. and Yan D.-S. (2000). Synthesis of MCM-48 under low surfactant/silicon molar ratio conditions. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 19 (16), 1461-1464. doi: 10.1023/A:1006731708516
Journal Article
Synthesis of titanium-doped ordered porous zirconium oxide with high-surface-area
Chen H.-R., Shi J.-L., Yu J., Wang L.-Z. and Yan D.-S. (2000). Synthesis of titanium-doped ordered porous zirconium oxide with high-surface-area. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 39 (1-2), 171-176. doi: 10.1016/S1387-1811(00)00193-1
Journal Article
Temperature control in the synthesis of cubic mesoporous silica materials
Wang L.-Z., Shi J.-L., Yu J., Zhang W.-H. and Yan D.-S. (2000). Temperature control in the synthesis of cubic mesoporous silica materials. Materials Letters, 45 (5), 273-278. doi: 10.1016/S0167-577X(00)00117-8
Journal Article
Preparation and characterization of ZnO clusters inside mesoporous silica
Zhang W.-H., Shi J.-L., Wang L.-Z. and Yan D.-S. (2000). Preparation and characterization of ZnO clusters inside mesoporous silica. Chemistry of Materials, 12 (5), 1408-1413. doi: 10.1021/cm990740a
Journal Article
Solution-phase grafting of Pd/PdO onto the pore surface of MCM-41 mesoporous molecular sieves
Yu, JA, Shi, JL, Wang, LZ, Ruan, ML and Yan, DS (2000). Solution-phase grafting of Pd/PdO onto the pore surface of MCM-41 mesoporous molecular sieves. Acta Chimica Sinica, 58 (2), 157-161.
Journal Article
Post-preparation of mesoporous Zr-MCM-41 via grafting reaction
Zhang W.-H., Shi J.-L., Wang L.-Z. and Yan D.-S. (2000). Post-preparation of mesoporous Zr-MCM-41 via grafting reaction. Materials Letters, 46 (1), 35-38. doi: 10.1016/S0167-577X(00)00138-5
Journal Article
Self-organization of ordered silver nanocrystal arrays on cubic mesoporous silica surfaces
Wang, LZ, Shi, JL, Zhang, WH, Ruan, ML, Yu, J and Yan, DS (1999). Self-organization of ordered silver nanocrystal arrays on cubic mesoporous silica surfaces. Chemistry of Materials, 11 (11), 3015-3017. doi: 10.1021/cm990228p
Journal Article
Study on the synthesis and mechanism of mesoporous silica with hexastyle structure
Wang, LZ, Shi, JL, Yu, J, Ruan, ML and Yan, DS (1999). Study on the synthesis and mechanism of mesoporous silica with hexastyle structure. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 14 (4), 558-562.
Journal Article
Recent progress of mesoporous silica materials
Wang, LZ, Shi, JL, Yu, J and Yan, DS (1999). Recent progress of mesoporous silica materials. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 14 (3), 333-342.
Journal Article
Effect of Ti-doping on the framework Structure of Mesoporous silica
Wang, LZ, Shi, JL, Yu, J, Ruan, ML and Yan, DS (1999). Effect of Ti-doping on the framework Structure of Mesoporous silica. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 14 (1), 49-54.
Journal Article
Effects of single-fired process on the characteristics of SrTiO3-based capacitor-varistor ceramic materials
Wang, Lianzhou and Fan, Fukang (1999). Effects of single-fired process on the characteristics of SrTiO3-based capacitor-varistor ceramic materials. Gongneng Cailiao/Journal of Functional Materials, 30 (1), 46-48.
Journal Article
Infrared spectral studies of ammonium polyacrylate adsorbed on nano-zirconia powder surfaces
Tang F., Huang X., Wang L. and Guo J. (1999). Infrared spectral studies of ammonium polyacrylate adsorbed on nano-zirconia powder surfaces. Nanostructured Materials, 11 (7), 861-866. doi: 10.1016/S0965-9773(99)00381-5
Journal Article
Processing effects in self-organized mesoporous silica materials
Wang L.-Z., Yu J., Shi J.-L. and Yan D.-S. (1999). Processing effects in self-organized mesoporous silica materials. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 18 (14), 1171-1173. doi: 10.1023/A:1006634024284
Journal Article
Rapid synthesis of mesoporous silica with micrometer sized hexagonal prism structure
Wang L.-Z., Shi J.-L., Tang F.-Q., Yu J., Ruan M.-L. and Yan D.-S. (1999). Rapid synthesis of mesoporous silica with micrometer sized hexagonal prism structure. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 9 (3), 643-645. doi: 10.1039/a900179d
Journal Article
Synthesis of nanostructured mesoporous silica materials containing manganese
Wang Lian-zhou, Shi Jian-lin, Yu Jian and Yan Dong-sheng (1998). Synthesis of nanostructured mesoporous silica materials containing manganese. Nanostructured Materials, 10 (8), 1289-1299. doi: 10.1016/S0965-9773(99)00009-4
Current funding
Past funding
- Professor Lianzhou Wang is:
- Available for supervision
Before you email them, read our advice on how to contact a supervisor.
Available projects
New electrode material design for solar driven valuable chemical production
As part of the prestigious Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship program on new artificial leave design for solar fuel production, this PhD program will focus on the design and development of new light absorbing materials that can efficiently conversion solar energy to drive key reactions mimicking the natural photosynthesis, so called artificial photosynthesis, for valuable chemicals like hydrogen and alcohol production.
Supervisor – Professor Lianzhou Wang, l.wang@uq.edu.au
Supervision history
Current supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Photocatalysts Design for Efficient Methane Coupling
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Zhiliang Wang
Doctor Philosophy
Semiconductor Nanomaterials for Solar Hydrogen Generation
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Zhiliang Wang
Doctor Philosophy
Developing efficient and stable perovskite quantum dot light emitting diodes
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Yadan Luo
Doctor Philosophy
Using Doping Techniques to Investigate the Activation of Lithium-Rich Cathodes
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Develop cathode materials with high energy density for lithium ion battery
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Indoor Photovoltaics Based on High Performance Perovskite Quantum Dots Solar Cell
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Developing efficient and stable perovskite quantum dot light emitting diodes
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Yadan Luo
Doctor Philosophy
Glassy metal-organic framework composite membranes for gas separation
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Jingwei Hou, Dr Rijia Lin
Doctor Philosophy
Membrane Biocatalytic Reactor for Wastewater Treatment and CO2 capture
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Jingwei Hou
Doctor Philosophy
Liquid-phase sintering for metal organic framework glassy perovskite composites
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Catalyst design for converting carbon dioxide into valuable chemicals
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Haijiao Lu
Doctor Philosophy
Metal organic framework-pervoskite nanocomposite for efficient photocatalysis
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Jingwei Hou
Doctor Philosophy
Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals for Next-Generation Optoelectronics
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Julian Andrew Steele
Doctor Philosophy
Photoelectrochemical redox flow battery for solar energy storage
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Bin Luo
Doctor Philosophy
Production of hydrogen from renewable energy surplus
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Kazuhiro Nogita, Dr Zhiliang Wang
Doctor Philosophy
Dipole moment tuned photoelectrocatalytic solar energy conversion
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Zhiliang Wang
Doctor Philosophy
Solar light driven carbon dioxide conversion reactions
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Haijiao Lu
Doctor Philosophy
Metal-organic framework glass thin film membranes for gas separation
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Jingwei Hou, Dr Haijiao Lu, Dr Rijia Lin
Doctor Philosophy
Designing low-toxicity metal halide perovskite semiconductors for stable and high-performance optoelectronic devices
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Miaoqiang Lyu
Doctor Philosophy
Designing low-toxicity and stable perovskites for solar energy conversion
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Miaoqiang Lyu
Doctor Philosophy
Perovskite-based electronic devices for sensing application
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Metal organic framework-pervoskite nanocomposite for efficient photocatalysis
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Jingwei Hou
Doctor Philosophy
Metal-Organic Framework Crystal Glass Composites
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Jingwei Hou
Doctor Philosophy
Development of Organic Cathode Materials for High-Efficiency Aqueous Aluminum-ion Batteries
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Bin Luo
Doctor Philosophy
Photoelectrode design for solar driven methane to methanol conversion
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Zhiliang Wang
Doctor Philosophy
Photoelectrochemical redox flow battery for solar energy storage
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Bin Luo
Doctor Philosophy
Novel Anode Protection Technology for Advanced Batteries
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Cheng Zhang
Doctor Philosophy
Solar rechargeable batteries for wearable electronics
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Bin Luo
Doctor Philosophy
The Optimization of Li-excess Cation Disordered Rock-salt Cathode Materials
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Yuan Wang, Dr Tong'en Lin, Professor Matthew Dargusch
Doctor Philosophy
Development of High-Performance Perovskite Solar Cells via Defect Engineering Strategies for Indoor and Outdoor Applications
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Miaoqiang Lyu
Doctor Philosophy
Microporous metal-organic framework liquid
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Honorary Professor Vicki Chen, Associate Professor Jingwei Hou
Completed supervision
Doctor Philosophy
Using Doping Techniques to Investigate the Activation of Lithium-Rich Cathodes
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Designing Efficient and Stable Tin-containing Perovskite Solar Cells
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Halide Perovskite Single Crystals: Addressing Surface Defects, and Toxicity Challenges
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Miaoqiang Lyu
Doctor Philosophy
Metal-Doping Strategy for Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Phase Stabilization of Formamidinium Lead Iodide Perovskite Solar cells at Ambient Conditions
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Surface Ligand Engineering of Perovskite Quantum Dots for Efficient and Stable Solar Cells
Principal Advisor
Master Philosophy
Development of Next Generation Rechargeable Printed Battery
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Miaoqiang Lyu
Doctor Philosophy
Development of lithium-rich layered cathode materials with improved performance for lithium-ion batteries
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Bin Luo
Doctor Philosophy
Heptazine-based Polymeric Photoanodes for Solar Water Splitting
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Mu Xiao
Doctor Philosophy
MXene Based Anodes Materials for Rechargeable Sodium-ion Storage
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Bin Luo
Doctor Philosophy
Semiconductor Nanostructure Engineering for Photoelectrochemical Energy Conversion
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Zhiliang Wang
Doctor Philosophy
Low-toxic bismuth-based semiconducting light-absorbing materials for photovoltaics
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Miaoqiang Lyu
Doctor Philosophy
Development of low cost and high performance quantum-dot solar cells
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Design of New Two-dimensional Hybrid Materials for Lithium Sulfur Batteries
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Ruth Knibbe, Associate Professor Bin Luo
Doctor Philosophy
Development of New Photocatalysts with Efficient Utilization of Charge Carriers
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Bin Luo
Master Philosophy
Compositional Engineering for Efficient and Stable All-perovskite Tandem Solar Cells
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Development of Novel Electrode Materials for Next Generation Rechargeable Batteries
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Kazuhiro Nogita
Doctor Philosophy
The Study of 2D MXene Anode Materials for High Performance Sodium Ion Batteries
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Ian Gentle
Doctor Philosophy
Low-cost and high-performance cathode materials for rechargeable lithium- and sodium-ion batteries
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Bin Luo
Doctor Philosophy
Photocatalytic water splitting using two-dimensional nanostructured semiconductors
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Facet and Defect Engineering of Metal Oxide Photoanodes for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Development and Applications of Metal Halide Perovskites and Their Derivatives
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
A Computational Approach to Evaluation of Nanoporous Zeolitic Membranes for Reverse Osmosis Desalination
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Debra Bernhardt
Doctor Philosophy
Nanoarchitectural Designs of Titanium Dioxide for Efficient Solar Energy Conversion
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Development of low-cost all solid-state perovskite solar cells
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials for Supercapacitors
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Tom Rufford
Doctor Philosophy
New photoelectrochemical system for solar energy conversion
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Development of Electrode Materials for Sodium Ion Batteries
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Development of Cost-effective Dye-sensitized Solar Cells and The Derivatives
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Development of new layer-structured materials as photocatalysts for water splitting
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Facet Engineering of TiO2 Nanocrystals for Solar Energy Conversion
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Design of novel nanostructured photoelectrode materials for low-cost and efficient dye-sensitized solar cells
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Development of High Capacity Li-rich Layered Cathode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries
Principal Advisor
Other advisors: Emeritus Professor Jin Zou
Doctor Philosophy
Designing Nanostructured Photoanodes for Enhanced Performance of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Novel Nanostructured Photocatalysts for Hydrogen Production by Solar Light Driven Water Splitting
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Novel organic-inorganic nanocomposite membranes for electrodialysis application in water recovery
Principal Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Dipole moment tuned photoelectrocatalytic solar energy conversion
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Dr Zhiliang Wang
Doctor Philosophy
Metal-Organic Framework Crystal Glass Composites
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Jingwei Hou
Doctor Philosophy
Design of Organic Cathode Materials for High-Performance Aluminium Batteries
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Bin Luo
Doctor Philosophy
Formation and Control of Sulphides in High-End Gear Steels
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Geoff Wang, Dr Xiaodong Ma
Doctor Philosophy
Two-Dimensional Nanostructured Materials: Synthesis and Applications
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
The Development of High-Performance Solid-State Sodium-Ion Batteries
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Associate Professor Ruth Knibbe
Doctor Philosophy
Development of Advanced Refractory Materials for Copper Industry
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Geoff Wang
Doctor Philosophy
New Manufacturing Methods for Advanced Lithium Ion Battery Anode Materials
Associate Advisor
Other advisors: Professor Kazuhiro Nogita
Doctor Philosophy
Development of Nano-additive Water-based Lubricants: Synthesis, Tribological Characterization and Application
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Sodium Borohydride Production and Utilisation for Improved Hydrogen Storage
Associate Advisor
Doctor Philosophy
Design, Synthesis and Photocatalytic Activity of Novel Efficient Photocatalysts
Associate Advisor
Master Philosophy
Synthesis and Characterization of Mesoporous Materials for Energy Storage
Associate Advisor
Contact Professor Lianzhou Wang directly for media enquiries about:
- Electrochemical study
- Energy conversion devices
- Nanomaterials
- Nanotechnology
- Photocatalysis
- Rechargable batteries
- Solar cells
- Thin films
- Water purification membranes
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