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Establishing an AMS C-dated chronology for fossil faunas from Colosseum Cave, Mt Etna region, central eastern Queensland (2009)


Knowledge of prehistoric records of climate change provide unique and critical information about how such events impacted upon, and shaped, our terrestrial ecosystems. Our proposed study focuses on the use of multidisciplinary dating methods, including AMS C dating, to develop a reliable geochronologically-constrained palaeoecological model for an important late Quaternary faunal site from Queensland. An AMS C dating program is essential for understanding the timing and rate of local faunal changes to long-term environmental impacts in the region during the last 40ka; ie, the focus timescale of this proposal. Our project meets AINSE's selection criteria A, B, and F.


Dr Gilbert Price

Associate Professor in Palaeontology
School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Gilbert Price
Gilbert Price

Professor Jianxin Zhao

Affiliate of Centre for Marine Science
Centre for Marine Science
Faculty of Science
Affiliate of Centre for Geoanalytical Mass Spectrometry
Centre for Geoanalytical Mass Spectrometry
Faculty of Science
School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
Jianxin Zhao
Jianxin Zhao