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Ultraprecise sensing with microcavity optomechanics (2014-2016)


New technologies will be developed to observe nanoscale motion with light confined on a silicon chip. Based on advances in integrated photonics and nanofabrication, these technologies will enable microscale magnetic field, mass, and gas sensing with precision surpassing today's state-of-the-art. Important proof-of-principle applications will be realised, including ultrasensitive monitoring of greenhouse emissions, hydrogen absorption into fuel cell materials, space communication technologies, and magnetic resonance techniques for diagnosis of disease and airport security. The capacity to observe microscopic processes with record precision will further enable fundamental studies in areas such as condensed matter physics and photosynthesis.


Professor Warwick Bowen

Affiliate of ARC COE for Engineered
ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems
Faculty of Science
Centre Director of ARC COE in Quant
ARC Centre of Excellence in Quantum Biotechnology
Faculty of Science
School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Warwick Bowen
Warwick Bowen