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Fostering 'Making' Practices in People from Low Socio-Economic Backgrounds (2019-2022)


This project aims to foster Do-It-Yourself (DIY) and making practices among people from low socio-economic (LSE) backgrounds in Australia by 1) understanding existing practices of 'making' at four diverse makerspaces, and 2) enabling LSE member to co-design technological prototypes that fit their own needs. Through a set of indepth ethnographic studies and devising innovative 'making workshops', this research seeks to develop theories of creative collaborations (informed by empirical data), methods, and prototypes for engaging LSE members in DIY and making practices. This project will make the 'makerspace culture' more inclusive, harness the strengths of LSE members, increase their community engagement, and raise their economic prospects.


Dr Dhaval Vyas

Snr Lecturer Computer Science
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Dhaval Vyas
Dhaval Vyas