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MAVIS: A Revolutionary New Instrument for the European Southern Observatory (ARC LIEF administered by Macquarie University) (2022)


This application aims to fund an innovative spectrograph for "MAVIS" - a ground-breaking Australian-led instrument for the European Southern Observatory (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT). Developed in partnership with the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), ESO, and other European partners, MAVIS leverages $40M of technology investment in the ESO VLT multi-laser AO system, and exploits the current $120M 10-year strategic partnership of Australia with ESO. This funding will allow Australian researchers to see our Universe in more detail than ever before, driving new discoveries in a range of astrophysics, from the seeds of supermassive black holes, to understanding the development of galaxy structure over cosmic time.


Associate Professor Holger Baumgardt

Associate Professor
School of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Science
Holger Baumgardt
Holger Baumgardt