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Migration-Dependent Signalling in Macrophages (2023-2026)


The project aims to investigate a mechanism of communication used by immune cells to guide each other towards sites of damage. The project will characterise newly revealed cell signalling membrane trails left behind by migrating cells, utilising biochemistry, innovative imaging and microscopy and a transparent zebrafish model to view cell migration through living tissues. Expected outcomes include new fundamental knowledge in the area of immune cell migration with relevance to the basic biology of inflammation, repair and regeneration and new innovations for cell imaging. Significant benefits are expected to arise from this new knowledge and from advanced skills training and improved national capabilities in bio-imaging and analysis.


Professor Jennifer Stow

Affiliate of Centre for Cell Biology of Chronic Disease
Centre for Cell Biology of Chronic Disease
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Affiliate of ARC COE in Quantum Biotechnology (QUBIC)
ARC COE in Quantum Biotechnology
Faculty of Science
NHMRC Leadership Fellow
Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Jennifer Stow
Jennifer Stow