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New Pillared Nanoporous Materials for Hydrogen Production by Photoinduced Water Splitting (2007-2009)


This project aims to develop a new class of pillared nanoporous materials for hydrogen production by visible light driven water splitting. The key concept is the transition metal Mn doping of a lamellar titanate, followed by its delamination/re-assembly process to adsorb co-catalysts in colloidal suspension. The band-gap engineering of the layered compound and the incorporation of visible light active dopants will be systemically studied. The relationship between synthetic conditions, material structures and compositions, and photocatalytic hydrogen production performance will be established. The outcomes will lead to possible breakthrough technologies in cleaner and more economical energy conversion and photocatalysis.


Professor Lianzhou Wang

Affiliate of Dow Centre for Sustainable Engineering Innovation
Dow Centre for Sustainable Engineering Innovation
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
ARC Laureate Fellow
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Lianzhou Wang
Lianzhou Wang