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Journal Article

Simulating daily field crop canopy photosynthesis: an integrated software package

Wu, Alex, Doherty, Al, Farquhar, Graham D. and Haammer, Graeme L. (2017). Simulating daily field crop canopy photosynthesis: an integrated software package. Functional Plant Biology, 45 (3), 362-377. doi: 10.1071/FP17225

Simulating daily field crop canopy photosynthesis: an integrated software package


Journal Article

VERNALIZATION1 modulates root system architecture in wheat and barley

Voss-Fels, Kai P., Robinson, Hannah, Mudge, Stephen R., Richard, Cecile, Newman, Saul, Wittkop, Benjamin, Stahl, Andreas, Friedt, Wolfgang, Frisch, Matthias, Gabur, Iulian, Miller-Cooper, Anika, Campbell, Bradley C., Kelly, Alison, Fox, Glen, Christopher, Jack, Christopher, Mandy, Chenu, Karine, Franckowiak, Jerome, Mace, Emma S., Borrell, Andrew K., Eagles, Howard, Jordan, David R., Botella, Jose R., Hammer, Graeme, Godwin, Ian D., Trevaskis, Ben, Snowdon, Rod J. and Hickey, Lee T. (2017). VERNALIZATION1 modulates root system architecture in wheat and barley. Molecular Plant, 11 (1), 226-229. doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2017.10.005

VERNALIZATION1 modulates root system architecture in wheat and barley


Journal Article

Multi-spectral imaging from an unmanned aerial vehicle enables the assessment of seasonal leaf area dynamics of sorghum breeding lines

Potgieter, Andries B., George-Jaeggli, Barbara, Chapman, Scott C., Laws, Kenneth, Cadavid, Luz A. Suarez, Wixted, Jemima, Watson, James, Eldridge, Mark, Jordan, David R. and Hammer, Graeme L. (2017). Multi-spectral imaging from an unmanned aerial vehicle enables the assessment of seasonal leaf area dynamics of sorghum breeding lines. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8 1532. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.01532

Multi-spectral imaging from an unmanned aerial vehicle enables the assessment of seasonal leaf area dynamics of sorghum breeding lines


Journal Article

Quantifying high temperature risks and their potential effects on sorghum production in Australia

Singh, Vijaya, Nguyen, Chuc T., McLean, Greg, Chapman, Scott C., Zheng, Bangyou, van Oosterom, Erik J. and Hammer, Graeme L. (2017). Quantifying high temperature risks and their potential effects on sorghum production in Australia. Field Crops Research, 211, 77-88. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2017.06.012

Quantifying high temperature risks and their potential effects on sorghum production in Australia


Journal Article

Development of a phenotyping platform for high throughput screening of nodal root angle in sorghum

Joshi, Dinesh C., Singh, Vijaya, Hunt, Colleen, Mace, Emma, van Oosterom, Erik, Sulman, Richard, Jordan, David and Hammer, Graeme (2017). Development of a phenotyping platform for high throughput screening of nodal root angle in sorghum. Plant Methods, 13 (1) 56, 56. doi: 10.1186/s13007-017-0206-2

Development of a phenotyping platform for high throughput screening of nodal root angle in sorghum


Journal Article

Predicting tillering of diverse sorghum germplasm across environments

Alam, Mohammad Mobashwer, van Oosterom, Erik J., Cruickshank, Alan W., Jordan, David R. and Hammer, Graeme L. (2017). Predicting tillering of diverse sorghum germplasm across environments. Crop Science, 57 (1), 1-10. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2016.04.0262

Predicting tillering of diverse sorghum germplasm across environments


Journal Article

Yield trends under varying environmental conditions for sorghum and wheat across Australia

Potgieter, Andries B., Lobell, David B., Hammer, Graeme L., Jordan, David R., Davis, Peter and Brider, Jason (2016). Yield trends under varying environmental conditions for sorghum and wheat across Australia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 228-229, 276-285. doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.07.004

Yield trends under varying environmental conditions for sorghum and wheat across Australia


Journal Article

Connecting biochemical photosynthesis models with crop models to support crop improvement

Wu, Alex, Song, Youhong, Van Oosterom, Erik J. and Hammer, Graeme L. (2016). Connecting biochemical photosynthesis models with crop models to support crop improvement. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7 (OCTOBER2016) 1518. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01518

Connecting biochemical photosynthesis models with crop models to support crop improvement


Journal Article

Hybrid variation for root system efficiency in maize: potential links to drought adaptation

van Oosterom, Erik J., Yang, Zongjian, Zhang, Fenglu, Deifel, Kurt S., Cooper, Mark, Carlos D. Messina and Hammer, Graeme L. (2016). Hybrid variation for root system efficiency in maize: potential links to drought adaptation. Functional Plant Biology, 43 (6), 502-511. doi: 10.1071/FP15308

Hybrid variation for root system efficiency in maize: potential links to drought adaptation


Journal Article

Genotypic differences in effects of short episodes of high-temperature stress during reproductive development in sorghum

Singh, Vijaya, Nguyen, Chuc T., Yang, Zongjian, Chapman, Scott C., van Oosterom, Erik J. and Hammer, Graeme L. (2016). Genotypic differences in effects of short episodes of high-temperature stress during reproductive development in sorghum. Crop Science, 56 (4), 1561-1572. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2015.09.0545

Genotypic differences in effects of short episodes of high-temperature stress during reproductive development in sorghum


Journal Article

Soil water capture trends over 50 years of single-cross maize (Zea mays L.) breeding in the US corn-belt

Reyes, Andres, Messina, Carlos D., Hammer, Graeme L., Liu, Lu, van Oosterom, Erik, Lafitte, Renee and Cooper, Mark (2015). Soil water capture trends over 50 years of single-cross maize (Zea mays L.) breeding in the US corn-belt. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66 (22), 7339-7346. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erv430

Soil water capture trends over 50 years of single-cross maize (Zea mays L.) breeding in the US corn-belt


Journal Article

The shifting influence of drought and heat stress for crops in northeast Australia

Lobell, David B., Hammer, Graeme L., Chenu, Karine, Zheng, Bangyou, McLean, Greg and Chapman, Scott C. (2015). The shifting influence of drought and heat stress for crops in northeast Australia. Global Change Biology, 21 (11), 4115-4127. doi: 10.1111/gcb.13022

The shifting influence of drought and heat stress for crops in northeast Australia


Journal Article

Limited-transpiration trait may increase maize drought tolerance in the US corn belt

Messina, Carlos D., Sinclair, Thomas R., Hammer, Graeme L., Curan, Dian, Thompson, Jason, Oler, Zac, Gho, Carla and Cooper, Mark (2015). Limited-transpiration trait may increase maize drought tolerance in the US corn belt. Agronomy Journal, 107 (6), 1978-1986. doi: 10.2134/agronj15.0016

Limited-transpiration trait may increase maize drought tolerance in the US corn belt


Journal Article

Sorghum genotypes differ in high temperature responses for seed set

Singh, Vijaya, Nguyen, Chuc T., van Oosterom, Erik J., Chapman, Scott C., Jordan, David R. and Hammer, Graeme L. (2015). Sorghum genotypes differ in high temperature responses for seed set. Field Crops Research, 171, 32-40. doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2014.11.003

Sorghum genotypes differ in high temperature responses for seed set


Journal Article

Predicting maize phenology: intercomparison of functions for developmental response to temperature

Kumudini, S., Andrade, F. H., Boote, K. J., Brown, G. A., Dzotsi, K. A., Edmeades, G. O., Gocken, T., Goodwin, M., Halter, A. L., Hammer, G. L., Hatfield, J. L., Jones, J. W., Kemanian, A. R., Kim, S.-H., Kiniry, J., Lizaso, J. I., Nendel, C., Nielsen, R. L., Parent, B., Stӧckle, C. O., Tardieu, F., Thomison, P. R., Timlin, D. J., Vyn, T. J., Wallach, D., Yang, H. S. and Tollenaar, M. (2014). Predicting maize phenology: intercomparison of functions for developmental response to temperature. Agronomy Journal, 106 (6), 2087-2097. doi: 10.2134/agronj14.0200

Predicting maize phenology: intercomparison of functions for developmental response to temperature


Journal Article

Drought adaptation of stay-green cereals is associated with canopy development, leaf anatomy, root growth and water uptake

Borrell, Andrew K., Mullet, John E., George-Jaeggli, Barbara, van Oosterom, Erik J., Hammer, Graeme L., Klein, Patricia E. and Jordan, David R. (2014). Drought adaptation of stay-green cereals is associated with canopy development, leaf anatomy, root growth and water uptake. Journal of Experimental Botany, 65 (21), 6261-6263. doi: 10.1093/jxb/eru232

Drought adaptation of stay-green cereals is associated with canopy development, leaf anatomy, root growth and water uptake


Journal Article

Robust features of future climate change impacts on sorghum yields in West Africa

Sultan, B., Guan, K., Kouressy, M., Biasutti, M., Piani, C., Hammer, G. L., McLean, G. and Lobell, D. B. (2014). Robust features of future climate change impacts on sorghum yields in West Africa. Environmental Research Letters, 9 (10) 104006, 1-13. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/9/10/104006

Robust features of future climate change impacts on sorghum yields in West Africa


Journal Article

QTL analysis in multiple sorghum populations facilitates the dissection of the genetic and physiological control of tillering

Alam, M. M., Mace, E. S., van Oosterom, E. J., Cruickshank, A., Hunt, C. H., Hammer G.L. and Jordan, D. R. (2014). QTL analysis in multiple sorghum populations facilitates the dissection of the genetic and physiological control of tillering. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 127 (10), 2253-2266. doi: 10.1007/s00122-014-2377-9

QTL analysis in multiple sorghum populations facilitates the dissection of the genetic and physiological control of tillering


Journal Article

APSIM - evolution towards a new generation of agricultural systems simulation

Holzworth, Dean P., Huth, Neil I., deVoil, Peter G., Zurcher, Eric J., Herrmann, Neville I., McLean, Greg, Chenu, Karine, van Oosterom, Erik J., Snow, Val, Murphy, Chris, Moore, Andrew D., Brown, Hamish, Whish, Jeremy P. M., Verrall, Shaun, Fainges, Justin, Bell, Lindsay W., Peake, Allan S., Poulton, Perry L., Hochman, Zvi, Thorburn, Peter J., Gaydon, Donald S., Dalgliesh, Neal P., Rodriguez, Daniel, Cox, Howard, Chapman, Scott, Doherty, Alastair, Teixeira, Edmar, Sharp, Joanna, Cichota, Rogerio ... Keating, Brian A. (2014). APSIM - evolution towards a new generation of agricultural systems simulation. Environmental Modelling and Software, 62, 327-350. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.07.009

APSIM - evolution towards a new generation of agricultural systems simulation


Journal Article

Crop design for specific adaptation in variable dryland production environments

Hammer, Graeme L., McLean, Greg, Chapman, Scott, Zheng, Bangyou, Doherty, Al, Harrison, Matthew T., van Oosterom, Erik and Jordan, David (2014). Crop design for specific adaptation in variable dryland production environments. Crop and Pasture Science, 65 (7), 614-626. doi: 10.1071/CP14088

Crop design for specific adaptation in variable dryland production environments